Move In

Do You Remember? (You Probably Don't)

"Hey, why don't you move in with me?"

"What?" I looked at the boy named 'Daehwan' with a judging stare. 

We hadn't even arrived at his home after our talk at the bridge.

"Why don't you move in with me?" He turned to look back at me without a hint of a joke on his face.

"We barely met."

"That's true. But it seems like you're having trouble at your complex anyway. Why not move in with me? I've got a pretty spacy apartment. And I won't do anything harmful to you. It's also better cus I can look after you easily." He turned back forward and continued walking. "We're almost there. You can see for yourself." 

I follow behind.

"Who asked you to look after me." It was more of a demand than a question. 'Don't look after me' was said inbetween the question.

"Your situation did. Well anyway, we're here now. Would you rather stairs or elevator? It's only the 4th floor." I looked down at myself and back at him.

"Do you honestly think I have the strength to walk up the stairs?" Since when was I so salty?

"Elevator it is then."

There was an awkward silence in the one minute we were in the elevator. I didn't know what to say. What would I say? I had no stories. I was always the odd one out.

What felt like one hour was actually one minute, and I felt very relieved when I heard the 'ding!' of the elevator indicating that we have arrived at the 4th floor. He walked out, and I followed behind. The awkward slience lingered as he pushed the buttons to his door. It blew away with the wind when he opened the door to show a pretty normal, but bigger than my, apartment. I was amazed.

"You live like a king." I've never seen such a big living room before. Not since I was very little, when my parents were still alive. Even then, we were very poor.

I heard a chuckle next to me.

"A king? Well, you can be my queen and live here with me." He gave me a payful wink. I gave him ten seconds to realize what he just said. It took him two. "NO no no no nO I meant like- like not be my lover and live here with me but like- like you know like-" I laughed and gave him a light slug on the arm.

It's been a long time since I last laughed.

"I know what you meant.I was just playing." I smiled.

"You look beautiful when you smile. You should smile more often."

"Well I need to be given good situations often to be able to smile often."

"You don't necessarily have to smile just because something good happened. You can just smile and automatically you'll feel happier."

"That's a lie."


"Who smiles just for the sake of smiling?" He pointed at himself and I rolled my eyes. "Are you for reals?"

"Of course I'm for reals!"

"Why are you so damn optimistic and happy it's giving me STDs" I pretended to shoo his happiness away and he laughed.

"Girl you don't get STDs from happiness you get it from having with the wrong person." He walked towards his couch and suddenly I got a thought.

"Do you have herpes?"

He tripped on nothing and fell face down. I tried to hold in a laugh, but of course, I failed miserably. He quickly stood up and brushed off the nonexistent dust off his shirt and looked at me, his face blush red.

"Uh, no??? Why would you ask that istg that was so random", he made huge movements with his arms as he spoke.

I shrugged. "I dunno we were talking about STDs and you were about to sit down and I just got that thought. Well anyway, my king, why don't you give your soon-to-be roommate a tour of your palace before you lose a roommate." He walked toward me, plopped his left arm around me and led me around his apartment.

"Leggo leggo~"














do you have herpes

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Chapter 8: I like the story, hope there will be an update soon ~
Chapter 1: Nice, I really liked it. A sequel from's point of view might be interesting as well. I would love to read a oneshot with Simba.
Mzsennypooh #3
Chapter 2: I think you have a good concept going, I just wish it was more to this story. Like so much more could be added to this story to make it one of the best, but it was pretty good for a one shot.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! You should have a sequel of his point of view!!!!!!