(iv) - Yoongi


As Yoongi walks up to sit on the seat opposite of the fetus non-elite, he can feel his eyes on him. Yoongi isn't one to back out of anything, so he stares back at the kid.

The first thing that Yoongi notices when he sits down and has a closer view of the kid is that he is cute. Like, really ing cute. His hair seems to be its natural color, his eyes are warm and inviting but Yoongi's favorite thing would have to be the kid's cheeks; it's all chubby and squishy looking like a marshmallow, and Yoongi wants nothing more than to squish them right now. The kid's glowing tan skin and cute features make the extremely ugly non-elite uniform seem tolerable.

Yoongi is a bit lost for words. At the moment, he wants to tell all these spoiled rich kids to mind their own ing business because he can feel their gazes burning into his and the kid's skin. But the latter doesn't seem to notice their looks at all because he is suddenly talking.

"Hi." The kid smiles and Yoongi is sure that the wind is knocked out of him. The kind smile exposes pearly white teeth, and his eyes turn into crescents and oh sweet baby Jesus, this kid is so adorable.

"Hello." Yoongi replies, trying to keep his cool and serious aura. He doesn't smile either and he thinks that he might have made the kid sad or something because of it. But his eyes are still like half moons and the smile remains on his face so Yoongi is sure that he hasn't.

"Hey Mr.Min, want the usual?" 

Yoongi doesn't have to look at the waitress fully to know the look that she is giving the kid. She is the daughter of the principal, and acts as waitress to seem all 'angelic, ideal and idependant' but Yoongi knows that she is just some that needs to leaen her place. 

"Want anything, kid?" He asks, looking at the waitress (her name is something like Kang Haeri) only to nod at her as a reply. Yoongi figures that he might as well be polite and offer something since the kid is taking some of his time to meet up with him.

"O-oh. No thank you, I don't really think that I can afford anything here." The kid replies after blinking quickly a couple of times, cheeks tinted only a slight pink.

Yoongi hears Haeri snicker and clenches his hands into fists from where they are placed on his lap.

"I'm paying." Yoongi insists. He supposes that this is kind of like a test somehow to see if a non-elite is going to let an elite buy him something, simply because he is an elite.

"No, it's okay-" Yoongi inwardly smiles because the kid just passed the test. "-I re-"

"He'll have a hot chocolate with your house special apple and cinnamon muffin." He says, cutting off the kid.

Haeri nods and quickly presses a couple of things on the little machine that sends orders to the staff making the orders. It's a new thing that they have recently added, and personally Yoongi would like it better if rules stated that elites would actually have to get up off of their asses and order. But he guesses that those rich parents don't want their precious little children do things for themselves.

She smiles at him, and once again Yoongi notices her give the same look that she did earlier and almost scoffs at her attitude.

"Don't mind any of the people here, their heads are just stuck so far up their asses so they don't function really well." Yoongi explains once he has clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes.

The kid laughs, and Yoongi swears that he hears angels singing in the distance. "And what about you?"

Yoongi panics internally, did he do something to make the kid feel like he is at the level of these low-lives? Maybe it's because of the way he sits, his mother has always had a problem with that. So he sits up straighter, propping his elbows on the table before leaning towards the kid and lifting his left eyebrow.

"What about me?"

"Is your head stuck up so far your uhm," the kid hesitates, like he is having an inner debate of some sort. "Bottom that you cannot function properly?" 

Yoongi can't help it. He laughs hysterically. That has got to be the funniest thing that he heard this week! God, how old is this kid? Is he still stuck in his first grade mode or something? Yoongi knows that he is probably scaring the kid off, what with clapping his hands as he laughs so loudly that he is sure that the ice-cream parlour next door can hear him. He is also pretty sure that the elite students are looking at him like he has gone mental, but he doesn't care. He has never cared what these dips have ever thought of him. 

(But one word about Hoseok and the elite who ever said anything would never be seen in this school again. It has happened before, and Yoongi is not afraid to do it all over again.)

"Did you just say bottom?" he asks, just to make sure that he has heard correctly.

"Uhm yes? Is there something wrong with that?" The kid seems to have become slightly uncomfortable so Yoongi just shakes his head with a smile on his face just as their orders arrive. Haeri winks at him as she leaves, completely ignoring the kid's 'thank you' which makes Yoongi mentally scowl at her.

Yoongi cools his coffee down slightly by blowing on it. He then drinks it, secretly eyeing the kid who is staring at what he ordered like he is really hesitant to even touch it.

"You can enjoy those you know." Yoongi tells him with an amused smile on his face, which makes a light pink dust the kid's cheeks as he gives him a sheepish smile. Yoongi watches as the kid practically devours the muffin, letting out noises of content and approval as he does so. "Too ing cute." Yoongi mumbles after he has stopped laughing, amused smile still in place.

The kid doesn't seem to have heard him because he is sipping on his hot chocolate.

"So, what did you need help with?" The kid asks as he casually places the cup back on top of the table as if his smile isn't making Yoongi feel breathless all of a sudden. "And what is your name? Because we have been here for at least twenty minutes and I feel weird about not knowing your name."

"My name is Min Yoongi," he answers after a short snort at how ridiculously true that statement was. "And, well, basically, I need you to become my fake boyfriend."

The kid blinks three times, Yoongi tries not to laugh (and succeeds!) because his face looks absolutely hilarious all surprised.

"Come again?" The kid says as if he doesn't believe what he just heard.

"I said," Yoongi arches his left eyebrow at the kid as he says the words slowly because he knows that is probably a lot to take in. "I need you to become my fake boyfriend."

The kid blinks more times, he remains silent for a few minutes.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you."

And he genuinely does look sorry, eyes all sad with sagged shoulders but Yoongi is desparate. Is it selfish of him to think that the kid has to help him? Because the kid isn't too bad (and again, really ing cute) and he knows that his mother will love him. 

His desparation must be seeping through his eyes because the kid is suddenly agreeing and Yoongi just stares at him with a really happy look on his face. He is so glad that the kid agreed to this, because it means that he doesn't have to bother looking for another volunteer that could have possibly been an elite.

"Cool," Yoongi doesn't even try to hide his smile. "What's your name, kid?"

"Park Jimin." The kid - Jimin - replies with a smile. "Why do you call me 'kid'?" He asks afterwards, not missing a beat.

"You're a total fetus, that's why." Yoongi says bluntly, like has the kid not looked at a mirror lately or something? 

"Am not! I'm sixteen!" Jimin argues jutting his lips out while he crosses his arms and huffs.

Too ing cute, Yoongi thinks again. But then he also thinks about how he is two years older than Jimin, and that is still legal right? Because technically he is an adult and Jimin is still a minor. But then he thinks about Mark and Yug-something (even though Mark talks about the kid all the time, Yoongi cannot remember his name) and he decides that he is in the clear.

"Mhm, lets pretend I believe you." He replies, rolling his eyes playfully and waves his hand around lazily.

"Meanie." Jimin mumbles, botting lip still jutting out (cutely) which makes him chuckle.

"Oh don't look so sad kid. I'm just telling you the truth." And he is. "Tell you what, how about we ditch this place and I'll take you to the elite building where we can play some video games or something?" He suggests. And no, Yoongi is not trying to flaunt his wealth, it's just that the other elites keep on glancing at him and Jimin. And although Jimin seems to be completely oblivious to it, Yoongi isn't and he doesn't like (in fact hates) he way they stare at him.

"Will there be ice-cream?" Yeah, totally not a fetus, Yoongi thinks, suppressing a chuckle.

He opts to snort instead. "We can stop at the ice-cream parlour next door." Which is also run by elites, his mind supplies but he dismisses the thought as quick as it came, he'll just glare at the ones who will stare.

"What are you wating for? Lets go!" Jimin says excitedly after cheering and getting out of his seat quickly, now grabbing his backpack.

Yoongi just smiles. He takes his wallet out of his pocket to place money on the table before taking his backpack and follwing Jimin out the door.

The kid talks animatedly to Yoongi, who just smiles and nods at the appropriate times, on the short walk to the ice-cream parlour.

When they walk into the pastel colored establishment and Jimin quickly waddles cutely over to join the line, Yoongi has to remind himself not to get attached to the kid.

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Chimslunatic #1
Chapter 6: pls update.. ur story is really good!!!!!!
rollingpie #2
Chapter 6: im crying for an update T___________T
exomaniacc #3
Chapter 6: I've just discovered your story and wow it's become my favourite so far!
Chapter 6: Kyaaa welcome back!
Lol Yoongi, you shouldn't be judging Jimin watching L.DK instead you need to explain why you had that dvd on your dorm XDD
Chapter 6: Gonna be my new favorite Yoonmin Fic ✨✨
BlueeWings #6
Chapter 5: This is amazing so far omg
Update soon!! Xx
NeoRei #7
Chapter 3: Ouh~ Jiminie, you cute lil sh*t! YOONGI!! JUST MAKE THAT LIL CUTIE YOURS!!! I will support you from the cruel reality world T^T
Chapter 5: I LOVE THIS OMG ~~ I'd like to see Jimin showing off his manly side too >.< right now it feels TOO fetus to handle XD like Jimin is actually pretty manly! Oh and i also wanna see Suga's cute sides hehe~ if its not too much to ask! ( i actually love top Jimin and bottom Yoongi ) thank you for writing Author-nim :D
Chapter 5: good good i liked it looking forward to more yoonmin thank you !!