(iii) - Jimin


Now that Jimin is actually sitting in front of the guy that made the flyer, something in the back of his mind is telling him to leave. That this is a mistake, that he shouldn't help this guy. But it's too late, because Jimin is captivated by the elite already.

Firstly, he has pale skin that looks smooth to the touch and is such a contrast to his own tan skin. He has orange hair that is fading which suit his dark, piercing eyes. The elite uniform which consists of a navy blazer, white shirt, red tie, dark grey trousers and black shoes, looks incredible on him. Jimin simply adores the elite uniform, it is so much more better and smart looking than the ugly mustard yellow blazer, cream colored shirt, brown trousers and black shoes that he has to wear. Jimin also noticed that he wasn't very tall either, which isn't necessarily a bad thing so he doesn't dwell on it.

"Hi." Jimin smiles as he removes his earphones after he has turned off the music, he might as well start the conversation seeing as the elite doesn't. 

"Hello." He doesn't smile, instead he has a very serious look on his face and is basically burning a hole right through Jimin's head.

Before Jimin can say anything, a waitress appears by their table. She eyes Jimin with a look of distaste before looking at the orange haired male.

"Hey Mr.Min, want the usual?"

The elite spares a glance at her to nod before looking at Jimin. "Want anything, kid?"

Jimin blinks rapidly in surprise. "O-oh. No thank you, I don't really think that I can afford anything here." He answers a bit embarrassedly.

"I'm paying."

"No, it's okay. I re-" 

Jimin is cut off by the elite. "He'll have a hot chocolate with your house special apple and cinnamon muffin."

The waitress nods and punches their orders in a little machine thing that looks like it costs more than Jimin's entire wardrobe. She then smiles at the elite, eyes Jimin with the same look of distaste and skips away.

The elite clicks his tongue as he rolls his eyes. "Don't mind any of the people here, their heads are just stuck so far up their asses so they don't function really well."

Jimin laughs. "And what about you?" He asks once he has composed himself.

"What about me?" The elite questions, sitting up straighter as he props his elbows onto the table and leans in towards Jimin while arching his left eyebrow as if to challenge Jimin.

"Is your head stuck up so far your uhm," Jimin pauses, he's not one to say any of those type of words. "Bottom that you cannot function properly?"

This time the elite laughs, seeming to find what Jimin has said to be hilarious because he has thrown his head back and is clapping like a seal as he laughs obnoxiously loud.

"Did you just say bottom?"

"Uhm, yes?" Jimin replies, shifting in his seat slightly. "Is there something wrong with that?"

The elite shakes his head, composing himself just as the waitress returns with their orders. She places them on the table, giving the elite a wink and ignores Jimin's 'thank you' as she walks away.

Jimin nearly drools at the sight of the apple and cinnamon muffin in front of him. He glances at the elite, who is coolly taking a sip of what smells like an americano, before looking back at the muffin in front of him. The hot chocolate looks extremely good too, topped with what looks like whipped cream, chocolate shavings and a chocolate wafer.

"You can enjoy those you know." The elite says, and when Jimin looks up, he is smiling at him amusedly. Jimin flushes slightly and smiles sheepishly before taking the muffin to take a bite of it. He tries not to let out any noise of happiness, but he does, which had the elite laughing all over again. Once he has stopped, he mutters something that Jimin can't hear before continuing to look at him amusedly.

Jimin pouts when he has finished his muffin, but takes a sip of the hot chocolate and enjoys the warm sensation that spread within him.

"So, what did you need help with?" He smiles as he places his cup back onto the table. "And what is your name? Because we have been here for at least twenty minutes and I feel weird about not knowing your name."

"My name is Min Yoongi," the elite - Yoongi - says after a snort. "And, well, basically, I need you to become my fake boyfriend."

Jimin blinks. Twice. Thrice. "Come again?"

"I said," Yoongi arches his left eyebrow at him, giving him a look. "I need you to become my fake boyfriend."

Jimin blinks a few more times. "I'm sorry but I don't think I can help you." 

There are a couple of reasons why Jimin cannot be Yoongi's fake boyfriend; 

1. Jimin has never been in a relationship before. So that means he won't be good at any of the couple-y things that they would need to do.

2. Jimin is not good at lying. Not one bit. There was this one time back in fourth grade when he and Taehyung snuck out in the middle of the night, and they got caught because of Jimin's inability to lie.

3. Jimin has just met Yoongi, and he has nothing against him or anything but it's just that he doesn't know him. What if he turns out to be a serial killer and Jimin is his next target? Yeah, he would rather not risk that, thank you very much.

But then Yoongi is giving him this really desparate look with slight wide eyes, and Jimin is weak. He will help anybody and everybody, especially when they have this pitiful look of desparation on their face. 

"Alright. I'll be your fake boyfriend." Jimin says with a small smile. He tries to look on the bright side of things, like how Yoongi is staring at him like he has saved him the last slice of pizza. 

"Cool," Yoongi smiles at him and yeah, wow, he has a really nice smile. "What's your name, kid?"

"Park Jimin." He introduces himself as he mirrors Yoongi's smile. "Why do you call me 'kid'?"

"You're a total fetus, that's why."

Jimin pouts, crossing his arms across his chest and huffing. "Am not! I'm sixteen!"

"Mhm, lets pretend I believe you." Yoongi says while he playfully rolls his eyes and waves his hand, as if to swat a fly, lazily at him.

Jimin doesn't stop pouting. "Meanie." He mutters under his breath which makes Yoongi chuckle.

"Oh don't look so sad kid. I'm just telling you the truth. Tell you what, how about we ditch this place and I'll take you to the elite building where we can play some video games or something?" Yoongi offers.

"Will there be ice-cream?"

Yoongi snorts. "We can stop at the ice-cream parlour next door."

Jimin cheers, scrapes his chair back and jumps onto his feet. "What are you waiting for? Lets go!" He says excitedly as he grabs his backpack from the floor and shrugs it on.

Yoongi smiles amusedly as he stands up. He takes out his wallet and leaves the money on the table before taking his backpack and following Jimin out the door.

Jimin thinks that he is going to really enjoy Yoongi's company for this whole charade.

Ayo so I finally updated!~ ╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯ GO! I'm soery that it took my sosososo long OTL I was just doing some prompts that were requested, so yeah~ There will be more to come since I know that this chapter was so boring OTL Ok, that's all ∩__∩ ♥♡♥


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Chimslunatic #1
Chapter 6: pls update.. ur story is really good!!!!!!
rollingpie #2
Chapter 6: im crying for an update T___________T
exomaniacc #3
Chapter 6: I've just discovered your story and wow it's become my favourite so far!
Chapter 6: Kyaaa welcome back!
Lol Yoongi, you shouldn't be judging Jimin watching L.DK instead you need to explain why you had that dvd on your dorm XDD
Chapter 6: Gonna be my new favorite Yoonmin Fic ✨✨
BlueeWings #6
Chapter 5: This is amazing so far omg
Update soon!! Xx
NeoRei #7
Chapter 3: Ouh~ Jiminie, you cute lil sh*t! YOONGI!! JUST MAKE THAT LIL CUTIE YOURS!!! I will support you from the cruel reality world T^T
Chapter 5: I LOVE THIS OMG ~~ I'd like to see Jimin showing off his manly side too >.< right now it feels TOO fetus to handle XD like Jimin is actually pretty manly! Oh and i also wanna see Suga's cute sides hehe~ if its not too much to ask! ( i actually love top Jimin and bottom Yoongi ) thank you for writing Author-nim :D
Chapter 5: good good i liked it looking forward to more yoonmin thank you !!