A New Beginning

Do You Remember? (You Probably Don't)

Baby dance with me~ Shake it like you're crazy~ What are you doing move like you wa-

I threw my phone back onto my pillow and sat up, pressing down on the bed with my hands. I looked over to see the time on my phone. 5:30 AM. Why do I still have my alarm set? I don't even have a job anymore. I unlocked my phone and then I remembered why I kept the alarm. I got dressed.

Just a baggy tshirt, ripped jeans and a pair of converse. Not dressed for fashion, this is just what happens when you have to wear the same clothes for 5 years. Doesn't matter anymore though, nothing's going to matter anymore.

Since it's still early in the morning(5:37) there's no one in the streets. It's better that way, no one gives my weird looks and no one to stop me. Not like anyone would.

I continue walking my way; there's no rush. It's dark, I can barely see anything. But there are street lamps, and I find myself at the Han River. I walk around the river until I see a bridge. I look around me before walking halfway across the bridge. I look around one last time to make sure there's no one there, and hoist myself up onto the parapet of the bridge and look down at the black river water. I can hear the water waves calling me, telling me to jump. I scoff; you don't have to tell me to do it. It was my plan from the start.

I lift one leg, trying to balance myself before thinking, what am I doing? Just jump you don't have to play around. Might as well have some fun before I jump into hell.

Having had enough fun, I put my right leg back down. I take in a deep breath and brace myself, before I hear a voice. I swear there was no one around.

"Are you going to jump?" A soft voice, breaking the sound of the water down below.

"What's it to you." I didn't dare turn around.

"Well, I guess it's really none of my business. But I just want to know, why?" I glanced side ways to see a male figure, around my age, maybe a few years younger. He slowly walks toward me.

"You step any closer and I'll jump." I try my best to glare at him, but I don't really have much strength. He doesn't take another step, but instead climbs onto the ledge and sits down fairly close to me.

"Ok, ok. Just chill. I just want to talk. So if you don't mind telling me... why?" He asked again. I sigh as I sit down as well, swinging my legs. He watches me.

"This is going to sound extremely stupid but... my life is complete ."


"Well... I've always had issues. Ever since I was little. I could never stand up for myself and I always needed someone to take care of me. To make matters worse, my parents died when I was in middle school. I know what you're thinking, wow another cliche right?" I look down, afraid of his response.

"No, not at all. Continue." 

"I... had a friend. Met him in... elementary? I think so. It's hard to remember." Strange, I usually don't forget these things. "He was the only one that ever bothered to talk to me. See, I was bullied a lot in school, an after I met him, he always told them off and stood up for me. After my parents died I developed an eating disorder; I don't eat much and when I do I throw it all up. I was depressed, lost a lot of weight, and grew uglier and uglier. All the neighborhood moms would keep their children away from me and my classmates would bother me even more. My grades dropped, so I couldn't even get to a decent college. All through this, he was there for me. He would force me to eat to keep my healthy, helped my get a minimum wage job after college, etc etc. But then he just left. Disappeared into thin air. And for what? For fame. That boy, my best friend, my lover, threw me away to become a singer. After he left, things just went downhill. My eating disorder came back-not that it ever left. My boss fired me, and my landlord won't stop bugging me about the rent. I have no siblings to go to, no relatives that I keep contact with, and no friends. There's literally nothing left to live for, so why not just end it all?" I let everything out, slightly raising my voice near the end. I finished, slightly panting and turned to look at him for the first time. Clearly. A cute boy with chubby cheeks, a face completely different from his body shape. He looked tall and fit.  I saw him looking right back at me, so I faced forward again.

"Sounds tough. That friend of yours doesn't really seem like a friend. I have a terrible friend too. I just came back from his house because he was out clubbing again. Got drunk, had to take him home. He's a bad drunk, so that's why I'm coming home at-" he paused to check his phone. "at 5:46 in the morning." I heard him laugh softly, and I couldn't help but smile myself.

"That's funny." It's silent, but not uncomfortable. I take a deep breath and look down at the water. "Why do you care, anyway? You don't even know me. I'm not someone important to you. It wouldn't have affected your life if you ignored me and I jumped." I look at him doubtfully. He takes a breath, leaning back and looking up at the stars.

"You're right. It wouldn't have affected me if I just ignored you. I could've just walked by as if I saw nothing. But I just couldn't. I don't know why." I continued to stare at him. "Life is just so unfair you know? Bad things happen to good people, and good things happen to bad people. But, like my father always said, life is like a bowl of cherries. You reach into the bowl and you don't know which cherry you'll pick. You could pick out a rotten one, or one that looks ok but has a bug on the side. But you could also pick out the perfect cherry, no dents, no bugs, nothing. Just a perfect little cherry that you can pop right into your mouth with the juice pouring out. Just like that, some days could seem horrible, and some days start out good but ends badly. Other days, you just feel like a sunflower with a face full of sun. You know what I mean?" He turns to look back at me and smiles.

"Yeah, but why are you telling me this? It doesn't really answer my question."

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, things may seem bad, but you never know when things'll take a turn for the better. Sure, you may have lost your job and your boyfriend may have thrown you away for fame, but that doesn't mean you can't try to get a new better job and talk to some new people. I may be tough, but it's still better to regret after trying than to regret half way down your jump." I considered it for a moment.

"I guess you're right... But, you must be tired. Why'd you stop to take the time and have this talk with me?" He looked down and shrugged.

"Well, I think it's because I believe everyone deserves a second chance. And if you're already had one, then why not a third or fourth? I don't think you should ever give up until you've really hit rock bottom. Also," he nodded towards my shirt. "I like your Summoner's War shirt. You play that game? It's real fun isn't it? We should be friends on it! Do you also play East Legend? It's another game made by the same company. It's got a whole story line and everything! Although it does get kind of boring after you finish the story... but it's still fun to gain new avatars and stuff!" I look down at my shirt and realize what I'm wearing.

"Oh... yeah I do have an account on Summoner's War. Although I haven't really played it much in awhile..."

"Oh man you totally should log back on! I heard that if you've been long enough then they give you prizes for coming back! And they're hella awesome. Wanna come by my place to play together? I can help you out with East Legend as well." He gave me a playful wink.

"Right now? But it's-" I checked my phone. "5:53. Don't you have a job to go to? Also, aren't you tired?" He shrugged.

"Why not? And I have a night job so during the day I'm practically free." He jumped off the ledge back onto the bridge, and stretched his hand out to me. "So, what do you say? You can do the whole 'jumping into a dark abyss' thing next time." I looked at him for awhile, before taking his hand and jumping off the ledge as well.

"...alright." I put my hand back into my jeans pocket and started walking next to him. "Um... what's your name?"

"Daehwan. Yours?"

"Anna." We continued walking. We stopped in front of a crosswalk, and I whispered, "thank you Daehwan."





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Chapter 8: I like the story, hope there will be an update soon ~
Chapter 1: Nice, I really liked it. A sequel from E.co's point of view might be interesting as well. I would love to read a oneshot with Simba.
Mzsennypooh #3
Chapter 2: I think you have a good concept going, I just wish it was more to this story. Like so much more could be added to this story to make it one of the best, but it was pretty good for a one shot.
Chapter 1: OMG!!! You should have a sequel of his point of view!!!!!!