
I Dreamed a Dream
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There’s blood splattered on the road.

While staring in horror, Jimin’s about to scream Jungkook’s name. Until he realizes that it wasn’t Jungkook who got hit.


He’s losing blood.

He has several broken bones.

He may be in a coma for a long time.

That’s all Jimin hears from the doctor as he peers down at his own bloody hands. The same hands that held Taehyung’s damaged body after witnessing him take the hit. According to Namjoon, a moment after Jungkook left to chase after him, Taehyung returned to his senses. Yoongi said, Taehyung seemed tired, like he had no energy to move. But Jimin and Taehyung have known each since they were kids. They knew everything about each other. At times, they could read each others’ minds; and at that time, Taehyung knew right away what Jimin was about to do. And Taehyung also knew Jungkook was about to do. So, Taehyung wiped his face clear of tears and sprinted. He used a hidden shortcut to reach the front of the school; and at the very last second, as Jungkook pushed Jimin out of the way, Taehyung took the the hit.

Jimin attempts to enter the surgery room as Taehyung is wheeled in, but a nurse stops and orders him to wait in the lounge.

“Sir-” Jimin’s voice is full of anguish and begging “-please save him. Please save my best friend.”

In the waiting room - scented with the odor of old people and medicine - Jimin is crouched over in his seat, rocking back and forth. To the right of him is Jungkook whose minor scratches were already taken care of. The hyungs were in the cafeteria mourning.

“I hope,” whispers Jimin, a tear rolling down his cheek, “he’s fine.” He’s mumbling. Jungkook can’t hear him but he pretends to anyway. “There isn’t anyone like Taehyung. There really isn’t anyone like Taehyung for me.” Jimin hugs his knees and let the tears spill onto his knees. Jungkook raises an arm and gently pats his hyung on the back. “I’m such a ty friend.”

A week goes by, and Taehyung had gone through surgeries to put the bones back into their proper place. Yet, the boy had not woken up. His face is swollen and puffy and wrapped in bandages. Bruises cover his arms.

The sides of his bed were occupied by Taehyung’s family members and Jimin’s parents. Jimin hadn’t gone into the room since he last spoke with the doctor a week ago. It was difficult to be in the same room as Taehyung’s parents when the sole reason as to why their son was in the hospital was because of him. Guilt rendered Jimin’s heart causing him to utterly terrified. He had already witnessed five accounts of death announcements. Jimin fears for the day when the doctor will come and announce the death of Kim Taehyung.

Maybe you need to find a new best friend…

No. Jimin had meant that for Taehyung. He hadn’t meant it for himself. Taehyung could find a new best friend who won’t hurt him like Jimin has done. Taehyung could find someone who was complete and content in life. Jimin wouldn't be able to find a new best friend. He won’t find someone like Taehyung.

Why was it Taehyung who’s in this predicament? Why is it him in a life or death situation? Why not Jimin? Jimin’s the one who grew weak, disregarded the progress he made, and tried to discard himself from the world.

Why was it Taehyung?

Taehyung needed to live. He still needed to graduate from high school, become a full time registered nurse, meet the love of his life, get married, have kids, grow old with his significant other…

He still needed to live his life.

Hanging his head, Jimin enters Taehyung’s room and avoids looking at the tubes connected to the motionless body. It was one of those rare times when no one was in Taehyung’s room. Taehyung’s family, Jimin’s parents, and the gang had all gone to pray at the Church. Taking a seat, Jimin grasps Taehyung’s cold hand, enveloping it with his warmth.

Jimin thinks back to Taehyung’s second day in the hospital. He had gone to Taehyung’s family house to personally break the news. While the family rushed to the hospital, Jimin lingered to relish in the memories that he and Taehyung shared. In the table cabinets, Jimin finds the family scrapbooks and takes his time in eyeing every pick. There were pictures of a young Taehyung doing his signature rectangle smile. Pictures of Taehyung at his saxophone showcases. A picture of him and Taehyung glued to each other by the elbow from fifth grade. He threw the scrapbook at the wall.

There’s a knock on the door which brings Jimin back to the present. It’s Seokjin.

Letting go of Taehyung’s hands, Jimi

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Anon009 #1
Chapter 10: haha freaken stop tae! you killed me at the end~
Chapter 12: I cried so hard the first three chapters. :'( but this jikook story was bomb! Like, ahhh. I really love this fic, I read a lot of jikook stories but this is definitely on my top 5 favorite jikook story list.
Chapter 12: I love your story! I love the pairing and their sweetness. I love the friendship between VMin because really, I think that's what those two are like in real life. I love the BTS relationship. I love everything! Such a great story! :)
Chapter 8: It was lucky you didn't let him die. Seeing him make it through makes me cry already...
I only reached halfway of the story but it left a deep impression on me. And I was about to save this for the last chapter, to say for the whole story but I can't help exclaiming.
I really enjoy this. I'm in love with your writing, and maybe I'm in love with you too. It's like this was covered with love potion or something . Just kidding ~
I happen to really like how Jimin and Taehyung bond in your work. Whether it was a friendship or a serious relationship, I like the affection a lot. By saying that not means the JiKook part isn't good though.
Ah, I just confused with my words, sorry about that. It's just because it's really amazing!!
Left dinner alone to read the entire story at one go.
Love it lots ! <3

But now I have to deal with a cold dinner ... D:
ally-chan #6
this is awesome, it's o damn well written and enticiting, it made me read the whole thing in one go :D
the plot is amazingly well transcribed and have i told you how good your writing style is?
although, there are some small mistakes in spelling, word order or just a word (mistakenly) written two times, it doesn't effect the flow at all.
srsly, i loved this.
330nai #7
Chapter 8: i'm glad V still alive
Jiminssi-Tae #8
Jiminssi-Tae #9
Chapter 9: Oh my god vmin's parents HAHAHAHA THEY ARE SO CUTE and them wheeling away from embarassent HAHAHA CUTIES
Jiminssi-Tae #10