(vi) - Yoongi


Thankfully, the people who work at the ice-cream parlour are much more friendlier—much more accepting of non-elites. The ice-cream parlour is pastel colored, baby blue and fairy-like pink painted on the walls with little purple and mint colored stars decorated on random areas. The tables are all white and heart shaped with chairs to match. The customers that often come by are couples, girls and sometimes when some elites have their younger siblings visiting them. Yoongi doesn't really go because he is not that much of a fan of sweet food, he only ever goes here whenever Hoseok drags him along with Seokjin.

"Go ahead and choose which flavour you'd like." Yoongi tells Jimin as they go to the end of the line, which is not that long. Jimin nods, black hair bouncing in different directions. His hair looks so shiny, so soft and Yoongi's fingers curl in want because he would like to thread his fingers badly through them, scrape his nails lightly on the younger male's scalp. Yoongi's faze trails down to Jimin's face. The kid is looking at the menu board with so much concentration, his eyes filled with indecisiveness. His lips are doing that 'kissy face' thing and his cheeks are puffed out and he is just so cute okay.

Yoongi thinks that he should stop staring, like he really should stop because he is probably being so creepy. And Yoongi doesn't want Jimin to think that he is creepy, because he isn't and—

"—about you?" Jimin's light voice suddenly breaks through his thoughts. Yoongi blinks twice, meeting Jimin's eyes.


The small giggle that emits from Jimin's mouth is the sweetest thing that Yoongi has ever heard. "I said, I'm getting the Nutella one, what about you?" 

Yoongi shakes his head, "I don't really like ice-cream."

When Yoongi says this, Jimin's jaw drops as if he cannot believe it and he starts going on about how ice-cream is one of the best things ever invented and how can he not like it? Yoongi isn't paying much attention, he has blocked out any surrounding noise and is just watching Jimin as he speaks, lips moving rapidly with the use of hands gestures, eyes wide. Yoongi finds himself smiling and ruffling Jimin's hair. The shocked look that Jimin's face does is funny, but Yoongi doesn't laugh. Instead, he smiles wider and steps up to the counter and orders Jimin his Nutella ice-cream.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Yoongi invites Jimin over to his and Hoseok's room. The ride in the elevator is only a little bit awkward, but the fancy music is filling the silence. The silence that Yoongi desperately wants to break. But before he knows it, they've already reached Yoongi's floor and the doors of the elevator are opening. Yoongi lets Jimin step out of the elevator first, following him in suit.

Jimin begins to talk again about how extravagant the elite building is, and how horrible the non-elite building is. The past principles that hang on the walls are creeping out Yoongi. It feels as if they are judging him for bringing a non-elite student into the building. Yoongi doesn't care though. He is just thankful that no other elite student has passed by him and Jimin, because some—not all—elites would definitely start harassing the kid. And Yoongi wouldn't be of much help, because he doesn't know how to fight. All he knows is how to curse at them until they leave. Besides, he has had no reason to learn how to fight anyway but maybe he should take up some taekwondo classes or something. Yoongi tucks that idea in the back of his mind as they finally reach his and Hoseok's door.

Yoongi can feel Jimin stare at him in amazement when he opens the door with a key-card. "That is so cool!" He exclaims as the door automatically opens. Yoongi chuckles before nodding his head to indicate that Jimin can go in first. The wide smile that appears on the kid's face somehow makes Yoongi feel winded, or maybe it's the feeling of being out in the sun for too long. Yeah. Definitely the second one. Besides, the kid is cute and Yoongi will probably just think of him as his little brother from now on. Yeah, definitely. Jimin can be like the little brother he never had.

"You can drop your bag anywhere." Yoongi says as he tosses his own onto the ground by the door. His eyes are following Jimin's figure and it is making him dizzy because the kid is zooming all over the place, inspecting every little thing. "You'll burn the carpet at the speed that you're going at." Yoongi jokes and it makes Jimin stop abruptly, nearly falling on top of the couch in the middle of the room.

"Sorry. It's just that this is pretty amazing! Like you have enough space for a mini kitchen, a big enough living room and somehow two bathrooms and bedrooms fit! It's awesome here!" Jimin exclaims as he drops his bag gently beside the couch. He plops on top of the couch as a small sigh escapes his lips, "Ah, you probably think that I'm just some poor kid now right? This kind of thing is probably something that you see on a daily basis." Jimin is rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly now, and Yoongi wants nothing more to do than give him a hug and tell him  that it's okay because wealth and status aren't everything. 

"Hey, kid," Yoongi calls as he takes a step closer to the couch. Jimin looks at him, his eyes seeming to have lost their spark and it makes Yoongi's stomach twist uncomfortably. "Being rich doesn't mean . Sure, you can afford so many materialistic things, but isn't being happy just enough?" 

On the inside, Yoongi is cringing at his words. How cheesy, how cliché they were. But Yoongi can see the life being brought back into Jimin's eyes and he thinks that maybe he shouldn't care about how cringy his words sounded.

"Yes it is. Thank you for reminding me!" Jimin chirps happily, smiling so large that it pushes up his cheeks and his eyes disappear into pretty half moons. Yoongi feels like he has been blasted in a sunbed or has been out in the sun for too long with the way Jimin is smiling at him. Yoongi's heart thumps and his stomach feels all warm and fuzzy. But they are not butterflies, oh no, definitely not butterflies. More like moths, or crows because there is no way Yoongi is going to become attached, let alone like the kid in that way. 

Yoongi clears his throat and averts his eyes from the kid, who is still smiling at him as if he had put all the stars in the sky. "Do you want to play some video games?" He asks as he walks over to the stand by his and Hoseok's t.v, which is full of random DVDs and video games.

"Yes please!" Jimin answers, excitement oozing from his voice.

Yoongi pretends to look through the video games that he and Hoseok own before turning around to looks at Jimin, who sits on the couch patiently with sparkling eyes and a wide smile in place. "You choose." Yoongi says, trying to sound nonchalant—or rather, cool—as he walks away to allow Jimin to stand beside him.

Jimin leaps off of the couch energetically, "Really?" 

The older male nods, hair being tossed in a slightly different direction. Jimin waddles next to him and stares at the stand, eyes wandering from one game to the next. And , this was such a bad idea because all of a sudden Yoongi can take a proper look at Jimin's side profile and see that he actually isn't just cute. The kid is good-looking. And from where Yoongi is standing, he can see the length of his eyelashes and is basically just a touch away from feeling Jimin's cheek. He is not tryong to be creepy or anything, it's just that they look like marshmallows and , Yoongi is not ready for this. 

"I'm just going to get changed." He informs the younger as he begins to walk away. Jimin hums and only when Yoongi is in his room can he feel like he can breathe again. He places a hand on his chest and exhales loudly. "He's just a kid, Yoongi." He exhales again, "A really cute ing kid, and that means that he should just be like a little brother to you." Yoongi nods to himself as he removes his hand and looks for some clothes to change into. He finds a random t-shirt and basketball shorts and figures that it's good enough.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"What!" Jimin yells out. "I demand a rematch!" He orders as he turns to face Yoongi, who is grinning like a madman. 

They have been playing NBA 2K16 for the past two hours or so, and so far Yoongi has won constantly. Each time they have played, Jimin repeatedly asks for a rematch and something about his determination to win sprouts a feeling of something like admiration within Yoongi. Honestly, Yoongi never thought that Jimin would be competitive but he likes it because it means that someone can match his competitiveness. Sure, Hoseok is slightly competitive and Seokjin is definitely competitive, especially during Mario Kart. Seokjin is truly on another level of competitiveness. Yoongi recalls stay up all night because he kept beating Seokjin at Pokémon when they were, like, thirteen or something. Seokjin still holds a grudge on him to this day since he had let him win. But Yoongi was tired, what else could he do?

"Sure you can beat me this time, kid?" Yoongi asks, large grin still in place.

Jimin puffs out his chest, "Of course I can!" He says determinedly. 

And so they play again. As the game continues, Yoongi sneaks glances at Jimin. He allows his eyes wander for the last few seconds of the game, Jimin's face is so full of concentration and determination. The kid's eyebrows are all furrowed and his nose is scrunched up cutely, his mouth moves slightly as he controls his player. And Yoongi shouldn't find this endearing? Like, not at all? But he does and despite himself, he still continues to smile. His eyes trail down to Jimin's hands that are holding the controller firmly. His fingers look all short and adorable, and incredibly soft. Yoongi notes the multicolored friendship bracelet that is wrapped around his wrist. It has a little silver elephant and Yoongi thinks that it is positively charming. 

By the time Yoongi has zoned back into reality, Jimin has jumped up from the couch and is dancing happily. 

"I won!" Jimin cheers as he shuffles, giggles accompany his dance. 

If possible, the grin on Yoongi's face becomes bigger. "You sure did."

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"So," Jimin starts speaking after he has finished chewing on the toffee covered popcorn in his mouth. "Why do you need a fake boyfriend?" 

They're still in the living room. The only difference is that they aren't playing video games anymore. Instead, Jimin is watching L.DK and Yoongi is typing up a history essay that needs to be handed in by the end of the week. Why Jimin chose to watch L.DK, Yoongi doesn't know. But Jimin was saying something about the main guy being cute and Yoongi kind of just went along with it. 

Yoongi stopped typing and looked up at Jimin. "My dad just asked me to do something unnecessary." Jimin's eyebrows shot up, eyes wide with curiosity. He looks like he wants to ask, but doesn't want to pry. So Yoongi continues, he might as well tell him seeing as he is willing to play the part. "He asked me to marry Hoseok, who has been my best friend ever since he threw mud balls at kids who called me a weirdo. And of course, Hoseok and I don't want to. Pretty much like in those dramas, I had to look for someone who would be willing to play the part as my fake boyfriend." Jimin nods. "I mean, like, who even set up arranged marriages anymore? It's the twenty-first century." Yoongi says as he rolls his eyes.

"I'll help you until the end." Jimin suddenly says and Yoongi whips his head to look at the kid, eyes slightly wide. What is he talking about? How can someone be willing to help someone this much? They barely know each other too and Yoongi is reminded that they should probably talk to each other more or something. And the way Jimin said it, it was so full of sincereity and innocence. 

Yoongi flushes, "What's with that all of a sudden?" 

Jimin shrugs. "I don't know. I just really like helping people, and you don't seem like you're going to murder me or anything so why not?" 

Yoongi stares at him for a bit. The kid looks like he is telling the honest truth, eyes all full of assurance and resolve. A smile makes its way to Yoongi's face, "Well, thanks kid. How about I pay you or something?"

"No. Absolutely not!" Jimin says firmly as he shakes his head vigorously. "I'm doing this because I want to help you."

Yoongi thinks for a bit. So, Jimin doesn't want to get paid. But Yoongi will feel absolutely terrible if he doesn't give Jimin anything back in return because the kid is too nice, willing to play his fake boyfriend with expecting anything in return. Yoongi thinks long and hard until he comes up with a solution. "How about, each weekend I take you out to an amusement park or something? Or like go out for ice-cream and stuff, because it feels like I'm taking advantage of your niceness or something."

"Whatever you want." Jimin replies, eyes full of sparkle and Yoongi feels like he should look away or else he'll never get his homework done. "Ah, I should probably go now. I've probably been distracted you from doing your assignments." Yoongi wants to say that he doesn't mind because the room will feel awfully lonely since Hoseok is gone for the whole day with his dance team since they are practising for an upcoming competition. But Jimin is already standing up and putting on his jacket. "I'll see you soon right?"

Yoongi nods, and before he forgets he asks for Jimin's number. He saves Jimin as, Kid Minnie, on his phone and watches as Jimin walk out the door. Jimin turns back once more to wave goodbye and Yoongi finds himself raising his hand to return the gesture which makes Jimin smile wider, much brighter, before he spins around and closes the door behind him. 

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

It's ten in the night by the time Hoseok has returned, and Yoongi is doing his English homework. Hoseok takes a shower first before they can properly begin talking. Yoongi figures that Hoseok might be hungry so he gets up off of the couch and makes instant ramen, spicy kimchi flavor. When Hoseok walks in, his whole face lights up and he proceeds to thank Yoongi continously, then inhaling the food as if he hasn't eaten in days.

"So," Hoseok says, mouth full of noodles. "How is our one and only applicant?" 

Yoongi just nods nonchalantly, "He's alright, I guess."

Hoseok lifts his eyebrows, mischief in his eyes as a -eating grin makes its way onto his face. "Ay, don't be like that. Is he cute?" Yoongi doesn't reply, but he does think about the way Jimin had his hair tied up earlier because his fringe was getting annoying as they were playing video games. He thinks about his charming eyes that turn into pretty crescent moons when he smiles and his chubby cheeks and his innocence and Yoongi thinks that he should really stop thinking about Jimin now. But it's too late because Hoseok is staring at him now and his -eating grin has grown larger and Yoongi knows that he will be in for teasing. "So he is cute?" Hoseok says, "Just your type~" He sings.

Yoongi punches him in the arm that he isn't using to hold his chopsticks. "Shut up." But his face feels warmer and he doesn't want to do his English homework anymore. 

Hoseok wiggles his eyebrows at him. "Just wait until I tell our dearest Mother Seokjin and clumsy Father Namjoon."

Yoongi groans, "Please don't."

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

It's when he's speaking to his mom on the phone in his room does he remember. She ends the call since she needs to attend a book club meeting with all the other ladies in the area and Yoongi just snorts and wishing her look with all those old hags to which she laughs and says thank you because she'll need it if she wants to survive. Anyway. He remembers about the dinner this weekend and it's Thursday already and he hasn't seen Jimin since Tuesday, so he really ought to tell him about it. Sure, they have been texting on Kakao Talk and but Yoongi just kept on forgetting to mention it because they were getting to know more of each other and it just slipped his mind because Jimin has taken an interest in his mixtapes and has been asking to listen to them. 

He looks at his watch, it's only six in the evening so Jimin should still be awake. Unless he's had dance practice and is tired. Yoongi contemplates calling him for a good fifteen minutes, his thumb hovering over the 'call' button. He exhales and decides to press the button or else he never will. 

The line rings, and Yoongi fidgets as he waits. And suddenly Jimin's voice is ringing through the speaker of his phone. 

"Mom, I thought we just spoke." The kid says teasingly and Yoongi has to hold back his laughter.

"Uhm, Jimin, I'm not your mom." He replies as he tries not to laugh.

"Y-Yoongi. H-Hi." Jimin stutters and it's pretty cute, but too hilarious. Yoongi laughs loudly, unable to contain it anymore. 

When he has controlled himself, the laughter dying down, he tells Jimin what he was just suppose to tell him in the first place. "I just wanted to tell you that I need to meet up with you tomorrow morning. Meet me at my room at like, twelve or something."

"Alright, sure." Jimin replies.

And there it is again, the silence that takes over. Looks like they are still a bit awkward with each other. Yoongi purses his lips, trying to think of what to say. But he can't really come up with anything so he just says something generic. 

"So ... What are you doing?" Yoongi cringes at the slight awkwardness in his voice but he gets over it. 

"Well I just finished doing some grocery shopping, so I'm on the way back to my dorm." 

Yoongi nods, but then he remembers that Jimin can't see him. "Oh." 


It's quiet again but there are words that Yoongi wants to say. His brain is telling him to say them and before he knows it, he is calling Jimin's name. 

"Yeah?" The kid says expectantly. 

Yoongi opens his mouth but then closes it again. He clenches his free hand and tells himself just to say it. "Be careful, and get back safely." There. He said it. Yoongi feels as if he can breathe again, his heart beating wildly.

"I will."

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow then." He says trying to sound cool even though his palms are beginning to feel sweaty and his throat feels all dry and horrible. 

"See you." Jimin's voice sings.

Yoongi is the one who hangs up. He falls onto his bed and exhales loudly. Why is he acting like he did something so nerve-wrecking? He only told Jimin to be careful and safe. He exhales again. He thinks that a nap will do some good, so he allows his eyes to close and drifts away from reality.

im back! okay lols no, not really since im in exam week and i have a physics exam tomorrow and a chemistry exam on friday and then im done. i think i have seem to have lost some energy, like i feel too down to do anything but im trying to work on that so expect this to be updated soon! :> ♥♡♥

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Chimslunatic #1
Chapter 6: pls update.. ur story is really good!!!!!!
rollingpie #2
Chapter 6: im crying for an update T___________T
exomaniacc #3
Chapter 6: I've just discovered your story and wow it's become my favourite so far!
Chapter 6: Kyaaa welcome back!
Lol Yoongi, you shouldn't be judging Jimin watching L.DK instead you need to explain why you had that dvd on your dorm XDD
Chapter 6: Gonna be my new favorite Yoonmin Fic ✨✨
BlueeWings #6
Chapter 5: This is amazing so far omg
Update soon!! Xx
NeoRei #7
Chapter 3: Ouh~ Jiminie, you cute lil sh*t! YOONGI!! JUST MAKE THAT LIL CUTIE YOURS!!! I will support you from the cruel reality world T^T
Chapter 5: I LOVE THIS OMG ~~ I'd like to see Jimin showing off his manly side too >.< right now it feels TOO fetus to handle XD like Jimin is actually pretty manly! Oh and i also wanna see Suga's cute sides hehe~ if its not too much to ask! ( i actually love top Jimin and bottom Yoongi ) thank you for writing Author-nim :D
Chapter 5: good good i liked it looking forward to more yoonmin thank you !!