
Not A Monster

GDragon was a blushing mess upstairs, and he had no idea why; it was just TOP. It was just TOP. Just? Was it really just TOP? Or was it Choi Seunghyun? These thoughts entertained him while he got dressed, and bothered him even as he left their room to go downstairs.

“Why do you guys live here? It’s a headquarters for something.” TOP’s voice made him jolt, and he froze mid-step, before he blinked and scowled; what the hell was wrong with him, this guy was only human.

“The owner took us in. We’re all orphans.” GDragon said as, the others had fallen silent. They looked towards him at the stairs and TOP ‘oh’ed. He noticed his Garrison had all released relieved breaths.

“That . Like it here?” he asked, and they nodded with smiles.

“We do.” VI said, and TOP hummed his approval.

“Want to have a look around town?” GDragon asked, and the others nodded. He smirked.

“Great, we already have our tour guide.” He said, and TOP blinked.

“You do? Who is it?” he asked, and the Garrison snickered.

“You, silly. Come on, I don’t want to stay inside all day.” He said, and grabbed his own and another coat from the rack near the door. Then he punched in the code and the door opened with a ‘click’. His Garrison was right behind him, and of course, one forgot their coat. He rolled his eyes and called Eunhyuk back and draped it over his shoulders. Said boy grinned sheepishly, then continued out the door and to the elevators with the others.

“Well?” he asked, and TOP blinked him, having not moved since he announced him their tour guide.

“You…want me to give you a tour around the town?” he asked. GDragon raised an eyebrow, noticing the movement made the older turn an adorable shade of pink, one that he associated with Sungmin when Kyuhyun said something ‘romantically embarrassing’, as he’d call it.

“I did say that, didn’t I?” GDragon asked, a teasing smile on his face. TOP returned it with a genuine one, and GD felt himself heat up. He looked away, then peeked back at TOP shyly, a tiny smile on his face.

“Oh my God.” TOP muttered, staring at GDragon in awe. He instantly became panicked.


“I- Nothing. I just…am happy you think so highly of me to tour your highness around.” He said, and GDragon ignored the jibe, knowing that wasn’t what was wrong. But there was a definite ring of truth to his words, and he knew TOP was being sincere. So he smiled and shrugged.

“I mean, you’re the only one we know properly from this town, so you’re our only option.” He replied, making TOP laugh and put a hand over his heart.

“Ouch.” He said, and GDragon laughed as they made it to the door.

“GD!” He spun around to see who it was, and saw Ilhoon.

“Ilhoon.” He greeted. Said man smiled and bowed politely to TOP, who returned the gesture.

“Minhyuk sends these. He says make sure you don’t lose them.” Ilhoon instructed, hanging him a case. When he opened it, there were twelve watches in them.

“The other four?” he asked, and Ilhoon shrugged.

“I guess it’s in case you guys find friends. You’ve found one already.” He said, gesturing to TOP. GDragon smiled and nodded, putting one on and looking to TOP.

“What colour?” he asked.

“Any one.” Came the response. GDragon looked at him, straight into his eyes and thought. What colour would suit those eyes?

He ended up giving him the ice blue one (because TOP with that blue hair in Fantastic Baby just kills me still). TOP took it with a small, undeniably happy smile, and held the case while GDragon put it on his wrist.

When done, GDragon heard a voice in his mind.

‘Yahhh, Leadeeeerrrrrrr. We’re waitinnnngggg!’ he sighed and smirked lightly.

“Let’s go, VI’s getting impatient.” He said. TOP didn’t bother questioning how he knew, but just went along with it. Ilhoon waved, apologizing for Minhyuk not being there to see them off. He was a busy man, after all.

‘We’re on our way, VI. I’ve got something for all of you from Minhyuk.’ He replied, and felt rather than heard the happy shout that VI let out, then again felt the excitement from the others as VI relayed the message.

GDragon and TOP got to the elevator, and TOP let him go in first. He did, feeling suddenly self-conscious about being in the elevator alone with the other boy. As he pushed the buttons to the lobby, GDragon grew more and more restless.

“Where would you like to see first?” TOP asked, and GDragon blinked.

“I don’t know. I’ll ask the others when we get there.” He replied, and TOP nodded. Soon, the elevator stopped, and Minhyuk was there when the doors opened. He smiled at GDragon, and they hugged as Minhyuk got on.

“Minhyuk. Thank you, we appreciate them very much.” He said, raising a hand to show off the only multicoloured one. Minhyuk grinned and held his arm at a distance to look at it.

“It looks good on you, I knew you’d like this one.” He said, and then looked to TOP.

“You must be TOP. Choi Seunghyun, right? Seungri…VI’s told me alot about you.” Minhyuk said, and the boy seemed surprised, but pleased.

“All good things, I hope?” he asked, and Minhyuk smiled, nodding.

“Well, mostly. He did say he’s not too fond of the way you’re taking away his Jiyong from him.” Minhyuk said, giggling. GDragon and TOP both turned pink, and Minhyuk had to think it was the most adorable thing he’d seen since Ilhoon.

The elevator stopped once again, and this time Ilhoon got on.

“Weren’t you just upstairs?” GDragon asked, blinking uncomprehendingly. Ilhoon smiled.

“I took the stairs to get here, I prefer using the stairs, I’ll just get lazier if I don’t. Plus, the elevator makes me…out of sorts.” He said, blushing and looking away when Minhyuk smirked at him.

“Why are you using it now, then?” TOP asked, and he sighed glumly.

“Lost a bet, now I’ve gotta ride the elevator from the top to bottom.” He said, and Minhyuk giggled again at his choice of words. His eyes widened and he shook his head, then pointed to Minhyuk.

“Shaddup.” He mumbled, then got in and stood next to TOP, on the other side of the elevator from the other man. GDragon and TOP smirked at the same time, thinking the same thing. It was fairly obvious to GDragon from their interactions, but this just confirmed it.

The elevator continued, and Ilhoon swallowed nervously as Minhyuk hummed under his breath, an unfamiliar tune to the other two. Ilhoon seemed increasingly fidgety as the elevator went down, and GDragon wrinkled his nose as he caught the undeniable scent of arousal, from both men. He blinked, then cleared his throat as the elevator stopped. They made it to the lobby. GDragon quickly ushered TOP out, and just as Minhyuk pressed another button, leading into the basement, smirked at the two as TOP spotted and went over to the Garrison.

"You two don't do anything in that elevator, the scent will be left there for weeks." he said. Minhyuk flushed a bright red, and Ilhoon smirked, though he was a little pink as well. GDragon chuckled at their faces. The doors were closing when Ilhoon mumbled ' it' and projectile launched himself onto Minhyuk, obviously the dominant one in this situation. The other man's eyes widened before they closed and he melted into the kiss which soon turned heated. GDragon was left frozen in front of the doors, eyes wide. What did he just witness?

He walked over to the others stiffly, and stumbled a few times on his way over. TOP noticed his odd behavior, as did his Garrison, but neither said anything as TOP gave them their tour of the town.

They passed and were pointed out the museum, the aquarium and the supermarkets. Eventually, after being shown all the shortcuts through the town and all the very nice cafes, TOP lead them to his favourite one, called VIP. It was only after everyone ordered and were brought their drinks that TOP snapped.

"Kay, you've been out of it since we left your place. What's bothering you?" he asked, and the Garrison quieted down, curious as well. GDragon bit his lip before replying.

"When we were leaving... I saw Ilhoon mouth ing Minhyuk." he said bluntly. The Garrison was quiet, and TOP choked on his soda. GDragon thumped him on his back as he coughed. When he recovered, TOP looked to him with a pink face.

"Don't say things like that in public!" he hissed, and GDragon blinked.

"But you asked, so...'

"Aish, find some otherway to say it, don't say it like that!"

"But that was what happened!"

"I didn't need to know that 'Ilhoon mouth ed Minhyuk', just say it nicer! Without forcing me to picture that!"

"I dunno, TOP, that paints a really nice picture to me." VI said with a sly smirk.

"Yah!" Sungmin scrunched up his nose, earning himself VI caressing his face softly as an apology.

"Oh my God, you're all crazy." TOP muttered with an exaggerated sigh, and GDragon grinned.

"And you love us." he said. The Garrison smirked at TOP as he stared at GD for longer than was necessary, then looked away, a tiny smile on his face as he ducked his head and nodded.


Sooo...sorry I've not updated in a while, been a little busy trying not to fail school and all that. 

Tell me whatcha think?


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jaylola #1
I miss this story. AnnabelleRaen why hast thou abandoned us?
Souleater2 #2
Chapter 5: I like your story I am starting to read fanfics more and so far yours is the best. Please cont. WFIGHTING!! Can't wait till the next update. Love the character personality choices definitely TOP's and GD's but seriously •_• you need to update like right now. ; )
SeventeenCarrot #3
Chapter 5: Ah, so cute! I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I'm interested in their powers and how they'll use it in everyday life. Have they even had ed? XD
SeventeenCarrot #4
Chapter 3: So cute! So cute! I'm really interested in their powers that they have.
Chapter 4: OMG that was so cute I love how Super Junior was included aww I love gtop
jaylola #6
Chapter 4: Oh my Gossshhhhh!!!!!!!! MORNING KISSES!!!!!!! ~~squealing~~ and also ~~doing my silly dance~~
Annabelle Raen,you bring me joy :D
GenieJ #7
Chapter 3: I really enjoyed reading this, please update again soon :D
jaylola #8
Chapter 3: "how adorable was that? VI can't deal with leader's cuteness!" ..neither can I VI,neither can I.
That domino line is hella cute though...I reckon they probably deserve some happy times.
Love the update,thank you!
Frogirl #9
Chapter 3: "Use your words, VI."
i relate to this on many, many levels.
i love this sooooo much, fighting!!
jaylola #10
Chapter 1: "VI, we do not touch what isn't ours." - I had Snape's voice in my head tbh ^.^