W.C. part 6

Window Cracks

*Sorry for the really long wait; it's tiring to be an intern so I just found the time to post again. Hope you'll enjoy this update, though I'm not that sure... I don't know how many times I've listened to Loser and Bae Bae, so I hope you'll be satisfied with this as much as I'm satisfied with Big Bang's comeback, I know we all want more of them, so... cross-fingers.

*Sorry again for blabbering.




December 22, 2015

It has been quite silent since that cross-dressing case of mine for that brat Taehyun. I’m living a normal life now with my brother who was not kicked out yet decided to live with me because he’s paranoid that someone would come and snatch me one day and take me to a place he’ll never find. He should really lessen his time on reading thriller and crime novels, it’s starting to take over and corrupt his mind. No offense to those readers like him, it’s just, he’s sometimes too attached with his imagination, which are creepily far-fetched at times.

I’m still my good, I mean bad old self. Well, Lay still sticks to his belief that I’m innately kind, and just doesn’t know how to show that side of me well. I just let him be, as long as he brings me tasty breakfast for free every day, who am I to stop him from believing in the goodness within me? *sly grin*

Knowing that his brother has gone out to buy some decorations for the coming Christmas, Jinwoo just let himself stay in bed and cuddle with his black pillows while enjoying the warmth from his gray hoodie.

“Thank you hoodie-ah. Hmmm, what should I give Seungyoonie this Christmas? Another fedora hat? He’s got tons of those already. A new coat? But what if he thinks it’s not that stylish? A white guitar? Nah, that’s too costly. Aargh!”

“Why don’t you make a cake for the both of you? It’s not that expensive yet thoughtful.”

Startled, Jinwoo tripped on his own pillow that was trampled on the floor , loud crash resonating within the not-so-roomy apartment.

“The Hell?!”

“Oh my, Jinwoo! Here, let me help you.”

“How did you break in without me noticing it?!”

“Well, the door’s not locked so I decided to come in, and when I walked here, you’re spacing out and mumbling things I couldn’t hear, so…”

“All right, I get it, my fault.”

“No, I’m sorry for going in without permission and startling you. Well, I brought you caramel macchiato and pancakes, is that enough as a peace-offering?”

“So where’s the food?”


“You’re supposed to stay by my side, not abandon me Taehyunniee!”

Her face is all scrunched up, though her beauty still stands out, with her long jet black hair and good fashion sense, surely anyone who’ll be able to date her would feel lucky, well of course, we’ve got Taehyun as an exception.

“Stop with the nicknames Irene, we’re not even a couple.”

“Yet. We’re not a couple yet.” She replied, giving an emphasis on the word yet. Pouting and sulking would never work on the kinds of him, yet she still bother to try. Maybe, just maybe, it could be her lucky day to melt the heart of the person who would not even lend a hand if ever she trip.

He kept his stoic face and cold manner, which confuses him why ladies get attracted to him despite of this attitude. He’s tired of all the dates his mother pushes him to go to, just because he told her another lie that him and ‘Hye Jin’ broke up for a reason he would not tell (because there was never a reason to tell anyway) thus, his misfortune.

“We will never be a couple Irene. Believe me, so stop fussing and just go home already. I’ve got my own matters to attend to.”

She tried to hold his hand to stop him from moving away farther, but he just swatted it away, without looking back at the teary-eyed Irene.

“Your mom’s finds me good for you already, and anyone we know that sees us always rants about how we look good together, and I’m being stupid here already still sticking by you despite of that attitude problem of yours, what more do you want!?”

With this he looked back and walked slowly towards where Irene is standing, cheeks flushed and wet with tears, not minding the stares given to them by others outside the restaurant where they just had dinner.  It was not too late in the evening yet, thus the numbers of onlookers is still enough to make you feel embarrassed. But Taehyun doesn’t care.

“Do you know how many girls my mom forced me to date? You’re the seventh in her list already, and I’m more than sure that every single good word my mother told you is the same line she had told to the other six girls before you. So Irene, don’t think you’re so special that I should never think of leaving you all alone right here, right now. ‘Cause I don’t mind disappointing her again and again. Oh, here’s my hanky, take this as a parting gift from me. By the way, you’re make-up’s a mess right now.”

All this he said in a calm and friendly tone, making Irene just weep louder after losing him from sight.


“- this car!”

If his car could talk and move like human, they’re probably having a wrestling competition at the moment. After that dramatic walk-out, Taehyun’s car decided to get broken just a few blocks from where he left Irene sobbing her heart out. Despite of the fact that it can never fight back, he kept on kicking and cursing his own car, like it has just done something so evil it needs to be punished.

“Hey stop that!”

“Why would I stop? And who are you to order me around!?” Taehyun answered while his feet are busy kicking the passenger’s door.

“Why? Because that’s a freakin Lamborghini man! I’ll treat that as a delicate baby if ever I’d be lucky enough to have one.”

“I’m not asking for your opinion so just shut up and mind your own business.”

“You asked me, I just answered.”

Taehyun decided not to retort and just threw him a deadly gaze. The other guy just shrugged the intense stare and decided to step back on his skateboard, go and enjoy the warmth of his home, not until something popped in his mind.

“Wait… that guy look familiar. Hey mister!”

“What is it this time!?”

“You’re the one who took my brother without any explanation just because he soiled your clothes, right?”

“What are you sayi- ah, you’re the brother of that brat.”

“Look who’s talking.”

“It’s proven, you really are his brother. So what now, that you happened to meet your brothers abductor? Got any plans of punching me on the face or kicking me on the shin?’’

Seungyoon let his chin rest on his pointing finger, forehead creased as if in a really deep thought.

“Actually, I got a better idea.”


“What the- Seungyoon!”

”I’m sorry hyung, I just thought he could help with the decorations, you know, I don’t really trust you with that, or else your apartment would look as if being prepared for Halloween.”

“You’re such a kind brother.”

“Love you hyung.”

“Ugh. All this cheesiness would kill me. Just tell me what to do so and let’s get over it.”

Jinwoo just snorted with the coldness Taehyun shows, yet Seungyoon just kept on smiling. It’s not every day he could annoy the hell out of his brother, so he’s grabbing the opportunity at hand. It’s not that he’s born to make his brother’s life miserable, he loves his brother dearly, it’s just that, an irritated Jinwoo is such a cutiepatootie Jinwoo.

They started on cleaning the apartment and placing the decorations Seungyoon bought where it would look good. Just as Jinwoo was placing the mistletoe on the kitchen door’s top, someone knocked on the door, thus Seungyoon went to look who chose to bother them at the moment, leaving the two awkward with each other.

“Taking that kind of task even though his height doesn’t agree. Tsk.”

“Talk to the hand Taehyun.”

“No thanks, I’d rather talk to myself. Just finish your work already so I can go home.”

“Who are you to be so deman- Aaah!”

Jinwoo got surprised when he lost his balance due to abrupt turning to face Taehyun, but what he expected to be the cold floor seemed to be warmer and softer than what it should be. As he opened his eyes, he was welcomed by the confused look of Taehyun just a few inches away from his face. He immediately stood up while Taehyun still lied on the floor, and though he reached out his hand to help the latter, there was no reaction at all.

“Jinu Hyung! I bro-  wait, Taehyun? What are you doing here?” Mino asked in a serious tone. Now that all eyes are on him, the latter stood up an dusted his clothes off. He kept his cool an just ignored the question thrown to him, grabbed his jacket and gloves and went straight for the exit.

“I guess I’ve done my part now, I hope our roads don’t cross again.”

After he left, Mino turned his attention to Jinwoo, while ignoring the murderous gaze Seungyoon is sending him.

“How did you two meet?”

“You just arrived, without informing me in advance, and you’re being all too serious right now. Is that the result of being trained to be the heir of your family’s company?”

“I’m serious Jinwoo hyung. How did you know him?”

“Why do you care so much? Why don’t you tell me first why do you know him and why are you getting worked up by his presence? It’s as if he’s done you wrong.”

“Because he has! He’s my… he’s my first boyfriend. I stood up for him, but he denied me, in front of everybody. You shouldn’t trust him. Trust me, I know.”

It’s not the fact that he has pretended as Mino’s ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend, nor Mino having revealed a piece of him Jinwoo has no idea of, but discovering that the guy who he thought was as straight as a pole, was actually a gay. Like him.

What’s wrong with you Jinwoo?! Is that more important than knowing Mino has returned already even for just a short time as a vacation?

“Jinwoo? Are you even listening to me? Oh please don’t tell me you’re attracted to that guy? I’ve lost you twice already, from giving you up to my brother, and from that amnesia of yours, I won’t allow you to slip away from me this time.”

“I- who told you about losing me again?” and with this, a smug smile filled Jinwoo’s lips, making Mino’s dark expression turn into a pleased one.

“Ahem, I’m still here guys. And I won’t allow you to be left alone together. You’re also not allowed to get a room. Understood!? ”

“Well, seems like my brother-to-be is still uncomfortable with us being together.”

“Don’t call me that! You need to prove yourself first before I allow you to display affection with each other.”

“Oh please Seungyoon, seriously, stop nagging and just let me be this time.”

“No! And that’s an order!”

“But what if I initiated the skinship first?” Jinwoo answered with a playful smirk on his lips.

“Well… wait, what? No, Hyung behave!”

“Not even a simple hug? Like this?” Mino butted in, enveloping the smaller figure with a giant hug.

“Hey! Get your hands of my hyung! You-”

“Hello! I’ve made fruitcake and I want to know your opinion ab-” Lay came into a halt after seeing Jinwoo being hugged by a stranger (to him it’s a stranger, and quite a creepy one if you ask him) and Seungyoon flushed with what seems to be anger, and gently placed the container with fruitcake on the nearest table, beside some Christmas balls still not placed on the Christmas tree.

He blinked once.



“Ah seriously?! What’s with the people always cutting my moment with my lovely Jinu hyung!?”

He almost laughed, almost, but because Jinwoo doesn’t want his image to be smeared with a simple sign of being cheerful, he hold back a smile, and kept his gaze anywhere but his whining soon-to-be-boyfriend.

When all of a sudden, the image of Taehyun just a few inches away from him flashed into his mind.


They all turned their eyes on Jinwoo who kept on shaking his head.


“I really need to have a taste of that fruitcake! Now where’s the fork and plate?”

It’s his other way of saying, ‘take me out of this situation, oh please, if you can’t, just kill me now, I feel horrible’.

Sadly, both Mino and Seungyoon felt his dilemma, and they would do everything to get the truth out of his own mouth. That’s how much they care about him.

While lay just stood there, looking like trapped in his own world again, yet just thinking on more recipes to learn to lighten up Jinwoo’s mood every single day.

Who knew his silent life could get so complicated in such a short period of time? One time, he’s travelling and wandering around like a lost soul, next he realizes it was the longest time he stayed in one place without grumbling about wanting to go again, yet it seems like the glitches were the ones who took an effort to visit him.


He probably know now… I guess he would be disgusted by me, like him, like my very own father. But why do you care about what he would think about you Taehyun?! Keep your mind straight and just forget about them all.

As he kicked his car once more, he saw a familiar pink Audi stop beside his own. And he didn’t expect to see a familiar face, still in a mess with the smeared few left eyeliner smudges, but with a sincere smile now occupying her lips.

“What are you doing here? Go home.”

“No, I’m not leaving you here at this hour, hop in.’’

“Irene, I thought we’re already clear ab-”

“Yes, we’ve gone through that, but I did not say that I will release my hold too like what you did back there.”

“You’re not stupid to keep on sticking on someone like me whose sole idea of love is to hurt you every damn time. Stop being a martyr.”

“I’m not being stupid, I just chose to love someone who is.”


“You don’t need to be guilty, just let me do what I want. That’s the only thing you can do as compensation after hurting me, right?”

Taehyun’s expression softened for a while after hearing those words, and returned to his cold self again to avoid Irene being attached more than what she’s already showing.

“Oh common, just hop in already or I’ll actually leave you here. It’s not as if I’ll harass you in my car or something.”

“Well, I couldn’t be sure, so… okay. Just make sure you’ll be quiet all throughout the trip.”

“Aye aye captain!”






*I know, I know, some Namsong  and Kangnam interactions here, there would be more in the next chapters. But don’t worry, it’s still Jinwoo’s life that would be the main focus, because, why not? Hehe. What can you say about Red Velvet’s Irene and Taehyun as a pair, do they look good together? Just a little experiment there, hehe.

*So, because I really find Laywoo couple as a cute one, a deer and a unicorn together, I’m confused now whether I’ll give them a chance, but then Minwoo is my number one otp in winner…. My mind would decide about that later, right now, I’ll just let you readers think about. 

*Lovelots dear readers! (-_-)v Er, so, this is my happy face. Please bear with me. hehe.





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haruupau #1
Chapter 12: yasss!!!! I'm excited~^^ I love this story and is looking forward for the sequel..... yayyy!!! thank you for coming back with a good news... <3
AnnoNiji #3
Chapter 2: Hiii~ i'm a new inner circle and i wanted to read some ffs about winner ♥ i really find mino and jinwoo cute together and here is your story! thanks for writing it, it's really interesting, i want to know what's next so~ i'll read the other chapters keke
AnnoNiji #4
Chapter 2: Hiii~ i'm a new inner circle and i wanted to read some ffs about winner ♥ i really find mino and jinwoo cute together and here is your story! thanks for writing it, it's really interesting, i want to know what's next so~ i'll read the other chapters keke
Chapter 11: Oh gosh! I just knew this story today, i loved! I loved the way you wrote this and put all this characters together *---* Isa beautiful story, sometimes sad, other times funny, other tiimes fluffy,, all in good mesures <3 I really loved this tory

I just missed Seunghoon presense though hehehehehe Nontheless I loved it so much! <3

Thank you for this beautiful story!
Chapter 9: aigoo just find out your story well its good i love the pairings and im curious to the guy who likes lay waiting for your update soon
Chapter 8: Yay finally an update and omg Mino is so cheesy!
Chapter 6: aww taehyun and jinwoo are too cute kkk~
and yes jinwoo really shipable but i think minwoo is the best♡
nanaxoxoxo #9
Chapter 5: Well why need to ask when there's a word of cat and droppy eyebrows lol its taehyun right?

I agree, jinwoo really shippable... I even like it when he's with seho(manager)
Chapter 5: thank you for adding one more chapter, i love this story ^^