
RIVAL{Mom vs child}

"lets talk tomorrow i need to go to our shop"

 "wait umma. We start talking so we should finish it."wonji said.

"ne, umma, lets finish it"i want to hear your story about your past.its the time

"then shin pull chae won's hand to sit. When chae won sit tear.drops.fall

"when im 18 year old. I meet jung ki, my first love, he's an actor many girls like him,at first i didnt know him but he is a campus crush in our school, si-yeon is my bestfriend, she is the reason why me and jungki meet. One day jungki confess to me, he said he like me. 9 months before i answer him yes. To be his gf. Years past our relationship grows. Im so happy cause he's so nice. And he said everyday he loves me a lot. But in the day that my birthday comes i receive a gift from si-yeon and jungki, i go to jungki's dorm to surprise him but when i open the door i shock what i saw. I saw jungki and si-yeon kisses".


"i open the door i saw they kissing. I feel pain, i dont know how to do. I run fast, out to the dorm, i heard jungki called me but i ignore him and continue to run, Dont know how to do, the rain falls toward me. I sit to one of the bench, my tear falls.

I go to YOO IN NA's house and tell what i saw. The next day i talk to si-yeon and jungki. Jungki pleaded to me, give him 1more chance he looks deserving and because i love him so much i gave him another chance. But 5 month later the incident do again. This time i stop our relationship and forgot him, 2 years come my feelings for him is suddenly gone and its because of your father he help to forgot jungki.he help me to forgot bad things happen, hes my savior.Your appa is jungki's bestfriend. Thats all, thats why i dont like your profession..

I really dont like it And its because i remember my past bad relationship with that actor".

"wonji, wonho.plx understand me.

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