
Thank You For Being Born [23]

"Is this really necessary?" Jaehwan whined. 

Jaehwan was wearing a maid costume, complete with ruffles and intricate design. His face was flaring profusely as he looked at himself. He looked like the usual maids at cosplays. Not the cute little ones. The costume was designed to seduce. Hyperbole intended. The girls of his class managed to make him look like a girl, but his height and arms were ruining his figure. He looked like an athletic maid instead of the girly maid they foresaw in their imaginations. 

"Yes, my dear Jaehwan! Our class agreed to a crossdressing cosplay cafe!" one of his classmates-slash-coordinators demanded. 

"But I did not agree in voluptuous clothing! Can I at least be a cool anime girl if I would do this?" the male begged. 

And everyone knew how convincing Jaehwan's puppy begging eyes were. 

"Alright fine! But you have to find your costume on your own. Let us do all the makeup. Deal?" 


Jaehwan scurried through the wardrobes for another costume. He had so many anime girls in mind that would be in the cool radar. He searched high and low, but in the end he just found a school girl uniform and a long black wig. Anything would do, not this crazy maid costume, he thought. He quickly got the two items and dashed to their improvised dressing room. With quick stripping and wearing, from that seductive maid outfit became the less-seductive-but-manageable school girl outfit. It was an navy green uniform, blackish skirt (an inch longer than the previous maid skirt but every inch counted) and black high socks. Quick to his feet, he managed to hang the maid outfit back to the wardrobe and went to the accessories. 

During the commotion (and believe him when he was not the only one having problems and mix-matches with his costume), he somehow heard someone yelling "Jaehwan is ready for makeup", but he didn't quite perceive it. His eyes scanned the accessories for the right one in his mind. When he finally found one, he got it as quickly as he could before anyone could grab it. He grabbed a necklace with a glass spheroid in it, like a locket, and a long katana with its sheath. He quickly strapped the sheath to his back. At the corner of his eye, he saw a long red wig being thrown away by one of his classmates. Perfect. He scampered to get the wig while his other classmates were shouting for his name already. 

As he got the wig, he returned to one of the corrdinators and sat to retouch his makeup. 

"Wear this wig on me, and do you have any red contact lens?" 

"Just wait here, I'll go get it!" 

And in a blink he was already serving everyone slices of cakes. Strangers and families of his classmates were here and there visiting and supporting the cafe. There were other freshmen lurking about the cafe as well. In the heat of the cafe, one of his classmates requested a song. Jaehwan happily accepted the offer. It was way better than the embarassment of having eyes to his lower regions. 

He went up to their improvised stage and sat down on a stool. He got the microphone from its stand and smiled at the crowd. 

"Hello to everyone! As you can see in the screen our SNS is up and running so send in your requests by posting on its wall with the hashtag '#3ACafe'!" Jaehwan brightly announced. 

For once, his tone was really bright when he said that. 

"From @SHyukkun: 'Hyung! Good luck to your section! The cake is awesome, not to mention the straberries!!grin emoticonPlease sing our song for the crowd. I will be listening very well!! #3ACafe #CAAAKKKEEEUUUU'. This is from my ever loving hoobae in our dance club. Sanghyuk, this is for you!" 

So he started singing songs, in a mellow and warm manner. His voice soft and soothing, the perfect ambiance for a cafe. It calmed everyone down, even his classmates were listening quietly while they served the guests. Everyone's focus was at him, and it helped a lot to their business. He continued on singing and accepting requests. Sometimes he joked around and talked to the crowd as he waited for lunch break. 

When the clock struck twelve noon, he went down from the stage and went to the back of the room where everyone was resting. Once he came inside, everyone clapped for his effort. He smiled brightly, bowing down to the clapping classamtes. He grinned as everyone bid their 'good job' and 'great work out there'. Before he could get his lunch, Sanghyuk managed to get to the back and welcomed him as well. 

"Hyung! There is an important meeting with the dance club now. It's about our booth down the hall," Sanghyuk said. 

"How did you get inside? Never mind, let's go then," Jaehwan nodded and walked to the exit. 

"Connections, hyung, connections," Sanghyuk grinned in reply as he followed his hyung. 

Jaehwan managed to get to the dance club wearing the costume. Everyone stared at his costume, some shocked about the length of his skirt. Sometimes he wondered why everyone was shocked about the skirt and not the whole package. The duo was welcomed by Hongbin, a junior and Taekwoon, a senior in the same year as Jaehwan. The former stifled a laugh while the latter had a stern expression, simply irked at the sight. 

"Lee Jaehwan, what the are you wearing?" Taekwoon coldly asked. 

"It is part of our booth!" Jaehwan whined in protest. 

"Yeah! Their cakes are very awesome!" Sanghyuk added. 

"I don't care. Change that skirt of yours," Taekwoon deadpanned. 

"Hyung, chill out! They need to do this. He won't wear it unless it is in dire need," Hongbin butted in. 

Taekwoon could only glare at Jaehwan, and the latter clearly knew the message underlying at that gaze. 

"Umm... I'll let Taekwoon hyung explain everything. Binnie hyung let's go." 

Sanghyuk quickly got the hold of Hongbin's wrist and went out, with the older whispering things out of protest. Jaehwan heard that they locked the club room. Great

"Taek, I swear this is the longest skirt I could find─" 

In one swift move, Jaehwan was already pinned to the mirror wall, hands in level with his head. Taekwoon had a crushing grip that could have left red marks on Jaehwan's skin. 

"Taek, stop. Not here!" 

Taekwoon didn't listen. He leaned his head down to trail Jaehwan's exposed milky skin with the tip of his nose. From his shoulder blades up to his neck, then to his ear. Jaehwan's face flared as soon as he felt Taekwoon's dangerously close lips to his ear lobe. Jaehwan gulped. He had prepared for the worst. He kneew Taekwoon was really mad with his costume, and he had to pay for the price. 

Taekwoon opened his mouth, and Jaehwan felt his hot breath caressing his skin. The small breath sent a shiver coursing through his spine. He struggled to break free, but he couldn't even lift Taekwoon's vice grip. He looked upward as Taekwoon's primal side kicked in. 

Taekwoon began... 

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ottokajibiased #1
Chapter 9: This collection is just going up and down ( and I love it )!
Keep up the good work, friend :,-)
ghreena #2
Chapter 7: dear my love author-nim, please.. make a sequel for balloons.. i want the kid taekwoon and jaehwan change to be the adult taekwoon and jaehwan,, i'm sorry for the request and my selfishness.... thankyou~~~~~~
ghreena #3
Chapter 5: whoooooaaahhhhh.... i'm your fans, author-nim, yehehehe... balloons, phone and now.. book. aaahhhh... i love jaehwan and taekwoon's character in your story, hug hug hug you so tightly~ yehehehee
ghreena #4
Chapter 4: kyaaaaaaaaa.... like the balloons, i love this chapter too much,, okay.. i miss the balloons story but the phone, ooouughhtt... i love you, author-nim.. yehehehe
exovixxfinite #5
Chapter 3: A kiss? Kyyyaaaa! ^^