
Not A Monster

"GD, can I-"






VI pouted, then his heel to put back the pair of high heeled womens' shoes on the rack.

"But they always used to say it was bad that you were shorter than us. I don't want..." he muttered as he came back, but was then pulled into a hug by his leader. The Woman and her subordinates gawked at the sight of two highschool boys hugging each other, while the rest of the garrison continued on as if nothing was happening.

"I know what they said. I don't care. I'm your leader, and I always will be, no matter what appearances say." GDragon said with a small smile. The Woman could only imagine what they had been through to have such a mentality. VI nodded with a smiled, then GDragon ran a hand through his hair.

"Get something for yourself. All of you make sure to shop for yourselves only. If anything comes from you to me, that will happen again." he threatened with a -rather evil looking- smirk, and the others quickly ran to put a few things back on the shelves. He sighed as he saw how many of them there were, and shook his head fondly, until he began looking around for himself.

GDragon wasn't particularly trying to stand out, but... all the clothes he liked were brightly coloured and graphic. The other ones didn't appeal to him at all, so he didn't even spare them a second glance. Of course, not unless he was getting it for his garrison. 

"Grey? That's rather plain for your tastes." The Woman said, coming to stand beside him and looking at the shirt he had in hand. He 'hmm'ed.

"It's not for me." he replied, looking up at Yesung. She followed his gaze, then looked back to the shirt.

"But..." she trailed off, and he gave her a questioning look, which soon turned to understanding, then mischief.

"I said thay couldn't get anything for me...that doesn't mean it works the other way around." he said, and her eyes widened for a second, before she smiled at him. He really was a great leader.

"And anyway, I saw you all get me stuff too. Really, did you think that bright orange wouldn't stand out against grey and black, Daesung?" he said louder, and his garrison all made a collective whining noise, much like that of a begging puppy, if The Woman dared to compare them.GDragon sighed, his fingers clenching the shirt tighter, until he smiled and put it in his trolley.

"Just this once." he said, and they all cheered, dashing about the place.

"It shouldn't be a big deal; we share clothes anyway." he said to The Woman, who 'oh'ed, somewhat taken aback.

"Then why?" she asked. He smiled at her.

"Owning something sounds rather nice, don't you think?" he asked. She was too shocked to continue walking with him as he continued on, and he was too concentrated on whether Sungmin was a size M or S to notice.

"Hey, GD!"

"Put it down."


"Leader! Look at this!"

"Drop it; you'll get cut, and we really don't need your blood all over these nice white tiled floors."

"Oh, right."


"I didn't mean drop it literally. Put it back where you got it."



"Of course you can, Taeyang. Make sure you be careful with it, okay?"



"I'll be surprised if we ever need it, but go ahead."



"Just because you called me that, no. You can't have it."

"But they're bubbles!"


" yeah!"

"Hey! Watch your language around Jiyong, idiot!"

"Aaahhhh! I'm sorry!"

"Calm down, you'll drop my new bubble blowing thing."

"Wha- but-"

"I told you you couldn't have it. It's mine. Thank you~"

"Wha-Noooooo, Jiiiii!"

"Keep going and you'll be Daesung's next sparring partner."

"...I'm sorry, forgive me, Leader-nim."

"You can have this, though. I doubt anyone else will want it." 

"Whoa! This is better than bubbles! Thank you, Ji- ah, crap!"

"Daesung, have fun with him next training session."

"Yes, leader."


"Could this be any more..." The Woman didn't know how to finish, so she trailed off.

"Weird?" her companion asked, and she nodded, a breathy laugh escaping her.

"Yeah. I've never seen kids their age acting like this." she said, and the other one scoffed.

"I should hope not; God knows what they would have had to go through to be like them." he said, then nodded to someone waving at him.

"Excuse me for a bit." he said. She nodded, and he left her to stare openly at the Garrison and it's leader. She smiled at them.




"These are our new students, be nice to them. Please introduce yourselves." the teacher requested. The eight boys at the front of the class stared at him blankly, and with a twinge of regret at agreeing to this, but did so anyway, seven of them looking to the blonde one in the middle, who nodded decisively and faced the class.

"My name is Kwon Jiyong, but everyone calls me G-Dragon." he said, bowing politely. Seeing their leader introduce himself gave the others an idea on what to say, so in order of ranking, they introduced themselves.

"I am Seungri, but you can call me VI."

"My name is Yongbae, call me Taeyang."

"I'm Daesung! VI calls me D-Lite sometimes though."

"I'm Yesung."

"I'm Sungmin, but Kyu calls me Minnie."

"I'm Kyuhyun. If you call me Kyu, I will hate you"

"I'm Hyukjae, just call me Eunhyuk."

After they finished, the teacher nodded approvingly.

"Is there anything you would like to ask them?" he asked, and a few hands went up. GDragon pointed to a boy.

"What's with the nicknames?" he asked, not particularly wrong in doing so, simply curious.

"We've known each other for a long time. Nicknames are fun." he said simply, then pointed to another one. It was a girl this time.

"Why doesn't Yesung have a nickname?" Said boy stiffened and clutched the sleeve of his new grey shirt tighter. GDragon shrugged as the others shuffled a little closer. He reached over to put a comforting hand on Yesung's shoulder, gave a reassuring smile, then turned back to the class.

"Yesung's short enough." he replied, then pointed to the last girl.

"Why is G-Dragon your nickname?" she asked. 

"It's actually more my name than my nickname; from my original name, sort of converted to English. 'Ji' is pronunced as the English letter 'G', and 'Yong' in English is 'Dragon'." he explained, and they all 'oh'ed. The teacher then assigned them their seats, which were, sadly, not next to each other. 

Then again, he wouldn't be GDragon if he just went with what people said, would he? 

"Yesung, put us together."

Said boy nodded before turning to the teacher.

"Rearrange the class so we can sit next to each other." he said, eyes flashing a bright blue. The teacher nodded, then Yesung turned to the class.

"Forget." They nodded, then gathered their things and moved seats until eight seats were left at the back of the class. The eight boys sat, and everything proceeded as normal.


With five minutes of the class left, the eight boys were falling asleep. Had they been in the Facility, it would have lead to punishment, but now they were free...though the feeling of dread was always looming over them, it was nice to know they were safe, and they intended to make full use of it.

Within the first sixteen seconds, GDragon had sighed, realising they had learned this already. What was now History had been the lifestyle of the eight boys, taking major tips from the famous war veterans and implementing them into strategies of their own. Looking to his left, GDragon noticed VI looking bored as well, and smirked lightly. It took the others a minute at most for them all to figure it out, and at that point, they were all at a loss as to what to do. So GDragon did as the person in front of him was doing, he flipped to an empty page of his book (provided by The Woman and her people, who they had come to know as the 'Agency') and doodled. He had never actually doodled in his life before, so he just drew what came to mind; those buttons for the elevator, the lobby on the way out of the Agency, the Facility as he saw it crumbling, then his garrison. He grew a soft smile as he drew s' portraits, crude as they may have been, they were accurate; he was trained in every area to be a perfect leader after all.



Finally the bell rang, and they were on their way to their second classes. All eight of them being in the same class would look kind of weird, so they agreed to separate from time to time.

"Chemistry...Chemistry... That was the stuff that you put into those tubes over the fires and see if you can make proper bombs?" Vi asked with shining eyes. GD caressed his face with a smile, oblivious to the looks from those around him.

"No, VI. Normal people don't make bombs." he said, and VI scowled.

"That was the stuff I was good at..." he mumbled, scuffing his schoes against the floors. GDragon laughed lightly.

"Maybe later, VI. Go to class now." he said, and Vi nodded, saluting him jokingly before leaving. No sooner had GDragon taken a few steps towards his own class, a red eyed -literally red eyed- Eunhyuk came around the corner and stopped just in front of im, almost bumping into him.

"Hyukjae." GDragon greeted, "Eyes. Fix them." he said. Eunhyuk nodded and took deep breaths until eventually his eyes were their right colour again.

"What happened?" he shrugged, but GDragon snarled lightly, but threateningly.

"Tell me." he said, and Eunhyuk sighed.

"Homouality is a bad thing here, and they think we're together...all of us, the entire garrison." he said, and frowned.

"I should just... ugh." he bit his lip as he controlled his eyes from blazing.

"You will and should do nothing. Let them think as they like, all we have to do is graduate together and leave." GDragon said. Euhyuk nodded.

"I know, but... I can't sand them bad talking you." he muttered. GDragon smiled.

"Then don't listen. Think of this as training. Either listen and practice your anger control, or selectiveley listen to everything. It's training either way." GDragon said, and Eunhyuk smiled with a nod.

"I will. Thanks!" he said, then went back the way he came. GDragon then looked down at his watch and frowned. He had thirty seconds to get to his class. Which he had no idea how to get to. Huh. Oh well. 

He continued his walk, only going a little faster because he was curious as to what 'Biology' was. From the definition, he figured it was similar, if not the same, to the Anatomy they were taught in the Facility, but he could be wrong.

Turning a corner, he found there was only one other person in the hallway, and he looked familiar. Oh right, he was the one who sat in front of him during History class. He sped up a little, hoping to ask for directions.

"Um... excuse me?" he called, and the person stopped suddenly, then looked at him lazily.

"Yes?" he asked, with a voice deeper than any GDragon had ever heard before. Without meaning any disrespect, this person was actually pretty. Prettier than The Woman, too. How...odd, for a man.

"I'm looking for my Biology classroom, do you know where it is?" GDragon asked. The boy looked him up and down, looked away and puffed his cheeks lightly, but nodded anyway, seemingly having trouble looking at GDragon.

"Um..can you help me get to it...?" GDragon asked after a few moments of standing there saying nothing. The boy blinked, eyes momentarily wide, before he coughed and nodded, gesturing for him to follow as he began walking down the hallway. GDragon followed, and soon found himself counting the boy's footsteps, and matched his own to them.

The boy suddenly stopped, and GDragon was too focused on his footsteps t realise it. Only his instincts and reflexes allowed him to stop before he bumped into the boy in front of him. Said boy turned around and found GDragon right in front of him, about a head shorter. He swallowed whatever he was about to say, and they stared at each other until Gdragon bit his lip and looked down at his feet, then back up at the boy. This action seemed to get him even more tongue tied, but he managed to say what needed to be said.

"It'" GDragon blinked, and leaned around him to see that it really was; it was labelled 'Biology' too.

"Thank you..." he trailed off, and the boy smiled. GDragon couldn't help but think it was beautiful.

"I'm Choi Seunghyun. Everyone just... TOP. They call me TOP." he said. GDragon smiled lightly.

"Really? I like the name Seunghyun. Why do they call you that?" he asked. TOP chuckled.

"I'm sort of...good at... everything." he said, then buried his face in his hands. "That was so narcissistic." he said, and GDragon grinned.

"It's okay, I guess there are people like that. I think it's amazing you're good at everything without trying to be." GDragon said, smiling softly at his feet as he his shirt hem.

"I guess..." TOP said, stunned. No one had ever said that. Well, they have, but... not like that.

"Ah, I'm late. Really late." GDragon said, and TOP blinked as well.

"Ah, me too."

"Really? I kept you from your class?" GDragon panicked, but TOP shook his head.

"Actually, you brought me to it. I was planning on skipping, but I've found something interesting to keep me here." he said, smiling at GDragon's confused look, then opened the Biology room door.

"Ah. Seunghyun, you're late. How nice, though, you're actually here." the tacher said sarcastically, then stopped as she saw GDragon peeking in from behind TOP, all the while thinking it was good to be shy in unfamiliar surroundings. The first class was too bold, he has to tone it down.

"Hello." the teacher said kindly to him. GDragon stepped out from behind TOP.

"Hello." he replied, bowing as he went in.


"Kwon Jiyong, right? GDragon?" the teacher said. GDragon glared at his knowing smirk, but smirked, then it turned into a full blown smile.

"Yes, that's me. I guess she told you we're here?" he asked, throwing caution and shyness out the window.

"Yes, all eight of you."

"Oh, you know the Garrison too? Great, so we understand each other, especially since we're here." he said, bowing deeply. When he straightened up, he looked the 'teacher' in the eye and gave a glare laced with practiced years of bloodlust.

"Please take care of us."




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jaylola #1
I miss this story. AnnabelleRaen why hast thou abandoned us?
Souleater2 #2
Chapter 5: I like your story I am starting to read fanfics more and so far yours is the best. Please cont. WFIGHTING!! Can't wait till the next update. Love the character personality choices definitely TOP's and GD's but seriously •_• you need to update like right now. ; )
SeventeenCarrot #3
Chapter 5: Ah, so cute! I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I'm interested in their powers and how they'll use it in everyday life. Have they even had ed? XD
SeventeenCarrot #4
Chapter 3: So cute! So cute! I'm really interested in their powers that they have.
Chapter 4: OMG that was so cute I love how Super Junior was included aww I love gtop
jaylola #6
Chapter 4: Oh my Gossshhhhh!!!!!!!! MORNING KISSES!!!!!!! ~~squealing~~ and also ~~doing my silly dance~~
Annabelle Raen,you bring me joy :D
GenieJ #7
Chapter 3: I really enjoyed reading this, please update again soon :D
jaylola #8
Chapter 3: "how adorable was that? VI can't deal with leader's cuteness!" ..neither can I VI,neither can I.
That domino line is hella cute though...I reckon they probably deserve some happy times.
Love the update,thank you!
Frogirl #9
Chapter 3: "Use your words, VI."
i relate to this on many, many levels.
i love this sooooo much, fighting!!
jaylola #10
Chapter 1: "VI, we do not touch what isn't ours." - I had Snape's voice in my head tbh ^.^