Love Is Hard To Find, But It's Not That Far Away From You [Hiatus]

Chapter 5


Lexi smiles as she unlocks the door to her shared apartment. She had just came back from her date with Kyle. Walking into the apartment, Lexi takes off her shoes and hangs up her jacket. Walking into the living room, she sees Samona sitting on the couch staring at the TV. Though Lexi doubts she was paying attention to it, since she was holding a phone to her ear.

Hearing movement, Samona turns and looks up. “Welcome back, Angel.” she greets. “Baby, call me back in a couple of minutes.” she says. “Love you too.” she says before hanging up the phone. She then turns back to Lexi and smiles. “Sooo, how did the date go?” she asks. Lexi lets out a small laugh before walking and sitting down next to her friend.

“It went fine. I had a great time.” Lexi says. Samona nods. “So what happened?” she asks. Lexi shrugs. “Nothing much. It was just a simple date.” she states.  “We met up in the lobby, went to the café down the street to eat and talk before going to see the movie. Afterwards we came back here, sat in lobby and talked a little more before saying bye.”

“He didn’t try anything, did he?” Samona asks. Lexi shakes her head. “No, he didn’t. He was a gentleman throughout the whole date.” she says. Samona nods. “Okay, just making sure. I don’t want to have to break a kid’s arm if he decides to make the wrong move.” she says.

Lexi lets out a small laugh as she shakes her head. Sitting back into the couch, Lexi looks at her. “So, why are you home?” she asks. Samona raises a brow. “What do you mean?” she asks. Lexi tilts her head. “Wasn’t you supposed to go on a date with Henry today?” she asks. She watches as Samona puffs out her cheeks angrily and sits back on the couch.

“Yeah, supposed to have.” she says. It was Lexi’s turn to raise a brow. “What happened?” she asks. Samona sighs. “They decided to schedule him for an interview today a couple of days ago, and he decides to tell me at the very last minute.” she says. “I was dressed and was about to walk out the door when he called.”

“Ohh… sorry Samona, and you were so excited about today.” Lexi says. Samona sighs. “It’s fine. I should be used to it. It happened all the time when I was here visiting last time. I’m just pissed that he waited so long to tell Me.” she asks. “He keeps apologizing but I don’t think I’m going to forgive him just yet.”

Lexi lets out a small laugh. “Sam, don’t be mean. I sure he didn’t do it on purpose.” she says. “When he’s talking to you, I’m pretty sure, that the last thing that on his mind is work.” she says. Samona shrugs. “It’ll be okay. He still did something wrong, so he’ll pay the consequences. Accident or not.” she says.

Lexi shakes her head. “Oh, I have to call Donghae.” she says. Samona looks at her. “For what?” she asks. Lexi looks back at her. “He called while I was with Kyle. I told him I was busy and will call him later when I get home. He forgot I was going on the date today. We still have to plan a day to hang out.” she says. Samona nods. “Oh yeah, I believe that all the boys are trying to find what days they’re off.” she says.

“Yeah, I want to hang out with everyone.” Lexi says. “You always have some crazy stories, whenever you talk about them.” she says. Samona nods “Oh, you’ll find out soon how crazy they are. You’ve seen them on different variety shows before. But it’s even funny when you’re there in person.” she says.

“Oh, well Hangeng should be calling me later tonight, so I can ask then, if they’ve found out anything about their off days.” Samona states. Lexi nods. “Also, question, have anything been said about a second date?” Samona asks. Lexi looks at her and nods. “Yeah, before we spilt up, he said that he would love to go out again. And that we should talk sometime later to set a date.” she informs.

Samona nods. “Ah, okay.” she says. A minute later her phone rings. “Oh, don’t forget to call Donghae.” she says standing up. She then put the phone up to her ear. “Still going to apologize? If it’s not sincere then I don’t want to hear it.” Samona asks into the phone as she walks out the living room. Lexi shakes her head as she watches her friend walk out the room.

“Ah, she’s not going to let this one go so easily.” Lexi says. “I wonder how long she’s going to hold this one.” she asks herself before pulling her phone out her pocket. She presses a few buttons before putting the phone up to her ear. After a few seconds, the other line picks up. “Hello?”

“Hi Donghae-Oppa.”

“Hey Lexi.”

“You’re not busy are you?”

“No, I was just chatting with some of the other members who just got home.”

“Ah, okay.”

“So are you back home now?”

“Yeah, got back a few minutes ago and was talking with Samona.”

“How did the date go?”

“It went fine. I’m so happy I finally got to go see the movie that was playing. I would have had to wait until it was on DVD or something to watch it if we didn’t have this program.”

“So, well you two be going on a second date?”

“Yeah, he asked me on a second one. But we haven’t set a date yet.”

“Ah, okay.”

“Oh, yeah, have you found out when you’ll be off again?”

“Yeah, not this Friday, coming up, but the Friday after it, all of us have off, or have schedules that are in the morning. So we all can get together that night.”

“Okay, I’ll be sure to inform Samona about it. And make sure we have nothing to do that day.”

“Oh, Henry’s talking to her right now.”

“Yeah, but the topic might not come up.”

“Oh? Why?”

“Because Samona’s mad at Henry right now.”

“Oh yeah, the whole date thing that was supposed to happen today.”

“Yeah, she’s not too thrilled. She said she’s not going to forgive him just yet.”

“Ah, it seems he’s going to have his work cut out for him this time.”

“Yeah, but he knows how to make her happy or they’ll be fine.”


“Lexi! I need your help right quick!” Samona’s voice calls. Lexi looks up toward the hall. “Ah, Oppa, I have to go. Samona needs my help.” she says.

“Okay, I’ll talk to you some other time.”

“Okay, bye Donghae-Oppa.”


Hanging up the phone, Lexi sits it down on the table before standing up. “Coming.” she calls as she walks out the living room and down the hall.”


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

A.N.: And there’s Chapter 5.

Sorry, it’s a little boring. I didn’t really know what to write for this chapter. -.-;

Half way through I didn’t know what else to write, so I just winged it. XD

Anyways next chapter will be up soon for you all. ^-^


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Lexi123 #1
Ooooohhh hae really does have interest in her llove it because he wants to be in it???? haha LOL u updated this on valentines day or atleast when I saw it was Valentines day haha :))) AND THEN U LEAVE ME WITH A CLIFF HANGER!!!! My heart just skipped a thousand beats when this was uploaded..wonder what suju oppas r doing 4 valentines day ???? update sooon <3
Lexi123 #2
I finally meet Hae...He's such a flirt <333..."Love at first sight" hehe That's what I thought when I first saw Suju(to hae & the rest of the members^^) This story is going well and update when u can^^ kasahinmida~ ^^ :)))
Lexi123 #3
Hehe yay!!!! u updated....And I really loved this chapter!!! Samona you're so violent lol but I'm ur angel :))) i really liked this chapter..Updated when u can :}
Lexi123 #4
Omg thank you alot...Love u soooooo much for this...Love the prolouge update soon <3