Love Is Hard To Find, But It's Not That Far Away From You [Hiatus]

Chapter 2

~ Next day~

“Samona, move from in front of the mirror.” Lexi says. The two stood in the living room of the dorm that they would be sharing for their stay in Korea. It was just like the dorm they had back home. It was like a small apartment. They were glad that they had a chance to choose who they wanted to room with. No sense in sending six months in a room with someone you dislike.

Samona turns away from the mirror and looks at Lexi. “I look okay, right?” she asks. Lexi looks at her. “What? Of course you do. Why are you worrying so much about your outfit?” she asks. Samona sighs. “Because I’m wearing it specifically for a certain reason and because I finally get to actually spend time with my Mochi-Bear and I want to look nice for him. Plus the others will be there too. ” she says.

“Does that mean I should change?” Lexi asks looking down at her outfit. It was just clothes that she would wear anywhere. Samona shakes her head. “No, you look great. You’re so lucky you look pretty in everything.” she says. Lexi shakes her head. “No I don’t. And if you want to look nice, why don’t you put on one of the dresses I brought?” she asks.

In response, Samona makes a hissing sound. “Why do you keep trying to put me in one of those things?” she asks. Lexi lets out a small laugh. “Because you’ll look nice. I’ll get you one day.” she says. Samona shakes her head. “I’m fine without it.” she says.

“So are you ready? It’s almost time for us to meet the group down stairs.” Lexi states. Samona nods. Picking up the small backpack she was taking with her, Samona follows Lexi out the dorm, locking the door behind her. The two then walk down the hall and to the staircase. Luckily they were only on the 4thfloor.

As they arrive in the main front room of the building,  they are greeted by the instructors and other students. They stood around talking with each other as they waited. After a few minutes, when everyone was in the room, one of the instructors, Ms. J settled them down.

“Okay, now, this is our first official day here. And luckily we have been invited to go watch the performances of the talented idols and idol groups. One of the broadcasting stations, MBC, invited us to their ‘Music Core’ filming.” Ms. J says. “Please give thanks to Samona, who was able to arrange for us to go.” she adds.

Samona pushes her glasses up on her face and smiles. “Trust me. If you all love listening to the music, just wait until you hear it live. It’ll blow your mind with amazement.” she says. The group then lets out a round of cheers. Lexi looks at Samona. “Finally get to see them perform live. Wow, this is going to be amazing.” she says. Samona looks back at her. “Just wait until we’re there. It gets better.”

Lexi raises a brow at Samona, who just smiles. “What do you mean?” she asks. Samona shakes her head. “Nope it’s a surprise.” she says. Before Lexi could ask anything else, it was announced that it was time to go. With that, the students followed the instructors out the building and onto the bus that sat outside. Once, everyone was settled into a seat and accounted for, the bus drives off toward the MBC building.



Lexi and Samona let out cheers along with the rest of the crowd. The group Infinite had just finished performing and was about to exit the stage. Lexi looks at Samona. “This is sooo awesome.” she says. Samona smiles. “I know right.” she says before looking down at her watch. “Oh, yeah, come on.” she says. Before Lexi could ask ‘to where’ Samona was already walking off, toward one of the instructors, Ms. Kim.

Following her, Lexi watches as Samona says something to Ms. Kim. After Ms. Kim nods, Samona turns to Lexi and motions her to follow her. Doing as told, Lexi follows Samona out the performance hall. “Samona, where are we going?” Lexi asks. Samona looks at her and smile. “It’s a surprise. It’s fantastic.” she says before turning and walking down the hallway.

Lexi sighs before following her friend. Looking around, Lexi follows Samona down the hallway and around a corner. In front of them was a door with a security guard standing in front of it. “Hey Doojin-Oppa. Long time no see.” Samona greets and waves as they walk closer. The guard smiles. “Hey Sam. Oh right, they said that you came back as part of a school trip.” he says hugging her.

Samona nods. “Yep, that’s right. So I can finally see everyone again.” she says. She then turns to Lexi, who looked confused. “Oh, Doojin, this is my best friend, Lexi. Lexi, this is Doojin-Oppa.” she introduces. Lexi smiles and bows. “Hello.” she greets. After greeting back, Doojin looks back at Samona. “Oh, the others are waiting for you.” he says opening the door.

Samona nods. “Thanks Oppa. See ya later.” she says before walking through the door with Lexi behind her. As they walk farther in, Lexi gasps out. “Oh my… Samona are we backstage?” she asks as she stops walking and looks around her. Samona stops walking and turns around to look at her friend.

Samona smiles. “Didn’t I tell you it was fantastic?” she asks. She then begin walking backwards. “Get use to it while we’re here in Seoul.” she says before holding out her hand to the side. Lexi turns away from her friend and looks around. “Yeah, Samona. But…" Lexi stops as she turns back around to find Samona gone.

Hurriedly looking around, Lexi tries to spot her best friend. “Where’d she go?” she asks. Unsure of what to do, Lexi slowly walks farther  into the room. As she tried to look for Samona, she found herself spotting the different idols that she always seen over the TV or computer. “Oh, wow.” she whisper as she looks around.

A second later she found herself bumping into someone and falling to the ground. “Oww.” she whispers as she sits up. A hand then appears before her. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” a male’s voice says. Nodding, Lexi takes the hand and the person helps her up. “Thank you.” Lexi says as she straightens her clothes.

She then immediately freezes. She knew that voice. She has heard it many times before, singing or just talking. She instantly looks up to confirm her guess. Standing in front of her was none other than Lee Donghae. Lexi lets out a small gasp as a blush crosses her face. “I’m sorry.” she says bowing before turning and running away.

“Lexi.” Lexi stops running as she hears Samona’s voice. Turning, she sees her friend waving at her, standing next to Henry. Lexi immediately rushes over to her. “Why did you leave me?” she asks. Samona raises a brow. “What do you mean? I thought you seen that crew member pull me off, that’s who I was holding out my hand to.” she says. “I thought you ran off.

Lexi puffs out her cheeks. “No I didn’t. I was looking around, then I turn back and you were gone.” she says. “Do you know how scared I was walking through here?” she asks. Samona smiles. “Aww, I’m sorry.” she says. “I promise to make it up to you okay?” she asks patting Lexi on the shoulder. Lexi nods. “You better.” she says.

“Hey Henry, Samona.” The three turns around to see Donghae walking toward them. Wide eyed, Lexi moves closer to Samona. “Oh, Oppa, good timing.” Samona says. “Oppa, this is Lexi Adkisson. Lexi, Lee Donghae.” she introduces. Donghae looks at Lexi and smiles. “Oh, it’s you.” he says. Samona looks at him. “What do you mean?” she asks.

“I accidently bumped into her a minute ago. Then she immediately ran away from me.” Donghae says. Samona looks at Lexi, who was staring at the ground. “Well, Lexi’s shy. So don’t take it offensively.” she says. Donghae nods. “Lexi… Oh wait, is this the friend that you’re always talking about?” he asks. Samona nods. “Yep.”

“Really? She looks prettier than you said.” Donghae says. Samona looks at him. “See I told you she would.” she says. Donghae nod before looking at Lexi. “You’re prettier in person than in the pictures we’ve seen.” he says. Blushing, Lexi shakes her head. “No, I’m not.” she whispers before moving behind Samona.

Henry lets out a small laugh. “You just met her and you’re already hitting on her.” he says. Donghae looks at him. “What? Only thing I said was that she was pretty.” he says. “Now, this is me hitting on her…” he starts. “Lexi, is it okay for me to ask you out on a date?” he asks. As Henry laughs, Samona looks back at Lexi, whose face was beet red.

Samona looks back at Donghae and lightly slaps him on the arm. “Yah, stop that Donghae. You’re going to make her faint.” she says. Donghae moves back a little. “But why? It’s love at first sight.” he says.

“You just got back and you’re already hitting people again.” A voice says as Samona was about to slap Donghae’s arm again. Samona turns to see the others members of Super Junior walking toward them. “It’s his fault.” Samona says. “He’s trying to make my friend faint. Talking about love at first sight.” she adds. The boys raise brows. “Friend?” they ask.

Realizing that they couldn’t see Lexi behind her, Samona steps to the side. “Oppas, this is Lexi Adkisson, who I’ve been telling you all about. Lexi, they are…” Samona stops and holds her hand out toward the boys. Understanding her action, Leeteuk smiles. “We are Super Junior-OR!” they sound off doing their trademark pose. Lexi could help but smile as she looks at them. “Nice to meet you all.” she greets bowing.

“Aww, she’s so cute.” Ryeowook says. Heechul nods. “From what we’ve heard, you’re super nice. So why are you friends with Devil Samona, here?” he asks. Samona puffs out her cheeks. “What? You’re such a meanie.” she says. She then wraps her arm around Lexi’s shoulder. “Just how you, Devil Heechul, have Angel Leeteuk next to you, I have Angel Lexi next to me.”

“Have she been giving you trouble?” Siwon asks. Lexi shakes her head. “No.” she answers. “But after we arrived yesterday, she almost got into a fight wit-” Lexi is cut off my Samona covering . The boys look at her. “A fight? With who?” Yesung asks. Henry sighs. “It was with Sabrina right?” he asks.

Lexi, whose mouth was still covered, nods. “Agh, Xiao Bao Bei, what have we told you about getting into fights, especially with that girl.” Hangeng says. Samona sighs as she removes her hand from Lexi’s mouth. “Don’t worry, nothing happened. I had my angel next to me to stop Me.” she says. “I already promised her that I would try to ignore Sabrina during this trip.”

“Super Junior get ready, you’re next to go on stage.” a crew member calls out. “Ah, okay, come on.” Leeteuk orders the others. Samona and Lexi follow the boys to the side of the stage. From where they stood, the two girls could see their classmates in the crowd. “They would freak if they knew we were back here.” Lexi says.

Samona smiles and holds her bag out to Lexi. “That’s what pictures are for. Don’t forget to take them Lexi.” she says. Lexi takes the bag before ping it and taking her camera out. Zipping it back up, she slings it over her arm. “I totally forgot.” she says. The others look at her. “Well, you’re back stage, you can take pictures with the artists.” Eunhyuk says.

A minute later, the lights on stage dims, signaling the ending of the current group’s performance. Seeing this, the boys huddle into a circle. Having Samona and Lexi join them, the boys recite the chant they always do before going on stage. The boys then walk out onto the black stage before them, the light shining attention on a different stage that the MCs stood on talking.

As the MCs begin introducing the next performance, the boys got in their beginning stances. Together in the middle of the stage, the boys stand in somewhat of diamond shape. Their backs facing the audience. “Oh, this will be great.” Lexi says holding up her camera. Turning it to video, she points it at the stage, moving to a spot to get a better view.

Samona, who stood next to her, smiles. “It’s going to rock.” she says. Lexi nods. As the MCs finish talking, Lexi turns back to the stage. The stage light pops on, showing the 15 boys and the crowd immediately cheers. Out the corner of her eye, Lexi sees Samona talking to one of the crew members and take something. About 15 seconds later the stage lights goes back out.

At the sudden black out, murmuring begins throughout the crowd. A small laugh is then heard over the speakers. “Now, now, don’t forget this is a special stage with a special guest.” a voice says, which obviously wasn’t a member’s voice since it was a girl. Wide-eyed, Lexi looks next to her to see that Samona wasn’t there anymore. Before Lexi could try to look around for her, the lights on stage pop back on.

Immediately looking at the stage, Lexi spots Samona standing in the middle of the boys, who were now turned around. The cheering from the audience comes back instantly. “It’s been a long time, Seoul. Did you miss me?” Samona asks into the mic set on the side of her face as the music begins. As the cheers become louder, Samona smiles. She then looks at Lexi, and holds up the peace sign before focusing back on the music.

Lexi couldn’t do anything but stand there  in awe and record as she watches her best friend perform on the same stage with one of her favorite Kpop bands. Lexi had already known that Samona was into performing, it was one of her majors in college. Lexi would even sometimes help her during her dance and vocal practices whenever she needed a practice partner.

But this was on a new level. While Lexi have seen Samona perform on a stage before, this was different. This was aired on TV, and was live in front of A LOT of people. It was way different from being on a stage in the school’s auditorium. Lexi also liked dancing and singing too, but she was too shy to even try and step on a stage.

As she watches the performance, Lexi could hear the crowd start chanting ‘Sammy’. Looking out to the audience, Lexi look toward their classmates. They all look shocked and amused to see that one of their classmates was on stage performing, even the instructors looked token back. Lexi couldn’t help but smile. “That’s Samona for you.” she whispers to herself.

As the song ends, Samona bows. “I missed you all so much.” she says after catching her breath. “But I’m back for six months, so you’ll be seeing me around. Saranghae.” she says pushing her glasses up on her face. She smiles brightly when the audience shouts ‘Saranghae’ back. Samona bows again before the stage goes black. She then follows the boys off the stage.

Stopping the recording, Lexi lowers her camera. “I can’t believe you just performed…with Super Junior…live on TV… in front of all those people.” she says as Samona stops in front of her. Lexi looks around at them. “You all were great.” she says. Samona smiles. “Thanks. Oh, and when you’re on that stage and the music starts going, you don’t care about anything except performing the best you can.” she says.

The boys nod. “That’s right. And that’s why we just rocked the stage!” Shindong shouts. The others cheers along in response. Taking off their mics, the group hands them to a crew member before going to sit in the waiting room.


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

 A.N.: And there's Chapter 2 and Donghae is introduced. :D

He's such a flirt. XD


Updating my stories earlier than planned. :D

College Life wouldn’t be updated for a month or two. Sorry. :/

But Yay on the other stories. :D XD

Hope you enjoy the chapter. ^-^


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Lexi123 #1
Ooooohhh hae really does have interest in her llove it because he wants to be in it???? haha LOL u updated this on valentines day or atleast when I saw it was Valentines day haha :))) AND THEN U LEAVE ME WITH A CLIFF HANGER!!!! My heart just skipped a thousand beats when this was uploaded..wonder what suju oppas r doing 4 valentines day ???? update sooon <3
Lexi123 #2
I finally meet Hae...He's such a flirt <333..."Love at first sight" hehe That's what I thought when I first saw Suju(to hae & the rest of the members^^) This story is going well and update when u can^^ kasahinmida~ ^^ :)))
Lexi123 #3
Hehe yay!!!! u updated....And I really loved this chapter!!! Samona you're so violent lol but I'm ur angel :))) i really liked this chapter..Updated when u can :}
Lexi123 #4
Omg thank you alot...Love u soooooo much for this...Love the prolouge update soon <3