(v) - Jimin


Jimin closes the door of Yoongi and Hoseok's room as he exits. He doesn't mind that Yoongi can't walk him back to the non-elite building, after all his assignments are more important and at least Jimin can take his time to admire the inside of the elite building.

The floor is a dark, polished wood. The border that runs along on top of it is a shiny gold color that Jimin is definitely sure is made out of real gold, not expecting anything less from the elites and their parents. The wallpaper is a plain cream color with light, in fact almost transparent, swirls going around in different directions. The wallpaper definitely makes the large frames of the photos that are hung on the wall stand out. Most of them, Jimin thinks, are photos of the past prinicpals since the frame is outlined with gold and large. It almost seems as if the person in each picture frame will jump out at him in any second.

When the elevator makes a small ting sound and opens, Jimin steps in. Since he is too lazy to take his earphones out of his bag, he is forced to listen to the fancy elevator music. The inside of the elevator is as fancy as the building, the same color scheme with golden colored buttons with posh looking mosaic tiles that cover the floor. 

As he walks to the door to leave the building, elites walk in. They act as if he doesn't exist and purposely bump into him when they pass through the door. Jimin winces but doesn't say anything, knowing very well that he could get expelled if they cry to their parents. He looks down and walks out of the building.

"Don't mind them." A smooth, deep voice suddenly says. 

Jimin looks up and sees an elite. A male that looks only slightly older than him, give or take a year or two. He is tall, like extremely tall, and his hair is blond with roots that need to be touched up. He is looking at the elites who just bumped into Jimin with an almost disgusted look, eyes narrow and his mouth in a straight, tight line.

Jimin just nods slowly, black hair bouncing slightly before walking away. 

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

When Jimin opens the door, he is met by a face full of Taehyung who is smiling so huge that Jimin wonders how his face hasn't split.

"How'd it go?" He asks curiously, watching Jimin's every move.

Jimin nods his head. "Good."

Taehyung's face falls comically. "What? That's it? Details, Jimin. I need details."

"Well what am I suppose to say?" 

"Is he hot?" Jimin practically chokes on his spit when Taehyung says that. "Aah, so he is hot."

"N-no!" Jimin sputters, tips of his ears burning and his face feeling all too warm. He clears his throat, "he is really-" he pauses to think of a word, "cool."

Taehyung fakes a yawn. "Bo-ring!" 

Jimin throws a pillow at him and hides under his duvet cover, not bothering to change out of his uniform because he is exhausted and he has no classes tomorrow anyway.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Jimin wakes up to Taehyung scrambling around their room with his hair wet and . He blinks a couple of times before deciding that this is all probably just a dream and closes his eyes again.

"Jimin! We're late!"

"But school not today." He mumbles intelligently as he raises his duvet covers above his head.

"Idiot! We need to go to work!"

Hearing Taehyung's response, Jimin bolts up. He curses as he falls off of his bed and immediately runs to the bathroom.

"Will you take out my uniform?!" He yells over the water gushing out of the shower head as he strips off of his clothes and hops inside.

Taehyung makes a noise that sounds like a zombie trying to speak, and Jimin thinks that he has got his back and is taking out his uniform like he has asked him to.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

They arrive at the cafe all out of breath and slightly sweaty from running ten minutes because the bus stop isn't as close to the little cafe as much as they would like it to be.

Their manager is a nice elderly lady, nearing her sixties. Even though she has graying hair, wrinkles mapping her face and doesn't really walk as fast as she used to, Jimin still thinks that she has a young heart. What Jimin really likes about her is that she is understanding, so when he and Taehyung burst through the door, she is ushering them inside with a large, warm smile.

"You're late." She says, eyes playfully narrowing as she refills the sugar container.

"Sorry, Mrs.Kang. We got held up." Taehyung answers as he rubs the back of his neck while Jimin smiles sheepishly from beside him.

Mrs.Kang rolls her eyes, smile still in place. "Alright, just get working. I feel like we are going to be busy today."

They do as they are told and go into the small staff room to grab their aprons.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *

Halfway through the day, Jimin finds himself thinking about Yoongi. He is making an iced americano, which reminds him of the time when they were in Elita Parlour. Jimin wonders whether or not Yoongi likes his americano iced, but he probably does since he likes it when it is not iced which means he should like americanos when they are iced.

Thinking about it hurts Jimin's head. So he stops. As he hands the drink to the customer over the counter, giving them the correct change when he has cashed in the money that he is given, he thinks about Yoongi's hands. 

They are thin and slender, bigger than his own. Jimin noticed it when they were playing video games, and when he had to type up something on his laptop. Being honest, his hands didn't look too soft. But maybe they are, and Jimin tries to bury the excitement of knowing in the back of his mind where he can possibly never think about it again.

Jimin thinks that he is being really creepy. What with thinking about how Yoongi likes his americanos and his hands. If he really thinks, he knows that he will probably think about how nice Yoongi is, insisting on buying him hot chocolate and a muffin and paying for his ice-cream. He also knows that he would probably think about how handsome Yoongi is too.

So he shakes his head violently, hoping to get rid of his thoughts of Yoongi.

"Are you alright?"

Jimin looks up to see the blond male that he saw yesterday. He is wearing a bucket hat and sunglasses and his clothes look really expensive, like it costs more than Jimin's phone type of expensive.

"Yeah," he clears his throat. "I'm fine."

"Good. Can I have a slice of carrot cake and a mocha frappucino, please?"

Jimin smiles. "Sure, take a seat and I'll bring it to you."

The tall blond nods and chooses a seat by the window. Jimin gets working on the frappucino first, looking around for any other elite students that he could possibly recognize as he does so. But by the time he has placed the order on a round tray, no other elites have walked in.

"Thank you." The blond says with a large smile. He has a really cute dimple and his eyes kind of disappear and it is kind of cute.

Jimin mirrors his smile and heads back over to the counter.

"After you clean up after him, you can go." Mrs.Kang informs him, nodding gently at the elite.

Jimin nods. "Thanks. And Taehyung..?"

"Taehyung will be going home the same time as you too." She smiles.


*   *   *   *   *   *   *

"Hey mom," Jimin says through his phone, which is in between his cheek and shoulder. "Oh, I'm doing well. So is Taehyung." He replies as he is doing some grocery shopping, making sure that the items that he chooses are either on sale or discounted by his loyalty card. "Just doing some shopping." Jimin walks up to he counter and places his items on the conveyer belt. "I love you too. Tell Jungmin that I said hi." 

"That'll be fifteen ninety-eight." 

Jimin places his phone back in his pocket, and takes out his wallet. After taking out some cash, he hands it to the cashier. He quickly packs the food in his backpack and leaves the store.

On the way home, Jimin's phone rings. He doesn't bother looking at the caller I.D before answering, he just assumes who it is.

"Mom, I thought we just spoke." He says teasingly.

"Uhm, Jimin, I'm not your mom."

"Y-yoongi. H-hi." Jimin stutters, completely mortified. His cheeks feel warm and he is pretty sure that his voice will be an octave higher if he talks.

Yoongi laughs. His laugh is really nice and contagious. Jimin would laugh if he didn't want the ground to swallow him whole at the moment. "I just wanted to tell you that I need to meet up with you tomorrow morning. Meet me in my room at like, twelve or something."

"Alright, sure."

Silence remains and personally, Jimin finds it a bit awkward. All he can hear is Yoongi breathing into the speaker and he doesn't know what to say.

"So ... What are you doing?"

"Well I just finished doing some grocery shopping, so I'm on my way back to my dorm."


"Yeah." Jimin kind of wants to cringe at the slight awkwardness, but then he'd look weird, so he doesn't.



"Be careful, and get back safely." Yoongi says after a short moments of hesitence.

"I will." Jimin smiles.

"Good. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you."

Yoongi is the one that ends the call. Jimin stuffs his phone back inside his pocket and smiles all the way back to the dorm.

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Chimslunatic #1
Chapter 6: pls update.. ur story is really good!!!!!!
rollingpie #2
Chapter 6: im crying for an update T___________T
exomaniacc #3
Chapter 6: I've just discovered your story and wow it's become my favourite so far!
Chapter 6: Kyaaa welcome back!
Lol Yoongi, you shouldn't be judging Jimin watching L.DK instead you need to explain why you had that dvd on your dorm XDD
Chapter 6: Gonna be my new favorite Yoonmin Fic ✨✨
BlueeWings #6
Chapter 5: This is amazing so far omg
Update soon!! Xx
NeoRei #7
Chapter 3: Ouh~ Jiminie, you cute lil sh*t! YOONGI!! JUST MAKE THAT LIL CUTIE YOURS!!! I will support you from the cruel reality world T^T
Chapter 5: I LOVE THIS OMG ~~ I'd like to see Jimin showing off his manly side too >.< right now it feels TOO fetus to handle XD like Jimin is actually pretty manly! Oh and i also wanna see Suga's cute sides hehe~ if its not too much to ask! ( i actually love top Jimin and bottom Yoongi ) thank you for writing Author-nim :D
Chapter 5: good good i liked it looking forward to more yoonmin thank you !!