An Encounter on the Ferris Wheel

A Sacrifice Made...

/\/ About two weeks later /\/

I love you, Xibi, don't go!!!

But I must.

No, you must stay with me. Stay with me.

Bye Arron.

*Hebe started to disappear *

Heebbbbbbbeeeee. Please, stay, stay, stay with me. I need you.

[End of dream]

Arron's thought: What kind of dream is that? Why did I suddenly dream of her? I must be thinking of her too much. Why did she have to leave me for?


[Start of phone call]

Jerry, I won't be going to work okay, I don't feel well.

Okay, get better then.


[End of phone call]

Arron's thought: Let's go do some reminiscing. I bet the dream is a sign, a sign that I am starting to forget her, and letting her slip from my heart.

[Hebe's house]

Baby, are you done yet? Mommy want to take you somewhere. But first, we must go eat. Where do you want to go eat?

Yes, mommy I am done. Where are we going?

You will know when we get there.

ok. I want to eat at Happy Smiles.

Nice choice, Xilin, high five.

High five, mommy.

*They high-five each other *

Let's go, then. Happy Smiles, here we come.

[After eating]

Ok, let's go Xilin.

Can you tell Xilin, where we are going now?

When mommy makes a promise, she will never break it. So do you remember what this promise is?

We are going to the the abusement park?!?!

*Hebe chuckled *

YES, we are going to the abusment park.


[At the amusement park]

Come on, mommy, hurry.

Okay, which ride do you want to ride on?

The merrish wheel.

Okay, there are three ferris wheel; the pink and blue, green and purple, and black and white one. Which one do you want to go on?

The purple and green one!!!

But aren't you scared? That one is very high.

Nope, is mommy scared?

No, and anyway, I like that one too. Okay, let's get in line.

*At the cart just before the person closed the door to the cart someone ran up and stop the door from closing.*

Uncle Arron!!!

Hi cutie, we meet again.

*Celine laughed *

Can uncle Arron sit with us?

No, Celine, he can't.

Pleasseeee, mommy.

Arron's thought: mommy?

*Celine's eyes started getting watery. *

Aiya, okay, he can. Sir, you can let him in.

Xibi, we meet again.

Mommy and uncle Arron know each other?

Yes, but this is your mommy?


*Hebe started to cough *

NO!!! this is not my mommy, she is my nanny.

But you said mommy.

No, I didn't, I called her nanny.

*Celine smiled innocently *

Celine is so happyyyyy. Uncle Arron, do u like the merrish wheel? Celine like it very much, Celine will never miss a chance to ride it. Except for that time when daddy had to leave.

Of course, the ferris wheel is uncle's favorite ride. why do u like it so much?

Really??? It is mo.. my nanny favorite ride too and me three. Celine don't know why, Celine have always liked it.

*By this time, Hebe is starting to get nervous and avoid Arron's eye contact as much as possible *

So why did you choose this one out of the other ferris wheel?

Celine liked the color.

Me Too.

Really? nanny said she likes the color of this one too.

So what is your nanny's name?

She has a very nice name. Her name is Hebe.

Yes, it is a very nice name. Sounds like it belong to a sweet and caring person.

She is, how does uncle Arron know?

*Arron winked at Celine *

Uncle has his ways

Nanna, why are you so quiet? Are you sick? Should we go home now? Celine don't want Nanna to be sick.

No, I am fine.

Hebe, she is right. You should go home if you sick.

It is my business, Arron. Yes, Celine, Nanna does feel sick, let's go home.


*By this time, the ferris wheel has stopped *

Bye, uncle Arron.

Bye, my cutie pie, Celine

Hebe's thought: Why did he say my? He doesn't know, Xilin is his child, does he?

*Arron knocked on Jerry's door*

Come in.

*Arron came through the door*

Hey, Arron, what sup?

Nothing, just that we have a party to attend next week.

What party? I don't want to go. Those business parties are not parties.

You must go. This party is important, it is organized by a big fish.

What big fish?

Ms. Choi organized this party, and you know if we are on her good side, doing business with her will be a piece of cake.

You can be my representer.

No, I can't. This party is unlike the regular parties we attend. You must take Celine and your wife with you, understand?

Although, she doesn't have a husband, Ms. Choi loves to see happy families. But don't worry, I will be there too.

I thought this was a family party.

I never said I can't go. She invited me, too.
/\/In the car, in front of the party/\/

Hebe, are you ready?

No, not yet, you go in first.

Are you sure?

Yeah, I need to re- tie Celine pig tails.

Hebe. It looks fine, come on.

It will be quick, just go in first.

/\/At the party/\/

*Arron spotted Jerry and went over *

Hey, Jerry, how long have you been here? 
Not long, how about you? 
Half an hour ago, I must give Ms. Choi the honor, of course. This is a family event, where is your family? 
They are here somewhere. How about your family? 
Stop messing with me, I don't have a family like you. So lucky you got a wife, Celine and a nice nanny too. 
You met our new nanny? 
Yeah, I met her the other day. Jerry, I am warning you, you better not mess around with her, and don't overwork her. She has a life too. 
!~! Flashback!~!

Congrats, you got the job

||the nanny||
oh, mu thanks.

I am sure you will love our daughter, and she will love you too?

||the nanny||
haha, I hope so

Nanny, how old are you?

||the nanny||
I should be 69 now

Wow, what a nice age to be in

!~! End of flashback!~!

I never said she didn't. I will treat her as best as I can. Arron I didn't know your taste in woman was so different from me. I like young beautiful woman. Not saying she is not beautiful but her time has passed. 
Yo, she too is beautiful. She is a little older than me but I don't mind. 
Okay, but how about I introduce you to a young lady tonight since you envy my family so much.
Wait here! I will bring her over. Do not move!!! understand?


*Jerry walked to get the lady and walked back in less than 3 minutes. *

Arron, meet Amber.

Hello, Miss.


Get to know each other because we all will be working with each other. I want Amber to be taking care of the sales department, ok?

Yeah, it doesn't matter with me. But Amber, how much experience do you have?

Umm, not much sir. I have just gotten out of college and I started working last year.

Arron, let's not get into detail about work tonight. Well, you both enjoy yourself, I see some friend I know, I will go talk to them. Have fun.

*Jerry whispered in Arron's ear and walked away*

Don't worry, I give you permission to date her

Jerry, Jerry.

*Jerry ignored Arron *

So, how are the stars tonight?

It is pretty bright, I guess.

Uh, haha, yeah. So do you want a drink? I will get it for you.

No, thanks, I don't want to bother you.

*Hebe walked across the room with Celine *

Hebe's thought: Yalun is with a girl? Hebe, you are married, don't worry about him. Stop caring so much.


Shh, Xilin. He is busy.

*Celine whispered in Hebe's ear *

Mommy, there is uncle Arron, can we go see him?

No, baby, we shouldn't disturb him. It is rude.

*Back to Amber and Arron *

Excuse me, Amber.

Yes. Have a nice night.

You, too.

*Arron ran to Celine and swooped her up *

How is my favorite little niece?

Uncle Arron!

Do you want to eat? Uncle will go get you some.

Yalun, don't bother, you can get back to your partner.

Nanna, who is Yalun?

No one, honey.

It is your nanna's boy..


So do you want something to eat? If you want some, I will take you there. Come on.

Ya..Arron, please don't bother. You can go back to..

Yes, can uncle take me to get some sprite?

Of course I can, come on.


Yes, nanna.

It is ok, Celine, you don't have to come. I will go get it for you. Nanna, don't seem to like me much. Don't go anywhere ok? Uncle will be very fast.

*Arron glared at Hebe and whispered *

I know, Celine won't go anywhere, but you, I know will leave. You better not, or I am going to do something you will regret

*Hebe gulped *

Be right back, cutie.

*Arron went to get the sprite and came back *

Here you go, princess.

Thank you.

So, princess, where is the queen?


Where is your mommy?

She is ummm.

*Celine glanced down *

She is with sir.

Really? I was with him awhile ago.

Yes. Why do you want to see her?

I just want to see how my friend's wife look like.

Uncle Arron, Nanna is...

*Hebe eyed Celine *

What is it, Celine?

Umm, nothing. Nothing. I-I-I need to go to the girls' room.

Okay, come on, Xilin. Excuse us, Arron.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
LoveYou12345678 #3
i keeent huhuhu
LoveYou12345678 #4
hdflsgflisagdilwbckl i cried huhu
You_ #5
I read this in one go! ^^ I liked it! Good job!
Puppy_1073 #7
Yep, thanks. Yeah, i had posted the story in another site. so how do you get rid of the html?
new user?? welcome, welcome. did you pasted your story directly from another site? cos that's probably why you have some html codes.