I Have News

Do You Remember? (You Probably Don't)

"I want to tell you something."

"It's... something I'd like to tell you face to face."

"Can we meet?"


Daehwan suddenly called me a little before the universal lunch time, asking to meet. He has something to say... is he kicking me out? Is he sick of me? Is this 2 years ago all over again? Questions flooded my head as I made my way to the comfy ramen shop we decided to meet. What is it?

Rather surprisingly, I arrived a bit late. Daehwan was sitting in a table for two, looking over a menu he's already memorized half a year ago.

"Sorry I'm late." He looked up and smiled.

"No no, I came early." I sat down and hung my bag on the side of my chair.

"Ok let's not with the bull." We both chuckled briefly, though he seemed a bit tense. Once again, I tried to lighten the mood. "Am I being kicked out?" I half joked half sincerely asked. I saw his expression change.

"The ? Where did that come from? Lol no I'm not kicking you out. I just wanted to talk to you about my job..." The ? He's not kicking me out? Then what'd he call me out for -.- I have a job now and I need to work!

"What about it? Oh dear Elpis did you get fired?" I rolled my eyes and momentarily face palmed. "What did you do this time? Do I have to pretend to be your young wife who you accidentally got pregnant?"

"Gurl wtf no, I did not get fired. I'm still working at the same place, working my nights off. It's just that... So you know how I used to be a singer? Like a legit one in a three member group?" Where is he taking this? I slowly nodded.


"Well..." Oh I see where this is going.

"Are you restarting your singing career?" His face was unreadable.

"Sort of." I sighed.

"Well I thought this might happen, sooner or later."

"Wait, just listen. So, a few weeks ago (while you were at work) I went to audition in a small entertainment company... I didn't really expect anything, really, I didn't. But my friend-one of the guys I debuted with that one time-asked me to audition with him and I can't say no to him so... I said yeah... and we both somehow got in? I mean I guess cus we both already have some sort of experience already... we just kinda got accepted. And the company we auditioned to is real small and they only have one group-boy group-so who even knows if I'll last long in that industry again."

"I just want to know why you had to drag me out of work to tell me this cus like idgaf about what you do with your life so congrats on getting accepted to yet another entertainment company can I go to work now?"

"Wow that's sad to hear .-. you don't care bout me gurl I care bout you so much like hot diggity I feel hurt #HURT posting this on instagram-"

"Bye I'm leaving-"

"NO come on gurl at least eat before you go back to work." I gave Daehwan a long hard stare and he ree back-with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Fine." I sat back down, laughing softly. "But actually though, congratulations on achieving-somewhat-your goal in becoming a singer. And thank you for telling me :3" I raised my cup of water. "May the odds be ever in your favor?"

He chuckled and raises his glass as well, lightly hitting my cup with his. "May the odds be ever in my favor."













short update

but hey I actually knew where I was going with this one 

and I'm *finally* going the way I wanted to with this story so yeah it'll actually sound like a story from now on not just a bunch of random events put together



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Chapter 8: I like the story, hope there will be an update soon ~
Chapter 1: Nice, I really liked it. A sequel from E.co's point of view might be interesting as well. I would love to read a oneshot with Simba.
Mzsennypooh #3
Chapter 2: I think you have a good concept going, I just wish it was more to this story. Like so much more could be added to this story to make it one of the best, but it was pretty good for a one shot.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! You should have a sequel of his point of view!!!!!!