(i) - Jimin


Jimin likes to think that he is a good person;

He always makes sure thay he tells his parents everyday that he loves them, he always makes sure to treat his friends to lunch and he has helped a number of elderly people cross the road.

So, when he notices a page that reads 'HELP WANTED' in an arial font, size thirty-six and in bold for emphasis, he just can't resist. He takes off the pin on the page and folds the page neatly before slipping it gently into his pocket, he then puts back the white pin back on the campus notice board. Jimin walks away with a smile on his face because he thinks that he's going to do more good deeds.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"You can't be serious," his best friend, Taehyung, deadpans when he shows the page right in front of the latter's face with extremely bright eyes and a large grin on his face.

Taehyung and Jimin have known each other for a long time. For so long in fact, that Jimin knows Taehyung's laptop log in username and password. And vice versa. Taehyung is younger than Jimin by like, two months but he looks physically older because Jimin has height difficulties and a permanent baby face. Jimin always has Taehyung's back, and vice versa.

"Why do you want to help a person that-" he snatches the page from Jimin's hands, "-judging from this, has no soul?"

Jimin gives him a look, "you don't even know the guy or girl!"

Taehyung just shrugs and gives Jimin back the piece of paper. "Do what you think is best." Taehyung tells him with a smile before pulling him to his side by wrapping and arm around his shoulder. They walk back to the building where their room is, but not before staring at the pristine building that is directly opposite their crumbling, old building.

"What do you think it's like in there?" Jimin asks dreamily, his eyes basically sending heart towards it.

"I dunno, but I can gaurantee that it's much better than our dump."

"Yeah, you're probably right."

They walk inside their building. Apart from the fact that the wallpaper needs changing because it's practically curling off of the walls, and there's this distinct unpleasant smell that they can't find where the source is from, the building isn't too bad. Albeit sometimes they have had to call an exterminator because of a mice problem.

"If the two of us were elites, we'd have such a better room," Taehyung says as they walk up the stairs, "I heard that the rooms in there are huge, like, bjgger than your living room and my living room combined." He holds onto the banister to take a quick break because their room is one of the rooms on the higher floor. 

"And where did you hear this information from?" Jimin asks, leaning onto the wall behind him for support which is kind of uncomfortable because of the banister. 

"From that smart kid in our grade, you know, Yugyeom. He's the one that's two years younger than us." Taehyung answers as they begin to walk again.

"Oooh, the one who's in love with Mark?"

His best friend nods, dark chocolate hair flying in different directions. "Yeah, apparently he goes there to visit because Mark needs help with history or something like that. He also told me that they have elevators."

Jimin's jaw drops slightly, "you're kidding!"

"No, he showed me a picture and everything! And he said that it's the kind that plays fancy music too!"

Jimin gives him an impressed look as they finally reach their room, "if they didn't have elites in this boarding school, I'm pretty sure that neither of these building would exist and it'd look pretty average."

Taehyung nods in agreement, shoving the key in the key hole and opening the door. "I know right."

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"You should call him you know." Taehyung says from the bottom bunk of their double deck.

It's the weekend and Jimin has loads of homework that needs to be done for next week, he really hates high school.

"I'm busy though!" Jimin whines while he erases the figures that he thought was the answer to hid math problem.

"I thought that you wanted to help the guy."

"Or girl!"

"There are no girls in this school Jimin."

"Oh hush!"

Taehyung rolls his eyes, "look, just call him alright?"

"I thought you said that this person has no soul!"

"Yeah, but then you wanted to help him so I'm all for it."

Jimin makes an unattractive noise using the back of his throat as a form of reply.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Jimin holds his phone in his right hand, placing the top part of it on his upper lip. He should really call this person now to be honest, because it's been at least two or three days since he took the page from the notice board. his lips, he dials the phone number before placing his phone by his ear.

"Hello?" A husky voice answers.

For some weird reason, Jimin's heart beat picks up. "Uhm, hi. I'm calling about your help wanted page."

There's a sound of a thud and a groan of pain before the person replies, "meet me at the coffee shop."

"The one by the ordinary building or …?"

"Elita Parlour, kid."

Jimin's breathing nearly stops, "bu-but that's where the elites get their coffee and stuff!"

"I know. Meet me there after classes end."

The call ends and he's left staring at his phone like an idiot. 

"Jimin you can shower no- hey, what's wrong?"

The aforementioned male looks from his phone to Taehyung, "I think that this guy-" he lifts up the piece of paper, "-is an elite."

Taehyung's eyes practically pop out of their sockets and his jaw drops, normally Jimin would be laughint at him because he looks really hilarious, but now is not the time. "Seriously?"

Jimin nods, "I'm meeting him today, after our classes are done." He absolutely cannot believe the situation, is the person that he's going to help an elite? The thought of it makes him bite his lip.

"Well go take a shower! We don't want a possible elite thinking that you smell horrible now do we?" Jimin shakes his head, "then get to it! I'll iron your uniform while you shower."

Jimin, with this incredibly stupid look on his face, gets off of his bed, takes the towel hanging by the door and walks off to the shower room.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

When the bell rings, blaring at them to tell them that their last class is done, Jimin'e bites his lip and slowly puts his stuff back in his bag. Taehyung skips over to him with a smile.

"You'll be fine!" Jimin just nods, and then Taehyung slaps his back before placing an arm around his shoulder. "I'll walk you halfway, c'mon."

They walk out of the building, or more like Taehyung is dragging Jimin. The pair reach their destination in fifteen minutes, but then Taehyung lets go of Jimin who gives him a pleading look.

"I thought that you wanted to help this guy?" Taehyung questions at the older, who he knows wants him to go inside too.

"I do."

"Then grow a pair and walk inside."

"I'll be only non-elite though," Jimin pouts, "please?" Taehyung gives him a stern look which makes him sigh in defeat, "alright, alright. I'm going, see you later!"

Jimin looks back at Taehyung, his hand in mid-air ready to pull open the door, hoping for some sort of encouragement. Which he does get, Taehyung puts both of his thumbs up with a large rectangular grin on his face.

He walks in the little store, and heads immediately whip around to face him. The airy ting that the bell on top of the door doesn't exactly help either. Biting his lip, he walks over to a seat by the window. He takes a peak at the menu on the way and nearly chokes on his saliva at a) what the elites are served and b) how much some of the stuff costs.

When he plops down on the seat, Jimin can still feel stares burning into him so he his lips before taking out his phone and placing his ear buds in his ears and pressing the 'shuffle' button on his music player.

And now he waits.

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Chimslunatic #1
Chapter 6: pls update.. ur story is really good!!!!!!
rollingpie #2
Chapter 6: im crying for an update T___________T
exomaniacc #3
Chapter 6: I've just discovered your story and wow it's become my favourite so far!
Chapter 6: Kyaaa welcome back!
Lol Yoongi, you shouldn't be judging Jimin watching L.DK instead you need to explain why you had that dvd on your dorm XDD
Chapter 6: Gonna be my new favorite Yoonmin Fic ✨✨
BlueeWings #6
Chapter 5: This is amazing so far omg
Update soon!! Xx
NeoRei #7
Chapter 3: Ouh~ Jiminie, you cute lil sh*t! YOONGI!! JUST MAKE THAT LIL CUTIE YOURS!!! I will support you from the cruel reality world T^T
Chapter 5: I LOVE THIS OMG ~~ I'd like to see Jimin showing off his manly side too >.< right now it feels TOO fetus to handle XD like Jimin is actually pretty manly! Oh and i also wanna see Suga's cute sides hehe~ if its not too much to ask! ( i actually love top Jimin and bottom Yoongi ) thank you for writing Author-nim :D
Chapter 5: good good i liked it looking forward to more yoonmin thank you !!