The Dream and a Piercing

The Cabin: Volume 3




…The waves lapped and crashed on the shore, she stood just below the tide-line so that her toes would feel the rush of water that still held warmth from the day’s sun. The water danced between them and the sand turned to mud as the salty sea rushed away. The sun, almost set, created a purple pink sky that was beautiful to admire. Wendy was alone, or so she thought, until she felt a hand gently caress her own, the fingers furling together like a precious treasure map, and then she wasn’t alone any longer. Wendy mustered the courage to see who was beside her, a glance, and she knew that not even the ocean or the magnificent sunset could ever compare to the beauty that held her tightly…






Wendy awoke in a sea of warmth. She was completely covered in the scent of cherry blossoms, heat, and Irene. Irene’s legs were wrapped tightly around Wendy’s torso, her arms a vice grip around Wendy’s shoulders. Her face lodged in Wendy’s neck, her breaths sending delicious shockwaves to Wendy’s brain.

Together they formed a human pretzel-like shape that even Wendy couldn’t fathom. She wondered how they’d gone from the close hug they’d started out with last night to Irene being fully on top of her, not that she would ever complain about their current situation. Oftentimes Irene slept in strange positions but even this was strange for her, maybe she wasn’t used to sleeping beside someone. Wendy didn’t mind the eccentric Joohyun, she loved her and enjoyed this feeling of intimacy with her. The warmth, mix of Irene’s cherry blossom hair and her own body wash was intoxicating. A feeling of intense love and also relaxation set in when they were together. At this thought, Wendy felt an overwhelming need to hold onto Irene as tightly as she was being held.

Wendy tried to move a bit so that she could wrap her arms around Irene’s waist but failed because of the steadfast, unrelenting grip that Irene had placed on her. Irene was not one to be called athletic, but Wendy knew that if cuddling became an Olympic sport, Irene would most likely be the gold medal winner.

Finally realizing that she would indeed be unable to move, Wendy decided that gently awakening Irene would be the best option.

“Baechu,” she whispered, “Baechu, wake up.”

Irene didn’t budge.

“Baechu-nim, Bae Joohyun,” Wendy said louder.

Irene moved only slightly but with this movement, Wendy was able to slip her arm free and began to rub Irene’s back, drawing circles as she had the previous night, a light touch was all that was needed to finally awaken Irene, who began to grumble incoherently.

“Wake up, baby,” Wendy said softly, continuing her ministrations.

“Underneath,” Irene whispered, her face still planted in Wendy’s neck.

“Underneath?” Wendy questioned.

“Underneath my shirt, that feels so  good,” Irene answered, her voice like gravel and air.

Finally understanding, Wendy moved her hand to the hem of Irene’s pajama shirt and slowly crawled inside, her fingers whispering on the softest skin she’d ever come in contact with. At the gesture, Irene’s back erupted in goose bumps, she whimpered at the feeling of Wendy’s hand lazily drawing patterns on her back.

“Have you noticed the position we’re in? Wendy asked, scratching at Irene’s shoulder blade.

At this, Irene raised her head, looked directly in Wendy’s eyes and smiled, “Yes, I like being this close to you, plus you kept me warm all night,” she answered. Still tired she laid her head back to the nook of Wendy’s neck.

“Glad to be your personal furnace,” Wendy joked.

“More like my personal sunshine,” Irene said.






After a long time of staying as they were, Wendy finally suggested that they get up. Everyone planned to go on a hike this morning and Wendy needed to get the gear together.

“I don’t want to get up,” Irene said

“We promised to go on the hike with Seulgi and Joy.”

“I know,” Irene huffed, “But let’s just stay here.”

“We can’t, this evening we’ll come back and do some more cuddling in compromising positions. You’re  a professional, right?” Wendy asked


“At cuddling.”

“Yes, but…okay, if you can get up from here, then I’ll go on the hike, if not, we’re staying in bed. ALL. DAY. LONG,” Irene said.

“Okay,” Wendy smirked.

Irene tightened her grip on Wendy, not planning to provide any help with the attempted escape.

Wendy thought about how she could gently escape from Irene’s grasp, although, she really didn’t mind being held like this. Hell, staying in bed could also be a sport, but today and tomorrow she wanted to do activities outside with the other girls. Wendy glanced at Irene’s head which was still plastered on her neck. Staring at Irene was her favorite pastime and this time the staring gave Wendy an idea.

Irene’s right ear, a complex maze of dips and curves, ins and outs, was interrupted by a shiny stud earring. The earring stood out against Irene’s perfect skin, wow, perfect skin even on an ear. But this morning Wendy’s mind turned and formulated that this earring would be Irene’s downfall and her own means of escape.






Irene held on tight to her Seungwan as the latter cooked up her plan. Irene was unaware that the tables were about to be turned.

Wendy began whispering ‘I Love Yous’ in Irene’s right ear, the soft voice sent chills down Irene’s spine, “I love you too,” she replied.

“I really love your new earring,” Wendy said gently, making sure the air blew straight onto Irene’s sensitive ear, “Thank you,” Irene replied.

 Wendy then took her plan a step further and began to plant small kisses and nips around the ear until she reached the delicate skin around the piercing. For this she darted her tongue and swept around the earring itself, able to move the stud around in a circle.

This motion caused Irene to groan, “You know how sensitive my ears are.”

“Of course I know,” Wendy said, then continued her movements. Irene became distracted and moved around a little too much. In a flash she found herself looking up at Wendy, having flipped positions.

“I think I escaped,” Wendy chuckled.

“Yes,” Irene scowled.

Wendy leaned in and kissed Irene’s lips. When she moved away, the scowl on Irene’s face was replaced by a smile, “This time you escaped.”

“Of course, only this time,” Wendy said leaning in again, she moved back to Irene’s ear.






As they continued to kiss, Wendy let herself be flipped again, Irene was busy with Wendy’s collar bones, her neck, her nose. Then a knock came on the door and Seulgi shouted something about their impending hike and needing help with something for Joy. Irene stopped her movements and looked in Wendy’s eyes. There she found annoyance, “Please don’t stop,” Wendy said, “Not now.”

Irene was annoyed as well and frustrated, they’d come this far to be stopped once again. But somehow, even through her frustrations, Irene knew that her responsibilities outweighed this moment, at least for now. Such a strange thing, to feel utterly devoted to this woman before her, and completely unable to continue because of her loyalty and duty to everyone else in the group. Irene didn’t continue, and Wendy was upset. Wendy knew that Irene had failed to see that this was a vacation not a moment at work.

Seulgi knocked again.

“Go away, Seul,” Wendy shouted.

“But Wen, I made breakfast and we’re ready to go hiking,” Seulgi said.

Irene tried to get up to go to the door, but Wendy held onto her, “Don’t answer it.”

“I have to, Wendy,” Irene said, feeling the moment they were having finally slipping away. Their edge of control was being seriously tested at this moment. Wendy sat up and tried to kiss Irene again, but Irene stopped her, and leaned down herself to kiss Wendy’s cheek.

“Why is someone always interrupting us?”  Wendy whispered to Irene bitterly, “Will we never have a moment to ourselves?”

Seulgi yelled something about Joy.

“I’m the leader, and I need to answer the door, you know what we signed up for,” Irene said casually.

Seulgi knocked on the door again, the romantic mood in the room had shifted completely.

“It’s the life we lead, and it won’t stop anytime soon. We have to endure, remember?” Irene extracted herself from Wendy’s grip, “You’re not the only one who needs my attention.” In an instant Irene was out of the bed.

“Wait, where are you going?” Wendy asked, confused by Irene’s mood shift to Leader Unnie.

“To answer the door, of course. Seulgi’s waiting, we can’t argue now,” Irene walked closer to the door.

“Wait,” Wendy jumped up and moved to Irene, she grabbed her hand and held it tight, “I’m not trying to argue…please stay, let’s talk.”

Seulgi knocked again.

Irene softened to Wendy’s plea, the tables had turned again, now Wendy wanted to stay inside this perfect room and Irene had responsibilities to attend to, “Not now, we’re going hiking, right?”

“Yes, but what about…”

“I know,” Irene said simply, she let go of Wendy’s hand then opened the door and greeted Seulgi.

Wendy sat down on the bed and fell back, frustrated.







Wendy was cranky, and only Irene knew exactly why. They all trudged up the side of the mountain wanting to get to the top and eat lunch.

Irene and Joy were somehow in the lead and Seulgi and Wendy trailed behind them. The normally bright Wendy couldn’t hide her upset face.

“You need to tell me what’s wrong, Wan, maybe I can help. Is it because I interrupted you two this morning? I’m really sorry about that.”

Wendy looked to her best friend, “No….well not just because of that.”

“Then what is it?” Seulgi asked.

“I’m completely in love with Irene,” Wendy declared.

“Good, she in love with you too.”

“I…..know, but…’s something she said this morning that’s got me thinking.”

“Thinking what?” Seulgi asked, alarmed, “A break-up?”

“No, of course not,” Wendy said loudly, “Nothing at all like that.”

“Seulgi breathed a sigh of relief, “Then what?”

“How long must we wait?” Wendy asked.


“For it all, to be able to be free, to…date openly, show affection, to live how we want and need to live.”

“A long time,” Seulgi said honestly, “At least where we work, a very long time. If we’re going to be a successful group and stay together, then it will be quite a while. I know it’s not what you want to hear, and it’s not what I want either, but…it’s the truth.”

Wendy pondered this, “….unreasonable, strict rules,” she muttered.

“May I ask you something?” Seulgi said.

“Yeah,” Wendy replied.

“Is it all worth it? The hiding, the pain?”

“Every bit of it is worth it, as long as I have Joohyun,” Wendy said clearly.

“Then stop thinking about everything else,” Seulgi said, “There’s nothing but good times ahead.”

“Thanks Seul,” Wendy said, “You need to stop interrupting us though, for real,” she added on, jokingly.

“You got it friend,” Seulgi laughed.

The pair hugged and continued up the mountain.






Wendy and Seulgi caught up with Joy and Irene, and after everyone made it to the top, the four sat down for lunch. Irene looked to the now smiling Wendy and grinned in return. After they finished eating,  Irene gestured for Wendy to follow her a little way so that they could speak in private.

“You’re back,” Irene said, “I know you were…upset earlier,” Irene leaned in and kissed Wendy’s cheek.

“Sorry, I was—“

“You were overanalyzing what I said this morning, right?” Irene asked.

“Yes, how did you know?” Wendy replied

“I’ve been thinking about it too, it’s just that I feel responsible for all three of you, and…”

“I know, you’re our leader, you’re my unnie, the eldest” Wendy said, “I know it’s a tough position to be in, especially when we’re together,” Wendy said.

“I’m just sorry, we’re not working, and even though I’m leader, it doesn’t apply in the same way while we’re here on vacation.  I know I left you hanging to answer the door, and I hated to even get up, you know I wanted to stay with you, right?” Irene asked.

“Yeah, I know.”

“I was feeling so—“

“Frustrated?” Wendy asked.

“I was going to say worked up, but frustrated works too,” Irene joked.

Wendy coughed, “Well then…” she said shyly.

Irene grabbed Wendy’s hand, “Jokes aside, I’ll endure forever, as long as I have you. And even with my extra responsibilities with the group, in my personal life, you are most important, I’ll try not to confuse them anymore.”

“You have me no matter what,” Wendy said.

Irene smiled, “Same.”

“Good, now tell me about this frustration, I think we’re both feeling it,” Wendy said, she latched onto Irene’s waist.

“I think I like frustrated Wendy,” Irene said.

“Really? Why?”

“Because I know we won’t be frustrated for too much longer,” Irene said.

Wendy laughed, “True, can I tell you about a dream I had this morning?”

“Sure,” Irene said.

“I was standing on a beach and you were by my side…”








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Chapter 20: love your story! looking forward for more from an amazing writer like you :)
Favebolous 12 streak #2
Favebolous 12 streak #3
Chapter 2: FUNNY
ggstaan #4
1732 streak #5
Chapter 20: I've finished the three volumes in one go. And all i can say is that i love it so much. I was wondering, will it have volume 4? Coz im really willing to wait for that. Great story author-ssi! Looking forward to your other stories soon ^^
wenrene7743 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the story!
bknight2k #7
Chapter 20: Loved chapter 20
Chapter 20: Yay! Yeri is here everyone! :D Aww, of course it's gonna take more than a new member to throw the other girls off. Red Velvet is invinsible! OT5 fighting! WenRene fighting! XD haha