First Impressions

Flower Boy Wolf Pack

You walked the rest of the way to school thinking about Jii Woo, your parents, and that weird guy you bumped into.  Did he really use that cheesy line?  You laughed to yourself as you approached the front of the school.  The school was big, modern looking, and busy with students.  The school was a maroon color with a black and white trim that made it look more like a fashion office building than a school.  The school was surrounded by a huge black iron gate that stood around 9 feet tall. You took a deep breathe and readied yourself for what was to come, since it was your first time switching to a new school. 

"Omo! They're here!"  One girl screamed as you walked through the gate and towards the front doors.  She and her friends ran to the front gate of the school where a swarm of students already stood.  You were curious as to what they were talking about but with everyone distracted that gave you a chance to get to the office quickly.  You walked up the steps to the front door of your school.  You glanced back at the commotion and could have sworn you saw the guy from the street but you couldn't be sure because the students blocked your view.  You decided you probably imagined it and just walked into the school.  The school was set up where the main office was a building at the back of the campus, next to the infirmary. The infirmary was a one story building that was mainly only used for students to rest if they got sick during class.  The library was a building by itself next to the infirmary and had three levels.  The first being for group areas and public lounge, this floor was for student study groups and tutoring stations.  On the first floor there wasn't really a sound restriction because of the group chats.  The second floor was for computers and required that people on this floor speak in soft voices as to not disturb students studying on the computers.  The third floor was where the books and archives were held.  This floor was really big and had several rooms that held seperate book genres.  This floor was completely quiet because of studying and test taking.   You walked into the main office and was greeted by an elderly woman at a desk.

"Hello. How may I help you?"  She said in a cheery voice. 

"Im here to see the chairmain.  I need to pick up my class schedule."  The lady picked up the phone that sat on the edge of the desk and click one button.  You heard a beep.

"Hello Mr.Park. You have a young lady here to see you about her class schedule.  Yes sir."  She hung the phone up and stood. 

"He will see you now.  Follow me."  She led you through the office and to a door that said "Chairman Park".  She opened the door and gestured for you to enter.  When you walked in you were hit by a strange scent of vanilla and dirty sock.  At the desk was a man in his late 40's to early 50's, wearing a clean dress shirt, khaki shorts, and Giants ball cap.  One thing about the man really stuck out and that was his feet.  He had his legs propt up on his desk and he wasn't wearing shoes or socks! 

"Hello!  Please have a seat!"  The man said as he pulled his feet off the desk.

"Ah thank you."  You bowed and took the seat across the desk from him.

"So you must be miss Eun Mi.  It wonderful to have you at Seoul Academy!"  He greated with a grand wave of his hand.  He was so laidback and informal it made you uncomfortable and calm at the same time.

"Ah yes thank you very much sir."  You nodded you head.

"Well i hope you like the school.  Its a little unorthodox that you start half way through the first semester but since your grandfather and I were school mates i of course made an exception.  You will have alot of work to makeup if you want to do well on your exams."  He told you.  You nodded and inwardly moaned cause you hated studying, expecially when you had to cram study.  You weren't a bad student at all but you mainly just paid attention in class and didn't really study unless it was before a big test or exam.

"Ne sir.  I understand and i will work hard."  He smiled at you but it didn't reach his eyes.  Was something wrong?  Did he not think you could do it?

"Im very glad you will be attending our school but i am sincerely sorry for the circumstances that led you here."  .  He knew about it, which meant he would pity you.

"Yes sir."  You looked down at your feet instead of at him because he was just looking at you in pity.

After a minute of awkward silence the Chairman finally cleared his throat.

"Here is your class schedule and student code of conduct.  Also here is a map of the school but im sure you already know the layout from our online website which i hope you looked at before today.  It will help you get around school and give you some background knowledge about our lovely school."  Yeah you did.  You spent hours looking at the school and trying to memorize the layout.  You also took note that the school wasn't exactly "public".  It was a private school for the, as they put it on the website, "Intellectually and Artistically gifted youth of Seoul".  Well you knew you weren't the intellectual part of that because you only had a B average.

"Yes sir I did."  You bowed in your seat. 


"Oh there is the warning bell!  You better hurry on to class.  Do you need help finding your first class?"  You looked at your classs schedule and saw that you had History for your first class.  You weren't to sure where it was but you didn't want to tell him and have him walk you to class himself.

"I think im ok.  Thank you sir."  You stood and bowed to him.  He stood up to.

"Well its your first day and i don't want you to be late so why don't i have someone show you to your class?"  He pressed a button on the phone on his desk and it beeped.  Well at least it wasn't him who would be taking you to your class.

"Yes?"  A ladies voice said.

"Can you send Suho in?"  He asked.

"Yes sir." The phone hung up with a beep.  About ten seconds later the door opened.  You turned around and gasped when you saw the guy from the street standing in the doorway.  You were sure you had saw him at the front gate surrounded by that swarm of students.

"Oh hey you."  He said with a bright smile.  Damn it!  The chairman looked shocked and glanced between the two of you.

"You know each other?"  He asked confused.

"No." "Yes"  You both said. Why of all people did he have to be the one the chairman called.  The one person who saw her crying.  You hated when people saw you vulnerable and weak because then they would pity you and treat you like a child.

"Umm ok.  Well just to make sure you know each other now, Eun Mi this is Kim Junmyeon or as he prefers to be called, Suho.  He is class president.  Suho, this is Lee Eun Mi.  She is new here and i would like for you to show her to her classes today."  You wanted to say that you were fine but the Chairman shooed you away before you could. 

"So Eun Mi huh?  Pretty name."  He said as the two of you walked down the hall towards your class.  You rolled your eyes and ignored him.  You walked in silence for a few minutes.  Suho wondered if you were mad at him for bumping into you.  Or could it be something else that was bothering you?

"What did you mean earlier?"  He asked.  You looked at him with a questioning look.

"What?  When?"  You asked a little annoyed.  All you wanted was to get to class and away from this guy.  You didn't hate him but you really just didn't like the fact that he saw you crying. 

"When we ran into each other this morning.  You walked away and said something... weird.  What did you mean?"  What you said? 

"What are you talking about? I didn't say anything to you."  You said in an annoyed tone.

"You didn't say it to me but mumbled it to yourself.  You said you didn't have anything to smile for."  What!?  He heard that!?  You had to have been 3 yards away when you said that!  How the hell did he hear you!?

"I... uh... thats none of your business."  You grumbled.  You didn't have to explain anything to him.   

"Im sorry for intruding but it sounded like you were hurt and you were crying too.  I was just worried."  Worried?  He didn't even know you so how could he be worried?  Suho was a little confused to because he didn't fully realize that he was worried about you until just that moment.  He barely knew you and from what you have showed him, he could tell you didn't like him very much.  Which was weird because most girls threw themselves at him.

"I wasn't crying.  And don't worry about a stranger.  This is my class."  You had finally gotten to your class.  The bell hadn't rang yet for tardies but you wanted to get in and away from Suho.

"Oh okay.  Well would you like me to show you to your 2nd period class?"  No you didn't. You wanted to avoid him.

"Im okay.  Goodbye."  You bowed and walked into your class without waiting for his goodbye.  You walked into your class and saw students milling around everywhere.  The teacher wasn't there yet so you decided to take any empty seat and just wait for the teacher to arrive.  You took the seat in the back corner next to the large window.  You put your stuff down and pulled out your Ipod.  You stuck the earbuds in your ears and turned the music up so it drowned out all other noise.  You had gotten through half a song when your earbuds were pulled from your ears.

"Huh?"  You looked up and saw a guy standing at the corner of the desk.  He was smirking at you with an evil look in his eyes.

"Your in my seat."  He smiled a sickly sweet smile.  The guy was tall with dark brown hair and the same dark brown eyes.  He was really handsome and well built like a swimmer or dancer.

"Im sorry.  I didn't know which seats were taken yet."  You gathered your stuff and stood from the desk. 

"Its ok baby. If you want you can sit on my lap if you want."  He winked at you as he took his seat.  Was he serious?  He was hot you had to admit but his ego dashed any charm he had going for him.

"I think id rather stand." You said as you walked to the front of the class.  His smirk dropped into a frown when you didn't giggle or blush at what he said.  Most girls would faint if he said that to them.  He watched you shoulder your bag and stand at the front of the class.  He looked you up and down and determined that you were a hot nerd.  Your hair was a dark auburn that had slight waves to it.  Your eyes were hazel and framed by lush beautiful lashes that were almost hidden by your black framed glasses.  He took notice that you had a rocking body from your tall lean legs to your size C chest.  You glanced around the room and spotted the guy whose seat you had sat in staring at you.  He smirked and winked at you again.  You rolled you eyes and turned around. 


The bell finally rang but the teacher still wasn't in class yet.  Where the hell was the teacher anyway?

"Hey y legs!  Are you our new teacher?  Damn if you were our teacher id stay after school all day!"  The same guy called out from his seat.  The class roared in laughter, except for the girls who just looked at you with contempt.

"I uh..."  Your face heated up in embarrasement.  The guy laughed at how you reacted this time.  He finally got the reaction he had wanted.

"Well well well.  Mr. Park Jongin.  I see you have greeted our new student.  Unfortunately I am your teacher but lucky for you I have free spaces in today's after school detention.  Ill see you after school so you can spend it with me."  The teacher finally arrived and at the perfect time.  The teacher was a young guy in his mid-twenties who was extremely handsome. 

"Aw come on Mr.Pak!  I have dance practice after school!"  So he is a dancer.  You smirked at him in triumph.  Jerk deserved what he got.

"To bad.  Guess you'll have to explain to your team how you harrassed one of your female classmates."  Harrassed?  You wished he didn't make it sound like you were helpless, although you were lost for words by the guys outburst.

"Damnit!" He muttered to himself.

"Okay now class!  This is Lee Eun Mi.  She is starting today and i know you will all help her and welcome her.  Ms.Lee please introduce yourself."  You turned to the class and bowed.

"Hello I am Lee Eun Mi.  I look forward to learning with you.  Please take care of me."  You stood up and noticed that the girls were giving you death glares and the guys were practically undressing you with their eyes.  You felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Alright.  Now you may take the second to last seat."  You gripped you backpack handle and walked to your seat.  As you passed the students you could feel the hate and resentment from the girls, and could feel the guys eye's following you.  You had a slight feeling that the girls hated you because of how the guys were reacting.  You finally made it to your seat and slumped down.

"Now please take your books out and open them to page 68."  You pulled out your book and opened it to the page Mr.Pak said.  Suddenly a folded peice of paper flipped onto your book.  You looked up to see who sent it and locked eyes with the Jongin guy.  You opened the paper and read it

"I'll forgive you for getting me into trouble for one kiss. ;)"  You thought about just crumpling up the paper and throwing it away but thought of something better.  You scrawled a message onto the paper and threw it to Jongin.  Jongin opened the paper and read with a smirk because he thought it would say "Im sorry oppa.  Of course ill kiss you" or " Oppa are you sure? Im scared because your so hot." but what he read was not anything near that. 

"Only in my nightmares would i kiss you.  Have fun in detention ;)"  Jongin looked at you with a look of complete disbelief.  You just smiled and focused on the board.  Your first day wasn't going the way you had hoped but you knew you would't let some egotistical demean you in class.  Hopefully the note put him in his place and hopefully the rest of the day would go more smoothly.   Boy were you wrong.




Yes i realize that Kai and Suho aren't actually like this!  But i have a plan in mind and im sure you guys will like the story.  Who should i introduce next?  Im leaning towards Lay or Luhan but Kris is a good one too.  I'm having so much fun writing this and would really love it you could subscribe and upvote!  Ill will try to update one or twice a week depending on my schedule.  Happy Valentine's Day! <3 <3

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Just edited Chapter 6 a little. :)


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Chapter 2: page 69….am I the only one? xD
Misstwilightfan1416 #2
Chapter 3: Okay a quick question is this going to be a harem, when one girl falls for all of then or all the guys fall for the girl? It seems to me it is heading in that direction. Please update soon^^
xxnumbernine #3
When will you update? I hope soon! Great writing!^-^
Misstwilightfan1416 #4
Wow just found it and i love it can't wait til you update^^
uyunah #5
Chapter 4: I'm waiting for the next update.
Annaya101 #6
Chapter 3: When is the next update