A Talk With Mom

A Sacrifice Made...

/\/In Hebe's room, after dinner/\/

I am really doing this, aren't I? Marrying ah ge?

*Hebe sighed and looked out her window at the sky *

Why did destiny let us meet when we have to say goodbye anyway? Yalun, one of our stars is not as bright as it was before.

!!Start of Flashback!!

/\/Laying by a lake/\/

Bebe, Bebe


Do you see those stars over there?

Yalun, there are so many stars, how am I suppose to know which one you are talking about?

ok, look with you heart, see which one do you feel special about.

Have you been reading too much fairytale books?

Just believe me and do it.

*Hebe closed her eyes and open it back*

Those two over there. The two brightest in the sky.

Good Xibi, that was the one I was talking about.

What so special about it?

You see how bright they are and how close they are together? That is us. We will have a very bright future together. One without another is nothing.

!!End of Flashback!!

Yalun, stars have their time to dim, even the brightest stars in the sky have their time to dim, and I guess it is my star's turn. You will definitely fine another star to stand by your star and shine brightly together.
Although, the stars were together, they still were two different stars, so even if my star dies, yours will still be something. It will never be nothing, never will your star dim.

/\/Arron's room/\/

*Arron is sitting by the window, looking at the sky *

Xibi, one of our star is dimming. It must be my star, it is dimming just like how my heart is. I guess my prediction is wrong. We won't have a bright future after all. Although, my star is dimming, but don't worry, there will be another star to come and comfort your star.

*While the sad couple was lost in their thoughts, knocks were heard *

/\/Arron room/\/

Who is it?

||Arron's mom||
It is ma.

Ma, please come in.

||Arron's mom||
Yalun, have you started packing yet?

Not yet, mom.

||Arron's mom||
Don't save it to the last minute, you are leaving in a few days.

Yes, mom, I know.

||Arron's mom||
Have you said your goodbyes?

not yet, I am not sure how to do it.

||Arron's mom||
For every hello there is a goodbye, and it is not like, you won't see them again, you will see them when you return.

Yes, mum, I know.

||Arron's mom||
What is with the emotionless voice?

It is nothing

||Arron's mom||
It is ok, Yalun, Xibi loves you, she will wait for you, I am sure.

Arron's thought: wait for me? I have already been replaced.

Yes, mom, I know she will.

||Arron's mom||
Yalun, no matter how much we say goodbye, you still have to leave so your brother, sisters and I won't be taking you to the airport. We will let your friends do the emotional stuff.

okay, mom, I understand

||Arron's mom||
Okay, I am going to sleep now, you go to sleep, too.

goodnight mom.

/\/Hebe's room/\/

come in

*Hebe's mom walked into Hebe's room and sat on her bed *

||Hebe's mom||
come here, come sit with me, I need to tell you something.

Yes, mom.

||Hebe's mom||
honey, are you ok? Why do you seems so quiet?

I am fine, I just don't know what to talk about.

||Hebe's mom||
okay, but remember, you can tell mommy anything,

Yes, mommy, I know.

||Hebe's mom||
oh, honey, why haven't Yalun come over? I haven't seen him in a few weeks. I sort of miss that little cheeky boy.

[A/N: Hebe's mom doesn't know Bebu were together only Arron's mom did.]

ummm. He has been busy, you know he is um... graduating soon.

||Hebe's mom||
Yes, he must be very busy at a time like this.

Yes, mom. So, did you want to tell me something?

||Hebe's mom||
Yes, I need to ask you something. It concerns your future.

Yes, mom.

||Hebe's mom||
Well, your ah ge came to me this morning after breakfast and he asked for your hand in marriage.

oh, he did?

*Hebe acted as of she was otn aware of the situation *

||Hebe's mom||Yes, so how do you feel about this?

I don't know, how am I suppose to feel?

||Hebe's mom||
What you feel is what you feel, I can't say. Well, do you agree to the marriage proposal? I didn't want to make the decision without consulting you first.

Thanks mom for thinking about how I feel.

||Hebe's mom||
You are welcome, dear. So, what should I tell Cheng Xu?

I will follow you.

||Hebe's mom||
You will follow me? What if I say yes, and you are not happy with him?

If you think he is the right guy for me, I am willing to give it a try because I am sure you made the right decision.

||Hebe's mom||
So you will marry him if I tell you to marry him?

Yes, I will marry him, if you say so and I won't think of the marriage if you don't want me to.

*Hebe's mom started tearing up, and as soon as Hebe saw this, Hebe started to cry too *

||Hebe's mom||
dearr, Cheng Xu will be a nice husband for you, but you are such an obedient child. I don't know, if I can let you go.

ma, pelase don't cry, if you don't want me to marry, I won't. I will grow old taking care of you.

||Hebe's mom||
no, foolish child, you must married. Cheng Xu will give you happy life.


||Hebe's mom||
Tian Xibi, do not cry, why are you crying? Stop crying.

Maaa...I can't bear to leave you.

||Hebe's mom||
It is not the end of the world, stop crying. Come on, let's go down stair and share the good news.

*Hebe's mom wiped Hebe's tears and they walked downstairs* <!--Chapter end-->

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this and now looking forward to reading this
Visiting old fics!
LoveYou12345678 #3
i keeent huhuhu
LoveYou12345678 #4
hdflsgflisagdilwbckl i cried huhu
You_ #5
I read this in one go! ^^ I liked it! Good job!
Puppy_1073 #7
Yep, thanks. Yeah, i had posted the story in another site. so how do you get rid of the html?
new user?? welcome, welcome. did you pasted your story directly from another site? cos that's probably why you have some html codes.