It's Been Awhile

Do You Remember? (You Probably Don't)

December. The month where couples go out on dates and do cute couple things together like buy couple mittens or go ice skating or whatever. I used to do that with...

Well that doesn't matter now. We're not together anymore and he's dating his fans while I'm stuck with a whiny Daehwan complaining about how he hates winter because he hates seeing all those happy couples together. It's been months since I moved in with this chipmunk boy, and I liked his company. Except when we went on his 'I want a girlfriend' temper tantrums. Speaking of which, we are currently in our living room talking about such topic.

"You're just jealous cus you don't have a girlfriend." I tease.

"You're right! I am jealous. I want a girlfriend so baaaaad!" He jumps up and down on his on the cold floor while I laugh on the warm couch.

"Too bad the girls don't want you- oof" He throws a pillow at my face and my face successfully catches it. Meaning I didn't succesfully dodge it and it hit my face.

"Hey don't throw that at me."

"You know it's true." He glares at me for a few seconds before bursting into laughter.

He can never stay mad at me.

"Hey, you keep saying you want a girlfriend, but do you even like anyone?" He stops laughing and plops onto the couch next to me, attacking me with tickles.

"I like you my icy princess!" I laugh both from his cheesiness and from being tickled.

"Psh if I'm your icy princess then are you the flaming prince that melts the barriers around my heart?" I see a twinkle in his eyes. Wrong question.


"Oh shut the up" I laugh as I throw a cushion at his face. He removes the pillow from his face and chuckles as he sits back down.

"You're so cheesy to a girl that's not even yours. But really though, in all seriousness, do you like anyone? Maybe someone from work? And didn't you say you used to be a singer yourself? Did you catch any y celebrity numbers?" I wiggle my eyebrows and shoot him failed y winks.

"Psh, you can't even call that a singing career. Literally, nobody knew who we were. People still don't. So no, I didn't get any numbers. But I can say yes to your first question." Ohoho. Somebody's all grown up.

"Oooooh somebody from work?" He shakes his head and smiles.

"No, I unexpectedly met her at a crucial point in her life. At first I just wanted to help her but somehow she's found her way into my heart. But I know for a fact that she doesn't feel the same way." I pat his back as I give him a sympathetic look.

"Aye, there's plenty of fish in the sea. Or whatever the saying is. Anyway, whoever this girl is, she doesn't deserve  your love! You're probably the best person I ever met, and if that girl doesn't accept you as hers then she has an issue." I cross my arms and puff my cheeks out. He just chuckles and pinches my cheeks. There's actually fat there now.

"Thanks, that really means a lot to me." I can feel the light atmosphere getting heavier and more condensed. For once, I decided that I want to lift the mood. I stand up in front of him and point an offending finger at his face. 

"Well! It's two nights before Christmas Eve! Let's go out on a date and go look for a girlfriend for you." I smile and open the rest of my fingers for him to hold. 

"Wow, it's nice to have you make the first move for once." He takes my hand and I smile proudly.

"I know right? Praise me, praise me!" I eagerly lean my head out towards him for him to pat. He does just that, adding a laugh to it.

"My little girl grew up so much!"

"Oh please, we both know I'm older than you."

"Still, to me you're my little girl. Considering I'm taller than you..."

"Oh shut up the date's off now." I throw his hand away and jokingly walk dejectedly back to my room. He runs to me and rests his arm around my shoulder, like he always does.

"Aye come on babe don't get mad I was just teasing!" I can't help but smile. I punch his arm hard before walking out the front door.

"Last one to the elevator is paying for the spicy rice cake!" And I dash to the elevator, knowing he's close behind me, laughing, and letting me win.

What would I do without this boy in my life? My one and only best friend. 













honestly I don't even know idk why I made it christmas in this story when irl it's practically summer oh well I just wanted the story to move so yeah I added in a crappy short filler chapter to kind of get the story going trust me this thing will help the story move so just trust me on this ok will make his appearance soon I swear I'm just trying to make it at subtle as I can jUST CHILL


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Chapter 8: I like the story, hope there will be an update soon ~
Chapter 1: Nice, I really liked it. A sequel from's point of view might be interesting as well. I would love to read a oneshot with Simba.
Mzsennypooh #3
Chapter 2: I think you have a good concept going, I just wish it was more to this story. Like so much more could be added to this story to make it one of the best, but it was pretty good for a one shot.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! You should have a sequel of his point of view!!!!!!