Love Is Hard To Find, But It's Not That Far Away From You [Hiatus]


“Yay! I’m sooo happy. I get to go to Korea.” a girl with shoulder length black hair says as she jumps up and down in her dorm room, her glasses continuously bouncing upon her nose. A girl with long blonde hair, who also lived in the dorm room, shakes her head. “But Samona, you’ve been to Korea before already. Why are you acting like it’s your first time going?” she asks.

Samona stops jumping and looks at her. “Hey Lexi, you’re the one who’ll be having their first time going to Korea. You should be the one jumping up and down. But since you won’t do it, I’ll do it for you.” she says straightening her glasses. “Come on, show some excitement.” she adds. Lexi smiles. “Okay, I’m super excited to go.” she says squealing as she jumps up and down.

“Ah, going to Korea. I’ll be surrounded by K-Pop and cute Asian boys. How can I not be excited.” Lexi says. Samona smiles. “There’s the joy I was waiting for.” she says. “I’m so glad we signed up for this. We’re going to have the best time ever.” she says.

Lexi nods and looks at Samona. “Think I’ll be able to find some cute boy to go out with while we’re there?” she asks. Samona looks back at her. “The way guys are attracted to you, you might be able to find someone on the first day.” she says. “As for me… I already found someone in Korea.” she says.

Lexi shakes her head. “He doesn’t count. You two knew each other before he went to Korea.” she states. Samona shrugs. “Yeah, but he’s in Korea now. So it still works out…” she says. Lexi stares at Samona, who stares back. “Aish, leave me alone. Shut up, it does too count.” Samona says puffing out her cheeks.

Lexi lets out a small laugh. “But I didn’t say anything.” she says. Samona shakes her head. “But I know what you were thinking.” she says. Lexi lets out another laugh. “Okay fine, I’m sorry. It does count since he’s in Korea.” she says. Samona smiles. “Thank you. Now we just have to find someone for you, our little Angelic Bunny.” she says.

“Ah, Romance in Seoul. How awesome would that be.” Lexi says. Samona sits down on her bed.  “Aw, it would be great to see you have your first romance.” she says. Lexi looks at her. “What do you mean first? I’ve had boyfriends before.” she says. Samona shrugs. “Yeah and none of them were romantic. And none of them were good boyfriends. That’s why you’re not dating any of them anymore.” she replies.

Lexi opens but stops. “Well, they were still nice.” she says. Samona looks at her. “Most of them.” she says. Lexi looks back at her. “Yeah…But that’s all in the past.” she says smiling. “Thanks to my friends. Now I’m happy, going to take on the challenge of looking for love in Seoul.” she says. “Plus if anything bad happens, you’ll be there looking out for me.”

Samona nods. “That’s right. I’ll take down all the obstacles so that you can find your love.” she says during a heroic pose. Lexi lets out a laugh at her friend. “We’re going to have a great time in Seoul. Fighting.” Lexi says. Samona smiles and looks at her. “Fighting.”


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

A.N.: And that is the Prologue. :D

It’s short, but that’s because it’s the Prologue. >.<

Field Trip to Seoul. :D

How awesome would that be? That would be one of the best field trips in the world.


~This story is for Lexi. I hope you like it.^_^~

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Lexi123 #1
Ooooohhh hae really does have interest in her llove it because he wants to be in it???? haha LOL u updated this on valentines day or atleast when I saw it was Valentines day haha :))) AND THEN U LEAVE ME WITH A CLIFF HANGER!!!! My heart just skipped a thousand beats when this was uploaded..wonder what suju oppas r doing 4 valentines day ???? update sooon <3
Lexi123 #2
I finally meet Hae...He's such a flirt <333..."Love at first sight" hehe That's what I thought when I first saw Suju(to hae & the rest of the members^^) This story is going well and update when u can^^ kasahinmida~ ^^ :)))
Lexi123 #3
Hehe yay!!!! u updated....And I really loved this chapter!!! Samona you're so violent lol but I'm ur angel :))) i really liked this chapter..Updated when u can :}
Lexi123 #4
Omg thank you alot...Love u soooooo much for this...Love the prolouge update soon <3