Happy Birthday

A Lost Lover

Ahri's POV:

Angela and I used to be the best of friends. She came from Korea when she was around 11 with her father being Korean and her mom being American. She moved to my neighbor and we became the best of friends. She showed me these videos of amazing choreography and catchy music in this language that I'd never heard of and fell in love with Korea and its culture. I looked up music videos, reality shows, cooking shows, and even know some Korean vocabulary.

This affection grew into a dream of one day being an Idol like the people I watched for years. Standing on stage with thousands of fans screaming your name. I was 13 when I met Angela and being on the road to a dream I've had since then was so amazing, until our situation got more complicated as we got older.

As I daydreamed about all the memories Angela and I had together, I was staring into nothing. 
"Ahri..? Ahri he's talking, you should listen." Ashley said concerned and I came back to real life. "Huh? I'm sorry. I was just thinking about something." I said while I rubbed my eye.
"It's ok, I know all you girls are tired from practicing so much and I just wanted to let you know that we'll be having a big surprise for you girls next weekend so be looking forward to that!" He said cheerfully.

"Next weekend? Oh! It's Ahri unnie's birthday on Saturday!" Ashely blurted out excitedly. "Pfft, it would be on her birthday since she's the company's favorite member. Her dating our manager doesn't do anything for us except makes us invisible because of her spotlight." Angela scoffed towards us.

Our manager looked at me and gave a weird half frown. "Us being in a relationship doesn't affect our business lives, it's personal and private. We don't let it interfere with our practices or anything." I said to her and clarifying anything to our members. "I wasn't the one that pitched this, it was the company employees that suggested that we do it this weekend" He protested.

We gathered our bags and other belongings and headed out the door. "Ahri unnie wait for me!" I heard Ashley's voice echo throughout the hallway. Ashley has always been very close to me, although we aren't the closest in age, she sees me an older sister. "Unnie can we go get something to eat, I'm starving!!" "Of course, let's go, I'll treat you." I said to her smiling face. We got into my car and drove to a small restaurant.

"Um Ahri..?" She said quietly in the car.
"Yeah? What is it." "Um how come you and Angela don't get along? I always see you guys talking about weird stuff and arguing, and I was just curious." Ashley was the last person to join our group so she wasn't there when everything had happened.

"Well, Angela and I used to be best friends when we were younger. It's because of her that I'm we're I am today. We started this group together with just the two of us." She listened carefully and nodded her head as I drove through the streets and explained.

"About 2 months ago I started dating our manager as you know. I didn't mean for it to happen like that but it just did. At this point, Blaine and Kris had already joined the group and we were told that Angela was going to be the leader and we were all really happy about that, we all worked hard and she deserved it. They gathered the four of us into a room and about 10 other employees from the company to announce the news. When Ji Woo (our manager and I'll be addressing him as Ji Woo for the rest of the story) went up to the stage to announce it, it wasn't Angela's name that they called, but mine." Ashley's eyes grew large and opened just a bit as I continued my story.

"I took the podium and thanked them for picking me but I glanced to Angela who had fire in her eyes as the audience clapped. She turned her back and walked off. I tried looking for her and I felt someone grab my arm and turn me around. She pushed me against a wall and just started mumbling her words as her eyes teared up. "I should be the leader not you! Why did they say your name when they told all of us that it was going to be me. They only like you because your with Ji Woo." She just stared into my eyes with anger as she kept me pinned against the wall, "Don't ever get in my way again.." She muttered as she walked away from not looking back."

"It was after that, that she never spoke to me comfortably again. It's been 2 months and she's barely spoken to me. It's a shame that a friendship like ours just crumbled like it did over one thing. I tried to explain to her that I had nothing to do with it but she wouldn't listen to me or even let me finish talking, she'd just walk away." I finished just as we arrived at the diner.

"Wow.. That's really sad. She should've talked to you about it or understood if it really wasn't your fault. I'm really sorry to hear that." She said sweetly while hugging me while still buckled up to the seat.

"Me too but it's the past and I'm here for her if she ever needs me" I said as we entered the diner. We were seated and after a few minutes, we ordered our food. "I remember coming here when we were still a hip hop dance team." I chuckled

"Oh right unnie! Before I joined, weren't you guys considered dancers only right?" "That's right. We were originally a dance team with just Angela, Kris and myself. When were realized that Kris could sing so well, we didn't want her to leave the group but we didn't want to waste her talent so we all took up some singing classes and then Blaine joined and we became a full group with dancers, a lead vocalist, backup vocalist, and a rapper." I said as our food was placed on the table. Ashely looked at all the food and starting digging in immediately.

We finished eating and I started driving towards Ashley's house to drop her off. I really see her as a younger sister. I was an only child and I always wanted a younger sibling to take care of. I dropped her off and she thanked me for the food. She did aegyo as she hopped off the car making me crack into a smile despite being so tired.

I made it to my house and changed into some shorts and a tank top. I showered, washed my face and flopped into bed. "I really miss all the talks Angela and I used to have about going to Korea." She would always tell me about all the idols and how she missed her friends and family over there but hasn't had the chance to go back. "I hope one day we can be good friends again.." I mumbled as I slowly fell asleep.

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Nabanita #1
Chapter 20: Such an amazing story! Loved it! Could you perhaps make a sequel?
shxrxx #2
Chapter 20: is this it?? this is just ending??
PandaPistache #3
Chapter 20: Your story is very great ! You are really talented !
heegrand #4
Chapter 20: Great story. you've got writing skills, hun.
Vtae84 #5
Chapter 16: Huh? She didnt remember Taehyung likes her? Is she going to lose her memory?