First day of College

One for me

As we reached our school, since our school is so near from our house it’s a lot easy and comfortable for us.

He’s still have my bag.. we look for our room, as we find our room, he let me entered our room first. I saw few students, different faces and maybe different attitudes, some looks weird, some looks so boastful especially the boys and some of the girls looks so fussy and flirt. And I need to be with onew 24/7 because I know these type of girls.


He let me sit first in a vacant chair and he sat next to me. He put my bag on my chair and he starts to look around, it’s like he’s looking for someone.. pssshhh he’s really crazy. As he looked around she noticed a flirty girl winked at him. I know he won’t entertain that kind of girl, he just laugh and looked at me. We both laugh and he lend a hand for a high five.

I know what he likes in a girl, he likes simple, intelligent, funny and not flirty girls.

A minute later I saw the girl from the wedding, she entered the room. And walk forward to us again.

Onew saw her and give her a warm smile.

“Hi!” the girl said.

Onew look at me “let me introduced her to you Anna” he said

“she is Jessica, she is our neighbor if you can still remember she migrated to Canada few years back then. Do you still know her?” he asked me.

“ohh.. yeah I still can remember her, it’s really nice to see you again” I said and give Jessica a welcome smile. Of course I need to hide my jealousy from her. Though she is the one that onew likes, maybe she is a nice girl that’s why he likes her, I need to give it a try and be friends with her.

“Hi Anna! You are so pretty! When I last saw you you’re still a kid like onew.” She said and give me a ‘not so plastic smile’ I just smiled back. I don’t know I just don’t feel comfortable with her smile.

Onew just smile.

“have a sit?” Onew lended her, his chair.

“so I guess you are our blockmate?” I asked Jessica.

“ne~ I wasn’t able to study college when I was in Canada because I need to work, but then I decided to go back here in korea. Then I knew that onew will study here with the same course that I want so I enrolled and now I’m here” Jessica explained.

“ohh.. I see” and smile at her

Onew is just standing beside me, and he decided to sit at vacant chair in front of me.

As the professor entered our room all the students sit on their chairs, the professor called our name one by one for the attendance.

He explained all the guidelines to us, and give us assignment for the first topic for this semester.

And he dismissed us early.

“aigooo~ assignment on our first day?” Jessica frown.

“noona I’ll help you.” Onew said to him

Aigooooo~ what’s up with this jerk. He’s going to help her? What about me? Aghhh it hurts.

“really?” Jessica asked him happily.

“ne~ since it’s kinda easy and anna can do it herself because she is smart, so I’ll just help you with yours.” Onew said to her

“mworago??? You never helped me before!!!” I shouted at him

“that’s what I’m saying, you don’t need help because you’re just too smart for help” he said to me.

“arrassoooooo “ I finally said and I decided to leave them, thank God I’m good at pretending, I didn’t get obvious that it actually hurts me.

“annyeong~” onew said.

“annyeong anna be safe!” Jessica said

I just waved without looking back.

I as I reached our home.

“mom I’m home~” I found my mom at the kitchen preparing for food, I kissed her at her cheeks.

“mom I’ll just go to my room and change my clothes” I said to my mom with a smile.

“ok.. just be fast and call onew because I prepared chicken, because it’s his favorite right?” mom said with a smile.

I go to my room and change my clothes..

♪kidaryo kidaryo………..♪ my phone rung. I answered it.

“heyy.. did you arrived safely?” onew said

“ne~” I said, otteoke am I blushing? He’s really concern!

“good… coz I was really uncomfortable on my way home with Jessica because I was thinking that maybe someone kidnapped our princess” he said

“anieyo~ who will kidnapped me? I’m not even pretty” I said

“hahaha! You know that?” onew teased me again.

“neee~” I just answered, I still can’t forget that he choose to be with Jessica “hey mom said go here because he prepared chicken for you” I invited him.

“REALLLLLLLLY???????? Ahjumma is really nice, tell her I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He said with an excited voice.

“arrasso~ t…take care” otteoke otteoke why did I said that?. Then hung up the phone.


Onew’s POV

I’m really not comfortable when I’m not with anna.. what if something bad happened to her?

“hey onew ssi~ you looks so uncomfortable” Jessica said

“anieyo~ I’m just thinking about something.” I answered

As I got home I get my phone from my pocket and dialed anna’s number

♪kidaryo kidaryo…..♪ I smiled because of her ring back tone, Anna is still a kid, she never changed.

“heyy.. did you arrived safely?” i asked anna

“ne~” she answered, she’s maybe tired?

“good… coz I was really uncomfortable on my way home with Jessica because I was thinking that maybe someone kidnapped our princess” I explained

“anieyo~ who will kidnapped me? I’m not even pretty” She said.

she said that? Is she not feeling well?

“hahaha! You know that?” I , but her words are just so weird.

“neee~” she just answered, “hey mom said go here because he prepared chicken for you” she invited me

“REALLLLLLLLY???????? Ahjumma is really nice, tell her I’ll be there in a few minutes.” I said with an excited voice, but I really want to go to their house to check her if she’s ok.. it’s a good thing that she invited me.

“arrasso~ t…take care” she said, she’s really nice and cute! Then she hung up the phone.

I changed my clothes and leave our house.

---- end of onew’s pov ---


I go downstairs and found my dad at our living room. He just came home from his work

“hi appa~” I kissed my dad on the cheeks.

“ah~ my little princess is so beautiful” dad said, ‘princess’ onew and dad are the only one who called me that way....... two important man in my life…

“appa~ I’m not a princess” I told my dad and I sat on his lap.

“for appa you’re a princess, right honey?” dad asked mom

“ne~ anna is our only princess” mom said.

I just smiled… God gave me everything… a wonderful, kind and beautiful parents… and a bestfriend that I treasure so much.

“knock knock” onew said while standing at our door.

He just saw me sitting at my dad’s lap, but he didn’t laugh instead he’s just smiling at me. And I get up

He’s holding a white rose, which I think he just pick up at one of our neighbor’ garden

“ahjumma this is for you” he said to my mom

“awww~ onew is such a sweet boy” mom said to him and messed his hair.

“ahjumma~” onew frown, he doesn’t want when someone messing his hair

“hahahaha!” I laugh at him because he is so cute when he’s so irritated

“pssshhh.. why are you laughing?” he asked me

“nothing…” actually I wanted to tell him that he is so cute when he’s doing that facial expression.

“dinner is ready~” mom said

Dad sit at his favorite chair, as well as mom, me and onew..

Onew let me sit first before he sit at the chair beside me.

“where is donghae?” mom asked onew, donghae oppa is onew’s older brother.

“donghae hyung he’s at work he’s not coming home yet, he said he’ll be a bit late” onew explained.

“ahh~ I see, so lets start?” mom said.

Then we get food and started eating, and of course onew will consume most of the chicken, because of his love for chicken.


kidaryo ringtone (if u're not familiar with it, it's scheduler's (jung il woo) voice from 49 days/ pure love

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chas_ssmentrok #1
the ending is so sweet :"><br />
I love this ff!
chas_ssmentrok #2
Chpt 6: :"(<br />
naihdubu #3
nice one anna..
sooooo cuuuteeee ^_^
mineshinee18 #5
Woww! It's so cute.. Can you update immediately? Haha :) Just want to read your fanfic! :)))<br />
naihdubu #6
anna! update agad. keke :D<br />
<br />
-dhian unnie