
Not A Monster


"How was school?" The Woman asked with a smile when they got to the Agency. VI grew a huge smile and proceeded to tell her everything that happened, excluding their encounters with the teachers who disliked them; that was for the leader. She listened with an amused smile that had GDragon stumped. Had he been replaced now?


"Of course not, idiot." his Garrison called to him, even VI, who took the four seconds to stop talking to The Woman, then grinned and resumed talking, though she was confused as to what just happened. A smile made its way onto GDragon's face, and he let out a small sound that he was rather unfamiliar with. Everyone stopped what they were doing to face him with wide eyes. His own eyes were wide as he stared at nothing, amazed at the sound that just escaped him.




"I was wondering what you'd sound like laughing." Eunhyuk said with a grin from his spot on the floor next to one of the Agents named Minhyuk. Another one named Ilhoon stepped out with an odd look.


"I heard someone make a weird noise. What just happened?" he asked, looking to Minhyuk, who grinned and gestured to GDragon.


"Someone just took his first baby step." he replied with a fond smile, and Ilhoon grinned, coming out to pat GDragon on the back gently.


"Good job. Laughter's the best remedy to awkward antisocial people." he said, earning a disapproving look from his colleague on the floor.


"Not nice." Minhyuk said, then grinned at GDragon, who, for the love of God, and everyone else up there, could not begin to fathom what the hell was going on. "GD?" Minhyuk made said leader look up.


"Good job." the smile Minhyuk sent him was approving, and proud. GDragon had never had such a smile sent his way; the best he got was an amazed look from one of the Garrison, and a few new ones from TOP today too, but none like this. It made him feel...


"I'm 'happy'. That's what you call it, right?" he asked, and Minhyuk's smile faded, replaced by a sad one as he nodded.


"Yeah." he replied. "I'm sorry you haven't felt it before." he murmured, then upped and left, Ilhoon behind him after absentmindedly congratulating GD yet again, more focused on the red head leaving.


The Woman sighed as well, motioning for GD to come over, as she had her lap already full of VI and couldn't go over herself. He did as asked, and soon found himself sitting next to her, curled into her side. She was warm.


"Minhyuk was one of the ones who funded the Facility." she began, and everyone in the room made a hissing/growling noise, and instinctively moved closer to their leader. She shushed them gently.


"He didn't know what it was, before you were set free. He was told it would have been a place for the military to train without being disturbed, something which South Korea needed, at the time. He wasn't told it would be for experimenting. When he found out, he had everything shut down, and you were released." she explained, and Yesung snarled.


"It was him?" he fumed, but GD snarled back, just as ferocious, and the black haired boy calmed, though he twitched every so often.


"It wasn't -and isn't- his fault. Did you completely miss the part where he got us out?" GD scolded, but Kyuhyun scoffed.


"After putting us in?" He was soothed by Sungmin petting his hair gently, and making off purring noises.


"I'm sorry." came a voice from the doorway. Minhyuk stood there, red hair disheveled, and he had obviously been crying. His emotions hit them like a wave, and they stiffened as it hit them. Sadness, regret, self loathing.


"It wasn't your-"


"It was."


"It wasn't." Ilhoon put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. GDragon made a commanding sound, and suddenly everyone was in different positions, humans included. Minhyuk was in the middle of a huge puppy pile, along with Ilhoon next to him. The Garrison was on the outside of the pile, its leader next to Minhyuk and The Woman in the middle.


"It was not." GDragon repeated, his gaze burning holes into Minhyuk's, and the latter nodded with a small smile.




It wasn't until hours later, when everyone had fallen asleep, that GDragon looked away from his apparent captor and saviour, the face of someone flashed across his mind. He smiled lightly, looking at Minhyuk curled into Ilhoon's hold, and thought of his new friend. He would feel perfectly normal in this pile. The feel of TOP among his new 'family', as he dubbed them (though if questioned would deny it vehemently) would be natural, as if nothing new. He made that sound again, though it was slightly higher pitched than before. Laughter, was it called?


He was familiar with it, having to fake it in school and having heard his Garrison's laugh.  But what really surprised him, was that it came naturally; it was involuntary, and he was mildly frightened, another new feeling for him. Did he have such a lack of self control he laughs without wanting to?




He liked it.


"Leader, stop thinking. I can't sleep." Sungmin mumbled, and he smiled.


"Is it always like this, Min?" he questioned, and the older 'hmm'ed in response, asking what he meant.


"Laughing. Is it supposed to be so..."


"Uncontrollable? Yeah, it is." came the response, and he let out a comfortable sigh.


"Isn't it a great feeling? I'm not in control of this one thing, and I love it." GDragon said in a low voice. Sungmin let out a breath as well, and GDragon felt himself being lulled to sleep gently. He smiled again at his soldier's attempt to relax him.


"Thank you, Min."


"Stop th'nk'ng m'. Y' sh'udn't, 'nymore. None 'f us sh'ud. Y're fam'ly..." and he fell asleep, his magic shuttering as his speech did, then completely went away as he dropped off. GDragon smiled and waved a hand to make the blanket cover him completely, not even needing to see if the material had followed his wishes, knowing it had. Briefly checking on the rest of his Family (yes, with a capital 'F'), he nodded and snuggled deeper into VI's embrace behind him. Before he fell asleep, his thoughts drifted to TOP again, and he made something else happen at the last minute. A small, fiery orange fox could be seen leaving the house through the window of the room they were in, and didn't return until they woke.



"Don't wake him up!"


"But his fox is here."


"I haven't taken the picture yet, give me a second!"




"Okay, go ahead."


"You're an idiot, and he's going to kill you for that."


"He won't know~"


"You know he will."


"Only if you all can't hide your minds!"


"Whatever. Leader, wake up!"


"GD, we've got school again today! Wait..."


"No we don't, we started school on Friday; yesterday."


"Oh, so we don't have to go today?"


"No, but he should still wake up."


"GDragon awake yet?"


"Nope. Hey, we call you The Woman in our minds, what's your name?"


"I'm Dara."


"Oh. Hi Dara, can we still think of you as The Woman?"


"What was the point of asking me my name then?"




"Stop shouting!"


"But she's human, she can't hear me!"


"Oh, right."


"He was shouting?"


"Our ears are more sensitive."


"Ah, okay."


"Yah, GD~"




"Ah, are you trying to wake him up?"




"Getting anywhere?"




"Thought so."




"Wha- you're not going to help?"


"No, it's not like he'll actually get up yet; it's still morning."


"Good point, but I want to go out and do something!"


"Where does your energy come from?"


"Those bottles marked 'Red Bull.' It doesn't really give you wings, but I have my own, so I wonder if that's why it didn't work?"


"You have wings?"


"Yeah, wanna see them?"


"Not. In the house."


"...Yes, leader."


"Ah, you're awake!"


GD glared at whoever had the nerve to shout in his ear at this ungodly time. Not only was it day time, it was morning. Realising it was VI, who was now across the room with wide, scared eyes, he lowered his gaze and sought out the magic source he was feeling in the house. It felt like his own, but...when did he summon anything?


"Ah. Kurama." he mumbled. There was a crash, and a shriek, and a fox came padding into the room at full speed.


"It's adorable!" Sungmin said, and Kyuhyun rolled his eyes as VI glared at it.


"We meet again, Kurama." he mumbled. The fox, as if hearing his voice, stopped and swiveled to glare back at him. GDragon sighed, and, rolling his eyes, stood, and went to put a hand on Kurama and VI, one on each. Both settled at the touch, and he glared both of them down.


"Calm. Down."

"They both lowered their eyes and bared their throats. GDragon rubbed Kurama's scruff and kissed VI's throat, then made his way to the guest bathroom (they fell asleep in the living room, so he woke up there)  On the way, he kissed every member of his Garrison that was there, stopping in front of the bathroom door as he waited. Footsteps were heard, coming so fast it sounded like one long, loud thump, and Daesung flashed a grin as he stopped suddenly at his leader. The latter reached up and kissed him as well, then snapped his fingers as he grasped the handle of the door. Kurama dissipated, and he continued, only to feel something nagging him. He then remembered, and went back out, still groggy from sleep, and went up to Dara (his Garrison wrinkled their noses at their leader using her name, but shrugged it off and decided it was okay for them too), Minhyuk and Ilhoon, who were just looking on with odd looks on their faces.


Making a small, whining sound at the back of his throat, GDragon nuzzled Minhyuk's neck and kissed his throat, doing the same to Ilhoon. When he got to Dara, he kissed her cheek. Even in his sleepy state, GDragon was a gentleman. Nodding in satisfaction, he went back to the bathroom with his eyes closed. He then slumped down and almost fell asleep against the door again, had it not been for a shout.


"Yah, GD, I know you're falling asleep behind the door again." he cursed Taeyang in his mind, and smirked at the annoyed huff it earned him from the other man.


"I don't like you either, then." came his voice from the other side of the door, and he smiled.


Of course not.


"...Shut up." Teayang then went into the kitchen. He was a cook when he was embarrassed.



GDragon got out of the bathroom in a towel, having forgotten to carry his clothes in. As he stepped out, however, his eyes widened at the person sitting on the couch in the living room.


"Seun- TOP?" he blinked as TOP's eyes widened as well, and traveled down, then back up to his eyes, and the other boy turned pink before he looked away.


"Ah... VI invited me over, so I..." he trailed off, and GDragon shot a glare to his smirking right hand man.


"Y-Yeah, sure. Okay. I'll just be a minute." he said. TOP nodded, still avoiding his gaze, and he made his way up the stairs.


Downstairs meanwhile, the Garrison was suddenly in TOP's face.


"So?" VI asked, and TOP blinked.


"So...?" TOP prompted, and they all sighed.


"You...have feeling for lead- for GD, don't you?" Taeyang asked, and TOP blinked, poker faced, before he turned a brilliant shade of red, and his eyes widened. He looked away.




"You do, don't you?" Kyuhyun asked, folding his arms. Unlike what would be expected, VI wasn't the most protective of the blonde; Kyuhyun was. Only when it came to things like this, though. Vi wanted his leader to be happy, and nothing more. Kyuhyun, however, wanted everything for his leader. Nothing less would suffice.




"If you do, then don't force him into anything. If you don't, then don't lead him on. If you do either, I will dismember you."


At times like these, the Garrison was happy they respected each other enough to not listen in on conversations, or GDragon would have been here already, either screaming, breaking, or blushing. VI was hoping for the last one, because a quick peek into this guy's heart told him that he was everything his leader needed. It would be horrid if they didn't get together. Both for his leader and for TOP.



This looks like a bunch of words, but it's basically three or four scenes. I don't know where the words come from; I think I exaggerate a load too much, so that may be it. -.-


Tell me whatcha think?



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jaylola #1
I miss this story. AnnabelleRaen why hast thou abandoned us?
Souleater2 #2
Chapter 5: I like your story I am starting to read fanfics more and so far yours is the best. Please cont. WFIGHTING!! Can't wait till the next update. Love the character personality choices definitely TOP's and GD's but seriously •_• you need to update like right now. ; )
SeventeenCarrot #3
Chapter 5: Ah, so cute! I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I'm interested in their powers and how they'll use it in everyday life. Have they even had ed? XD
SeventeenCarrot #4
Chapter 3: So cute! So cute! I'm really interested in their powers that they have.
Chapter 4: OMG that was so cute I love how Super Junior was included aww I love gtop
jaylola #6
Chapter 4: Oh my Gossshhhhh!!!!!!!! MORNING KISSES!!!!!!! ~~squealing~~ and also ~~doing my silly dance~~
Annabelle Raen,you bring me joy :D
GenieJ #7
Chapter 3: I really enjoyed reading this, please update again soon :D
jaylola #8
Chapter 3: "how adorable was that? VI can't deal with leader's cuteness!" ..neither can I VI,neither can I.
That domino line is hella cute though...I reckon they probably deserve some happy times.
Love the update,thank you!
Frogirl #9
Chapter 3: "Use your words, VI."
i relate to this on many, many levels.
i love this sooooo much, fighting!!
jaylola #10
Chapter 1: "VI, we do not touch what isn't ours." - I had Snape's voice in my head tbh ^.^