Chapter 5



“The guard gave to me this. I was really scared that the envelope filled with blood stains. I prepared for the worst and saw this picture. My daughter, where are you? I don’t want to lose you again like I lose your mother and sister.” Seo Jinhyuk told Luhan what happened after he received a letter.

Luhan looked at the picture. It is Seulgi being tied in a room. She was wearing a red dress and she was lying on a bed. He had no idea where is this place but he could guess that she is in a house considering there’s a bed in this picture.

Joohyun who was behind him, looked at the picture as well. Luhan wanted to ask her if she had seen this place but since he is the only one who can see her, he kept it to himself. He would look like a crazy guy if he asked a question alone.


“Please investigate about this, Luhan-shi. Find the trace from where does this letter had been sent. Please find Seulgi. I’m begging you.” Seo Jinhyuk begged Luhan to save Seulgi.

Luhan stunned with Seo Jinhyuk’s request. What is he supposed to do? He is not a police and he can’t simply just involve the police matters. He will get caught if he did that. But Seo Jinhyuk seems to trust Luhan more than other people except his family. He wondered why he was so special to them. He didn’t do anything except inform about Joohyun’s death but it seems like he is getting ‘closer’ with Seo Jinhyuk’s family.



“Do you know this place?” Luhan asked Joohyun when they were in the car.

Joohyun shook her head. Obviously she had never seen this place before. Luhan observed the picture carefully. Being the photojournalist, he knows what kind of camera that the kidnapper is using, when does ‘he’ took this picture and other stuff.

“Look at this,” Luhan showed the picture to Joohyun. “This picture was taken with an old camera; you know the camera that used film. From here, we can see that there is a reflection of light so I assumed that this picture was taken during night time or the room is dark.” He explained to her but she is only able to nod everything with what he said.


“Your father asked me to look for Seulgi. What should I do now? I can’t do this thing with my own. I will get caught by the police for involving their case.” Luhan let out his concern regarding this.

Joohyun thought for a moment. He is right. He can’t just interfere with police case but her father trusts him a lot. That’s her father. He won’t trust the police or anyone else even his best friends. It’s rare for her family to trust a stranger who knows nothing about her family.


“Maybe you can go to Seulgi’s school. You can ask her friends if they know where she went.” Joohyun suggested.

This time, Luhan stops to think. Maybe she is right. He could ask Seulgi’s friends her whereabouts. The only problem is how he should meet her friends? Will they talk to him? Is he allowed to talk to them?


Luhan brought to his sense when Joohyun called him. Her face looks like asking him if he wants to go to Seulgi’s school. There is no choice for him. He didn’t know why he had to involve with this thing. This is not what he wants. With a sigh, he nodded at Joohyun.



Luhan and Joohyun reached Soon Hwan Junior High School. Luhan looked around the school. It looks like this is an elite school because it is really huge. They have a large field with a giant tree located at the end. The students wear the school’s uniform which is different from any public school.

Luhan asked Joohyun what he should do first and she told him in order to meet Seulgi’s friend, he must meet her homeroom teacher first. Luhan asked permission to meet Seulgi’s homeroom teacher at the office. Joohyun told him that Seulgi’s classroom is 3-B. The clerk who was there told Luhan to wait in the room before she called Ms. Jung Seyeon, Seulgi’s homeroom teacher.


A lady in 40s entered the room where Luhan has been waiting. Luhan stood up and bows to her and she did the same thing to him.

“Are you Seo Seulgi’s homeroom teacher?” He politely asked her.

That lady nodded with a smile before she introduced herself, “I’m Ms. Jung Seyeon, homeroom teacher of 3-B. As for your question earlier, yes, I’m Seo Seulgi’s homeroom teacher. I’m sorry for being rude but may I know who are you? Are you her father?” Ms. Jung is curious about Luhan since she never seen him before.

Luhan is stumped for her sudden question about his identity. What he is supposed to say? So far, he is the only reporter that was brave enough to go to the school just to dig some information about Seulgi. He can’t say that he is a reporter. That would scare her and the students because they know some serious things going on right now. If people found out, other reporters from other press will invade this school.


“I’m- um- her cousin. Her parents told me that they couldn’t reach her through phone and asked me if there’s anything happened to her.” He lied.

“I see. Seulgi didn’t come to school for the whole week and she didn’t even come today. Do you know where she is?”

Luhan stuck with this question. He wants to know about Seulgi but this happened. Why did he agree to come here in the first place?


“Actually, I came here because I wanted to know if she comes to school. She’s not at home either.” Luhan struggled to find any reason about this. He is having a hard time. “Maybe her friends know. If you don’t mind, can I meet them?”

Perhaps meeting Seulgi’s friend will give him some idea where she is. Ms Jung smiled and told Luhan that she will call Seulgi’s friends and asked him to wait for a while. Ms. Jung went out leaving Luhan alone. With Joohyun.

Luhan waited around 15 minutes and the door was opened by someone revealing Ms. Jung with a smile. Then, four girls entered the room who could be Seulgi’s friends. Ms Jung introduced them to Luhan; Bae Juhyun, Son Seungwan, Park Sooyoung, and Kim Yerim.

The girls sat on the seat provided while Ms. Jung excused herself to prepare some drink for Luhan. Luhan began to ask some questions to them about Seulgi’s whereabouts.


“The last time we saw her was last week. She said that she wants to meet her sister.” Bae Juhyun responded to Luhan question.


“Is that her sister’s name? We don’t know her sister’s name.” Luhan stunned with Son Seungwan’s statement. They don’t know Joohyun’s name at all?

“What about her brothers?” Luhan asked them about Minseok and Kyungsoo.

“She has brothers?” Park Sooyoung said in shock.

“She never said anything about her family. We only heard that she has a sister though but that’s it. Nothing more.” The other girl named Kim Yerim revealed that Seulgi never mentioned anything about her family.


How secretive can this family get? They didn’t tell anyone about their family. Luhan wondered what their friends’ first impression about the Seo siblings was. From what he saw, his first encounter with Minseok and Kyungsoo was really awkward. He could see them as a cold person.


“When did you saw her for the last time and where she is going?”

“I’m not sure where she went but she said that she wants to meet her sister. That’s the first time we found out that she has a sister.” Bae Juhyun stated.

“I remember that she said something about movie or something like that? I’m not sure. Maybe she wants to watch a movie with her sister.” Son Seungwan added.

“Youngwan?” Luhan turned to his right slightly after hearing Joohyun said something. Maybe she knows something too.

Luhan ended the conversation and gave them his number if they have any information about Seulgi. He told them that they only allowed to talk about Seulgi to him and warned them to keep it secret about this. He also warned them that if any stranger asked them about Seulgi, don’t say anything. Although they didn’t understand why, they nodded understand with Luhan’s order.



Both Luhan and Joohyun are in the car. Luhan gathered the information and wrote it in book. So far, he gets nothing. They don’t know where Seulgi went and worst, they don’t have any idea that Seulgi actually has a sister and two brothers.

Luhan tapped the pen with his head lightly thinking about this. This is harder than he thought. Wait! He supposed to be a reporter but why he acts like a detective? He put the notebook and pen on his lap and covered his face with his palms before groans in frustration.

Joohyun who was in deep thought was brought back to her sense after hearing Luhan’s groan. She looked at Luhan in concern. Maybe this task is not easy for him.


“Are you having a hard time?” Joohyun asked him while looking outside the window.

Luhan removed his hands from his face and turned to Joohyun. He realized that after they got back from school, she didn’t say a single word at all. She was in deep thought. He wonders what was in her mind.

“Maybe? This is new to me. I have never done this before. I don’t know if I did the right thing or not.” He uttered before realize something. “Anyway, what did you say when Seulgi’s friend say something about movie thing?”

Joohyun looked so uneasy with that question. It looks like she’s hiding something.

“No-Nothing.” She avoids Luhan’s gaze to prevent him to ask again.

“I know that you’re hiding something, Joohyun. Tell me! Who knows this might help to find Seulgi?”

Joohyun was silent. She stared somewhere blankly while Luhan is waiting for her to say something. Feeling frustrated that she didn’t say anything, he was about to shake her shoulder but failed. Joohyun turned to him and he looks at her deeply into her eyes.

“Do you love Seulgi?” Joohyun blinked with Luhan’s sudden question. She nodded. Obviously she loves her sister. “If you want to save her, then tell me everything. We might find a clue about Seulgi and you.”

She thought for a while and took a deep breath before she decided something.


“Let’s go to my school.”



They went to Soon Hwan High School as Joohyun requested. Joohyun’s school is not that far. It is a few meters away from Seulgi’s school. That’s why most of the students from Soon Hwan Junior High School will transfer to here after they finished their junior high school life.

Just like Seulgi’s school, Luhan was amazed with Joohyun’s school as well. The difference between these two schools are that Seulgi’s school is more to modern touch while Joohyun’s school is more ancient which made Luhan captivated with the structure of the building.


As usual, Luhan had to lie to Joohyun’s homeroom teacher that he is her cousin and wanted to meet her friends. The teacher called Joohyun’s friend and they meet Luhan at the counseling room. Joohyun’s friends are Kim Hyoyeon and Im Yoona.

Luhan asked them if they know where Joohyun went after the last time they met.

“We were outside of the school when there is a girl came to us. She called Joohyun and told her to come with her. We know that she is from junior high school but I didn’t know that she knows Joohyun.” Im Yoona told him.

“Her sister?” Luhan asked making the two girls’ eyes widened.

“She has a sister? We didn’t know!” Kim Hyoyeon surprised to find out about that.

“Is it true that Joohyun is dead? I heard that she is Seo Jinhyuk’s daughter. Is it true?” Kim Hyoyeon and Im Yoona bombarded with all the questions whether the rumors that they heard is true or not.

Luhan totally flabbergasted with their questions. How did they know about Joohyun being Seo Jinhyuk’s daughter? Well, it was not that surprising if these news were revealed all over tabloids and TV or even in the internet.


Luhan cleared his throat and avoids the question. “Besides both of you, does Joohyun have anyone that she closed to?” He proceeded to the next question.

He noticed that the girls’ face changed after hearing his question. Did she befriend with someone they don’t like?

Kim Hyoyeon sighed before she answered, “She did. It’s Jung Youngwan.”

He looked at Hyoyeon intensely. That name! That name is so familiar. Joohyun said it when he met with Seulgi’s friends. But who is he to Joohyun and why they looked like they hate it?


“Who is Jung Youngwan?” Luhan is really curious with this person.

“Her boyfriend.” Yoona replied to Luhan.

He didn’t know why but his heart felt like has been pierced with hundreds of knife. It really hurts when someone mentioned that Joohyun has a boyfriend. Wait! Why he thought about that? His mission is to find Seulgi not to feel hurt about a ghost that has a boyfriend. He needs to stop.


“We hate him.” Hyoyeon added.

For some reason, that made him feel ease a little. “Why?”

“He cheated Joohyun with Park Soon Ae. We know that he is not a good guy but Joohyun blinded with him. It’s too bad that she can’t know the truth now.” Hyoyeon told Luhan the truth.

Suddenly, the table shook itself making them surprise with it.

“You’re liar. Youngwan would never do that to me. He loves me so much. You’re just jealous that I date with him because he is popular. You guys must be happy that I’m dead, right? You’re happy because you can get him. You think I didn’t know about that?” Luhan froze when Joohyun burst in anger towards them. He was almost calming her down when he remembered that they couldn’t see her.



“How could they say that to Youngwan oppa? I know that they’re jealous because I’m dating him.” Joohyun couldn’t stop express her rage towards her best friends.

Luhan flinched when Joohyun called Youngwan as oppa. There is an urge of him wanted to her Joohyun called him oppa as well and he didn’t know why. Honestly, Luhan had a bad feeling about her boyfriend but he felt sad when Joohyun defended him.

“Let’s meet him. I want to prove to them that he loves me.” Luhan stunned with Joohyun’s remark.



Luhan couldn’t stop thinking about her boyfriend. He couldn’t understand himself why he is thinking about this. Meeting Joohyun’s boyfriend is the last thing that he wanted to do. However, because Joohyun urged him to meet with this Youngwan, he has to meet him unfortunately.

He entered the cafeteria which is full of students and all of them are looking at him. Well, it’s not surprise actually. They have never seen him before. Of course, they would feel curious about who is this guy.


“There he is.”

Joohyun pointed to somewhere happily. She is smiling brightly upon seeing her boyfriend unaware that someone is hurt watching her.

“Go and meet him.” Joohyun pushed him to go to Youngwan.

With heavy footsteps, he walked towards Youngwan. Even just by looking, he didn’t like him. He is not sure if he dislikes him because of the fact that he is Joohyun’s boyfriend or he is just dislikable.

Luhan cleared his throat to grab his attention. Youngwan turned to Luhan and frowned why Luhan is disturbing his lunch time.

“I need to talk to you. About Joohyun.” Youngwan made a scoff and said in an arrogant attitude, “Okay.”



Luhan and Youngwan sat on the bench that is far from the cafeteria. Luhan wanted to talk to him privately so he asked Youngwan to go to the place where no one is around.

There is a girl comes towards them while bringing two drinks which Luhan assumed is for Youngwan and him.

“Here you go, oppa.” That girl gave the drink to him while calling him oppa casually. She sits beside Youngwan.

Joohyun glared at the girl in jealousy. As for Luhan, he has a feeling that what Joohyun’s friends said is true.


“So, what do want to ask me about Joohyun?” Youngwan asked Luhan in bossy tone.

Luhan flinched with the way he asked him. Does he know how to respect older people? Seriously, what did Joohyun see in him? His first impression towards Youngwan is really bad. He is not wrong for disliking him or maybe it will become hate.


“I heard that you’re Joohyun’s boyfriend.”

“Yes but now she is not.” Youngwan put his hand around the girl’s shoulder. “Park Soon Ae is my girlfriend now.”

Luhan raised his eyebrow while Joohyun gasped in surprise with Youngwan’s revelation.

“Why? Because she is dead?”

Youngwan scoffed. “Actually, I want to break up with her last week. I don’t have any feelings towards her. The reason why I dated with her is because of the bet that my friends made for me.”

Luhan and Joohyun’s eyes widened with his statement. So he actually used Joohyun?

“I want to date with Soon Ae long time ago but my friends made a bet for me to flirt with Joohyun until she loves me. If I managed to do that, Soon Ae becomes my girlfriend.” He added.

“What about Joohyun?” What happened to Joohyun after he used her to get his real girlfriend?

“Joohyun? I don’t care about her anymore since I get my Soon Ae. I want to break up with her but her death makes everything better.” He said proudly.

What kind of person he is? He is so disgusting. Luhan turned to Joohyun with his eyes and she looked so shock with everything. He also could see some hurt in her eyes. Truth is really hurt sometimes.

Luhan took a glance at Park Soon Ae and noticed that she looked so anxious with Youngwan. She looks so uncomfortable. Is she feeling guilty about this? She better be. She made someone hurt so deeply but he is not saying that Youngwan is innocent either. In fact, Youngwan is the worst person he ever met. How could he do that to someone innocent, someone who trusts him so much, and even loves him?



Luhan went back home after finished his work at the office. When he was about to insert the key into the door knob, he heard someone crying inside his house.

He knew that Joohyun is crying inside and he didn’t want to enter his house because she didn’t want anyone to see her crying. He sat on the floor with his back against the door and listens to her sobbing.

He thought that Joohyun probably crying because of what happened today. Her boyfriend used her and he didn’t like her at all. Luhan didn’t know why he felt heartache hearing Joohyun’s crying. She is so innocent and can’t believe that she’s been fooled by that jerk. Joohyun doesn’t deserve this!

What makes Luhan hurt is that maybe Joohyun cried because of Youngwan. He hates that guy. How could he use Joohyun just to make other girl to become his girlfriend? Not to mention, he is so heartless. He never thought about Joohyun’s feeling at all and he even proudly said that Joohyun’s death made everything better. That jerk! He should be the one who die instead of Joohyun.

Luhan can’t help but feel sorry to her. He wants to be with her and protect her with all his might but he can’t do it. She is a ghost. As much as it sounds crazy, he wants to hug her. He wants her to know that there is someone who loves her more than her ex-so-called-boyfriend which is him.

But he knows he can’t. They are different. She is a ghost and he is a living human. Unless he is dead, they can’t be together.

Luhan didn’t know where did it start but he started to fall in love with Joohyun despite that she is a ghost.





I'm sorry for the late update. I am so busy right now. Too much things going on. I'm sorry.

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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 2: I feel sad with this ending.huhuhu
kimhyera11 #2
Chapter 13: Hey, I love you
kimhyera11 #3
kimhyera11 #4
kimhyera11 #5
Chapter 13: OH GOSHHHHH ENDING THO... for me dis is a sad ending :"v gosh need a sequel about luhan's lyfe after dis! I really love dis story goshhh perfect oh oh perfect.. but i nèed seohan >○<
seohan_irish #7
Chapter 12: Love it!!! Thx for update , authornim!!!
KilemJamir #8
Great plot!! Congrats
Chapter 12: oh gosh i'm cryin badly..... next authornim TT_TT Really missed ur fic ~~~~~~~~~~~~