
RIVAL{Mom vs child}

"follow me, i want to talk to you, man by man.dont disturb my mom."

jungki follows shin. While walking jungki feel nervous. Shin stop walking and face jungki

"bro. I know about the past relationship of you and my mom, she tell me about you and your wife.

Onje?otteoke? All about that. I know. She tell me too about your always visit her even if she push you away and said she dont love you. My mom life now is peaceful dont be childish. She dont want you. She is happy now. So you better go out to my mom's life or if not

.*shin do karate/marial arts trick*

you know now what can i do?" shin continue to talks.

Jungki felt nervous and scared. Shin didnt finishing talk when jungki vow

"ok. I get it. I gotta go. Bye".

And run fast.

Shin shock ¤¤ and laugh hard.

"haha! Thats the real man! Scared a little then he run, haha. He's so funny. Im so happy for my self. Goodwork shin good work. Moon shin won ho"

shin continues.

Shin back to shop chae won ask him. He reply

"i just walk,umma! Today you will live peaceful."

shin eats and chae won is like this >?_?


Ming2x continue to court wonji, wonji receives a good comment to jy and the staffs and she receives chocolates and flower from ming2x. she hates ming2x,but because of ming2x's personality and determination to get wonji's heart. Wonji feelings suddenly change she like ming2x now.but wonji didnt said it to ming2x cause she remember the contract.

[do not have a relationship]

ming2x invite wonji to a dinner in a restau. And it says"wonji ill invite you to a dinner with my parents. I want to introduce you to my parents. Tomorrow 6pm in xiao restaurant. Please be there.

" wonji is so nervous so she pleaded soo hyun go with me. Soo hyun nodded. In the xiao restau. Ming2x family is waiting and now in the room while soo hyun and wonji arrive.

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