
The Cabin: Volume 3




Just a quick note, in part of the chapter someone is telling a story and that part of the text will be marked by bold font. Sound effects for that part of the chapter are in italics


On to the chapter...






As night fell fully upon them, the girls helped clean around the cabin. After the cleaning was finished, and the obstacle course was taken apart, Mrs. Son asked the girls if they would join her for a campfire that Mr. Son had worked on earlier. All they would have to do was light the fire. The girls all agreed and Wendy grabbed marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers to make s’mores. Mr. Son stayed behind to watch a baseball game and wished them all luck with starting the fire.






The trek through the woods started off fine, Mrs. Son led the way with a lantern, with Wendy holding Irene’s hand and a full bag of needed items behind her Mom. Lagging behind those three were Joy and Seulgi, the tallest of the four held on tightly to Seulgi’s arm.

“What’s wrong with you?” Seulgi asked, “You’re never like this.”

“Did I forget to mention that I really don’t like forests?” Joy asked.

“You might have failed to tell us that fact…why didn’t you say anything when we were still at the cabin?”

“I-I don’t know, I didn’t want to seem like a coward.”

“Is this why you did so much complaining before we left Seoul?” Seulgi asked.

“What? Oh, you mean the things I said that upset Wendy-Unnie? About “The Cabin in the Woods? Yeah, that’s why.” Joy answered.

“Well, we’re already here now, everything will be ok.” Seulgi said, attempting to ease Joy’s fears.

“I guess.” Joy answered. Still wary of her surroundings, Joy trudged ahead, Seulgi leading her the whole way.






When they finally made it to the spot where Mr. Son set up the kindling that would start the fire, Joy had calmed down and was making jokes again with Seulgi, Irene sat on one of the wooden benches that were in a circle around where the fire would be, and Wendy stood behind Irene and waited for directions.

They would have to have to get the fire started on the kindling first, then add the larger logs that lay nearby to make the flame large enough to make the s’mores. Mrs. Son enlisted the assistance of Irene to help her get the fire started, Wendy interjected, saying she would help instead, but Irene smiled, shook her head, and listened to Mrs. Son’s instructions.

“Have you ever started a fire before?” Mrs. Son asked.

“No,” Irene answered.

“That’s okay, we’re halfway there since the kindling is already set up,” Mrs. Son reached in her pocket and pulled out a box of matches, “We need to light that first it’s the tinder, that lint stuff and the kindling, those dry sticks that are set up. Then once it’s burning nicely, we’ll gradually add the logs, got it?”

“Yes,” Irene answered.

“Okay, you do the honors, Irene,” Mrs. Son handed the matches over to Irene. The other three girls looked on as Irene took out the first match and attempted to light it. Nothing happened, and the match was ruined. She took out the second match and tried again with the same result, no flame.

Wendy smiled, wanting to help Irene, but knowing she wouldn’t want help right now just to light a match. The third match struck the box and a flame ignited. Everyone cheered and Irene kneeled down contacting the flame with the tinder and then the kindling. The fire was started.

“Third time’s a charm, unnie,” Joy joked, and everyone laughed, including Irene.

When the time came for the logs to be added to the fire, Wendy looked toward Irene, “Do you want me to do this part? Or at least help? Those logs may be heavy, I don’t want you to hurt yourself.”

“I think I’ll be okay, but if I need you, I’ll look your way,” Irene answered.

“Alright, let’s really start the fire,” Mrs. Son said, grabbing a log and putting it on the flame. It didn’t take long for the fire to catch on it, “Your turn, Irene.”

Irene bent to pick up another log, and then realized what Wendy had been telling her, the log really was heavy. Even though she wanted to do it alone, she decided it was best to look over to Wendy for the help she needed. When Wendy saw Irene’s eyes, she got instantly and ran to help Irene with the log, “Let’s do it together,” Wendy encouraged, and with both of them, and Wendy basically holding it by herself, they added the log to the fire.

Mrs. Son looked to Seulgi and Joy next, “Want to add another one?” They nodded and walked over to help.

Irene went to sit down again, Wendy following close behind, they huddled close together and Irene spoke, “You were right, it was too heavy for me, I should have listened.”

“It’s okay,” Wendy replied, “We did it together, isn’t that how it should be?”

Irene smiled and leaned her head on Wendy’s shoulder, “That’s how I want it to be, always.”

With the fire fully blazing, Mrs. Son looked at the four girls, “I think it’s time for s’mores.”






“What exactly is a sma-ore?,” Irene whispered to Wendy, cutely stumbling over the strange word. Wendy grinned at Irene’s confused expression, “It’s like a sandwich cookie made with graham crackers, with a roasted marshmallow and chocolate in the middle,” Wendy explained.

“Why is it called a sammore?” Irene asked, mispronouncing the word again.

“Hmm,” Wendy vocalized, “It means ‘some more.’ After you eat one, you have to have some more.”

“Oh, I wasn’t sure,” Irene said, “Will you help me make one, Wendy-ah?”

“Of course, have you never tried one before, even a premade one?”

“No,” Irene answered shyly, “I can’t remember a time making a campfire either or being together like this with anyone, it’s special.”

Wendy looked to Irene lovingly, “Of course it is, moments like these are important, I’m glad you’re with me,” Wendy leaned closer to Irene for a kiss, but was interrupted by Mrs. Son speaking loudly to Joy and Seulgi, “Ready to make s’mores?”

Wendy sighed in disappointment, but Irene grabbed her hand and squeezed, “Later?”








Making S’mores with Irene was more challenging that Wendy had first thought it would be. Mrs. Son had brought along unfolded clothes hangers to put the marshmallows on, something Joy, Seulgi, and Irene marveled at. Sitting close together, Wendy helped Irene put a marshmallow on the end of her hanger, and showed her how to roast it. Everything was going well until Irene’s marshmallow caught fire. When she took it out of the flame, the marshmallow was blazing hot and the hanger was starting to heat up as well. Unsure of what to do, Irene dropped it in the dirt and held onto Wendy, “The hanger was hot, and the marshmallow was on fire, I can’t believe I dropped it,” Irene said, hiding her face.

Wendy smiled and rubbed her back, Irene spoke again, “I’m really helpless, aren’t I?”

“No, you’re not helpless, We’ll just make another one. This time, when it catches on fire, bring it to me and I’ll help you blow the flame out.”

This time Irene put the marshmallow on the hanger herself and put it in the flame, when it was fully roasted, Irene pulled it away and walked with it to Wendy. Only a slight flame surrounded it this time, and Wendy quickly blew it out, “Good job, baby, now we make the s’mores.”

Wendy grabbed two graham crackers, and a piece of chocolate. She placed the piece of chocolate on one cracker, and then instructed Irene to put the marshmallow, still on the stick, on top of the chocolate. Wendy placed the other graham cracker on top of the marshmallow and smushed it, then told Irene to pull the stick away. What was left was a s’more.

“Here, this is yours, try it,” Wendy said.

Irene took the s’more carefully, smelled it, and took a bite, “This is delicious,” Irene said.

“Really? Does it smell nice too?” Wendy joked.

“Yeah, it smells like the campfire and…sugar?” Irene put the s’more up to her nose again and smelled, “Yeah burnt sugar and chocolate.. The marshmallow is really tasty when it’s roasted,” Irene said.

“I’m glad you like it,” Wendy said.

Irene continued to eat her s’more, while Wendy started on one for herself. Joy, Mrs. Son and Wendy were busy making their own treats. Joy laughed endlessly at Seulgi’s concentration face as she put a marshmallow on her own hanger. Her tongue slightly out of , Seulgi’s eyes focused totally on the marshmallow.

Wendy laughed too, then continued working on her s’more. In the flickering light Wendy became distracted from the task when she looked to her left and noticed a bit of chocolate on Irene’s lip. Not wanting to alert anyone she carefully whispered, “Here,” she said, Irene looked Wendy’s way, “You have some chocolate on you,” Wendy put her thumb up to Irene’s lip and brushed the chocolate off.

Wendy sat with her thumb still near Irene’s face, looking away and trying to find the napkin she’d put somewhere near so she could wipe the chocolate from her thumb. Wendy finally found it but didn’t have need of it anymore, Irene leaned in and the chocolate from Wendy’s thumb, her tongue brushing over the spot where the chocolate was and staying there for what seemed like hours, finally Irene moved back from Wendy’s thumb, “Tasty,” she said, “Thank you for noticing.”

“You’re w-w-welcome, baby,” Wendy whispered, shocked by what Irene had done.

Irene’s face held a knowing grin, a smile that said she knew what she was doing to Wendy but her eyes were black pools. She was affected by the moment just as much as Wendy.

Wendy looked away from Irene and over to where Joy and Seulgi were busy with their own s’mores. But the main reason she looked away was because Irene’s stare was driving her mad. With everyone there, Wendy could do nothing but sit and think of what Irene had done, think of the firelight dancing in her eyes, and hope the others were unaware of the moment they’d just had. She finally put the marshmallow in the fire and watched as it burned, Wendy was glad for the flame light and the dark evening. If the sun was up everyone would have been able to see her red and flustered face.

“Later,” Irene said again, barely whispering.

And Wendy wondered, “When is later?”






After they had all finished one or three s’mores each, and Wendy had somewhat recovered from her incident with Irene, they cleaned up their mess and put everything back in the bag that Wendy had carried to the site. After all this, Mrs. Son proclaimed she would tell them a story. A scary story. Joy gasped when she heard this. She stood up, pursed her lips, and looked straight at Wendy’s Mom, “Mrs. Son, is it really scary?” she asked.

“The scariest,” Mrs. Son replied. Joy did a double take, and gasped again

“I got to go,” Joy tried to leave but Seulgi pulled her back down, “I’m here, nothing’s going to happen to you,” Seulgi tried to explain.

“Go ahead Joy, have fun walking back by yourself,” Wendy laughed. Joy glared, “Just kidding, Joy, it’s going to be fine, I’ve probably heard this story before, right Mom?”

“No,” she said eerily, “It’s a recent story, and it’s scary.”

“Oh,” Wendy said.

Joy gulped.

Seulgi looked stunned.

Irene hid her face with her hair.

“Ready?” Mrs. Son asked.

Irene clung to Wendy, and Joy to Seulgi, all wide-eyed and prepared for the worst. Mrs. Son moved her seat nearer to the fire and began to weave her tale.






“…With her partner nowhere to be found, the hiker was lost in these woods for days, until she happened upon a little shack when it was raining one evening, she hoped someone would be inside to help, but no one lived there. When midnight came, she heard rustling around the shack and what she thought was a voice…”

“This is scary, Seungwan,” Irene said, as she stayed glued to Wendy’s side.

Wendy knew Irene was serious because of the use of her Korean name, “It’s okay, baby, it’s not real, my Mom likes to make these stories up for fun.”


“What if it is real?”

“If it’s real and someone tries to get us, I’ll protect you,” Wendy wrapped her arms around Irene’s waist and held her tight, “Don’t be frightened, okay?”

“Okay,” Irene answered meekly.

“…The girl wasn’t sure if it was the wind rustling in the trees or someone coming back to the shack…”

Meanwhile, Seulgi was transfixed on the story, unaware that Joy was frightened. Joy held Seulgi’s hand tightly and stared at the ground, and then she began to hear noises that mimicked those in the story,


“Mrs. Son,” Joy whispered, “I think I hear something.”

Rustle rustle

“…The girl stood up and then…”

Rustle rustle

“Seulgi, I hear something in the woods,” Joy said.

Rustle rustle

“…Suddenly the door to the shack flew open…”

Joy saw movement in the trees.

Rustle rustle

“…and then…”

Rustle rustle

“…She saw someone standing at the door, the figure rushed toward her and said…”

More rustling from the trees came then, and Joy saw someone moving closer to them, “Look out Wendy,” Joy screamed suddenly. Seulgi took notice, hearing Joy’s scream then and stood up in front of her.  Irene gasped as she saw someone out of the corner of her eye. Even Mrs. Son stood up in fright.

Wendy saw the movement, and used her body to cover Irene, “Don’t panic, baby, I’ll protect you, I promise.”

Then the figure yelled…







“HEY LADIES!!!!!!”

And to everyone’s relief it was Mr. Son with a water bucket, arriving to put the fire out when they were ready to leave.

“What the heck, Dad? You scared us,” Wendy said, still holding on tightly to Irene who had her head tucked in Wendy’s arm.

“Sorry! Mom told me to come at 10:00 to help everyone back and put out the fire.”

Joy began to cry and Seulgi tried to comfort her, “Are you alright, Joy?” Mrs. Son asked, getting up to sit next to Joy, “I didn’t know he would show up at the punchline of my story. I was scared as well.”

“I’m fine, I’m just so relieved,” Joy said, crying and beginning to laugh as well.

Wendy rubbed Irene’s back and comforted her, “We’re okay,” she told Irene.

Seulgi began to laugh now as well, “That was the strangest coincidence!” She still held onto Joy’s hand and squeezed it to comfort her.

“Are you ladies ready to leave, sounds like you’ve had quite a night,” Mrs. Son said.

“We did,” Seulgi said, “But what happened in the story, Umma?”

“Oh, the figure was her hiking partner who had found the shack too.”

“So it wasn’t a scary ending after all?” Joy asked.

“No, I wouldn’t do that to you, Joy, but now we have our own scary story to tell.”






When they finally made it back to the cabin, Mr. and Mrs. Son packed up their stuff and headed out, promising to be back again soon for another fun night, and a less scary one. Mr. Son apologized for the ruckus in the woods all the way out the door. Joy led them out and promised she wasn’t scared anymore.

In bed later, Wendy held onto Irene much like she had at the campfire. They faced each other and she drew lazy circles on Irene’s back, attempting to lull her to sleep. Wendy was worried what the excitement from earlier had done to Irene. She’d remained quiet all the way to the house and only waved and bowed as her parents left.

Earlier, Wendy had popped into the bathroom as Irene showered to brush her teeth. Hearing the noises from the shower stall, Irene cried out, and looked out from behind the curtain only to find Wendy there. Wendy could only stare with full of toothpaste, and Irene quickly shut the curtain.

Now Irene lay serene in bed, but Wendy wondered what was going through her head. If she was still nervous, or scared, or angry, at this moment Wendy was unable to tell. Usually Wendy had a firm grasp on Irene’s emotions, but not at this moment.

Wendy often felt the need to interrupt silence and eventually she worked up the courage and asked, “Are you alright from earlier? I know it was scary.”

“I’m still a little jumpy, but fine, I was just thinking about what you did and said to me in the woods, sorry if I’ve been too quiet,” Irene said.

“It’s okay, I wanted to make sure you were alright… but… what did I do? I mean when we were still out there?” Wendy asked.

“You reassured me, kept me calm, all while Joy screamed like a banshee and made everyone scared. I was frightened when I saw someone running towards us, but you weren’t. You held me, and even shielded me…”

“I was scared too, baby,” Wendy whispered.

“Maybe, but you didn’t show it, instead you were brave and ready to help me at any cost. T-t-thank you,” Irene breathed out. She wanted to cry, but not out of sadness.

Wendy held on tighter, “There’s no need to thank me, I want to protect you, you’re important to me.”

Irene thought for a moment, “I want to protect you too…but…you saw me earlier, I can’t even light a match without help.”

Wendy chuckled at the memory, “You take care of me, as I take care of you, I’m not the only brave one in this relationship, remember?”

“I remember,” Irene breathed, thinking of the past.

“And so do I, never doubt that you take care of me too.”

Irene smiled in the darkness, “I love that you think that, and I’ll always try my best to take care of you too…maybe we can work on my wilderness skills?”

“That might be fun, maybe we can work on making s’mores again too…you…” Wendy stopped.


“You…with the chocolate…after you…then you…” Wendy blushed.

“Oh, I remember that,” Irene said slyly.

“It was an important moment,” Wendy said.

“Yes, I agree,” Irene said.

Then Wendy leaned in closer, if that was possible and kissed Irene, a sweet kiss not meant to take them anywhere in particular. Irene responded, letting Wendy pull her in. They stayed this way for a long time, unhurriedly enjoying one another, the kiss ebbing and flowing naturally; eventually they drifted apart. Wendy could only stare at Irene, and listen to her mellow breathing. They were relaxed, a far cry from earlier in the evening. Irene closed her eyes and moved forward and Wendy moved too about to lean in to connect their lips again, and then Irene yawned.

“Are you sleepy?” Wendy asked.

“No,” Irene lied, she leaned in and tried to kiss Wendy again, but had to pull back because she yawned again.

“Yes you are, let’s just go to sleep, it’s been a long day.”

“That’s not very romantic, though, you were kissing me so well, and now I’ve ruined it,” Irene said softly.

“Wow, thanks for the compliment, but you haven’t ruined anything,” Wendy chuckled.

“Are you sure? I really am sleepy,” Irene said, she yawned again.

“Completely sure,” Wendy replied.

“Thank you,” Irene said, her voice beginning to slur from drowsiness.

“Later?” Wendy asked.

“Later,” Irene said, snuggling closer to Wendy.






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Chapter 20: love your story! looking forward for more from an amazing writer like you :)
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 2: FUNNY
ggstaan #4
1737 streak #5
Chapter 20: I've finished the three volumes in one go. And all i can say is that i love it so much. I was wondering, will it have volume 4? Coz im really willing to wait for that. Great story author-ssi! Looking forward to your other stories soon ^^
wenrene7743 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the story!
bknight2k #7
Chapter 20: Loved chapter 20
Chapter 20: Yay! Yeri is here everyone! :D Aww, of course it's gonna take more than a new member to throw the other girls off. Red Velvet is invinsible! OT5 fighting! WenRene fighting! XD haha