Brown is the Warmest Color (Special)

Solving The Enigma
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. I wanted to kiss her.

Those rosy lips were tempting me.

I wanted to throw that cigarette away and replace it with my mouth.

She looked directly into my eyes while I was trying to lit her cigarette. I couldn't take my eyes away from her.

I never been this close to her, I could feel the heat that was emanating from her body.

Her pupils were dilated and I bet mine too.

From the first time I saw her, her eyes captivated me. The warmest brown I've ever seen, like honey with a little hint of cognac.

Expressive eyes that showed strenght, determination, darkness, sadness. The last two were easy to identify, since I see them on mine every time I see my reflexion.

On the last couple of weeks I kept looking for her, just to watch her, like a middle schooler.

Kind of creepy, I know.

What I definitely don't know is: why do I feel so attracted to her?

When she refused my help, when she fell after she bumped into me, I wasn't making fun of her for falling. The fact that she cursed so loudly was the reason of my laugh.

She's a total contradiction. Her figure is thin but curvy, she's looks extremely feminine but curses like a sailor, her whole image sends the message "I give a about everything" but I know she's a good student and works hard to be in top of the class.

"I didn't notice, the fact, that you smoke" I asked her.

She exhaled a big cloud of smoke. HOT-AS-.

"Well I didn't. I mean, I quit. But this is an and excellent ocassion to get back"

"You quit, but you still had a pack in your pocket?"

"Well yeah... A problem?" She asked defiant, lifting one eyebrow.

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2038 streak #1
Chapter 6: Hey ^^ you did a double update? Nice... I'm not a fan of Kai and I know he's the lead of this story. So i couldn't really picture him while reading them. No offence. But your writing of the chapters was nice. Can't wait to read more. Hope to see an update soon.
2038 streak #2
Chapter 4: I got a notification that you updated this story. But I couldn't see a new chapter. However, I noticed that you added a little A/N at the end of Chap 3. I'm sorry to hear about your uncle.
Pandamin #3
Chapter 4: Hi there! The story seems quite interesting and I'm definitely anticipating for the next chapter
2038 streak #4
Chapter 4: Hi there ^^ sorry I got a little busy with my Uni that I couldn't catch up with my subscribed stories. Anyway, I'm here now. The 2nd chap was nice and the 3rd chap was a little confusing. but since you said that we would slowly understand later, I'm alright ^^ hope to see an update soon.
Meismeyes #5
Chapter 2: Soo good
Update *~
Chapter 1: Waiting for your next update ;)
pinkyblood #7
I am waiting for next chapter, Karoline ;)
KarolineKacir #8
Thanks to everyone who is excited for the story! I'll update ASAP bear with me please~
With Love,
Karoline <3