Compass & Cones

The Cabin: Volume 3




Tuesday rolled into view, and the girls decided to split up until evening, when Mr. and Mrs. Son would be back for a special surprise.  Joy and Wendy stayed together while Irene and Seulgi decided to take a walk outside.

Irene marched ahead of Seulgi on a mission to the far side of the lake, a spot where the late summer wildflowers were gorgeous and the greenest grass Irene had ever seen grew tall. Seulgi tagged along to spend time with her friend and because Irene insisted she needed help with a project. Looking at how fast Irene was walking, Seulgi would swear that she had never seen Irene tread with such intent in her life.

Irene ventured to a place right beside the lake where the water lapped against the shore and the fragrances of earth and bloom mingled. Irene saw magic here, and a spell she wished to cast upon Wendy tomorrow evening.

“Seulgi, what do you think of this spot?” Irene asked.

“Well,” Seulgi glanced around, “It’s really nice here.”

“Just nice?”

“Well, clearly you’re planning something, what exactly is it?”

Irene reached into her pocket carefully and pulled out the box the necklace was in, “A place to give Wendy this,” she answered and opened the box.






While Seulgi and Irene talked outside, far from the cabin, Joy and Wendy stayed in the kitchen and baked. The meal that Wendy was making needed a dessert addition and Joy was her helper.

“I love cupcakes,” Joy said, reaching for an ingredient to hand to Wendy.

“Good, I’m making red velvet,” Wendy winked.

“Nice joke, unnie, I can’t wait to try them. I’m sure the dinner you’re making is going to be good too,” Joy said.

“I hope so,” Wendy said, ”Do you think two will be enough?”

“What? Two pizzas? Yeah, whatever you think, I’ll just look forward to eating it.”






Seulgi  let out a loud gasp when she saw the necklace, the gasp startled Irene and almost made her drop the box but she recovered and Seulgi demanded to see it. She took the necklace carefully from Irene and admired it up close.

“Is this a—“ Seulgi tried to say.

Irene walked closer to Seulgi and pointed to the silver circle pendant, “It’s a compass, see how the directions are stamped into the circle. North, South, East, West.”

“This is really amazing, unnie, she’s going to love it.”

“I had something engraved on the back,” Seulgi tried to flip it over to look, but Irene stopped her, “I want Wendy to see it first,”

“I understand,” Seulgi said smiling, “That’s sweet, unnie.”

Irene blushed, “I need your and Joy’s help tomorrow before I give her this.”

Seulgi raised her eyebrows, “Anything, tell me what you need.”






“Did you make this dough yourself, unnie?”

“Yes,” Wendy said to Joy as she rolled the dough out to begin making the pizzas.

“Where was I when this happened?” Joy asked.

“I think you were busy sleeping—or no, that was Seulgi. I think you were watching TV with Irene unnie.”

“Really? And you were in here by yourself? Sorry about that,” Joy said.

“It’s okay,” Wendy smiled, “It didn’t take me long to make, and I joined you afterward, it was just this morning, remember?”

“No, I guess I was trying to understand the show we were watching, it was difficult without subtitles,” Joy said.

“Oh, I see, if you ever need help understanding, just ask, okay?”

“Thanks, unnie.”

“Now are you going to help me with these pizzas, Joy?”

“I think I’ll go take a nap,” Joy said slyly.

Wendy glared.

“Just kidding, what do you need, unnie?”






“So, the food’s going to be picnic style?” Seulgi questioned, having fully recovered from seeing the necklace and hearing Irene’s plan.

“Yeah, hopefully you and Joy can sneak out here and set it up while we get ready,” Irene said.

“It’s my honor and privilege to help you, unnie,” Seulgi said.

“Thanks, Seul.

“You’re welcome, unnie!”






The evening came into view and everyone, including Mr. and Mrs. Son were around the table.

“Was the pizza good, Irene?” Joy asked.

“Of course it was, and the cupcakes too,” Irene replied.

“Wendy did most of the work, but I helped,” Joy said proudly.

“Good job Joy,” Mr. Son said, and Joy beamed.

“Wendy, Joy you stay at the table, unnie,  and I will do the dishes,” Seulgi said.

“But—“ Wendy tried to say

“We’ve got it,” Irene smiled, “Stay here and relax.”

“Okay,” Wendy said.

“This is my cue to set up the surprise,” Mr. Son said.

“I’ll help you out,” Mrs. Son. Said.

“Me too,” said Joy.

“But it’s a surprise, Joy,” Irene said from the sink.

“I hate surprises, plus they need me, right?” Joy asked Mr. and Mrs. Son.

Mrs. Son laughed, “Of course, come on Joy.”






After the dishes were done, the three girls joined Joy and Wendy’s parents outside.

There in the almost night on the back deck, Mrs. Son had prepared sno cones for everyone with many different flavors to choose from. Joy was already working on her first cone when they walked out of the house.

“Wow,” Seulgi said marveling at the different syrups and the contraption that was making the ice, “This is really cool!”

“No pun intended, right unnie?” Joy said as she bit into the lime flavored ice.

Irene laughed at Seulgi’s confused face, “You said it was cool, Seul, and it’s ice that we’re talking about.”

“Oh,” Seulgi said, then finally laughed a little too late at her own unintended joke.






Irene grabbed Wendy’s hand and ran to the ice maker, excited like a kid to try one of the sno cones. She held on tight to Wendy and smiled as Seulgi picked out blue raspberry, knowing her tongue and lips would be blue later.

“Sure you want that flavor, Seul?” Wendy asked.

“Yes,” Seulg said oblivious.

Wendy and Irene laughed.

Wendy went next and got pineapple, and Irene took her time glancing at all the flavors. She took a particular interest in one of the flavors, a deep, dark red flavor that looked mysteriously like blood.

“Wendy-ah, what’s this flavor?” Irene asked, pointing at the oddly named bottle, one that Irene was unsure how to say.

“Oh,” Wendy said, “It’s Tiger’s Blood.”

“It’s real blood?” Irene asked naively.

“No, it’s not real blood,” Wendy laughed.

“Then what flavor is it?”

“I think it’s strawberry, watermelon, and coconut, right Mom?”

“Yeah, that’s right, Seungwan. Want to try it Irene?”

Irene’s eyes lit up and she nodded, ready to try the previously unknown flavor.






After they finished their sno cones, Mr. Son had prepared one last surprise for the night. He told everyone to sit close and look to the sky. After Joy turned off the porch light and everyone was seated, the show began.

In the distant darkness an explosion occurred that shocked everyone, especially Irene, who was the most sensitive to loud noises of everyone. She grabbed onto Wendy and hid her head, but Wendy reassured her to look and that they were safe.

When Irene finally gathered the courage to look, she saw flashes of brilliant colors exploding and raining from the sky, a fireworks show.

Knowing everyone was safe she never looked away again and marveled at the lights and sparkles against the night. When the final firework was shot off, the deck became dark again. Irene leaned into Wendy and whispered, “Beautiful.”

“I know, the fireworks were amazing,” Wendy said looking into Irene’s eyes, their only light the moon.

“No, not just the fireworks, you,” Irene said.

Wendy was stunned at the compliment and squeezed Irene’s hand.

Irene’s heart thumped loudly, knowing what she would be doing the next evening. She was nervous and excited, unsure of what she would say, but knew her actions present and future would mean more than any words she could come up with.







End of Par III






Stay tuned for the final five chapters in Part IV. Please send me comments or subscribe! Thanks for checking out my story. Be back soon!













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Chapter 20: love your story! looking forward for more from an amazing writer like you :)
Favebolous 12 streak #2
Favebolous 12 streak #3
Chapter 2: FUNNY
ggstaan #4
1733 streak #5
Chapter 20: I've finished the three volumes in one go. And all i can say is that i love it so much. I was wondering, will it have volume 4? Coz im really willing to wait for that. Great story author-ssi! Looking forward to your other stories soon ^^
wenrene7743 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the story!
bknight2k #7
Chapter 20: Loved chapter 20
Chapter 20: Yay! Yeri is here everyone! :D Aww, of course it's gonna take more than a new member to throw the other girls off. Red Velvet is invinsible! OT5 fighting! WenRene fighting! XD haha