Some Suga for the Uptight

In My Mind

The doorbell rang ten times. No one answered. Suga hopped that they would go away until they continued ringing. He hauled himself from the bed throwing the covers off is body in the process. Lucky for the person at the door that he decided to wear his sweat pants to bed. His hair was a mess. Different strands were sticking up in every direction possible. And his bare torso had red marks on it from the blanket. He was so tired he could barely open his eyes and because of that he kept bumping into things. Like the wall and the couch. The infernal bell continued to ring. He threw the door open without checking who it was.

"What the hell do you want?" He shouted before he realized who was in front of him.

"Yoongi?" Only one girl called him that name and that was May. She stood there in her usual stance. Hands folded in front of her and standing straight as a pencil. She wore a flowy teal dress that went to mid-thigh. She looked so out of place in the crummy broken down neighborhood she found herself in that day.

Before another word could be spoken he grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside. He scanned the area before slamming the door shut and locking it.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"We still have a ton of work to do on the presentation. We can't just wait and do it last minute!"

"That doesn't mean you can march your way down to this neighborhood. I told you we can meet at your house or at the library. And how did you find out where I live?"

"The library is closed today and my house is full. Family is visiting and my fathers’ business associates are holding a meeting for the majority of the day. Also you give up your location when you post statuses on Facebook." He wrapped his free hand around her waist and rested his head in the crook of her neck shaking it slightly. She stood even straighter than normal if that were even possible. She could barely tolerate this sort of affection from the people she cared about and for a hoodlum who she barely knew it was absolutely mortifying.

"You’re an idiot." He mumbled against her skin.

"And why is that?" He pulled away from her to her relief and looked her dead in the eye.

"Do you know how many women get mugged and/or on any given month here?"

"Its'," She stared at him eyes wide, "It's that bad here?" He nodded his head. "Oh my god. Oh my god. What was I thinking! How am I going to get home? I-I-I..."

"You scared now?"

"Obviously!" He laughed at her panicked expression.

"Don't worry I'll take you home. Did you drive here?”

"No I took the bus."

"Great..." He let go of her completely now. He pushed past her and headed towards the bedroom.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" He ignored her and continued walking. Uneasy about being alone she followed him.

His bare feet dragged against the carpet and he found his room. He smiled at his warm bed as it came into view. It beckoned for him to return to its comforting sheets. He picked up the comforter off the floor and put it on the bed and climbed in. He looked up to see May right in front of him. Staring down as his already half asleep form.

"What exactly are you doing?"

"It’s still way too early to be awake."


"Without my sleep I will be useless to you.”

"What should I do?"

"Watch tv. Sit and be quiet. I don't really care as long as you don't go near the door or windows." She looked unsure at him. But his eyes were already closed.

Figuring she wouldn't be able to speak with him until he was good and ready to wake up she walked out and decided to explore his home. All of the walls were a light tan color except for the kitchen which had ugly green wall paper decorating it. The kitchen and living room were connected. The only barrier was a counter attached to the wall that only stretched to less than half the size of the room. He owned an old bulky tv with a small screen that sat on a table against the wall directly across from the door. The old floral patterned sofa's surrounded the tv. There was one bathroom in the hallway that led to his bedroom and an extra room that was locked. Suga more than likely had the key hidden somewhere. She didn't really want to know why he needed to keep the room locked.

She stepped into the bathroom. It was small and cramped it was like the toilet, sink, and tub sat right on top of one another. She checked the mirrored cabinet above the sink. She was always told you could tell a lot about a person by looking through their medicine cabinet. She found shaving cream, hair gel, razors and something she could have lived her entire life without knowing and been perfectly okay. A pack of condoms. She quickly shut the cabinet. A deep blush rose in her cheeks. She was sure she didn't want to explore that any more than she already had. She didn't need to know about the parts of him that made him a man.

She walked back into the living room and sat on the couch directly in front of the tv. She decided not to turn it on so she didn't disturb the man sleeping in the other room. Based on the exterior of the home she would have guessed everything would be dingy, covered in filth, and breaking apart but she was pleasantly surprised about how tidy he kept things. As she thought about cleanliness a knock sounded at the door.

The knock wasn’t a friendly are you home knock either. It was loud, long and made May's heart jump. She stood and stared at the door trying to see what would happen next. Again the person pounded on the door. She felt like if they really wanted to they could break it down. Admittedly scared she ran to Suga’s room and tried to wake him.

“Yoongi.” She whispered. As another loud knock could be heard from inside the bedroom she realized her quiet voice wasn’t going to wake him. “Yoongi, there’s someone here!” She called in his ear while shaking his shoulder.

His sleeping body was annoyed with her attempts to wake him so he grabbed her and pulled her on the bed. She was trapped under his heavy body. The knocking continued and yelling now accompanied it. It wasn’t quite clear enough for her to understand what they said.

“Suga!” She pinched his arm with her long fingernails. His eyebrows furrowed as he opened his eyes.

“What are- Did I sleep with you?” Angry screams and loud banging ended the horrible conversation before it began. Suga was no longer groggy and confused. He was awake and very alert. “What the hell?” he rolled off of May and opened the drawer in his night stand.

As the horrible sounds from the door continued he pulled something out of the drawer. She caught a glimpse of a shiny silver revolver. He checked the chamber and closed it back up. The muscles in his back were tense.

“Stay here.” He didn’t bother to look at her before he left the room. She laid in the bed shocked not knowing what to do. What an awful mess she had gotten herself into. If she had only listened to him in the first place she wouldn’t here fearing for her life.

Suga held the gun in his hand ready to shoot it if need be. He wasn’t sure why someone would be pounding on his door today. He didn’t owe anyone money nor had he picked a fight with anybody recently. Also most of the people around here knew not to mess with him, but he was always prepared for whatever may happen.

This time he checked the peep hole not leaving it up to chance. He rolled his eyes when the person came into view and put the safety back on and opened the door.

“Rap Monster what the f*** is wrong with you?”

“Well I knew you would be sleeping so I had to try and make you answer the door.”

“You could have called.”

“I did. It sent me straight to voicemail.”

“Sorry I guess. What did you want?” Suga gestured for him to come in and he did shutting the door behind him.

“Last time I was here I left some things.”

“Like what?”

“My wallet and those shoe’s I bought from Italy.”

“You nearly broke down my door for a pair of shoes?” Suga said looking at the darker boy like he was crazy.

“And my wallet,” Rap Monster raised his hands in defense, “Also my grandfather’s birthday is today and since we wear the same size it thought he would like them.”

“You’re ridiculous. Come on they’re in my room.”

They walked down the hall and into the bedroom. What they walked into was definitely a sight to see. The future CEO of Jung Enterprises laying flustered on the bed of a street rat with her dress pulled up above her belly button. Her pastel pink lacy underwear was theirs for the viewing.

“Oh,” Rap Monster said trying to hide the goofy grin that was spreading across his face. He looked back and forth from his shirtless friend to the girl lying in his bed. “That’s why your phone was off.” He tried his hardest not to burst out laughing.

May jumped from the bed and smoothed out her dress. She had never felt so embarrassed in her life before. Suga walked over to her and put the gun back in the drawer.

“I don’t understand you. What’s so funny?”

“Well it’s just that… This girl barely lets the most virtuous guys’ even look at her but she lets you put your grubby hands all over her?” Suga quickly caught on to what his friend was thinking and gave a devilish smile. 

“No one can resist The Suga.” He winked at May and slapped her . She almost screamed at him for it.

“That’s not what happened! Tell him that’s not what happened!”

“Calm down.”

“Calm down? Really? You are touching me inappropriately and lying about me and you want me to calm down!?” When the stupid smile remained on his face she let out a muffled scream and stormed out of the room.

“Baby! Baby please don’t leave me like this!” He begged jokingly while getting on his knees.

“What?” Rap Monster wasn’t sure if he should laugh or not.

“You shouldn’t jump to conclusions like that. That gets people in serious trouble.” Suga stood and took the things his friend needed out of the closet. “She came over to work on that project, but I wanted to sleep. So she waited for me but got scared when you knocked on the door and tried to wake me up.”

“Oh,” He checked his wallet to make sure everything was in place and when he was satisfied he tucked it into his back pocket. “Sorry man.”

“Don’t apologize to me.” Suga cocked his head to the side instead of actually pointing to the location of the girl they both took a part in embarrassing. “Now get out so I can change.”

Suga shut the door on his friend and left him with the girl who stood uncomfortably in the corner of the living room. Rap Monster prepared himself for the apology.

“Hey, I’m sorry I scared you earlier. And I’m sorry I thought you and Suga... uh yeah.”

“I suppose your mistake was understandable. It’s really Yoongi’s fault for playing into your confusion. I forgive you.”

“Right.” He awkwardly sat down on the couch still looking at her.

“So obviously you somehow know me. Um… I didn’t catch your name.” She walked closer to him stopping just at the edge of the couch. She rested her arm on top of it.

“My name’s Namjoon, but everyone calls me Rap Monster.” He stood and extended his hand for her to shake. She looked at him hesitantly before slipping her small hand into his. Her hand was softer than it looked. It made him wonder what other parts of her felt like. He started blushing feeling bad for thinking like that.

“It’s… Nice… To meet you Namjoon.” She had to force herself to say it because their first encounter had been anything but nice.

They stood there looking at one another hands still being held. This moment was highly uncomfortable for both of them. Suga walked out with a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans on.

“Are you trying to steal my girlfriend?” Suga squinted his eyes at his friend while walking over to them.

“What?” Rap Monster pulled his hand way from May and backed away uncomfortable.

“I’m not your girlfriend!” May shouted angrily.

“Oh really?” Suga wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. “So then you’re just a friend that likes to sleep with me?” He questioned teasingly lowering his face to hers.

“Let go of me you idiot! That was all a misunderstanding!”

I should be studying and not on here putting up stories. Oh well i'm a mess i cant help that. They are based on how they acted in Boy In Luv MV. Also I should really proofread better. I gave her like two names on accident

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Kyeungeunfanboy #1
Chapter 1: Will you include Hyunwoo in this story? Excited to read more.