Look My Way

The Cabin: Volume 3




Baechu was nervous. In the middle of the day, she’d snuck downstairs while Wendy napped and met Seulgi to prepare the picnic for the outing she’d planned for the evening.

Sandwiches, fresh cut fruits, and drinks were carefully packed in a cooler they’d found all while Wendy slumbered upstairs, unaware of her impending surprise.

After preparing the food, Seulgi and Irene sat on the back deck and talked.

“Don’t be nervous, unnie, it’s Wendy we’re talking about, and it’s a beautiful necklace, she’ll love it.”

“I hope she’ll like it, of course, but it’s the intent behind it that I’m worried about,” Irene said to Seulgi.

“What’s the problem? You both love each other, right?”

“Of course I love her,” Irene said, slightly flusterd, “The necklace isn’t a ring, we’re not ready for that, but it’s the next thing to it. It’s my promise to her that I will be committed, how should I explain this to her?”

“Just say what you’ve just told me,” Seulgi said.

“But what if—“ many questions swirled in Irene’s head, and she began to drift away to her own world.

“Joohyun,” Seulgi said plainly. Irene looked quickly at Seulgi, awakened from her daydream at the sudden informal use of her name, something Seulgi had never done before.

“Sorry,” Seulgi said, and Irene brushed it off, realizing she was trying to get her attention, Seulgi continued, “I’ve known you for a very long time, and even though you’re my unnie, and always will be, you’re also my friend. Never in the time that I’ve known you have you said something you haven’t meant. Besides that, have you seen the way that Wendy looks at you? It’s the same way you look at her. You’re both committed already, this is just a token of that, right?”

“Yes,” Irene answered.

“Then no worries,” Seulgi said, smiling.






When Wendy awoke with a loud yawn that Irene could hear from the hall, Irene knew that it was time for her to explain the situation. Wendy was still lying serenely on the bed, her face turned to the wall, unaware that Irene had slipped into the room. Irene snuck in and laid down with Wendy, sidled up next to her and wrapped her arms around her waist.

Wendy jumped at the contact but relaxed when Irene spoke, “I’ve got a little surprise planned for you, Wendy-ah,” Irene explained, “We’ll need to take a little trip, it’s just the two of us.”

“Really?” Wendy said, wide-eyed, turning toward Irene’s quiet voice.

“Yeah, just us, is that okay?”

“Of course,” Wendy answered, “This really is a surprise.”

Wear your suit under your clothes, we may take a night swim,” Irene said, as she leaned in and kissed Wendy’s cheek.

Wendy didn’t show her nervousness but agreed, “Okay,” she said. This was a chance to wear the bikini she’d packed.

Irene leaned in once more and kissed Wendy’s ear, “It’s 2:30 now, we’ll leave around five, that’ll give us time to get ready, meet me downstairs then?”

Wendy smiled, “I’ll be there.”






Wendy felt a little self-conscious wearing the bikini she’d brought underneath her button-up plaid shirt. She knew everything would be okay when Irene took her hand and led them away from the cabin. Even if Irene was the person who made her nervous she felt reassured as Irene smiled at her and began to swing their hands back and forth in excitement.

When they were almost to the destination Irene picked out, she stopped them abruptly and pulled a blindfold out of her back pocket.

“Baby, do you mind putting this on?” Irene asked Wendy.

Wendy looked a bit apprehensive but eventually nodded. Irene smiled and stood behind Wendy, carefully placing the blindfold over Wendy’s eyes.

“I’ll lead you from here, don’t worry,” Irene said.






After a few more minutes, Irene stopped, “We’re here, are you ready for the surprise?”

“Yes,” Wendy breathed quietly.

“Here goes,” and Irene removed the blindfold.

Wendy was shocked to see a picnic set up in front of her, even a picnic table was there, how it appeared there, Wendy had no clue. Seeing Wendy’s shocked face, Irene spoke up, “I had a little help from Seulgi, Joy, and you’re Mom.”

“Really? Even Umma?”

“Yes, that’s what we talked about in the van that day,” Irene said.

little something extra when we finish eating,” Irene said.

“Really? I had no idea you were doing this,” Wendy said, looking into Irene’s eyes, “Thank you,” She leaned in and kissed Irene’s lips softly.

“You’re welcome,” Irene replied, “Want to see what we’re eating?”

“Yeah,” Wendy said, “Let’s go.”

They hurried over to the picnic table, and Irene showed off what she had prepared, “There’s another surprise for later,” Irene whispered, “But let’s eat first.”






After eating and talking for what seemed like hours, Wendy and Irene took a blanket and set it on the soft grass near the lake. Irene knew the time was nearing for her to hand over the necklace, so she let Wendy relax on the blanket and told her she was going to get her jacket, where the necklace was conveniently located.

As Irene retrieved the jacket, and the necklace, she remembered Seulgi’s advice: Tell her what you told me, and that was what she planned to do. Irene nervously put the jacket on and bumbled over to where Wendy was settled, and sat down next to her with nervous hands and mind.

Wendy looked to Irene and saw her trembling hands, “Why are you shaking, baby?” Wendy asked.

“I’m nervous,” Irene replied.

Wendy grabbed Irene’s hands and held them tight.

“Why are you nervous?” Wendy asked calmly.

“I-I promised myself that I wouldn’t be but here I am shaking like a leaf,” Irene said.

Wendy let go of Irene’s hands and scooted closer to her on the blanket, “It’s just me, just me and you, there’s no reason to feel nervous,” Wendy said, putting her arm around Irene.

“I know, it’s not just because we’re here alone though,” Irene said.

Wendy looked at Irene with kind eyes, “What is it, baby?”

“I have something for you,” Irene reached into her right jacket pocket and pulled out the necklace box.

Wendy’s eyes widened at the box.

“I want to give you this,” Irene said, holding the box carefully in both hands, she looked toward Wendy, whose eyes were still wide, “I love you, you mean the world to me. I’m giving you this as a token of my commitment. My love, you’re everything to me. My strength, my compass,” Irene slowly opened the box and revealed the silver compass pendant, “Please take it, it’s my small gift to you, it’s my sincere promise that I’ll never let you go, that I’ll be here for you, with you.”

Wendy began to tear up at Irene’s gesture of love and commitment, “I l-love you too. My promise is the same, to be committed.”

Irene smiled and took the necklace from the box, “Will you wear it?”

“Of course I will, it’s beautiful,” Wendy answered.

Irene unhooked the necklace and got to her knees to place it around Wendy’s neck. Wendy looked down when Irene finished fastening it and smiled brightly.

“Thank you, baby,”

“You’re welcome, “ Irene said, then pointed to the pendant, “Check out the back I got it engraved.”

Wendy turned the compass pendant over and looked at the engraving:


When you need love

Look my way,

And I’ll be looking back.


“If you need me, I’ll be here for you too,” Wendy said.

“I know,” Irene replied, “We’ll be here together.”

Wendy held on tight to Irene as the evening began to take hold, she leaned in and touched Irene’s forehead with her own, “Thank you for today.”

“My pleasure,” Irene said, “I really was nervous.”

“I know, but it was perfect, a genuine surprise,” Wendy said, “Someday I’ll surprise you.”

“You surprise me every day,” Irene said, she leaned and kissed Wendy.








Thank you for reading this chapter! The next installment, technically Chapter 17 is something that I've titled: The Lost Chapter for various reasons. I only recently decided to create The Lost Chapter and wanted everyone to know about it. Consider it 16.2, a continuation of this chapter that you've just read. It will be a bit different from the rest of the story, and I may have to post it elsewhere on the site if that's any clue. Please comment and subscribe and let me know what you think happens next! Your comments really motivate me. Until next time!



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Chapter 20: love your story! looking forward for more from an amazing writer like you :)
Favebolous 12 streak #2
Favebolous 12 streak #3
Chapter 2: FUNNY
ggstaan #4
1732 streak #5
Chapter 20: I've finished the three volumes in one go. And all i can say is that i love it so much. I was wondering, will it have volume 4? Coz im really willing to wait for that. Great story author-ssi! Looking forward to your other stories soon ^^
wenrene7743 #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the story!
bknight2k #7
Chapter 20: Loved chapter 20
Chapter 20: Yay! Yeri is here everyone! :D Aww, of course it's gonna take more than a new member to throw the other girls off. Red Velvet is invinsible! OT5 fighting! WenRene fighting! XD haha