
I Dreamed a Dream
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Hoseok is a fantastic dancer. A fact acknowledged by basically the entire college.

And Jimin was a close second. A fact that has since been changed.

What hasn’t changed was the close bond between Jimin and the Flying Monkeys.

The dance room is exactly the same from when Jimin was last in it. The shiny, spotless floors. The one wall painted light blue with puffy white clouds. The lavender air scent masking the disgusting odor of deodorant wearing out. All members were present. Mark. Jackson. Hyuna. Min. Jia. Fei. Kai. Taemin. Kikwang. Hoya. Yixing. Jongup. And, of course, Hoseok.

The moment Hoseok welcomed Jimin as a guest, the dancers quickly engulfed him in a hug, minding his crutches.

Once the group hug dissolved, sobbing noises were heard, and what you know, it was from Zhang Yixing. One of the Chinese members of the group. Kai, whose real name is Jongin but changed it for coolness reasons, and Taemin teased Yixing at first, but their laughter turned into crying, confessing that they too had missed their favorite bagel man. Jimin wanted to hug them and ruffle their hair, and so he did, earning playful slaps.

Jackson has approached him weirdly, arms dancing in the air, saying, “Hey man, my pal, friend, buddy, brother from another mother, sun in the sky, the apple of my eyes, the Chip to my Dale, my-”

And Mark saves Jimin from Jackson’s weird talk by swooping in. “Hi, Jiminie. Good to have you back.” Mark ruffles Jimin’s hair, and the boy blushes. (Of course, Jackson had to make a big deal about it, knowing that Jimin used to have a crush on Mark. He doesn’t do it out meanness, but because they’re good friends. Practically brothers, even.)

The only four female members - there used to be six but two left during Jimin’s absence - took selcas with Jimin for an approximate fifteen minutes, and another ten minutes of finding the right filters and thinking of clever captions.

Kikwang, Jimin’s work out buddy, showed off his proud hard work by lifting up his white t-shirt.

“Hyung’s planning on taking his shirt off for our next dance performance,” complains Hoya.

“Hoya’s jealous that his abs aren’t as great as ours.” Kikwang winks.

Jongup stands to the side. He’s new and joined the group as a replacement. Not Jimin’s replacement, because that spot only belonged to Jimin, and it felt right for his sunbaes to leave it vacant, untouched. But as Yoongi’s replacement. Yoongi left, along with the two girls, to focus on graduating and preparing to move on with their adult lives. Not only was Jongup new to the crew, he was new to the school. Therefore, he’s a first year among a group of second and third years. No one spoke much of Jimin since his addition; it was a sore subject for them considering their closeness. He knew a ‘Jimin’ had been part of the crew from the hushed conversations between the members, and has heard of another Jimin being involved in a tragic accident. But he believed those Jimin’s were completely two separate people, so he was surprised to see Jimin entering the dance room on crutches and missing one leg; thus, realizing that the dance crew Jimin and tragic accident Jimin are the same person. He was greatly taken aback.

“Jimin, this is Jongup. He’s Yoongi number two,” Hoseok introduces them. Jongup and Jimin bow respectfully.

“I hope you dance better than Yoongi hyung,” jokes Jimin. Everyone knows Yoongi is not the best dancer; although he’s, of course, better than Seokjin and Namjoon. What everyone didn’t know was why Yoongi joined in the first place. He didn’t have to audition because he was there when Hoseok got the idea of the Flying Monkeys and when the first round of auditions were held. If anything, Yoongi was lucky that he knew the leader. No one resented or hated Yoongi for that, however. Not only was he a rapper, but a talented composer and songwriter. Yoongi created songs; sometimes, with help from Namjoon. Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin would pitch in by lending their voices. And the dance crew would get original songs for showcases or competitions.

“Are you planning on replacing Bora and Victoria?” asks Jimin.

“We tried.” Hoseok sighs. “But none of the girls were on par with our current female members.”

“Lies!” Jackson screams. “Minzy was amazing. The best female dancer I’ve ever seen.” The girls glare at Jackson, who reasons, “What? I’m just keeping it real.”

Jimin raises an eyebrow. “If Minzy is amazing, then why …”

“Hoseok had the hots for her,” Yixing bluntly states. “Couldn’t handle her; so instead, he directed her to another crew.”

A grin slowly appears on Jimin’s face. Nodding, Jimin says, “Mixing personal with business, Mr. Jung Hoseok?” Jimin laughs. The Flying Monkeys grinned at the sound of his laugh. It was the first time they heard his laughter in what feels like forever, and they honestly have missed hearing his high pitched laugh.

Jimin turns to a red Jongup. “You okay, buddy?”

Jongup was not okay. As his sunbaes joked about Hoseok ‘having-the-hots’ for Minzy, he’s been staying calm. But he doesn’t understand. Here was Jimin who came out of a tragic accident and was smiling and joking around with his former teammates. It’s impressive and admirable,but Jongup just wonders. “What it’s like having just one leg?” he blurts out, facepalming when he realizes what he just asked. His sunbaes’ expressions were no longer bright. Rather, they showcase fear and anger, and they have every right to do so. Jongup didn’t mean to ask that question. It was just word vomit. But it probably would have been better if he just vomited like Cady did in Mean Girls.

Surprise rested on Jimin’s face but it changed into an expression of amusement and empathy. “Well, looking on the positive side, I have an automatic excuse for my laziness.” He chuckles, low.

Hoseok takes Jimin away to let the boy rest, leaving an amazed Jongup.

“Jimin hyung seems like a positive fella,” Jongup comments to himself. Although, Min and Hyuna overhears him.

“Jiminie wasn’t always like that,” admits Hyuna, flipping her red-dyed hair. “He was … How do I say it?” She looks to Min.

“Chim Chim was depressed. If you had asked him a few months earlier, h

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Anon009 #1
Chapter 10: haha freaken stop tae! you killed me at the end~
Chapter 12: I cried so hard the first three chapters. :'( but this jikook story was bomb! Like, ahhh. I really love this fic, I read a lot of jikook stories but this is definitely on my top 5 favorite jikook story list.
Chapter 12: I love your story! I love the pairing and their sweetness. I love the friendship between VMin because really, I think that's what those two are like in real life. I love the BTS relationship. I love everything! Such a great story! :)
Chapter 8: It was lucky you didn't let him die. Seeing him make it through makes me cry already...
I only reached halfway of the story but it left a deep impression on me. And I was about to save this for the last chapter, to say for the whole story but I can't help exclaiming.
I really enjoy this. I'm in love with your writing, and maybe I'm in love with you too. It's like this was covered with love potion or something . Just kidding ~
I happen to really like how Jimin and Taehyung bond in your work. Whether it was a friendship or a serious relationship, I like the affection a lot. By saying that not means the JiKook part isn't good though.
Ah, I just confused with my words, sorry about that. It's just because it's really amazing!!
Left dinner alone to read the entire story at one go.
Love it lots ! <3

But now I have to deal with a cold dinner ... D:
ally-chan #6
this is awesome, it's o damn well written and enticiting, it made me read the whole thing in one go :D
the plot is amazingly well transcribed and have i told you how good your writing style is?
although, there are some small mistakes in spelling, word order or just a word (mistakenly) written two times, it doesn't effect the flow at all.
srsly, i loved this.
330nai #7
Chapter 8: i'm glad V still alive
Jiminssi-Tae #8
Jiminssi-Tae #9
Chapter 9: Oh my god vmin's parents HAHAHAHA THEY ARE SO CUTE and them wheeling away from embarassent HAHAHA CUTIES
Jiminssi-Tae #10