
Not A Monster

Kwon Jiyong, has been kept in a military facility all his life. His parents killed by his captors, his parental figures were the trainers. Lucky for Jiyong, now 'G-Dragon', they weren't as bad as the experimenters. Being the youngest of them all, learning was easy; he was trained to become their leader, until one day everything ended when the government found out the military facility was actually illegal. The facility was shut down, his ex-captors sentenced to execution. The other prisoners, now looking up to him as their leader, were given a second chance. (It had nothing to do with being stronger than the government) and were sent to become normal people. 

Then came Choi Seunghyun.

And highschool.




"Oooh, what's this?"

"VI, we do not touch what isn't ours."

"Apologies, hyung."

"Don't call me hyung, you're older than me."

"But you're our leader-"

"Not in public, VI. Remember what those guys said? We have to be... normal."

"Normal ."

"Yeah, it does."

"I agree."

"Me too."



"Shut up."

Silence fell, and the onlookers behind the one way glass were impressed. Young as he may be, Kwon Jiyong- GDragon, as he was now called, was a true leader of this group. One of them 'tsk'ed angrily and stormed out of the room. The others looked on and sighed as the door slammed behind their colleague. After hushed whispers, which could most likely be heard by those they were looking at, if the 'Stay out of the humans' conversations, Eunhyuk.' was anything to go by, they came to a decision, and one of them, a woman, pressed the button in front of her.

"...We have come to a decision, as you have heard." she said. GDragon held up a hand, and waited.

"...Yes?" the woman asked cautiously.

"We didn't hear you, ma'am. We made sure not to eavesdrop for your own comfort." he said, looking straight at her through the glass, unblinkingly.

"Thank you for your consideration," she actually meant it. "This is what is expected of you when you are released." she said, and they were silent. Then, all, apart from their leader, grew huge smiles on their faces. Smiles which disappeared as their heads snapped towards him. A nod and a small, adorable -in the woman's opinion- smile was all it took for the others to burst into cheers loud enough to cause the six inches of glass separating them to crack, and all stopped as GDragon sighed.


"I apologise for the inconvenience." a small, pale black haired boy stepped out of the line (when did they form that line again...?) and bowed to them, flashing a row of bunny-like pearly whites as he raised a hand and repaired the damage caused. GDragon smiled fondly as they all teased Sungmin's carelessness. As a small test, they were led into the same room as their observers to see their interactions with other people. It went well, and, after a few minutes of celebration -Yesung, stop that- and good natured handshakes -No electrocuting people, Kyuhyun- GDragon stood, and they all fell silent. Their onlookers were confused, unti they saw the leader walk towards the woman, his garrison falling into their respective places behind him.

They came to a stop in front of her, and, extending a hand, GDragon tilted his head slightly to the side when she didn't take it. It was enough of a prompt for the others to bare their teeth at her, causing the guards stationed around the room to their guns. GDragon gave a growl, truly animalistic and commanding, and they calmed, looking at their feet and subconciously baring their necks to his general direction. The woman now knew what this was; it was a truce; a peace offering. 'If you leave us be, we will leave you be' kind of thing, and coming from military experiments such as themselves, this was big. She squared her shoulders, looked him directly in the eye and took his hand. She found it rather difficult to meet his eyes after that, not that it was actually any easier the first time anyway, but he had a gaze that chilled her to the bone.

It wasn't until they heard the most adorable 'What's this do?' coming from fearless leader GDragon as he pointed to the elevator buttons on the wall did she realise something; these kids had never gotten a proper education.

"School." she blurted out, and GDragon tilted his head to the side.

"School?" he asked, looking back at the buttons. She shook her head with a small smile.

"No, those are buttons. You push them and the elevator goes up or down, depending on what button you press. Weren't there elevators in...?" she bit her lip, trailing off as GDragon's eyes hardened.

"There were, but we never got to go where we wanted; womeone else always... 'pushed the buttons' from somewhere else." he replied, looking the elevator up and down, then shrugging and walking away.

Great. Now she felt like a spud.


"...School?" a small voice asked. GDragon and his garrison were suddenly standing casually but protectively around the one he called VI.

"One of the E told me I almost could have gone to school...What is it?" he asked, in a state of panic. GDragon made an odd sighing noise, which seemed to comfort his comrade.

"What is it?" GDragon asked in a voice much stronger than before. The woman swallowed and spoke.

"A place for children your age to learn."

"Learn what?"

"...About their environment, skills that will help them in their lives, like Mathematics, or Sciences." she tried to explain. GDragon hissed, not unlike a cat, and those behind him stiffened.

"We learnt those while in the Facility. I hope we will not be taught now in the same way we were taught then?" he asked, but it was more of a threat. In fact, it was a bloody statement, and she couldn't really say yes, could she?

"Of course not. You will go to school everyday for five days each week and sit in a room with other children, and listen to the lectures given by the teachers. These teachers will need your respect; it's to aviod any indiscipline, to kill the idea of breaking rules, as when they graduate, finish school, they would do the same to the laws of South Korea." she explained as simply as she could, and GDragon blinked, looking up at her.

"South...Korea?" he repeated, and she nodded, unsure of what he was getting at. He shook his head, and not many people noticed the way the others got closer until they all touched him in some way or the other. Those who did though, also noticed the way GDragon's eyes dimmed ever so slightly before he looked back up at her.

"We'll go."



As I said in the foreword, I have no idea whatso freaking ever where tis is going, but if I didn't start it, I'd implode. Sooo....

Tell me whatcha think?


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jaylola #1
I miss this story. AnnabelleRaen why hast thou abandoned us?
Souleater2 #2
Chapter 5: I like your story I am starting to read fanfics more and so far yours is the best. Please cont. WFIGHTING!! Can't wait till the next update. Love the character personality choices definitely TOP's and GD's but seriously •_• you need to update like right now. ; )
SeventeenCarrot #3
Chapter 5: Ah, so cute! I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I'm interested in their powers and how they'll use it in everyday life. Have they even had ed? XD
SeventeenCarrot #4
Chapter 3: So cute! So cute! I'm really interested in their powers that they have.
Chapter 4: OMG that was so cute I love how Super Junior was included aww I love gtop
jaylola #6
Chapter 4: Oh my Gossshhhhh!!!!!!!! MORNING KISSES!!!!!!! ~~squealing~~ and also ~~doing my silly dance~~
Annabelle Raen,you bring me joy :D
GenieJ #7
Chapter 3: I really enjoyed reading this, please update again soon :D
jaylola #8
Chapter 3: "how adorable was that? VI can't deal with leader's cuteness!" ..neither can I VI,neither can I.
That domino line is hella cute though...I reckon they probably deserve some happy times.
Love the update,thank you!
Frogirl #9
Chapter 3: "Use your words, VI."
i relate to this on many, many levels.
i love this sooooo much, fighting!!
jaylola #10
Chapter 1: "VI, we do not touch what isn't ours." - I had Snape's voice in my head tbh ^.^