Love Is Hard To Find, But It's Not That Far Away From You [Hiatus]


Chapter 4

Lexi yawns as she continues eating the food that was in front of her. Along with Samona, the two sat in the café next door to their dorm building, eating lunch. “So, we’re been here for like a month now. How do you think the plan is going?” Samona asks from the seat across from her. Lexi shrugs. “Not really. But we still have five months to go, so no need to give you yet.” she says. Samona nods.  “I’m sure it’ll happen sooner or later.” she states.

“Oh, yeah, speaking on how long we’ve been here. You’re right; it’s been about a month. Since the day of sightseeing, we haven’t really met up with the boys.” Lexi says. Samona nods. “Yeah, it that we come when they were promotion.” she says. Lexi shrugs. “But don’t they wrap up the ‘Super Junior Family’ promotions soon?” she asks.

“Oh yeah, they do.” Samona says. “If I’m correct, they finish up the promotions at the end of this month. But then KRY start working on this new group album; Heechul, Siwon, and Kibum all have new dramas that they’ll be staring in; everyone else have busy schedules too. Plus Hangeng goes back to China to release his new album.” she says. She then frowns. “Aww, he leaves basically halfway through our trip.”

Lexi pats her on the hand. “Well won’t he be back to see us off before we leave?” she asks. Samona nods. “Yeah, he will. He promised he’ll do that.” she says. Lexi looks at her. “Plus come on. Even when he leaves, you’re going to talk to him like every day. Just like you do when we’re at home.” she says. Samona lets out a small laugh. “Yeah, that’s true.”

“Hey girls.” The two look up to see Seiji and Kyle walking over to them. The two wave back as the boys stop in front of their table. “So, what are you two up to today?” Kyle asks. Samona and Lexi shake her heads. “Nothing much. Most likely just walk around the area.” Lexi says. “It’s beautiful out today. We should go to the park.” she says looks at Samona.

Samona looks at her and nods. “Yeah, that’ll be great.” she says smiling. She then looks at Seiji and Kyle. “So what are you two doing today?” Samona asks. Seiji looks at her. “There’s this store a few blocks a few that we want to check out.” he says. Kyle nods. “Yeah, we seen it our first day here during the ride to the dorms and decided to check it out now since we have nothing to do today.” he says.

Lexi and Samona nod. “Ah, it’s always good to have some place to look forward to.” Lexi says. “I should have looked at some tourist books.” she says. Seiji looks at her. “For what? You have Samona.” he says. “Is she being lazy and not wanting to go places?” he asks. Samona swings out her leg to kick him but he immediately moves away laughing. “Well we got to go.” Seiji says.

With that the two boys begin to walk away from the table. “Oh wait.” Kyle says. Stopping, he turns to Lexi. “Lexi, I wanted to ask you something.” he says. Lexi looks up at him and nods. “Oh okay. What’s up?” she asks. Kyle shifts his standing, nervously. “I was wonder… if you would like to go out on Saturday with Me.” he says.

Lexi’s eyes widen. “Like on a date?” she asks. Kyle nods. Out the counter of her eyes, Lexi looks at Samona. Samona looks up at Seiji who shrugs. Letting out a silent sigh, Samona looks back at Lexi and nods slightly. Smiling, Lexi looks back at Kyle. “Yeah, that’ll be great.” she says. Kyle smiles. “We can talk later about where we should go and what time.” he says.

As Lexi nods the two boys then walk away from the table and out the café. Lexi then looks at Samona. “Does this count?” she asks. Samona shrugs. “Well we are in Seoul. So I guess it could count.” she says before pulling out her phone. After a few seconds of pressing a few keys, Samona looks up at Lexi.

“So, didn’t expect Kyle to ask you out.” she says. Lexi nods. “Neither did I. I mean back home I would talk to him whenever be bump into each other on campus. But no more than that.” she says. Samona nods and looks down at her home when it beeps. She then sighs when she reads whatever it says.

“We don’t know too much about him.” Samona says. “And Seiji isn’t really ‘friends’ friends with him. So just be careful okay?” she asks. Lexi nods. “Don’t worry. I know better. Plus you’re always looking out for Me.” she says smiling. Samona nods. “That’s right, I must make sure that nothing harms my Angel.” she says.



“So I just talked to Kyle.” Lexi says as she walks into their apartment. Samona looks up from her spot on the couch. “Oh? And where did you two decide to go?” she asks. Lexi walks over to her. “To the movies.” she answers. Samona raises a brow. “Really? The movies?” she asks. Lexi nods. “It’ll be fine. Plus I really want to go see one of the movies that’s playing.” she says before walking toward her room.

Standing up, Samona follows her. “So, it’ll just be you two?” she asks. Lexi nods. “Yeah, but don’t worry. It’s a first date. No one tries anything on a first date.” she says walking over to the closet. Samona shrugs. “Henry did.” she says simply. Lexi turns and looks at her. “Okay, he doesn’t count. “

Samona looks at her. “Why not? He should.” she says. Lexi shakes her head. “He doesn’t because of the fact that you two had you’re official first date like 2 years after you two became a couple.” she states. “Who waits that long to have a first date?” she asks. Samona puffs out her cheeks. “It’s not our fault. He had to come back here and do activities with SJM first.” she says.

“Yeah, yeah, now help me find an outfit.” Lexi says turning toward the closet. Before she could start, her phone rings. Pulling her phone out her pocket, Lexi presses a button and puts the phone up to her ear. “Hello?” she asks.

“Hey Lexi.”

“Hi Donghae-Oppa.”

“Hey what cha up to?”

“Nothing much just looking though my clothes. You?”

“Nothing just got done with a schedule.”

“Oh, I hope you’re not too exhausted.”

“No, I’m fine. I had fewer schedules today than I usually do.”

“Oh okay. But you should still try to get some rest so that you’ll be okay for tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I will. I just wanted to ask you something.”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“I have a few days off soon. One of them is Saturday, so I was wondering if you would like to hang out with me.”

“Oh, sorry Oppa, I can’t. I’m going on a date that evening.”

“A date?”

“Yeah, one of boys that are part of our school asked me out. It’s Kyle, that boy that was with me, Sam, and Seiji that one day you guys had that outdoors interview.”

“Oh… okay then……”

“… Dong-”

“I guess we can just hang out some other day. I’ll find out what the other days I have off and I’ll let you know.”

“…Okay. Sorry Oppa.”

“It’s fine. I hope you have fun. Tell me how it goes, okay. Oh, I’ll talk to you later the van has arrived.”

“Okay, bye.”



Hanging up the phone, Lexi stares at it. Noticing her friend was silent, Samona looks up at Lexi. “What’s wrong?” she asks. Lexi turns to her. “It’s Donghae. It’s probably nothing though.” she says. Samona tilts her head. “What do you mean?” she asks. Lexi looks up from her phone and to Samona. “Well he asked me to hang out on Saturday. But I told him I was going on a date with Kyle, so I couldn’t.” she says.

Samona nods, motioning for him to continue. “Well, when I told him that, it sounded like the tone of his voice dropped.” Lexi explains. Samona blinks. “You mean, as if, he probably didn’t like what he was hearing?” she asks. Lexi nods. “Yeah, but I think I was just imagining it. He was probably just tired. He did say that he had just finished schedules.”

Samona nods slowly. “Uh huh…” she sounds out. “Don’t worry about it, okay? It’s just like you say, you probably just imagined It.” she says before turning back to the closet. Pulling out an outfit, she hands it to Lexi. “Here, go try this on.” she orders. Nodding, Lexi does as told and takes the outfit before walking out the room.

When she hears the door to the bathroom shut, Samona lets out a sigh. “Ah, why did I figure something like this might happen when it comes to her.” she whispers to herself as she takes her phone out her pocket and speed dials her #1 contact. As the other line picks up, Samona walks out the room and toward her own. “Hey, baby, I need you to find out and do something for Me.” she says shutting the door behind her.


~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~


A.N.: And that’s chapter 4.

I’m so sorry for not updating earlier. It took me longer than expected to get myself motivated to write this chapter. For some reason I had no idea how to write it.

And when that happens, I tend to just ignore the story for the time being. I have a habit of doing that. >.<

And I ignored this story for longer than I intended to, sorry.

I’ll try my best to get this story moving again.


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Lexi123 #1
Ooooohhh hae really does have interest in her llove it because he wants to be in it???? haha LOL u updated this on valentines day or atleast when I saw it was Valentines day haha :))) AND THEN U LEAVE ME WITH A CLIFF HANGER!!!! My heart just skipped a thousand beats when this was uploaded..wonder what suju oppas r doing 4 valentines day ???? update sooon <3
Lexi123 #2
I finally meet Hae...He's such a flirt <333..."Love at first sight" hehe That's what I thought when I first saw Suju(to hae & the rest of the members^^) This story is going well and update when u can^^ kasahinmida~ ^^ :)))
Lexi123 #3
Hehe yay!!!! u updated....And I really loved this chapter!!! Samona you're so violent lol but I'm ur angel :))) i really liked this chapter..Updated when u can :}
Lexi123 #4
Omg thank you alot...Love u soooooo much for this...Love the prolouge update soon <3