W.C. part 10 -fin-

Window Cracks

*Hello dear readers! Finally, I was able to type the last chapter for this story. To those who've read this from the beginning, to those who've subscribed, and upvoted, my warm thank you to all of you fellow inner circles. I'm sorry if I don't usually reply to comments, but do know that I appreciate it a lot.

*I hope you all enjoy!



When one accidentally breaks a glass, no matter how much effort he puts into it, he knows for a fact that some little pieces would still be missing. Those tiny pieces may be worthless to others, but the owner would always see it as a reminder of what once belonged to him, what once his but he had lost.

That when he has to throw it away, he could never bear the idea of letting it go.


His eyes were puffy from the crying that never seemed to end. He hasn’t gone home to change into a clean set of clothes or to take proper rest. And now he feels like collapsing, not from the deprivation of sleep alone, but more from the shock of knowing that not even a bit did Mino remember him.

If he has to wait patiently the way the man who loves him honestly did, he’ll wait that long just to gain his trust as well. The doubt he had always kept within disappeared like a flickering of a light bulb, never to ignite again.

His rumbling stomach made him go out for a while though to grab some sandwich and coffee for a quick breakfast and to return to Mino’s side as quickly as possible. He didn’t expect to see the guy fully awake though by the time he was able to return to the room without scalding his hand from the hot steaming liquid placed in a quite thin paper cup.

“Hey, so you’re awake now. Don’t exert much force yet okay? It’ll be quite some time before you fully recover.”

The other now sitting on the bed, hand dangling on one side with the remote control of the television showing a cartoon which is unfamiliar to Jinwoo, kept on throwing a glance towards the boy who’s now seated on the same spot and silently munching on his ham and egg sandwich. All he wants is to ask so many things because he totally felt like a single puzzle piece at loss of where his other companions went.

“Um… Jinwoo, right?”

Nodding softly, he proceeded with his breakfast, now sipping the still warm Americano. If not for the reason that he’s been under the constant sweet antics of his boyfriend, he would already be blushing from the same tender gaze given to him.

“I’m… I’m really sorry if I can’t remember a thing. I’m not even sure who you really are, but I can feel you’re someone important. Am I right?”

“Don’t stress too much on it, ‘kay? You could answer that yourself once you’re able to remember.”

“And if I… don’t?”

“Then we could just start anew. You know my name already, and I know yours. That’s good for starters, right?”

Shyly, Mino just bowed his head and toyed with the remote control on his right hand, feeling something warm rise up his chest with just hearing those kind words from the first person his eyes welcomed after waking up from his deep slumber.

He felt like asking hundred questions now but he’s not even sure where to begin. And trying to rake in from his memory bank seems like catching fish in dark waters. He couldn’t remember a single face, any place, or intense memory that could open his path towards regaining his old life.

“And one thing,’ Jinwoo’s unusually gentle voice made Mino look at him intently, waiting for any sign of irritation for his attitude that he himself doesn’t understand.

“I’m not even this talkative before. Thanks to you, I could speak in a friendlier way now.”

“Does that mean we’re the best of friends?” Mino said in a light tone, though he doesn’t understand in his self why he felt disappointed when he blurted out those words. When he saw the bright smile one the youthful looking boy, he thought that maybe his eyes were simply playing tricks on him when he saw that second-long frown on the innocent face.

“You could say so, yes… we are.”


It’s not the first time that Taehyun slept with a man, but it was the first time he shared the bed with someone he’s attracted to, and that likes him as well, without doing anything that happened in his past relationships and flings. All they did was sleep, exhausted from all that happened, with Seungyoon’s arm as his pillow.

He knows how pure Seungyoon is, since the day they ended up together, and for now, he doesn’t want to taint it, not even a bit.

And it’s not every day someone stays beside him without leaving the next morning. It’s not every day that someone sticks to him not only because of his face or his name. For the first time, he felt something so sincere and serene, all because of an unexpected pull.

As he realized that the older one is not any close to waking up, he decided to snuggle closer and enjoy the warmth for a little longer. Until the door to his room opened up, breaking the room’s solitude, revealing his mother who, despite of knowing about their relationship, was still looking dejected about it.

Softly shaking the other, Taehyun slowly removed the arm circled around his waist and sat up straight. When they received a call from Jinwoo sharing about the situation of Mino, he decided to ask for Seungyoon to stay the night at his place rather than letting him spend the night alone. What he didn’t foresee was the image of his mother dressed up formally and casually barging in his condominium as if they have close family-ties ever since.

He loves his mother, he really does. It’s just her way of controlling him and his decisions that made the wall between them, that made him disagree with her choices for him. Though he doesn’t want to be like his father who just left them because of being tired with the kind of relationship he and his mother had, he felt bad for hating the man and understanding his heart as well.

Seungyoon, feeling the hand tugging at his sleeve, felt like just pulling the younger one and lock him in a tight hug again, but when he caught a glimpse of another person who turned out to be his boyfriend’s mother, he scrambled on his feet and bowed deep as a sign of respect.

 Seeing how his mother’s presence made Seungyoon flush furiously, Taehyun giggled at the sight and he thought that maybe, getting surprise visits from his mom could be fun as well, as long as the nagger is around. He seems like a kitten when his lion of a mother is around.

“Taehyun, I just came here to see if you’re still breathing, which obviously you are, and to remind you about the party tonight. Our business’ partners are expecting you to come, so don’t disappoint me please.”

If he doesn’t know her well, she might have fooled him with the way she said those words softly, but being her son, he knows her to the core. Seungyoon just stayed standing, mentally kicking his self for looking so hideous in front of a woman that’s important to his boyfriend.

“Oh common mom, I’m sure if this idiot is not around, you would have already told me about not letting him tag along, right?”


“You would not need to worry for he’s the kind of person to not come along when he knows what the situation is… but since I’m one hell of a son to you and a companion to him, I’m dragging him along.”

He knows his mother just wants the best for him; that she wants to make an easy path for him; that she doesn’t want to see him in pain; yet all along, Taehyun just want a mother who will listen and let him explore things he want to discover for himself.

“Taehyun, she’s still your mother, no matter what, so choose your words.”

“Now Seungyoon, you’re being like a mom to me, the nagging kind. Don’t get too tight over these things, since I’m sure mom’s already got used to it. Right mom?”

Without hesitation, her mother walked towards the bedside, reach out and hugged him, not the one she uses to show a motherly front, but a real, affectionate one.

“I’ll be waiting for you at the party tonight, so don’t be late darling.”

When they were the only ones left again, now back to their positions on the bed, all of a sudden, the one who looks stronger of the two cried without any warning. Seungyoon realized it when he felt warm tears wet his arm. And for the first time, he saw Taehyun’s soft side.

“Taehyun-ah, what’s the problem?”

“You know why she’s so persistent on me attending that party tonight?”


“She’ll find someone who’s deemed to carry our name. If she’s got the chance, I’ll be a stranger’s fiancee within a week. She doesn’t hate you as a person, but as my partner, that’s a different story. Within a week… we might break up.”

Not getting any reaction from the other, Taehyun’s hand slowly loosened around Seungyoon’s waist. He wouldn’t be able to bear seeing that someone he really cares about let go of him first. What he didn’t expect though was his arm pulled back to where it was placed seconds ago, his chin tugged making their faces just a few inches away, and a sudden kiss initiated by his boyfriend.

He never felt this sure about a single relationship, and boy was he thankful to cross path with this guy.

“I’m not letting you go, nor would I let you end up with someone who can’t love you the way I do. So please, don’t let me go as well. I know I’m not this aggressive before and I was the laidback one but you see-”

“Can I just kiss you again?”

Without hesitations, they melt into another warm kiss again.

A month has passed, yet not that much has changed.

Hoshi kept on being the caring yet shy admirer that he is. And Lay being his old self, kept on treating him in a formal way. He wants to try taking another step, yet his past love has rooted too deep he couldn’t bear to let another one grow on top of it.


The clock strike 12 noon and counting the seconds that followed inside his mind, Lay expects to see a certain brunette guy waltz in, since it has been the same for the past days.

And hearing the chimes attached to the entrance make its ring, he greeted the person who came in with such enthusiasm.

“Oh, hi Hoshi! What would it be for today?”

“Um… I… can I have some of the yellow tulips? ”

“The usual basket?”

Nodding softly, Hoshi watched as Lay moved fluidly, as if he belong there with the flowers. He knows he cringes with his friends talking about love and that kind of stuff, but after experiencing it himself, he couldn’t bear to judge them at all. He’s crazy himself anyways; buying a basket of flowers shouting out his feelings from the unicorn guy who’s the same person who’ll see it left on his apartment’s door.

He had never thought about cheesy things yet he had done the same actions he couldn’t bear to look at before.

He had never expect to want someone who is a guy like him, and not caring about the labels he’ll receive after.

It makes him happy and excited in facing each sunrise with a smile, that’s all he knows, and if you ever ask him to express how it gives him butterflies in his stomach or the slow motion that happens when the person he loves approach him, he’d rather solve a question on calculus than giving an explanation for such phenomenon when one is in love.

He had never been this patient, not even when it comes to his dance practices in the studio he partly owns. And as long as the person doesn’t say it himself nor push him with a proper explanation of turning him down, there’s no backing out now.

“By the way, um, Lay hyung, are you free this Saturday?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“You see, I got two tickets for this new-”

“I’ll go with you”

That was something unexpected, yet since it’s a chance he always prays for, he’s not wasting any little bit of it. His smile reaching ears to ears, made his eyes look like clock when it’s 10:10, making Lay laugh softly, that did nothing but make Hoshi’s heart race at the lovely sight.


Taehyun and Seungyoon remained as a couple and did not broke up even once, despite of the predictions of those who disagrees with their relationship. That fateful night proved how strong they could be as a couple, and the genuineness of what they feel towards each other.

Though they have been open about them even in public, since Taehyun wants to let anyone know when something, or in this situation someone, is his and his alone, they have been more of a real couple who goes on dates and wear couple items, courtesy of the two who agreed in unison to do a shopping spree after overcoming such a tide in their relationship.


All eyes were on them as soon as they took the steps towards the lady of the hour, his mother, looking at them without any emotion. Her looks doesn’t give off her age, and if the people present doesn’t know a thing, they might guess the boy who arrived is just his younger brother.

“You… came?’

“Surprise. Since, even if I didn’t show up tonight, you’ll keep on asking for me to attend one of your grand parties. Well, I came, but with an excess baggage, if you must say.”

With this, he pulled the still nervous guy beside him, wearing a black suit the now blonde man forced him to wear. Sensing the daughters of her mother’s acquaintances making their way towards him to gain his attention, he held Seungyoon’s right cheek and gave him a kiss on the lips that lasted for a few seconds, making Seungyoon himself and all the attendees eyes wide with shock.

“I’m sorry to let you know that this son of a famous business tycoon and a well-known model is actually a gay.”

He said it without a smirk but rather a genuine smile painted on his face. And it’s not all the time Taehyun shows his real emotions, that his mother find it endearing. The other persons present  though are not quite pleased with the sudden announcement. Each expects the young man to choose from one of their daughters, since they have the name and the fame that’ll bring benefit to his own family.

But it looks like he chose a modern-day Cinderella, though this time it’s a man like him.

With the smile fading away seeing the judging looks thrown at them, Seungyoon tightened his hold and gestured that it might be the time to walk out of the party not held for them.

But they both stopped in their tracks hearing his mother’s words.

“Taehyun-ah… I’m happy for you. Guests, you came here for a different reason right? So spend the night by not thinking of anything that doesn’t concern you.”

With this she led them up to their car, without saying any words in the way.


“Yah! Don’t forget to invite me when you two get married, alright?! And you, take care of my son since he’s a hard-headed kid who had fell on his own vomit when he was just 5 years old and-”

“Woah, mom! You’ve said enough already. Don’t try breaking me image in front of this stupid guy or he might actually leave me.”

“I’m not that kind of guy!”

“Yeah son, I’m quite sure he won’t leave you anytime sooner, since I don’t feel like kicking him out of your life yet.”


“Fine, you love birds, though you’re sure you’re the only one for each other, make sure you use protection like-”

“Don’t need to elaborate mom, and no, we haven’t gone doing that yet.”

“But why? You’re dad and I were already active when we were you age so-”

“Fine, I get it. Yoon, don’t mind whatever she says. We’re going now, bye bye!”

And even though they did not look back even once after they took off, they were sure that it’s a smile that is on the face of the person they really adore, despite of the conflicts, disagreements, and absence. It is true, that despite of how many times a child moves away and hold a grudge  to his or her parent, it’ll always be forgotten, and the parent would cherish his or her child twice as much as before as soon as the child come back to his arms.


And Jinwoo together with his ‘newfound’ friend, went on another trip, travelling to places unknown to both of them, hoping of putting a spark on Mino’s memory.

They were closer than ever, even closer when they first got together and it puts Jinwoo’s heart at ease despite of the strong want of making the person whom he loves remember the same affection he felt for him before the accident.

When he thinks about it though, it’s the same person, with the vital part just snatched away from him. From them.


“Have we always travelled together?”

“Well, we have met twice through this way.”

They felt the warmth radiating from the sun slipping to their skin, making them feel all fuzzy inside. They both love the summer and they were moving from place to place running after it. Jinwoo talked to Mino’s parents himself, volunteering in making him remember, and they insisted in supporting his plan by providing them with allowance for their escapades.

They finally settled on a small ice cream stand after strolling on the beach, to rest for a while and soothe their palate, when all of a sudden a tall man wearing nothing but board shorts approached them and told Jinwoo that he’ll treat him.

“Oh, that’ll be nice, thank yo-”

“Jinwoo hyung, let’s just choose another place, I think we’ll find something better. Let’s go.”

Without waiting for an answer he dragged a puzzled Jinwoo along leaving behind a confused tourist as well.

Before they lost their way, the doe-eyed boy pulled his hand out of Mino’s hold and pulled the still tense guy’s shirt.

“What’s wrong?”

“What do you mean what’s wrong? That guy was obviously flirting with you and you don’t even mind-”

“Are you jealous?”

Hearing those words, Mino blushed furiously and felt shy for behaving that way earlier, acting like a mad boyfriend when they were both there to have fun in their own ways. Being thankful to Jinwoo’s presence and kindness, he mentally-slapped his self for going against his ‘best friend’s’ happiness.

“I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to get in your way it’s just that… I don’t even know it myself. What I know is we’re best friends and all and we’re supposed to-”

“Don’t worry. You’ll understand it yourself soon, so don’t force yourself to think about it, and again, don’t worry ‘cause what you did is fine. It totally is. You just care about my welfare right?”

“That’s right! That’s totally the reason. You’re… right.”

He found it funny when he’s not satisfied with his own answer. Even when he’s the one who force himself to know the boundaries between them, he still can’t help but feel overly comfortable around the innocent looking lad.

“Perhaps, it’s better this way right?”

With this Jinwoo’s the one who initiated skinship by holding his hand and dragging him towards another refreshments stand. Unconsciously, Mino returned the gesture by holding on tighter.

They don’t have any labels, nor promises, nor assurances towards each other. Trust naturally cones out, and for them, for now, it is better this way.


The present itself is full of unexpected happenings, what more when it’s the future that people talk about?

“I told Seungri to man up, you see, he’s the one who keeps on pushing us to have our own love lives, and now that it’s his turn to take a move towards confessing to the person he truly likes without any doubts he become a coward that’s comparable to Hoshi.”

“Yah! I’m still you’re hyung, and that kid’s worse than me!”

“At least he could be strong enough to face him as close as possible by buying flowers from the shop. But  you, you even bribe us to come here and buy coffee for you just to watch that girl. Why can’t you just man up and approach her or I’ll do in your place.”

Taehyun smirked seeing the horror on Seungri’s face while the other boys just laughed at the sight, knowing that once the tough kid start saying things he’ll do, he’ll do it for sure; even if it means embarrassing his own friend.

“Alright, let me do it for-”

“No! You’re not doing it!”

Attracting the attention of the other customers, Seungri felt like digging a hole for himself, but he forgot all about it and he ended up frozen in his spot when he saw the same brunette who was the reason for his presence in that coffee shop every single day, of him patronizing their products despite of not being a fan of coffee since the time he tasted Americano his father made him drink when he was younger.

“Is something wrong sir?”

Reading the words on the name tag attached to their uniforms, so she’s called Chaerin, he felt like celebrating now that the girl is not nameless face anymore to him.

‘Mind if I ask you out on a date?”

All that he earned was one brow raised and shaking of the head before the said girl returned to her post. It this was an anime, Seungri’s probably a stone now slowly crumbling into pieces.

“Oh, interesting girl isn’t she? It’s the first time Seungri is rejected.”

“Smooth hyung, really smooth.”

Another round of laughter erupted from their table, making  Seungri fume in annoyance and trying to hit them on the head one by one.

If only he looked towards where Chaerin is now standing, he might have seen the look of amusement on the lady’s face, and a smile slowly making its way on her lips, biting it to avoid making a giggle come out.

All in all, it was such a nice day.

And each one of them are looking forward to where their feet would carry them this time.

They don’t mind picking up those small pieces scattered after the glass broke, since they have started something stronger for their selves.

 A single cut wouldn’t stop them from stopping on their journey now, since no matter what, there would be pain yes, but no regrets after all.



*Did the story feel like it was rushed? If that so, I'm really sorry, but as I promised, it'll only be up to 10 chapters. Did you like it, if yes, thanks! And don't forget to spread not only the minwoo love but the whole winner love as well, okay?

*I'm happy to tell you guys that the way I'll celebrate winner's comeback is through posting another chaptered story starring our boys, and that'll be by next week, so please do wait, alright?

*Anyone who almost cried as well while watching the I'm Young MV? I can't wait for the next movement...

*Thank you again, and lovelots and free hugs to all of you!



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haruupau #1
Chapter 12: yasss!!!! I'm excited~^^ I love this story and is looking forward for the sequel..... yayyy!!! thank you for coming back with a good news... <3
AnnoNiji #3
Chapter 2: Hiii~ i'm a new inner circle and i wanted to read some ffs about winner ♥ i really find mino and jinwoo cute together and here is your story! thanks for writing it, it's really interesting, i want to know what's next so~ i'll read the other chapters keke
AnnoNiji #4
Chapter 2: Hiii~ i'm a new inner circle and i wanted to read some ffs about winner ♥ i really find mino and jinwoo cute together and here is your story! thanks for writing it, it's really interesting, i want to know what's next so~ i'll read the other chapters keke
Chapter 11: Oh gosh! I just knew this story today, i loved! I loved the way you wrote this and put all this characters together *---* Isa beautiful story, sometimes sad, other times funny, other tiimes fluffy,, all in good mesures <3 I really loved this tory

I just missed Seunghoon presense though hehehehehe Nontheless I loved it so much! <3

Thank you for this beautiful story!
Chapter 9: aigoo just find out your story well its good i love the pairings and im curious to the guy who likes lay waiting for your update soon
Chapter 8: Yay finally an update and omg Mino is so cheesy!
Chapter 6: aww taehyun and jinwoo are too cute kkk~
and yes jinwoo really shipable but i think minwoo is the best♡
nanaxoxoxo #9
Chapter 5: Well why need to ask when there's a word of cat and droppy eyebrows lol its taehyun right?

I agree, jinwoo really shippable... I even like it when he's with seho(manager)
Chapter 5: thank you for adding one more chapter, i love this story ^^