A little better

Flower Boy Wolf Pack

The rest of your first period went by pretty normally, besides the constant feeling of being watched. You tried your best to listen to your teachers lecture but every time you looked up you would catch either a girl glaring at you or a boy ogling you. You never thought you were pretty or anything so it surprised you when the guys in your class kept staring at you.


The bell rang and you started to gather your stuff to go to your next class when a hand slammed down on your desk. You looked up and saw a girl wearing too much makeup and who had brown curly hair glaring down at you. She didn’t look happy at all.

“Hi. Can I help you?” You said in a quiet voice.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” The girl whisper yelled in your face. She looked so mad that she could spit fire.

“I…Uh…” You stuttered. Why was she mad at you? You didn’t even do anything to her!

“How dare you come here and sit in Oppas seat and then get him in trouble! He has detention now and has to miss practice because of you !” The girl’s voice rose a bit on the last word. So that’s what it was about. You smirked at her and stood up.

“I’m sorry that your boyfriend is an .” You started to walk away when you felt her grabbed your wrist. She squeezed so hard you could feel her nails digging into your veins.

“You !! How dare you talk about Oppa that way!!?” The girl screamed. You looked shocked at her outburst but didn’t shy away in fear. She was just some crazy love struck girl anyway.

“1) Let go of me. 2) He got what he deserved.” You said staring directly at the girl. The girl snarled but let go of your wrist. But only to use that hand to slap you across the face. You brought your hand up to the cheek she slapped and felt the burning sting.

“Ladies! Ladies! There is no need to fight over me!” Kai said as he walked over from his desk where he had been watching the whole scene go down. He smiled at you and the girl. You frowned at him but the girl’s vicious glare was replaced by a sweet smile.

“Oh Oppa! How are you?” She curled her finger in one of her short brown curls. You on the other hand just rolled your eyes at the both of them and gathered the rest of your things.

“Hey… Ga In? I’ve been well.” Kai smiled at Ga In and she squealed. Yeah. Literally squealed like an idiot.

“Hehe. Oppa I’m sorry you got detention because of the new girl.” Ga In said with a pout. You looked at the both of them and just walked out of the room. You dug through your bag searching for your iPod when you ran into something soft yet firm. You looked up and groaned when you saw Suho smiling down at you.

“Seems like we run into each other a lot.” Suho said with a smile. he really did have a cute smile.

“I… uh… oh I’m sorry.” You apologized and bowed. Suho laughed and patted your head gently. His gesture was sweet but it made your heart hurt because your father used to do that a lot.

“Its fine. I was actually going to your class to get you. The chairman wants me to show you to all your classes today. Is that ok with you?” Suho tilted his head and smiled down at you. Damn no matter how much you wanted to avoid him, you knew he would keep showing up anyway. You sighed and nodded your head.

“Arasso! Can I see your class schedule?” You rummaged through your bag and produced a crumpled class schedule.

“Sorry. I guess I kind of shoved it in there when I was rushing out of class.” Suho smiled and took the paper you held out to him. He studied it for a moment then handed it back to you.

“Arasso lets go. You have Home Ec. 2nd period.” Suho started walking and you rushed to catch up because you had to stuff your schedule back into your backpack. Suho watched you from the corner of his vision. You were around 5’5 but had long lean legs because you LOVED to dance. You looked like a typical pretty high school girl, except for the unreadable expression on your face. Jii Woo called it your resting face but that’s because she didn’t know you before that day. You were always happy and smiling but ever since that day you barely smiled, mainly only around Jii Woo or by yourself.

“So how has your day been so far?” Suho asked. You thought about it and decided to leave out the whole Kai and Ga In thing.

“Ok.” You said in a monotone.

“That’s good. Do you have everything you need? If you need anything just come to the front office and I can help you.” He smiled at you and you nodded in return. You knew he was only trying to be nice but you didn’t want any friends right now.

“Well here’s your class. I’ll be here right after this one to show you to your 3rd period class.” You nodded and went to walk into your class but Suho gently caught your wrist.

“Hey im sorry about earlier. I know it none of my business and I didn’t mean to pry into your business. Please except my apology.” Suho bowed. You blushed at his action.

“Ahh… its fine.” Suho stood and smiled brightly at you. His smile was so sweet and kind that it made you smile back without realizing it.

“See! I told you you had a beautiful smile!” You brought your hand up to cover your mouth.

“Uh... Um… Thanks for showing me my class. See you after.” You said and quickly rushed into class. Aish! What was he doing to you!? Whatever! You decided to forget it for now and focus and now and now you had to find a seat in class. The tables were set up with three columns and four rows. There were twelve tables that had an oven built into it. Each table was shared with two people and from what you could see, there were only a few spots left or vacant at the moment. You didn’t want a repeat of last period so you decided to stand next to the teacher’s desk till they got there.

“Who is she?” You heard someone whisper at the table to your left. You glanced over and saw two boys staring at you.

“I don’t know but she’s kind of hot.” You rolled your eyes. Guys are seriously so annoying.


The bell finally rang and the class went to their seat’s and the teacher finally arrived. She was a short, thin old lady in her mid 50’s. She walked to her desk and saw you standing there and looked completely dumbfounded at your presence.

“Oh well hello there. You must be Lee Eun Mi. I am Mrs. Cho.” You bowed and said hello.

“I saw your name on my list a few weeks ago but it disappeared. Did you get sick?” No you didn’t get “sick” exactly. But it was easier to say yes than explain why you didn’t attend school right away after that day.

“Uh yes.” She nodded and looked at her list.

“Ok here you are. Lee Eun Mi. Well why don’t you introduce yourself and then ill give you a partner.” You nodded and turned to the class. You did the same as you did first period and introduced yourself. Then you turned back to your teacher.

“Alright then. Let’s see who doesn’t have a partner…” She scanned the room and focused on a boy in the back of the class that was sitting by himself reading a book.

“Mr. Do. You don’t have a partner do you?” The teacher asked. The boy looked up from his book and you were surprised that he was really good looking. What was with this school and good looking guys?

“No mam” he said. You were kind of surprised by that since you thought girls would be dying to be his partner.

“Ok good! Eun Mi you can go sit next to Kyungsoo.” You walked over to his table and took the seat next to him. So his name was Kyungsoo huh?

“Ok well lets continue with what we were doing yesterday. Please get your ingredients and utensils. Please remember to be careful when using the electronic stuff.” You looked at Kyungsoo for guidance since you had no idea what you guys were making but he just sat in his chair reading.

“Uh… So what are we making?” You asked in a nice voice.

“You are making a quiche. You need eggs, a ceramic bowl, onion, mushrooms, cheese, and green peppers.” You? Was he not doing anything?

“Umm… Ok. Are you not making one?” You asked as you looked around the place for a bowl.

“I made mine yesterday. Bottom shelf left of the oven.” You looked in the shelf and sure enough there was a bunch of bowls. You grabbed a medium sized one.

“Oh arasso.” You muttered as you walked to the fridge and gathered the ingredients you needed. It wasn’t your first time cooking and you actually knew how to make a quiche so you grabbed a little more than what he said. As you walked back to your table you tripped over a back pack and all the ingredients in your hands went flying in the air. ! You lunged to grab the eggs but you were shocked when you saw someone had already caught them. D.O. stood in front of you holding all the ingredients that had been midair just seconds ago.

“Wha… how did you?” Your table had to have been half way across the room! He handed you back the ingredients.

“Good thing I was going to get a drink or your quiche ingredients would be on the floor.” He said without looking at you. Going to get a drink?

“Ah yeah thank you.” You said. You walked carefully back to your table and started to put your ingredients together. While mixing your quiche batter you thought about D.O. catching your stuff. Was he really right there? You could have sworn you saw him sitting at the table when you closed the fridge.

“What are you doing?” You snapped out of your thought when someone asked you a question. A guy was looking at your stuff in confusion.

“Im making a quiche.” You said. He looked confused and eyed all your ingredients. You had what D.O. said plus roasted red peppers, banana peppers, fresh parsley, and feta cheese. It was the way your mom made quiche.

“Whats with the feta cheese? And the banana peppers?” He asked, picking up the tub of cheese.

“Its how I make a quiche.” The guy nodded and still continued to stare at your mixture. He was tall and had dirty blonbe hair that framed his sharp, yet not scary looking, features fell. He had hazel colored eyes that matched your own eyes. He was muscular but not football muscular, more of a baseball or dancer muscular.

“You’re the new girl right? I’m Kim Jongdae but call me Chen.” He said with a dazzling smile. Seriously? Was this a school for models or something?

“Hi. I’m Lee Eun Mi.” D.O. came back at that moment and saw Chen talking to you.

“Is he bothering you?” D.O. asked. You looked at Chen and he smiled and shook his head.

“No. He’s fine.” Chen laughed and walked over to D.O. He slung his arm over D.O.’s shoulder.

“Come on hyung! Don’t be so cold! Home Ec. is supposed to be fun!” Chen said in a loud voice. The teacher shushed him and he bowed his head in apology. You cracked a smile at his silly personality.

“Want some help? I finished mine yesterday with D.O.’s help.” Chen offered. You were gonna say no thanks but he already grabbed the bowl from your hands. He turned to the oven and placed the bowl inside and closed the door.

“Yah! Pabo! That was a metal bowl not ceramic! She was just mixing the ingredients in that bowl!” D.O yelled. He pulled the bowl from the oven and placed on the table next to you. Then he turned to Chen and flicked his forehead with his knuckle.

“Ow! Hyung! How could you hit me!? So mean!” Chen grumbled as he rubbed his now red forehead.

“Maybe if you listened. Aish sometimes you’re as bad as Chanyeol.” D.O said in an annoyed voice. Chen looked appauled at what D.O said. Who was Chanyeol anyway?

“Hyung! I’m nothing like Chanyeol!” Chen pouted. Dang he was cute when he pouted. D.O looked like he was really starting to get annoyed.

“Go back to your seat and your partner Chen. Let her finish her work.” D.O said before picking up his book and beginning to read again. Chen frowned but shrugged it off. He turned to you.

“Well I should get back. Bye Eun Mi!” He said as he walked over to his table which was to tables in front of yours. You finished you mixture and then poured it into a ceramic bowl and then placed it into the oven. After 20 minutes the oven’s timer went off and you pulled your quiche out of the oven. The teacher came to check your quiche and was surprised when it wasn’t the recipe she said.

“Ah im sorry. This was how…” You trailed off when you were about to say your mom. It still hurt to even talk about her.

“It was how I was taught to make a quiche.” Mrs. Cho smiled at you.

“Being adventurous in cooking is good. Your quiche is wonderful. A.” You were happy about your first A. You were also happy to finally have something go good for you that day. Too bad it wasn’t going to last.





YAY!!~  This is a bit longer than the first two but thats because im introducing more characters.  Still new to writing on AFF so please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes.  Its difficult to type on my phone but i love writing and when an idea comes to mind i must write it down!  So i use my phone!  I got back and edit on my laptop but the body is mainly written on phone.  I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far!!~  I promise it will get better after a few chapters! Once i introduce all the members and she learns to trust them then it can really get good!! :D


Ugh the body waves in EXO's Thunder!! *DIES* *reanimates* *DIES AGAIN*



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Just edited Chapter 6 a little. :)


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Chapter 2: page 69….am I the only one? xD
Misstwilightfan1416 #2
Chapter 3: Okay a quick question is this going to be a harem, when one girl falls for all of then or all the guys fall for the girl? It seems to me it is heading in that direction. Please update soon^^
xxnumbernine #3
When will you update? I hope soon! Great writing!^-^
Misstwilightfan1416 #4
Wow just found it and i love it can't wait til you update^^
uyunah #5
Chapter 4: I'm waiting for the next update.
Annaya101 #6
Chapter 3: When is the next update