W.C. part 8

Window Cracks

*After the busy college council week celebration and the 12-hour long night internship, I've finally found time to meet aff again.

*This is gonna be the third to the last chapter, so I hope you enjoy.

*Here I am being tongue-twisted again.


January 27, 2016

It’s been almost a month since Mino returned to America, and everything’s been normal, well, except for Mino’s personality. He kept on sending texts almost 24/7, and that’s what he calls someone who’s decided to focus on their family’s business. Really. But I do appreciate the attention, I won’t lie about that. It’s just… I don’t want to get so used to it. I know we’ve just started and we got a long way to go, but after hearing Lay’s story, I can’t help but remember it everytime I talk to Mino. No matter how I look at it, every story’s beginning is equal to an ending, and I don’t have any idea what would it be for us. I don’t even have any idea how would tale of us would flow.

After a week, a month, or a year of being in this relationship, that is not accepted well by the society, would it really work out well until the end?



After hearing the sound of creaking and his brother’s hushed voice, he came nearer and opened the door to his room wider to let Seungyoon in.

And seeing the creased brow on his dongsaeng, he decided to bury his worries about his love life into the back of his mind and tuned the greater part of his brain to the current predicament that the younger male is obviously undergoing. Could it be that his skateboard is broken, or is he bothered by their parents again, there’s many possibilities but what Jinwoo heard next wasn’t one of them.

He didn’t expect this to be the reason of his brother, the oh-so-confident Seungyoon, uneasiness.

‘’Hyung…. I think… I think I’m gay.’’

Silence. Seconds passed and Seungyoon thought he heard the sound of a crow passing by, until his older brother broke it.

‘’You are… gay?’’

‘’Yes, and not the word that means being happy, it’s the other one,… I’m like you.’’

‘’When did you realize it?’’

Jinwoo’s brotherly side comes in. He might look like the one who needs protection, but it’s actuallly the opposite between them. He had even been put in detention because of fighting those who bullied Seungyoon when their in the primary level.

‘’After that day when… I’ve talked to… Taehyun…. Is it wrong?’’

‘’No, it’s not wrong. You can’t be someone you’re not. And if you’re worried because of the issue between us and Taehyun, don’t. it was already part of the past, and, we’ve talked about it already. I know, I find it hard to accept him as a friend and not just one of those persons that pass our lives, but, if you want him to be part of yours, I’ll gladly help you if he’s the one who could make you happy.’’

‘’Thank you hyung, really, but I still find it awkward. And, I can’t even make a proper conversation with him, I don’t even know how to approach him. What about umma and appa? Their expecting me to settle down with a girl that they approve of in the future, and have my own kids, because they kept on telling these things to me after… you know… you’ve been open to them. I don’t think… I don’t think I could bear to disappoint them.’’

His head hung low, tears starting to form and wants to creep out his eyes. He felt breaking inside of him. And Jinwoo can’t help but feel sorry for his brother, and looking at him, he can see his old self, when he was afraid of being honest, when he was afraid of the judgments that were to come.

Seungyoon was always the obedient child, the achiever, the good guy. He doesn’t deserve to suffer more. Jinwoo can’t bear to see him in pain.

‘’Seungyoon, even once, choose what your heart wants, what you really want. Just once, think of yourself first. You’ve done your best since we were kids, you’ve always followed our parents, decided to do things that would make others happy, you’ve grown well. But it’s different now. You should be honest with yourself, and if the people who you expect to stay and understand lets go of you, I’ll stay. And if there are those who remained by your side, then you should take care of them as well.’’

‘’Hyung… thank you. I knew I could always count on you.’’

No more words were spoken, yet with a simple hug, everything felt fine.

As long as they have each other, they’ll be fine.



He stopped on his track and looked to where the sound of familiar voice came from. He doesn’t want to expect, but he is. He needs to see him right now. He didn’t expect the person that invades his dreams every night to be there, and he suddenly wants to hide, anywhere, just to not let him see his fragile state at the moment. And the worst part, he’s sure he looks hideous.

He has brewed plans of escape on his mind but before he could put the first one into test, he was pulled by warm hands. He felt ashamed so he tried to close his eyes, but after feeling warm breath reach his right cheek, his eyes opened wide with shock.

It was the first time he has seen a worried and terrified look on Taehyun’s face.

The model did not care about his cold image for once. He genuinely cared, and now’s not the right time to hold back, not when he saw the bruise and blood on Seungyoon’s face.

He touched the cheeks of the other who obviously looks like he’s in great pain, then let his hands fall to Seungyoon’s sides and held his limp and cold hands tight, and Seungyoon can’t help but think if he actually passed out from the punches he received and was actually just having a really good dream.

‘’What happened? Who did this to you? Don’t just stand there and answer me!’’

Right, it was really Taehyun, and he’s showing his sassy side now. He loves this fierce side of him too.

He was not dreaming; it is actually happening. Now he really wants to hide his face. He didn’t expect that their next conversation to be like this.

‘’Thank you for your concern, I’ll… I’ll go home now.’’

He was near success, but his first plan was crushed down when he felt a strong pull, and the next thing he knew, he was sitting (more like forced to) inside Taehyun’s car.

‘’No, you’re not going anywhere until you’re not treated. And don’t use reasons to me, just stay silent until I say you could. Are we clear?’’

All he could do was nod his head. He doesn’t mind if it’s Taehyun.


‘’Aah! Can’t you please do it, ouch! …in a slower and less forceful manner?’’

‘’Who are you to order me around?! If I want to do it this way, I’ll do it this way, and no more complaints. Is this your first time? I think, with your personality, you have not been into this before, right? Look at me, why do look so ashamed?’’

He felt himself shiver under Taehyun’s touches, and it didn’t help that they were just inches apart.

‘’Aish, seriously, do I need to go somewhere first to give you two an alone time?’’

Seungyoon suddenly pulled away, cheeks flushing from embarrassment. He hates himself for being like a high school teenager around his crush. It doesn’t help that to him, it felt intimate. Curse his brain cells encrypted with Taehyun’s image.

‘’And Taehyunnie, if you really want to cure him, stop being so rough on treating his wounds. And seeing the tension between you two, if you ever want to do something more than a talk, just warn me okay?’’

Both of them can’t help but blush from the comment.

Before he could be hit, Joy quickly dodged the pillow that was aimed at her face.

‘’You’ve been so sadistic lately; you really want to show that to your crush?’’

The bruised guy’s neck snapped into Taehyun’s direction, looking disturbed. Did he really heard it right?

‘’Hul! Or maybe... don’t tell me you’re planning to be the dominant one in the relationship. Hmmm, that image fits you though.’’

‘’Seiously, just go already!’’

‘’Well, I’m sorry, you can’t make me go out of my own condo, just go on and treat him well already. With what I see right now, I can’t imagine the two of you in bed, that guy being ordered around by you…’’

‘’What’s with your words and imagination?’’

‘’I’m sorry, I didn’t tell you before but… I’m really a fan of boy couples! I also read mangas and animes, and I’m telling you, you two would make a really cute couple! So grab each other already!’’ and with that she ran away, leaving the two with jaws hanging, and an awkward atmosphere.

You two would make a really cute couple!

You two would make a really cute couple!

You two would make a really cute couple!

When their eyes met, both made a decision.

Maybe they got a chance. Maybe they could work. Maybe they both feel the same, hopefully.

It’s now or never.


The next days were unusual, unexpected, and full of surprises. He’s not used to sudden changes, but he could cope with it. Especially, having a boyfriend like Mino, he’s getting kind of immune to it.

Seeing his brother with his boyfriend’s ex is quite uncomfortable, but seeing the twinkle in both the young couple’s eyes, it made him felt at ease. As long as it’s real, he’ll be happy for the both of them. He still can’t believe that their father had beaten Seungyoon. He knows he deserves that kind of blow, but his dongsaeng hasn’t done wrong except being honest with them. And if they couldn’t accept them, then they need to accept their real selves for their sake. Yes, he might have been jealous of the attention that was lost and was thrown to his brother when he started to become the family’s black sheep, but after thinking about it, he was the lucky one. He has been freed of frustrations, of pressures, of pretentions a long time ago, and Seungyoon, the only son left, has to bear it all on his frail shoulders.

Right now, Seungyoon’s the one who truly deserves a break, Jinwoo believes.

He just hopes, that their parents won’t wait for their second child to be in danger like what happened to him before he ended up in a coma, before they realize their child’s worth.

He don’t want to see his beloved little brother cry again (except if it’s out of happiness, he won’t mind if the thick-lipped boy bawl or even whimper).

‘’Are you okay? Hyung, you’re smiling like an idiot all of a sudden.’’

‘’Really? Ah, don’t mind me. You are going out to meet Taehyun’s mom right? Well, I think you need to hurry, and if ever that guy tried to do something weird or funny on you, if he molest you, here’s a pepper spray for protection. Then call me immediately, okay?’’

All of a sudden, a voice was heard from his apartment’s kitchen, followed by quite heavy footsteps, and then a pair of slanted eyebrows.

‘’You make me sound like I’m a molester Jinwoo hyung, you really think I’d do something to my boyfriend that would make you hate me more than before? And what’s with the weapon, is he a teenage girl?’’

When he saw a hand s around his brother’s waist, he suddenly felt protective. He hasn’t entrusted his brother to anyone else before but his self. But it’s true that he believes that Taehyun is a good guy (after many times of seeing the young couple dating with genuine smiles and evenings filled with stories told by Seungyoon) and he wants to see him prove his self really worthy to be his brother’s boyfriend. If he can’t, he could give him a good punch in the eye so that he couldn’t show his face to his modeling agency in a while. Losing his fans is not that great compared to losing Seungyoon.

And surely, even though the brat kid won’t admit it, it shows in his eyes.

He could love sincerely and purely.

‘’Hey, what’s with the hand?!’’

‘’Seriously Jinwoo hyung, you got a brother complex, don’t you? Well, I can’t blame you, Seungyoon’s just too precious. Well, I assure you, I won’t abuse him… in public.’’

He said the last part in a whispered tone yet Jinwoo, having a brother complex (that he’s actually proud to admit, and Taehyun can’t help but cringe) heard it clearly.

‘’What do you mean by not abusing him in public?!’’

“It means, I can’t assure you when it’s just the two of us alone together.’’

Before he could scold the couple, they have both retreated to the safety of outside world, away from Jinwoo’s tough hands.

‘’Aish, those two!’’


Hands sweating, feeling clammy, and feet are shaking. He felt thankful that Taehyun is beside him, and he ponders if the confident-looking boy feels the same. He questions himself if he truly deserves this beautiful lad, or if he would just bring him bad luck. Not that he believes in luck alone, he still thinks that anyone has his or her own willpower that could make the great turn in his or her life. And right now, choosing to stick by his newfound love is what he really wants and would never let pass.

‘’You think… do you think your mother would accept me? Us?’’

‘’If that’s the thing that worries you, worry about her accepting his gay son first.’’

Before he could answer back, he froze on spot when he saw a mature-looking lady approaching their table. And by taking a lingering gaze on her face, Seungyoon knew where Taehyun got his good genes.

But feeling the aura of grace and confidence surrounding her, made him sweat more, and when he felt a strong grip on his free hand on top of the table, he sighed loudly and was about to take his hand out of the hold, but Taehyun just held tighter.

And seeing her mother look at them holding hands, made him felt uneasy.

Taehyun was the first to break the silence.

‘’It’s good to see you Mom. This is Seungyoon, and he’s the one I’m dating right now. And no, I’m not using him just to stop you from putting me up with those stupid blind dates-‘’

‘’Taehyun, don’t speak that way, that’s your mother. Um, good evening madame.’’

She didn’t speak a word, and she gestured her slender hands in a way that says ‘you can sit down now’. Yet her eyes still linger on Seungyoon’s figure.

‘’So, what do you say mom? Now that I’m gay and all thing that you didn’t expect. Seungyoon here has been honest to his parents but as you can see with his face, they did not accept that fact well. Would I end up the same way?’’

‘’Taehyun darling, I... I guess…. I can manage, with you telling me the truth, I think… I’m taking this well right?’’

They know it would take time. But they have each other, and there’s no point in pretending and returning now to what they try to be before.

‘’I love him mom. And this time, it’s not just for fun. I’ll never break up with him, in case you try to talk to me into doing that deed.’’

Facing the world and it’s harsh rules and judgments, as long as they’re together, they can manage.


January 30, 2016

Seeing those two, I suddenly felt old. I feel like a mother to a son who you raised and now is having commitments of his own. As long as they’re happy, I’m cool with it though.

Speaking of relationships, I’ll be happy as well if Lay found someone that could make him happy. He’s such a good guy, and he keeps on labeling his self as my best friend, and who can say no to good food? He has a new part time job now, in a flower shop that’s owned by Bom noona, who’s also one of Dara noona’s bestfriend.

I don’t know if one of the requirements of being accepted in that shop is being good-looking, ‘cause if that’s the case, noona had gathered some of the most attractive persons in the area. There’s this one weird customer though, that noonas have told me, yes, I’ve been close to them as well.

This guy, who they think is about the same age as us, keeps on showing up every time Lay has a shift, and I mean, every single time, no matter what hour of the day is it. And that every time, he purchases a bouquet of various flowers, but it’s always the white ones. And their conclusion, is that he likes Lay, with his stuttering when asking him about the flowers, or when he blushes when Lay approaches him. Everyone can see it, except Lay.

I think, I should help them in making him realize it. If no one pushes that guy, he’ll be forever hiding it. I don’t know but, maybe, I should ask Mino?


‘’You called! Jinu called me first, this is a great improvement!’’

‘’Could you please calm down first and listen to me?’’

After minutes of talk, of course with some interruptions by Mino who obviously miss him even though they just called each other a few hours ago (he insists on creating accounts on skype so they could actually see each other’s faces, but Jinwoo being Jinwoo, cannot be argued with after saying no).

‘’That’s all? That’s what I need to do?’’

‘’That’s right Jinwoo hyung. I can imagine you right now, being cute and all, you-‘’

‘’Alright, thanks.’’

“”Where’s my kiss?’’


“”I love you.’’


“Just imagine what I’ll do after I say those words.’’

“I love you too, so much hyung.’’

‘’Um,… I know that already. Take care okay? I’ll hang up now.’’

A faint tinge of pink covered his face when he heard the guy from the other line said his own I love you, followed by a smacking sound at the end.

And this is one of the moments he knows, he’s really, deeply, in love.


*I know, I know, there are more kangnam moments here, but you can't blame me, I want to give moments for my second winner otp too, hehe. But I still love minwoo the best, yet I made Jinwoo a little (or very) less sweet than Mino here, but I hope their both really caring towards each other in real life, like good boyfriends they are. =)

*Now that iKon has debuted, waiting for lee hi and winner...


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haruupau #1
Chapter 12: yasss!!!! I'm excited~^^ I love this story and is looking forward for the sequel..... yayyy!!! thank you for coming back with a good news... <3
AnnoNiji #3
Chapter 2: Hiii~ i'm a new inner circle and i wanted to read some ffs about winner ♥ i really find mino and jinwoo cute together and here is your story! thanks for writing it, it's really interesting, i want to know what's next so~ i'll read the other chapters keke
AnnoNiji #4
Chapter 2: Hiii~ i'm a new inner circle and i wanted to read some ffs about winner ♥ i really find mino and jinwoo cute together and here is your story! thanks for writing it, it's really interesting, i want to know what's next so~ i'll read the other chapters keke
Chapter 11: Oh gosh! I just knew this story today, i loved! I loved the way you wrote this and put all this characters together *---* Isa beautiful story, sometimes sad, other times funny, other tiimes fluffy,, all in good mesures <3 I really loved this tory

I just missed Seunghoon presense though hehehehehe Nontheless I loved it so much! <3

Thank you for this beautiful story!
Chapter 9: aigoo just find out your story well its good i love the pairings and im curious to the guy who likes lay waiting for your update soon
Chapter 8: Yay finally an update and omg Mino is so cheesy!
Chapter 6: aww taehyun and jinwoo are too cute kkk~
and yes jinwoo really shipable but i think minwoo is the best♡
nanaxoxoxo #9
Chapter 5: Well why need to ask when there's a word of cat and droppy eyebrows lol its taehyun right?

I agree, jinwoo really shippable... I even like it when he's with seho(manager)
Chapter 5: thank you for adding one more chapter, i love this story ^^