Chapter 12



'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep'






The location is in an operation theater where the doctor, nurses and others were trying to save Luhan. The monitor showed and made a 'beep' sound indicating that Luhan is still alive. Everyone was trying to focus on their job. The doctor was trying his best to remove the bullet in Luhan's stomach as well as trying to make him alive.

Joohyun was there as well. Even though she did nothing, there was nobody could see her anyway. She was just standing there while watching them in tense and rush as there were some problems occured while they were trying to bring Luhan back to live. Joohyun looked at Luhan who was lying on the surgical table in unconscious state with his mouth had been inserted with some kind of long tube.

Luhan came and stood next to her. He, too, was watching himself being cut by the doctor. It was scary, especially with the blood that covered on the doctor and nurse's gloves and how he saw his blood splashed all of sudden that cause a sudden jump from the doctor as his blood splashed a little on the doctor's gown, mask and face. One of the nurses quickly wiped the blood on the doctor's face before he focused back on his body. It was indeed scary but he could care less about that.

Luhan brought his hand close to Joohyun's hand and he immediately grabbed a hold of her hand. For the first time ever, he managed to touch Joohyun's hand. Everyday, he would passed through her whenever he wanted to touch her but now, he could and he felt happier than before.

However, Joohyun removed his hand from her which confused him.


"You must go on with your life." Joohyun said. Luhan blinked as he didn't understand what she meant. "Thank you for saving my family. Today is the last day that you're able to see me." She added.

Luhan couldn't believe with his ears. Did he hear it right? Does that mean he won't be able to see Joohyun again? And does Joohyun mean that he should leave her and stay alive? No! He didn't want that to happen. He wants to be with Joohyun. He wants to follow her. He didn't care about being alive anymore. There is nothing he can do with his life if Joohyun wasn't by his side.

"No! I don't want to leave you. I want to be with you. I don't care about staying alive now. I just want to be with you." He pleaded. He just wanted to be with her forever. "Joohyun, I love you. Please, don't leave me alone." His eyes filled with sadness. He couldn't imagine his life without her.

Joohyun shook her head with a bitter smile although her eyes started to brim in tears. "You have a lot of things that you need to do, Luhan oppa. My family. You need to clear up something and only you can do that." The truth about her family, only Luhan knew that. If Luhan go, her family will be ruined. "Don't worry. I will wait for you. No matter how long it is. Please have a happy life. I will be always watching you." She gave a sad smile to him who was probably sulking inside.

She leaned closely to him and her lips touched with his while giving him a sweet kiss. She deepened the kiss and finally, Luhan managed to reply her kiss. He was waiting for this moment. Both of them shared a loving and passionate kiss before they parted their lips.


"Go now." She told him in low voice.

Luhan sighed. He didn't want to do this but Joohyun asked him and even stated the reason which made him couldn't say 'no'. "Okay." He reluctantly said. His heavy footstep was about to make a move but it's hard. He couldn't move at all. He stared at her face in sorrow. How much he wish that this moment will be forever.

"Goodbye." Joohyun looked at him sadly. She was crying inside. It's really hard for her to let him go as well but he has something to do with his current life. "Don't forget me."

Luhan shook his head after hearing Joohyun's request. "I won't. I will never forget you, Joohyun." He replied.

Joohyun and Luhan waved at each other for the final goodbye.


'Beeeeeeeeeeep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep' 'Beep'


The monitor made a long 'beep' sound indicating that Luhan couldn't be saved anymore. However, it started to beep again. Due to Joohyun's request, Luhan chose to be alive.



The funeral for Eunseo, Joohyun, and Kyungsoo was held and all of them will be buried next to each other. Seo Jinhyuk, Minseok, and Seulgi came to pay respect to their family that they always love. They knew that they are going to miss them so much. The house is going to be quiet without Eunseo's nagging particular to Seulgi who always have her own way, Joohyun who always reminds them about health, as well as Kyungsoo who always hit people when the other siblings annoyed him and usually Seulgi will be always his victim.

Hearing that today is the funeral, Luhan decided to come to pay respect to them even though he wasn't allowed to leave the hospital yet. He hasn't healed and was asked to stay for some time. He has met Kyungsoo and he couldn't accept his death ever since that day. He couldn't stop blaming himself for his death. As for Joohyun, he met her as a ghost. She was right. That was the last time he saw her.

By the time he woke up, only Minseok and Sehun were there. There was no sight of her. He missed her presence. Throughout the days he was at the hospital, Minseok was the one who took care of him while he was also taking care of Seulgi. Sometimes, Sehun also came and look after him. He felt bad for Minseok who had to walk back and forth to Seulgi's ward and Luhan's ward. It was really far to the point that he had to bring Seulgi along to Luhan's ward. Minseok had a trust issue with other people but he trusts Sehun since he is his friend.


Certainly they are not the only people who come to the funeral. There were flashing lights along with shutter sound from camera was heard all over the cementery. A lot of reporters come just to get the news about Seo Jinhyuk's family. Majority of the reporters' attention are on Minseok and Seulgi. Luhan could see their face that they don't like with how those reporters behave themselves. They just want the funeral to be peaceful but there were a lot of cars following them and people were waiting for them here.

When everything is finished, they were about to make a move to the car but the reporters quickly surrounded them and began to bombard all sort of questions. Do they have any respect? They were mourning right now and they need to ask those questions?

Luhan is currently struggling himself to move because of those people but thanks to Minseok who was always by his side. He didn't know why he needs to be treated as one of their family when he was just another reporter like them. Seo Jinhyuk, Minseok, Seulgi and Luhan were having a hard time to move and those reporters kept pushing each other just to get their questions to be answered. Seo Jinhyuk didn't say anything but he was only asking them to calm down and let his kids to go back.

Finally, the police came and protect four of them from the disaster. One of the police also assisted Luhan, Minseok, and Seulgi to go since Seo Jinhyuk requested that. Surely it wasn't that easy to go through the number of reporters but the police was helpful too and they managed to reach the car with the driver was waiting for them.



The nurse came to Luhan's room and gave the medicine to him. He took the medicine and thanked the nurse before she left the room. Minseok and Seulgi are there with him. From the time they came back here, none of them opened their mouth to say something. Only sigh was heard. Their face was blank with no expression that Luhan could read. However, he knew that deep inside their heart, they were crying at the lost of three family members that they love.

Luhan, too, he was mourning. Though he only knew them for a month, their lost felt too much especially Kyungsoo. It's only just a few days but it feels so weird that Joohyun wasn't here. He couldn't believe that the last time he saw her was the first and last time he could touch her skin. When will he get to see her again?


"Minseok, Seulgi," Luhan paused for awhile to take a breath. "You can cry now." He said while looking at the window and away from them.

Luhan was worried with them. They were trying to hide their feelings but he knew that it is impossible to do so. Losing three family members. Those numbers aren't small. Even losing one will make everyone cried for days, imagine them. Three at once. Losing in gruesome way. How could you not cry on that?

Quiet. Luhan didn't turn to them. He was looking at the window and he waited. He waited when suddenly, Seulgi let out a sniffle. The sniffle then turned to a soft cry. Bit by bit, the cry becomes louder. Both Minseok and Seulgi were lamenting the death of their family members. He knew that it's hard for them to break down for someone they didn't know but like Joohyun said, they will open up if they trusted that person and they did. They trusted him.

Luhan sighed in sorrow. His tears drop from his eyes. His heart ached after hearing their cry. He turned to them and saw both of them sobbing really hard. Minseok was looking down while Seulgi was covering her nose and mouth to prevent her crying from being too loud. Luhan sighed again. He extended his arms and pulled them into a hug. Minseok wrapped his left arm around Luhan's waist and covered his face on the latter's chest. Seulgi did the same thing. Luhan caressed their back gently to soothe them.


"Let out everything inside. Don't keep it." He told them to let out what they've kept inside. It's dangerous for them to hide it.



"This was when we first dated. I was so happy that time. It was like a victory." Seo Jinhyuk showed an old picture of him and Eunseo when they were first dating to Luhan.

Luhan noticed how happy Seo Jinhyuk was when he was showing the picture and other pictures to him but he couldn't understand why he did this. He was just discharged from hospital yesterday but Seo Jinhyuk asked him to come to his house and he wondered why. By the time he arrived, Seo Jinhyuk, Minseok, and Seulgi were at the living room while going through some pictures. He noticed that there are a number of photo albums too. He had no idea what's going on and before he could ask anything, Seo Jinhyuk quickly showed him a picture of him and his late wife.

Looking at Minseok and Seulgi, it seems like they had recovered from the loss and are doing better now. Not surprise at all. Luhan didn't know what kind of picture that they were looking at but Seulgi was showing it to Minseok and burst out of laughter with Minseok playfully hit Seulgi's shoulder. Luckily he knew them very well. They certainly didn't look like people who just lost their family members.


"This was our wedding. Look at Eunseo! Isn't she amazing? I remember when I saw her walking at the aisle, I was almost passing out because I thought that I just saw an angel." Seo Jinhyuk chuckled while remembering his happiest moment ever.

Luhan just smiled and gave a short answer to every pictures that Seo Jinhyuk had showed to him. He didn't understand why he showed all these pictures to him. As far as he knows, Seo Jinhyuk is a private person when it comes to family but why he needs to tell him about his life. At the same time, this is the first time he saw Seo Jinhyuk feeling so excited.


Seo Jinhyuk too a picture and showed it to Luhan. "This is Kyungsoo when he was a baby. Isn't he squishy?"

Luhan blinked at the word that Seo Jinhyuk used. That's really surprising but he agreed that Kyungsoo is really squishy in that picture. He even had a pair of big eyes ever since he was young. He suddenly forgot this was the same person who he was afraid of when they were first met.

Then, Seulgi took one picture and nudged Minseok before signalling him to Luhan. Minseok was confused at first but he took the picture and looked at it before glanced at Seulgi with a teasing smile. Seulgi smiled and winked at Minseok about her plan. Minseok cleared his throat and called his father. Seo Jinhyuk turned to Minseok and noticed that he gave him a picture while indirectly pointing to Luhan. He took a look at the picture and turned to Minseok and Seulgi with furrowed brows but a smile on on his face.


Seo Jinhyuk then, faked a cough while calling Luhan. "Look at this picture." Seo Jinhyuk gave the picture to Luhan and Minseok and Seulgi were waiting for his reaction.

Luhan looked at the picture and it was a picture of baby but he didn't know who. However, the face of the baby looked familiar to him.

"Is this Joohyun?" He asked Seo Jinhyuk curiously.

Seo Jinhyuk smiled at his question. He nodded as the baby in the picture is indeed Joohyun.

Hearing the answer from Seo Jinhyuk, he looked back at the picture. Joohyun when she was a baby. He admitted that she is so cute. Her cheeks were so chubby like a bun. Without he realized, he smiled while looking at her picture which caught the trio. He looked up and noticed that three of them were staring at him with a sheepish grin.


"Why?" He asked in confusion. He was dumbfounded when they were looking at him like that.

"Why are you smiling while looking at Joohyun's picture?" Seo Jinhyuk asked.

Luhan realized that they didn't know that he had met Joohyun. As a ghost. He can't say that. There is no way they are going to believe him that he met Joohyun's ghost. He stiffened his body while thinking what he is going to answer Seo Jinhyuk. He cleared his throat when he had an idea of his answer. "I thought that she looks so cute. I've never seen someone has chubby cheeks like this."

Seo Jinhyuk nodded his head before asking another question which caught Luhan off guard. "Do you like her?"

Luhan froze in his place. Does he like Joohyun? Yes, obviously. They even confessed their love and shared a kiss but, wait! Why would Seo Jinhyuk ask that kind of question? How did he know? He frowned and tilted his head in confusion. "What do you mean? I mean, I've never met her." He lied. Of course he needs to. After he answered that, Seulgi snorted. Meanwhile, Minseok was like supressing his laughter. Even Seo Jinhyuk let out a small giggle.

"Are you sure about that, hyung?" Minseok asked like he didn't believe what Luhan said.

Luhan felt odd with them. Their reaction, their questions. They sounded like they know that he knew Joohyun and even likes her.



Luhan was writing something on the notebook that was given by Seo Jinhyuk in his office room. Seo Jinhyuk requested him to do a photobook about his family and it is going to be published to the public. He offered Luhan a large sum of money. Luhan was hesitated to accept this at first because it is a personal request and he wasn't sure whether his company allowed it or not. However, Seo Jinhyuk assured Luhan that he will meet the his CEO and discussed abou this. He only wanted Luhan and he trusted him a lot.

As for Luhan, with Seo Jinhyuk said he wanted him to do it alone gave a lot of pressure to him. Seo Jinhyuk isn't any normal people. He is the CEO from a big architecture company that was known by public for its success. The people from Star News company will wonder how a freelancer photojournalist who barely had any job was asked to do a photobook for Seo Jinhyuk? And the fact that he knew his whole family?

While he was jotting down on his plan to put the pictures, Seo Jinhyuk entered the office room. Luhan stood up and showed him about his plan on the photobook while mentioning certain details. Seo Jinhyuk was fine with his idea and told him that he should do what he wants since he is going to do that. Luhan on the other hand, of course he can't do that. What if he makes mistake? He didn't want to give a false information to the public. This will be his first publication.

However, Seo Jinhyuk assured him that everything is going to be fine. This is his dream. He thought that maybe this will make Luhan's dream in realization. He adviced Luhan to go with the flow and trust his talent in which Luhan felt encourage with his words.


"Why are you so nice to me? I'm just another reporter that you hated a lot. Why I felt like I was given a special treatment for you and your family?" Luhan asked a question that he kept for a long time. Why him? Seo Jinhyuk had a nightmare a long time ago when a reporter falsely wrote an information that broke his own family. He knew that reporters can't be trusted sometimes and just wrote a wrong information just to grab people's attention.

Seo Jinhyuk let out a chuckle before he opened one of his drawers and took a foolscap notebook. "Before my wife died, she told me that for the past few days, she had a strange dream. Well, not exactly strange but she said that she dreamt about our family. Happily together like we had no problem. It was just ourselves." He paused for awhile and turned to Luhan while smiling at him. "Then, she said while we were being happy, someone appeared. She said that she didn't know him at all." Him. Luhan thought that the person in Eunseo's dream is a guy.

Then, he continue. "You know us, right? We're not that kind of people who trust other people easily but Eunseo said that we were welcoming him with open arms. All of us except Eunseo were really nice to him and act like he was one of our family. Eunseo said that she was confused. But dream is just a dream. She thought that those dreams she had were just an imagination from sleeping. Nothing real." Luhan nodded as he agreed with what Seo Jinhyuk said. Dream is just a dream. It's not real life. "However, Eunseo said that she saw him almost everyday in her dream. She wasn't sure what those dreams meant. What frustrates her more is that she doesn't know who is he. Why she didn't know him? Why I trusted him? Why Minseok was talking happily with him? Why Joohyun blushed whenever she meets him? Why Kyungsoo hugged him with love? Why Seulgi was comfortably fooling around with him? Why did he talk to everyone except her?"

Luhan was keenly listening to Seo Jinhyuk about his wife's dream. So far, he couldn't conclude what's the relation between that guy in her dream with the Seo family. He was curious about the guy. He listened again when Seo Jinhyuk continued.

Seo Jinhyuk looked at him again while smiling. From his action, it seemed like he wants to open the notebook. Luhan wondered what was inside the notebook that could be Seo Jinhyuk would like to show to him. "My wife was really good at drawing and had a great memory. So, I asked her to draw a potrait of that guy." With that, Seo Jinhyuk opened the page and showed it to Luhan.

Luhan was almost dropping the notebook from his hand due to the shock. It felt unreal. He was shivering in eerie now. What Seo Jinhyuk showed to him was a potrait of the guy in his late wife's dream. And it was him. It was his face. Even if he didn't want to believe it, there was his name stated there.




"Eunseo also mentioned that we were calling your name throughout the dream." Seo Jinhyuk revealed. "I'm not going to lie but after hearing everything from Eunseo, I was determined to find you. I want to know whether you are exist or not. I want to know what is your relation to us." At first, he didn't get about Luhan and his life but with everything happened, he could get a bigger picture. Luhan is their life saviour. He risked his life to save his family although it took three lifes from it. He was the first person ever, stranger to be exact, that they trusted the most.

"When I heard about Joohyun's death, Minseok and Kyungsoo told me that someone informed them and when they said your name, I was dumbstruck. That name. I've heard that name. I immediately showed the potrait that Eunseo drew to them and we were suprised that it was the exact person. I really wanted to meet you so bad but I don't know where can I find you." Seo Jinhyuk admitted. He really wanted to know who is he. He never thought that someone who appeared in his wife's dream is a real person and actually had met with his sons first without they knowing that he had connection.

Luhan was stunned with his explanation. He never thought that a dream means something to them.

"I've heard that you are a journalist and found out that you were from Star News Company. I was glad. Star News Press is the one who cleared up the rumour about my late father. Despite my despise with reporters, I have a slight trust with Star News." Luhan smiled. Somehow, he felt proud with that.

"I asked Minseok and Kyungsoo to find you and they told me that they found you at the hospital where Joohyun was placed." Luhan nodded again because it was true. He was given a task for reporting Joohyun's death. As much as he didn't want to, he was glad that he did it.

Then, Seo Jinhyuk continued. "To tell the truth, all of us were dreaming of Joohyun one night. She told us that you can see her. She even admitted that she likes you which makes me laugh like a crazy person. I mean, she's dead and how did she even fall in love with a living human? But then, she said that you like her too. I guess I can't say anything." Luhan's cheeks flushed in embarrassment when Seo Jinhyuk mentioned that he likes Joohyun. So they actually know that he could see Joohyun? That explains why they were giving him a teasing stare.

 Seo Jinhyuk put his hand on Luhan's shoulder and smiled at him in grateful. "Luhan, thank you for risking your life for us. I'm sorry to drag you in this mess when you had nothing to do with this at all." Luhan isn't someone they know. He was totally a stranger to them. A stranger that they trusted a lot. He felt bad for putting him in danger just to save Seulgi due to his trust issue with police.

Luhan shook his head after hearing from Seo Jinhyuk. "You don't have to feel bad. Your late wife's dream was a sign after all. I'm glad that I helped you and your family." Frankly speaking, Luhan was annoyed at first when Joohyun asked him to find justice for her while he believed that she was commited suicide. But then, he realized that she was a daughter of someone famous. The one where people were dying to know about his private life. He never thought that he was going to come across with Seo Jinhyuk. Even if he didn't think about it, Seo Jinhyuk will find him.

"Luhan, you're like my son. I'm glad that Joohyun met you although I don't know how. But if it wasn't you, no one can find her, no one can save Seulgi, no one can save us. Knowing that I'm the only who will be alive, I can't imagine how my life is going to be without them." Seo Jinhyuk said sadly.

With that, Luhan hugged Seo Jinhyuk as he could understand that feeling. He knows that Seo Jinhyuk really loves his family so much so losing all of them will give him so much impact. He lost three especially his wife. However, he was glad that Minseok and Seulgi are still here. At least, Seo Jinhyuk won't be completely alone.

The tears from Seo Jinhyuk's eyes are finally dropped. He may appeared really calm in front of hundreds of camera flashing towards him and answered questions like there's nothing happened to him but inside his heart, he was crying loudly. He couldn't explain how he feels. He had no one to pour out his feeling that he kept inside.



Luhan looked around in Joohyun's room. He didn't know why but he felt really calm inside her room. Everything here is white. It suited her so much. White. It's amazing that the white wall didn't seem to have anything smeared or stains of other colours. He looked at the wall where there are a polaroid pictures attached to it mostly with her family and also her friends. Well, he was impressed that her room is neat. Probably someone is cleaning it.

He sat at the edge of her bed. He wondered how would it be if Joohyun was here. He just wants to see her again. At least a glimpse of her would be fine or her voice. How much he missed that. 'When are we going to meet again, Joohyun? I miss you.' Thought Luhan while remembering their moment for the past month. It's hard to believe that in one month, he fell in love but with a ghost. Weird, isn't it? Now when he thought about it, Joohyun is 18 years old! She is still in high school. Isn't it wrong for him who is 23 years old falls in love with a high school student despite that they are only 5 years difference?

Suddenly, he felt like he was being watched by someone and turned to the door. He was right. Minseok and Seulgi were there and watching him with a smirk on their face. What's with the smirk though?


"Missing someone, oppa?" Seulgi teased.

Luhan frowned. Well, he is indeed missing someone but how did she know? Is she a mind reader or he is too easy to read what's on his mind?

"Of course! Or else why would he be here." Minseok snickered while joining the tease.

Luhan smiled. Yes, they knew about him and Joohyun. That's what their teasing look was for when he was looking at Joohyun's pictures. He swore that everytime he looked at Joohyun's picture, he could feel like an intense stares from two of them including Seo Jinhyuk. They never failed to ask him to look at Joohyun's pictures but then they were judging his reaction each of it.

He motioned them to come inside the room and they did. They sat beside Luhan which makes Luhan is in between them.


"What do you want?" Luhan asked.

Both of them couldn't hide their grin and giggled which made him dumbfounded with their action. Okay, they knew that he loves Joohyun. They knew that he could see her. He knew that they would think that he is crazy for falling in love with their sister when he never met her and he met her because she is a ghost. He knows. He knows. They are surely going to .


"Come on, oppa! Just tell us that you miss her." Seulgi urged him to tell the truth.

How? Okay, he can just say that. Easy! But what would they think about loving their ghost sister? Isn't it weird?

"I'm curious. How do you end up liking her?" Minseok asked feeling curious about how the relationship started blooming.

This is why Luhan didn't want to answer about Joohyun. It would be their curiosity. He didn't answer but just smiled at them. Why is this so embarrassing?

Minseok scooted closer to Luhan and put his chin on Luhan's shoulder. "You don't have to answer. Joohyun is pretty, right? It's hard to resist her. You must be missing her badly. I know how to make sure that you can see her everyday." Minseok cheekily said.

Luhan turned to Minseok and he wondered how is he going to do that. Minseok took something from his pocket and it looked like a picture. He gave the picture to Luhan.

"Joohyun hated this picture a lot but we secretly keep it because she looks so cute." Minseok explained as he gave a picture of Joohyun in which Luhan assuming she was doing an aegyo. In the picture, her left eye was closed suggesting that she was winking and then, her cheeks puffed up with a pout while both of her hands were clenching into fist that were place near her cheeks. Like Minseok said, she looked so cute.

"Unnie lost a bet made by us and we had punishment for that. She hated aegyo but since she lost, we forced her. She went nuts when all of us took her picture and threatened us to delete it. We did but she didn't know that we had other copy." Seulgi added while giggling in a little evil way about her sister. They were all having a day to tease Joohyun about her aegyo.

"You can keep this picture, hyung. Just look at this picture when you missed her." Minseok told him with a huge grin as a teasing.

Meanwhile, Seulgi took out a ring from her finger before she decided to give it to Luhan. Luhan was confused when he was given a ring. He wondered whose ring is this.

"Omma gave this ring for all us when we turned 15. This is Joohyun unnie's ring. I'm going to give this to you." Seulgi explained.

Luhan didn't expect that they would give something precious to him and he rejected politely because it is too much. For him, the picture is enough to cope his missing of Joohyun. But of course, he can't do anything when Seulgi pulled his right hand and inserted the ring into his ring finger.

Seulgi looked at the ring again on his finger and delighted when it completely fit. "Look, it fits nicely!" Seulgi commented.

Luhan looked at Seulgi in amuse and then, he turned to Minseok who was absentmindedly staring at his hand that was on Seulgi's hold. He gathered Minseok in his left arm and Minseok who aware with his action, naturally leaned his head on his chest. Seeing her brother, Seulgi copied his brother and leaned on Luhan's chest with Luhan put his other arm around her shoulder. He smiled seeing how comfortable they are like this. He can't help but feel like he found another family beside on his own.






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Ironcatnguyen #1
Chapter 2: I feel sad with this ending.huhuhu
kimhyera11 #2
Chapter 13: Hey, I love you
kimhyera11 #3
kimhyera11 #4
kimhyera11 #5
Chapter 13: OH GOSHHHHH ENDING THO... for me dis is a sad ending :"v gosh need a sequel about luhan's lyfe after dis! I really love dis story goshhh perfect oh oh perfect.. but i nèed seohan >○<
seohan_irish #7
Chapter 12: Love it!!! Thx for update , authornim!!!
KilemJamir #8
Great plot!! Congrats
Chapter 12: oh gosh i'm cryin badly..... next authornim TT_TT Really missed ur fic ~~~~~~~~~~~~