Love Is Hard To Find, But It's Not That Far Away From You [Hiatus]

Chapter 3

~ Next day~

“Wah, so many SamRy moments.” Lexi says. She sat at the desk in the living room on her laptop. Samona, who stood in front of the mirror straightening her clothes, looks at her. “Huh? What are you talking about?” she asks. Lexi turns away from the computer. “I’m looking at the performance from yesterday.” she says.

Samona walks over to her. “And there’s a lot of SamRy moment and other couples during that performance.” Lexi says. “I didn’t notice yesterday because I was kinda in shock.” she says. Samona nods. “Yeah, the Beat Burger Oppas made the choreography. They have a knack for knowing what fans want to see.” she says. “And it was a special performance, so why not.”

Lexi nods. “It was great.” she says. Samona sighs. “I’m glad it did turn out okay, especially since I performed with them without practicing with them even once because of the fact that we were in two different countries.” she says. “But I followed the Beat Burger Oppas’ instructions and everything turned out great.” she says.

“Ah, I’m so jealous of you right now.” Lexi says closing her laptop. Samona raises a brow. “What? Jealous? Why?” she asks. Lexi looks at her. “Because you have the confidence to go on stage and perform like that. And without any hesitation.” she says. Samona shrugs. “Well, it’s because it’s something I really want to do. And I have people, including you, backing me up 100% to make sure that I do my best.” she says.

Samona then sighs. “But that’s not the only thing. Mainly, I have love inspiring me. I and Henry are lovers who have the same passion for performing and I love the fact that we have chances were we can actually perform together. As long as I have my inspirations nothing will stop me from doing what I love.” she says.

“Ah, you’re so lucky.” Lexi says. Samona shrugs. “No, I’m not. Trust me, you’ll find someone who’ll treat you right. Just don’t stop looking.” she says. Lexi nods. “Yeah, I guess.” she says. “That’s one of my goals while being in Seoul, right? Finding romance.” she says smiles. Samona smiles back. “I’m rooting for you.” she says.

Lexi nods before looking down at her watch. “Oh, time for us to go.” she says standing. Nodding, Samona picks her backpack up off the couch. The two then walks out the apartment. “So what are we doing today?” Samona asks as they walk down the staircase. Lexi tilts her head. “Oh, we’re doing sightseeing.” she says.

Walking through the door, the two walks to the front room, the two greets the others that were already there. Everyone was excited, it was finally time to roam around Seoul. “Oh, students, as we all know, today we’re going sightseeing.” Ms. Kim says and the student lets out cheers.

“Okay, for today  everyone will be splitting up into groups of four. So in totally, we should have eight groups. Now, make sure that the leader of your group is someone who is similar with the area.” Ms. Kim instructs. The students nod. “Now, once you form your group, come to me so that I can write down the names.” she says. With that the students move around to choose their group members.

Lexi looks at Samona. “So, who should we choose for our other two members?” she asks. Samona shrugs and looks around. “Hey Lexi, Samona.” The two turn to see two guys walking over to them. As the two stop in front of them, Lexi smile. “Hey, Seiji and Kyle.” she greets.

“We were wondering if you would like to be the other half of our group.” Seiji says. Samona and Lexi nods. “Oh, that’ll be great. Now we don’t have to search.” Samona says. With that the four walks over to Ms. Kim. After all the groups were decided, they walk out the building. “Now, in two hours, everyone is to meet back here.” Ms. Kim says. With that, the groups split up.

“Oh, Samona, yesterday you did great on stage.” Seiji says. “I’m so proud of you.” he says patting her shoulder. Samona looks at him. “Why proud? You knew I was going to perform.” she says. Seiji shrugs. “Yeah, but I was waiting for you to fall on your face.” he says. Samona puffs out her cheeks. “Why are you always so mean to me?” she asks pushing him.

Lexi, who walked behind them, couldn’t help but laugh. Lexi has been friends with Seiji since the beginning of college. But Samona and Seiji have known each other since they were younger when Samona used to visit Japan a lot during middle school.

“So Lexi, did you enjoy the performance yesterday?” Lexi looks at Kyle, who was standing next to her. She then nods. “Yeah, it was amazing seeing my best friend perform with one of my favorite groups.” she says. Kyle nods. “Oh, that’s right, you got to go back stage right?” he asks.

Lexi smiles. “Yep. I was able to see so many artists. It was a little frightening suddenly being back there but it was awesome.” she says. “Oh, if you want, later I can show them to you.” she suggests. Kyle nods. “Sure, I’ll like that.” he says smiling.

“Ah, what’s with the crowd?” Seiji asks. Lexi and Kyle look up to see a huge crowd down the street. “An idol is probably filming something.” Lexi says. Kyle shrugs. “Should we go find out which idol it is?” he asks. The other three look at him before nodding. With that, the four walks over to the crowd.

“Excuse, can I ask, what’s going on?” Samona asks one of them. The girl turns and looks at her. “Oh, Samona, good afternoon.” the girl greets. Samona smiles. “Same to you. Is someone filming today?” she asks. The girl nods. “Yeah, some of the SJ boys are filming today including Henry.” she informs. Samona nods. “Oh, thanks for telling Me.” she says.

She then looks at the other three. “Come on.” she says before walking through the crowd. The three follow her through the crowd. The four stop when they come up to the front of the crowd where the location filming set was blocked off and guards stood.

“Hi Kwang and Mun Oppa.” Samona calls out to two of the guards. The two turn toward her. “Oh, hey Samona.” Kwang greets hugging her. The other smiles. “What are you going here?” Mun asks hugging Samona next. Samona points behind her to Lexi, Seiji, and Kyle. “Today, for our trip, we’re going sightseeing.” she says. The two nods. “It’s great to finally see you back here. Doojin informed us that you were back and told us about you performing, so we made sure to watch.” Mun says.

Kwang nods. “Yeah, you did great.” he says patting her on the head. Samona smiles. “So, what’s going on? I heard Henry and some of the boys are here today.” she says. “Is it okay if we go?” she asks. The two nods. “Of course.” the two says before stepping aside and letting the four through. Samona smiles. “Thanks Oppas.” she says.

“Samona?” The six turn to see Henry walking toward them. Smiling, Samona runs to him. “What are you doing here?” he asks. Samona points to the others. “Sightseeing.” she says motioning the others to come over.

As Seiji and Kyle stop next to her, Samona looks at them. “Henry, you remember Seiji, and this is Kyle.” Samona introduces. Henry nods. “It’s nice to meet you Kyle, and great to see you again Seiji.” he says. Seiji nods. “Yeah, it’s been awhile.” he replies.

Seiji looks at Samona. “What type of girlfriend doesn’t know that her idol boyfriend is filming at one of the parks near the apartments we’re staying in?” he asks. Samona puffs out her cheeks. “You’re so mean.” she says before stepping on his foot.

As he cries out, Samona looks back at Henry and smiles. “So who else is here?” she asks. Henry shakes his head before looking at her. “Donghae is also here. So is Leeteuk and Ryeowook, but they’re doing interviews right now.” he informs. Samona nods.

Turning away, Lexi looks around. Some crew members stood next to a white tent talking. Almost the whole park was blocked off, expect for the areas where the fans stood watching. “Nice Park. Wonder what it looks like without all the people.” she whispers to herself.

“Hey Lexi.” Turning, Lexi sees Donghae coming out the tent and walking toward her. Waving, Lexi walks over to him. “Good Afternoon, Donghae-Oppa.” she greets. Donghae shakes his head. “No need to add the Oppa.” he says. Lexi nods. “Oh okay, then, Good Afternoon, Donghae.” she says.

 “And if that sound weird, you can also call me Fishie or Prince.” Donghae says. Lexi smiles. “Oh, what about Prince Fishie?” she asks. Donghae tilts his head. “Ah, never thought about that.” he says. “How about Princely Fish?” he asks. Lexi lets out a small laugh. “That one’s a maybe.” she says.

Donghae smiles. “You have a nice laugh.” he says. Blushing a little, Lexi looks at the ground. “Thanks.” she whispers. Donghae smiles at the reaction. “Oh, so, why are you here?” he asks. Lexi looks up at him. “Oh, today for our trip, we split into groups to do sightseeing.” Lexi says pointing toward Samona and the others.

“The building that we’re staying in is near here. And we end up coming across here.” Lexi says. Donghae nods. “And when there’s a crowd, you have to find out what’s going on.” he says. Lexi nods. “Yeah, Samona asked one of the fans, and they informed us. And since she’s been away for awhile, Samona’s not going to miss any opportunity that gives her the chance to hang out with you guys.” she says.

Donghae nods. “Oh sadly, she won’t be able to see Leeteuk-Hyung and Ryeowook. They just started their interviews just a moment ago.” he says. Lexi shrugs. “I’m sure her sadness is easily overcame.” she says motioning toward Samona. “You know how she is.” Donghae lets out a small laugh. “Yeah, she has Henry to distract her. She probably won’t think about it until you all leave.” he says.

“Yeah, she’s like that sometimes but I think it’s great.” Lexi says. Donghae looks at her. “Really?” he asks. Lexi nods. “Yeah, whenever she’s sad, she turns to the one she loves to cheer her up. And sometimes he cheers her up almost immediately.” she says. “I think it’s good to have someone like that in your life.”

“Well, do you have someone like that?” Donghae asks. Lexi shakes her head. “Sadly no, I don’t.” she says. Donghae looks at her. “Really? Why not?” he asks. Lexi shrugs. “I don’t know.” she says. “I mean, there were times were I did think I had someone I loved like that. But turns out that I was completely wrong.” she says.

Donghae blinks. “What do you mean?” he asks. Lexi sighs. “The relationship I was in, anyone who looked, could tell that it was horrible. And while I was always told to end it, I was always easily blinded by his sweet words and actions, so I ignored the warnings.” she says.

“If everyone was warning you to leave, why didn’t you?” Donghae asks. Lexi shrugs. “Because I thought I was in love.” she says. “But it turned out that it was just me trying to see the good in this person even though, there wasn’t really any. I thought he would change because he was in love with me and that he’ll one day see that. But it never happened.”

“So, how did you get out the relationship?” Donghae asks. Lexi smiles. “Samona got me out of it. She made me see what was truly going on. Exposing him for what he truly was.” she says. Donghae looks at her. “So do you ever think you’ll find the right person?” he asks. Lexi shrugs. “I don’t know. I hope I do.” she says.

“Do you want a relationship like Henry’s and Samona’s?” Donghae asks. Lexi shakes her head. “They went through so much, I don’t have the will power like Samona to bear through that.” she says. “Really, I just want to be with someone who truly loves me. But you know, love is hard to find.” she says.

“Hey Lexi.” someone calls out before Donghae could say anything. The two turn to see Kyle walking toward them. “It’s time to go Lexi.” he says. Lexi nods before turning to Donghae. “It was nice talking with you Donghae. Guess I’ll see you some other time.” she says smiling before turning and walking toward the others.

After saying bye to Henry, the four walk off the set and out of the park. Samona looks at Lexi. “So what were you and Donghae talking about?” she asks. Lexi shakes her head. “Nothing much, just talking.” she says.


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~

A.N.: And that's Chapter 3. In this chapter you got a little insight to Lexi's past relationship.

Hope you like this chapter.^_^


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Lexi123 #1
Ooooohhh hae really does have interest in her llove it because he wants to be in it???? haha LOL u updated this on valentines day or atleast when I saw it was Valentines day haha :))) AND THEN U LEAVE ME WITH A CLIFF HANGER!!!! My heart just skipped a thousand beats when this was uploaded..wonder what suju oppas r doing 4 valentines day ???? update sooon <3
Lexi123 #2
I finally meet Hae...He's such a flirt <333..."Love at first sight" hehe That's what I thought when I first saw Suju(to hae & the rest of the members^^) This story is going well and update when u can^^ kasahinmida~ ^^ :)))
Lexi123 #3
Hehe yay!!!! u updated....And I really loved this chapter!!! Samona you're so violent lol but I'm ur angel :))) i really liked this chapter..Updated when u can :}
Lexi123 #4
Omg thank you alot...Love u soooooo much for this...Love the prolouge update soon <3