Chapter 2: What should I do now?

The One Who Has My Heart

Kyungsoo looked like an interesting kid; he had that mysterious feel around him, something that you read in books and makes the girl fall in love really fast and then something bad happens. He looked a bit shy, more like a loner, but he can't be that bad, right?

I didn't know at first how I should speak with him or if I should just watch him from apart. It’s not that I don’t know how to make friends, or that I’m afraid to talk with people, it’s just that something about Kyungsoo made me feel strange, made me feel somehow reluctant if I should talk to him or not.

The class started and I didn’t say a thing again; something must be wrong with me, I’m not like this, this is not me; something is strange with me today. I took another glance at Kyungsoo, he was sitting down in the desk next to me; it belonged to someone but he dropped out of school last year so now it was empty. I got lucky you could say, now I could make conversation easier, we could be friends now. However, his expression wasn’t quite good and it couldn’t be because he didn’t like to be here at school, he looked pale, with dark circles around his eyes, his breaths were also a bit uneven. I was worried; I know we aren’t friends but I don’t like to see people hurt and if I can help somehow I will, so I wrote a note and gave it to him as sneaky as I could.  

‘Are you ok? You look kind of pale…’  He read the note and then looked at me a bit confused; he turned the little piece of paper around and scribbled something on the back and then gave it back, the same way I passed it on.    

‘I'm fine.’ And that was it; short, a very short answer.

Maybe he's not the type to socialize so fast with new people, maybe I got right the part with being shy and being an introvert, maybe he’s like Taemin; that would help a lot because I know how to deal with those types, since I live with one. Therefore, trying to make conversation I ripped another corner of paper from my note and wrote him something again,

‘I'm Jongin, but some people call me Kai, you can choose whichever you want though; nice to meet you.’  And I passed the note just like the last time, but now with a small smile on my face.

Kyungsoo read the note and frowned a bit but didn't answer back, he just put it aside in a notebook and going back to focus on what the teacher was saying. I'm guessing he didn't want to talk; maybe he’s the antisocial type. Either way I will make him somehow talk to me, after all I'm a nice person and I’m nice to keep around, some said I’m funny.

After sometime the bell rang again, signaling that the class ended.  It was break and normally half of the class would go outside and half of them would stay in to study for the next class; I was neither one of them, I stood inside because I was too lazy to go out, plus it was cold.  Everyone was talking and whispering about the new kid, you could hear how they criticized him for his big eyes or for the fact that he’s small, or how he stared at them, but to me he didn't look like he cared. At first he looked here and there, but then he decided to ignore them.

I was again staring at him; I must really be a stalker, I’ve been with my eyes on him ever since he came today. He was now searching for something in his bag and he probably didn’t find what he was looking for because he let out a sigh and closed his eyes as if regretting his decision; maybe it was important.

Then he got up from his seat and was now headed for the back of the class where we kept our coats and scarfs, he passed two rows and when he was in front of the hanger he looked like he lost his balance for a bit, but then he was back to his seat with his phone and his earphones. He put the earphones one by one and then he started listening to music. The music was loud, but the song was quite calm, it was some sort of piano on the background and once in a while you could hear a person singing, or maybe it was him humming, I couldn’t tell.

After looking at him another two minutes or so I decided to stop because I don’t want to end up getting caught. I tried not to look to much so he wouldn’t notice but it was hard not to see him, somehow everything he did caught my eye, he moved a note and started reading from it, then he switched his song, after that he began to tap his fingers to the corner of the table; everything was in my field of vision and I saw it all.

I tried to study a little because the next class was History and our teacher loved to ask us questions and humiliate us in front of the class; maybe not really humiliate us but close to it, she should lose her job for what she was doing to us, but the principal thought this school needed more discipline and that she knew how to apply it so no one could do anything.

But instead of studying all I could think about was Kyungsoo. I wanted to know more about him, I wanted to know what he liked to do, what kind of songs he listened to, where he liked to spend his time, what movies he loves, I wanted to know about his likes and hates, somehow I wanted to know everything about him. This never happened before, I was interested in various people before, but this was different, something felt strange while looking at Kyungsoo; I still didn't know what, there is this tingling sensation and this constant need to talk to him, to touch him, to see his smile again.

I left my history notebook aside because clearly I wasn’t doing anything with it because I was focused on Kyungsoo. After some time he placed his head on the desk, facing me but with his eyes closed; it surprised me when I realized that he actually fell asleep. It was the first time I saw someone sleeping in school. I mean I saw dreamy people, or in cloud nine people and not paying attention kind of people, but even so this was my first time seeing someone sleeping so calmly in school.

After thinking for a minute about if I should wake him up or not, I decided that I didn't want him to get into trouble on his first day so I tried to wake him up. 

“Kyungsoo.” I said softly, trying not to yell but at least be heard,

“Hey Kyungsoo, wake up.” I said again, trying to shake him a bit, but it was in vain he didn't even move; he must be a deep sleeper or something, so I just let him be. But as soon as I heard the teacher coming and I looked at Kyungsoo and he was still sleeping soundly. I panicked so I tried again but this time no more Mr. Nice, I took a book from my desk and raising it in the air I slammed it on its desk and then with a smirk on my face I said,

“Kyungsoo, I think it's time for you to wake up! Like, I don't know, now!”

Of course he reacted now, after I slammed that book almost on his face, even making the whole class throw me strange stares, I think I just make him had a heart attack. But I had to wake him up, so I'm sorry Kyungsoo but it was for your own good, that teacher is the definition of pure evil and I can't let her wake you up because I'm afraid of what she could do to you for sleeping in her class.

She entered the class and not even getting to her place she already saw the new kid and with a sly smile on her face she said,

“Well, well, well, look at this, we have a new student. May I ask your name, little dwarf?”

Yeah, she was a little bit insane, okay, maybe not really insane but something was wrong with her. She had all these old school methods of taking care of us, I mean I know he's small but still, dwarf lady? Really? Why don't you scare him even more on his first day?

She had nicknames for everyone, even if she knew I didn’t care whatever she named me she sure enjoyed herself when she called me ‘blacky’. I mean I know my skin is darker than normal, but I'm not black either. She had all sorts of names for everyone, there were to girls in my class very good friends, I can say best friends, but one of them was smaller, like half as the other one, she called them ‘midget’ and ‘pillar’. I understand that you're a teacher, but it's not nice to pick on kids; maybe not everyone gets your jokes.

“Yes, I am the new student Do Kyungsoo. I came from America, so I still don't know Korean very well.” He replied, with an annoying look on his face, he must've gotten angry by being called dwarf by a teacher.

“Yes, he is new, but even so I don't think it's appropriate to call him dwarf.” I said as I raised my voice a bit so she could notice the annoyance in my tone. Really I was getting irritated now; this was not something a teacher should do.  

“He might be a bit small, but then again you're not too tall either, teacher.” This wasn’t the first time I said something back to one of her rude comments, so this was no exception, she was just crossing the line. I think that made her a bit bothered, but I've had enough with her treating us like puppets.

 After I said that I sat down and taking a quick glance at Kyungsoo I saw him chuckle a little so I guess what was about to came was worth the comment; I could see his heart shaped smile again, so it was worth it.

She then huffed and going back to her place in front of the class, she crossed her arms around her chest and as she smirked, giving us her usual you’re done for the day smirk, she said. 

“Oh, if it's not blacky, our friend who didn't know how to answer today, why don't you tell us what we studied last year? To make a revision, so our little dwarf here can learn it too.” 

And that was it. She made me answer all kinds of stupid questions, which I think we didn't even studied last year. She just kept asking me all kinds of years and tiny details that of course I didn't know; I think the whole class didn't even know what she was talking about. I mean seriously she can't expect us to remember all that stuff, I don't think anyone from class knew the answer to some of the questions. And like that she laughed at me the whole hour because I didn't know the answers.

I was in the end saved by the bell; it was lunch time now, the best part of the day, because this break was longer than most breaks, it had somewhere around 20 to 25 minutes, so it was the perfect time to eat and chat with your friends; or more like, the perfect time for me to try and make friends with Kyungsoo.

“Hey,” I said as I got turned so I can face him,

“I'm sorry you had to witness my ‘not so cool side’ on History class today,” I said trying to laugh it off, which I think it seemed as a forced laugh and I wasn’t sure if he got that or not,

“Don't get me wrong though, I'm a nice person and very funny I might say.” I completed, trying to make him laugh again and it worked, after he heard this he chuckled again a little, but still he didn't speak.

 “So you're from America, how is it there?” I was trying really hard to make him open up a bit and my question seemed to work this time; he looked a bit interested in the conversation so he replied. 

“It was nice. America is enjoyable, but where I stayed it was lonely and sad, the people were poor and they didn't know many things.” Hearing this made me a little sad; it must have been hard for him there.

“So that's why you moved here? Or did something happen?” I said not as a reply to his statement, more as a question again; I was shooting questions at him like he was being interrogated, but he didn’t really seem to mind this time around.

“I’m sorry for asking you so many questions,” I said as I raised my hands in the air, trying to make myself innocent if I would be accused of something,

“I'm just curious about how you are and I want to know more about you.” While I was asking him questions over questions he took out a sandwich from his backpack and as he took another bite from his sandwich, he replied,

“Well, if you really want to know, I guess it’s okay to tell you; it's not like it's a secret or anything.” Hearing this made me a little happy, but I couldn’t say anything because he went on,

“I had to move here, because as I said before, the village was poor and my mother found some work here and she decided we could move and maybe start a new life.” He said with a genuine smile on his face; his smile was really beautiful, if only I could see it every day.  

“Honestly, I was happy there.” He went on as he kept taking little bites from his sandwich and before I even realized he began to tell me his whole life story.

“The old ladies were nice people and I had some friends, but the thing I loved the most was that I learned how to sing.” He said this and there it was again, his smile; if he keeps this on like this I might even know what love is after all.

“One of the teachers from my old school was a singer and he liked to tell us stories about what was it like to be a singer, how you stand on stage and people chant your name, how the fans give you strength to get over your fears, how much he missed that life, but how hard and stressing it can be.” He stopped to look at me and make sure I was paying attention to him, and I was, I was completely focused on his story that I didn’t even care I skipped my lunch and now it was too late to start eating it.

“However, once he started to sing he could forget all the bad things and he could happily smile. After I heard more of his story, day by day, I started to sing, and little by little, the old ladies started to realize that I liked singing, so they told the teacher and he was glad that I shared the same passion as him.” He continued to tell me about his teacher and how he decided to be an idol, how much he enjoyed singing and how he wished to stand on the stage, to hear people chant his name, to feel the love and strength the fans give you and then before you know it the bell rang.

His story was true, each word of it making it sound almost as if he will be an idol really soon and maybe he will be; I haven’t heard him sing yet but I’m sure he is good. I liked the fact that he actually had the same dream as me, for you see I also want to be an idol. I also want to hear people say my name, I want to have fans, I want to be loved by the world, I want to show the world that you can be happy even if you have to throw away your personal life. What's my reason? Hmm, well, once when I was little I saw someone on TV and he could sing and dance, it was something really cool for someone at my age and he looked so happy, actually it was a whole group of people, they were like 5 and they all seemed like they enjoyed themselves. After that I asked my mother to take me to dance lessons and I started to really like it and then Taemin joined too and we were the dancing prodigies in our class, we would learn everything fast and well. Soon enough we were sharing the same dream and now we both want to be idols.

The rest of the classes passed by without even noticing how the time flew; the day came to an end and we had to go home. I wanted to talk some more with Kyungsoo, I wanted to go home together, so I thought about asking him about that, but then I remembered that Taemin was sad this morning, I should check on him first to make sure everything turned out well in the end.

I went out of my class and as I was heading for his class I saw him with Minho and he was smiling all over the place, he was fine of course, after all he was with Minho. So I only made him a sign to check his phone. I sent him a message and I told him to go home without me today. After that I ran back to Kyungsoo, hoping he was still in class and he was. He was searching his bag again, with the same concerned expression on his face as the first time. I decided to go there and ask him what was he searching for, maybe I could help him find it.  

“Did you perhaps lose something?”

“Yes.” He said without noticing and then he corrected himself fast,

“Actually no, I just can't find my keys.” He said as he raised his head and looked at me,

“My mom is not home today because she needs to stay overtime and then she has some things to do at a friend of hers and she left me the keys this morning. Or at least I think she did...” He went on. He looked pitiful again, but this time I could help him.

“Aah! What should I do now? I can't enter the house without them…” He began to talk with himself without noticing again,

“And I'm hungry...” He was now mumbling things, I couldn’t even get half of what he was saying but he looked so cute as he panicked about those keys, and then I thought of something,

“If that's how it is,” I said as I tried to get his attention,

“Why don't you come to my place? It's not far from your home and you can call your mom and tell her you are going to stay with a friend. So that way she won't get worried.” At first I thought he would deny the offer, or that he would comment on the part that we’re not exactly friends, that he won’t go to someone else’s house so fast, but his expression didn’t change to show any denial.

“Okay,” He replied, smiling again. Looking at him it just made my heart flutter again, I can’t do this, this is not happening.

“If you say it's okay to stay with you until tomorrow, when my mom comes home, then okay, I’ll go.” He went on and I could see a faint blush on his cheeks but I could be imagining things.

We packed our bags, we took whatever books we needed to study for the next day and we left the school heading for my place.  On the way home I suggested that we should listen to some music so we won’t get bored; I just wanted to know what songs he liked and I didn’t feel like asking. He agreed to it and listened to music from his phone, but he had such sad songs on it; they were all about break up or really slow songs, piano songs, instrumental songs. I didn't care what kind of songs he liked or how sad they were, I liked them.

And then I realized, only now it hit me that this was the first time I was so into someone, I only now realized that I fell in love at first sight. This was very weird, was this how it feels, and was this strange sensation my tummy love? But now what should I do? He's a boy and it’s not like I have a preference in gender but was he like me? Should I try and make him fall for me? Is my appeal working on boys too? What should I do? I’m blocked…


A/n: So this is chapter two. Sorry if it's not so long or if I made mistakes and also I'm sorry if it's boring to read sometimes. I try my best to make it enjoyable. 

I hope you liked it until now and please let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you for reading!  

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naznew #1
Chapter 6: sad...i thought kyungsoo died..but he alive..
Chapter 7: Chapter 1-6: So beautiful....emotional....


But I really really love this! Thank you for this NatsumiKenjii~!!
yukiiio #3
Chapter 6: It was beautiful. I cried. I don't cry but it was just that good. I'm so sad now but thank you for writing such a beautiful story
Chapter 6: Hi I loved your story. But I think you should maybe put a warning :character death in the beginning, just to let readers know what they are going to be reading. Some people don't like angst.:D
kkaebsong365 #5
Chapter 6: This wasn't how it was suppose to end.....