Love Is Hard To Find, But It's Not That Far Away From You [Hiatus]

Chapter 1

~ A month later~

“Wah! Can’t believe we’re finally here.” Lexi says as she looks out the plane’s window. Their plane had just landed in Seoul at the Incheon Airport. Right now one of their instructors/chaperones was going over the rules and announcements for their stay in Seoul. Samona, who sat next to Lexi, groans. “Aish, I wish they’ll let us get off the plane already.”

Lexi smiles and looks at Samona. “Oh yeah, he did say he was going to meet us here.” she says. Samona nods. “Yes he did. I’m so happy he took time out to come see Me.” she says smiling. Lexi nods. “Yeah, but what about the fans?” she asks. Samona shrugs. “They already know about me from the other times I came. So I don’t worry about them anymore.” she says.

“I don’t get how you’re already well known here but you didn’t show off any of your talents yet.” Lexi says. Samona smiles. “That’s because of all the connections I have in the Kpop world. I could join the Kpop entertainment world when I want.” she says. “But I don’t know yet. I wanted to finish school first.” she adds.

Lexi shrugs. “Well, this is our last year. So you can join. I promise to be your number one fan if you do.” she suggests. Samona lets out a small laugh. “I’ll join if you join.” she says. Lexi shakes her head. “No way.” she says. Samona looks at her. “Why not? You have the voice.” she says. Lexi shakes her head again.

Seeing the others stand up, the two girls also rises. Grabbing their carryon bags from the compartments above their heads, the two join the line in the aisle to get off the plane. Following one of the instructors the group files out the plane.

“We’ll be waiting here for a few minutes before getting on our shuttle bus.” one of the instructors says as they walk through the passageway. Samona looks at Lexi, who was walking next to her. “Remember, we’re going to have a great time in Seoul. Fighting!” she says. Lexi laughs. “That’s right. Fighting.” she says back.

As they walk out the passageway, Lexi looks around. “Ah, this is great.” she says before going through her bag and pulling out a camera. She then takes a picture. As their group settles down in one of the sitting areas, Lexi looks around. Spotting someone who looks familiar, she takes a picture.  Lexi then turns to Samona and takes hold of her bag.

Confused, Samona looks at her. “What?” she asks. Lexi just smiles and takes the bag from her. “Let the great times begin.” she says. Seeing Samona looks even more confused, Lexi lets out a small laugh. “Turn around and scan the crowd.” she says. Raising a brow at her friend, Samona does as told. Giggling, Lexi watches as Samona’s eyes widen behind her glasses.

“Henry!” Samona shouts out, making others around them stop and stare. Lexi watches as her friend ignores the staring and run toward the light brown haired boy who stood smiling and holding out his arms. Smiling, Lexi watches Samona literally jump into the boy’s arms, glasses threatening to fall off. “Aww, sweet love.” she says holding up her camera and taking a picture.

After their little happy reunion, Samona pulls Henry over toward Lexi. “Hey Lexi.” Henry greets. Lexi smiles. “Hey Henry. Nice to see you again.” she says. Lexi had met Henry before. While he was part of one of the kpop groups that she listened to, she also met him when he visited their campus when he took a trip back to the states.

Before a conversation could start up, someone calls out. “Hey Henry.” a voice calls. The three turn to see a girl with long black hair and a girl with short brown hair walking over to them. A frown appears on Samona’s face while a smile stayed on Lexi’s. “Agh, I forgot they came on the trip too.” Samona says. Lexi looks at her. “Now, now, be nice.” she says.

“Hey Sabrina, Vanessa.” Lexi greets as the two girls stop in front of them. While the brown haired one just rolls her eyes at Lexi, the black hair one smiles at Lexi before turning to Henry. “Hey Sabrina, it’s been a while.” Henry says to the black haired one. Sabrina nods. “Yeah, it has. I didn’t know you were coming here today.” she says.

Henry nods. “Yeah, after getting accepted to come, Samona called me and told me. So I promised to meet her here.” he explains. “She didn’t tell me that you’ll be coming on the trip too.” he says. Sabrina shrugs. “Probably just slipped her mind.” she says. Samona looks at Sabrina. “No, I did it on purpose.” she states.

Sabrina looks at Samona and frowns. Rolling her eyes at her, she then turns back to Henry. Tucking a piece of hair behind her ears, she smiles at him. “Well if any case, I hope that we get to see each other a lot during our stay here.” she says. Henry nods. “It’ll be great to hang out with an old friend. We’ll have to plan It.” he says.

Hearing a ringing, Henry digs into his pocket and pulls out his phone. Stepping away from the girls, he answers the phone. Samona immediately looks at Sabrina. “Hitting on someone’s boyfriend while their girlfriend is standing right next to them? Really? Is that how you want to start this?” she asks. Sabrina looks back at her. “Yes it is.” she says.

Walking back to the girls, Henry sighs. “Ah, I have to go now.” he says. Samona looks up at him. “Time for another schedule?” she asks. Henry nods. “Yep, back to work.” he says. “I’ll see you girls some other time.” Henry says. Samona takes hold of Henry’s hand and walks with him toward the entrance.

Sabrina frowns as she watches the two walk away. “Agh.” she says. Lexi looks at her. “What? I think they look cute.” she says. Sabrina turns and looks at her. “I don’t see how you can be friends with her. She’s such a phony.” Vanessa says. Lexi tilts her head. “What? No, she’s not.” she says. Sabrina snorts. “I don’t see how someone as nice as you hangs out with her. Especially since you’re someone who can’t stand rude people.”

Lexi frowns. “Samona is only rude to people who deserves It.” she says. Sabrina rolls her eyes. “You should just drop her and hang out with us.” she says. Lexi blinks. “Why?” she asks. Vanessa looks at Sabrina. “Yeah, why would we want Little Miss. Nice to join us?” she asks. Sabrina looks at her before looking back at Lexi. “Anyone’s better than Samona.” she says.

“Says you, Miss. Number Two.” The three girls turn to see Samona walking over to them. Stopping next to Lexi, Samona looks at Sabrina. “Before you try to put down someone, make sure you’re better than that person.” she says. Sabrina snorts. “It wouldn’t take much to be better than you.” she says.

Samona tilts her head. “Oh, really? Then how come you still have yet to succeeding in becoming better than me?” she asks. Sabrina frowns. “Just because the boy picked you over me doesn’t mean you’re better than Me.” she says. Samona shrugs. “Yeah, but what does is everything else that ranks me higher than you. From smarts to talents to looks.” she says.

Sabrina grinds her teeth as her frown deepens. “You’re just a devil who got lucky.” she says. Samona lets out a laugh. “There’s no luck in it. It’s all natural. And if you want to insult me, you’ll have to try better, Miss. Number Two.” she says. Sabrina let out a small growl. “You little…” she starts.

Samona takes a step forward and grabs the front of Sabrina’s shirt. “Little what?” she asks. “I advise you to choose your next words a little carefully because we both know I can send you to a hospital in a split second.” she says. Lexi immediately takes hold of Samona’s other arm.

“Samona stop it.” she says. Samona looks at Lexi before looking back at Sabrina. She then let go of Sabrina’s shirt. “You’re lucky this Devil has an Angel next to her, otherwise she would send you straight to hell.” she says. Samona then turns to Lexi and takes her bag. The two then walks over to where their group was.

As they sit down in two of the seats, Lexi sighs. “Samona, I’ve told you before you can’t go around getting into fights. You promised to stop.” she says. “And we’re on a trip. If you mess up badly, you might get sent back home.” she says. Samona looks at her. “I’m sorry. I apologize. You’re not going to give me the silent treatment again, are you? Don’t be mad at me.” she says.

Lexi shakes her head. “I’m not mad. Just be careful okay. I know you and Sabrina hate each other but since we’re here in Seoul, let’s just tone down the hate and enjoy our trip.” she says. Samona nods. “Okay, I promise to try and ignore her. So that we can have the best trip ever.” she says smiling. Lexi smiles back. “Great.”

~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

A.N.: That’s Chapter 1 for you. :D

The girls are in Seoul and they are immediately met with craziness.

Next chapter starts off the main event in this story, so be ready. :D


 Update :D

So, I'm updating all my stories except for Encounter and Schooling In America.

Those two stories will be going on Hiatus.

Sorry for the trouble. :/

Love you all. <3


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Lexi123 #1
Ooooohhh hae really does have interest in her llove it because he wants to be in it???? haha LOL u updated this on valentines day or atleast when I saw it was Valentines day haha :))) AND THEN U LEAVE ME WITH A CLIFF HANGER!!!! My heart just skipped a thousand beats when this was uploaded..wonder what suju oppas r doing 4 valentines day ???? update sooon <3
Lexi123 #2
I finally meet Hae...He's such a flirt <333..."Love at first sight" hehe That's what I thought when I first saw Suju(to hae & the rest of the members^^) This story is going well and update when u can^^ kasahinmida~ ^^ :)))
Lexi123 #3
Hehe yay!!!! u updated....And I really loved this chapter!!! Samona you're so violent lol but I'm ur angel :))) i really liked this chapter..Updated when u can :}
Lexi123 #4
Omg thank you alot...Love u soooooo much for this...Love the prolouge update soon <3