Chapter 2

Manage Me, I’m a Mess

Chanyeol’s POV


We got on the bus and of course these s left me sitting alone. I’m around them, but I’m just sitting alone, this day is the best woohoo. I gave them each a glare and of COURSE they gave me a HUGE smile, besides Kris, I don’t really know if it’s a smile or a smirk. He REALLY needs to work on that. Well everyone’s on the bus, I wonder why we’re not moving.


“Hurry up kid we’re gonna be late!”


“AH! Sorry!”


Everyone’s head turned to look at the person who just got on the bus. He looked like a new kid, maybe he is a new kid? Some people turned back and started talking to their friends and some were still staring, and I was one of the people staring.






Baekhyun’s POV


Crap crap craaap, the teachers are going to KILL me if they find out I was basically late. If Kyungsoo and Luhan waited for me than they would be late to and I wouldn’t have to worry about just ME getting in trouble. But of course they didn’t, I think half of it was because Kyungsoo can't be late since he is the best student in school. Luhan though should have waited. Now I need to find a seat, and of course none of my friends are on this bus.’ I looked around and saw a spot beside a giant. ‘I hope he will be nice and let me sit.’ I started walking down the aisle, but as I was walking someone tripped me, and I fell on my face. I looked back to see who it was and of course it was Top. That always does this to me and my friends. ‘One day he’s gonna learn, and I will be the one laughing.’ I got up and kept walking down towards the giant, while listening to laughter, which I don’t really care it’s an everyday thing. Even at home.


“Um, hi, I was wondering if I can sit with you since there’s no spot but here.” I said, a little scared inside.


“Hmm? Yah sure,” he smiled at me. Wait smiled? HA, has to be a joke.


When I sat down the bus driver started the bus and we were on our way to the waterpark. I kinda wanted to sit by the window so he can talk to his friends and I can just ignore him. But oh well.


“Hey, what’s your name?” I looked over to the left and saw the giant looking at me. ‘He must be asking me.


“My name is Baekhyun, yours?”


“I'm Chanyeol” He smiled; I mean it looked like a huge smile like you JUST can't stop smiling; basically it’s like a creepy smile.


“Oh! That's a nice name, um is it okay if I hang out with you for the walk since they want the people on the first bus to stay in in a group for the walk? I mean you don't-"


"Yah, sure, I don't see why not."


"Ah! Thank you! Um, not to be weird or creepy at least, but can we be friends?" I asked shyly. I don't know why I asked, I mean, I guess I know, none of my friends are on here so yah.


"Ha, of course, you seem like a nice guy, I need more nice friends anyway," as he said that I saw him glare at two people who were looking back at the mention of "needing more nice friends."


Wait... THAT’S KRIS! He bullies my baby panda. What the hell... So Chanyeol is friends with him, and... Kai… and… SEHUN? I looked beside Sehun, and saw Jongdae, are you ing kidding me, Chanyeol is friends with them? Well , I'll be with them on this trip for a while. Maybe I should have stayed home and took care of my mom instead of this. But my mom wanted me to go on this trip and I’m going to go on it for her. Besides she knew it was a grade and told me I have to go anyway. I haven’t been gone that long from home but I miss her, even though I see her after school, I still miss her. No one really knows how I feel, but that’s okay, I understand. All of a sudden I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out of my pocket, which was kinda hard because I'm sitting down and I didn't want to look weird, then I checked who was texting me. It was my mom...


From: Mom<3<3

Sweetie, I need to tell you something. But you have to promise me you won't freak out. I'm pretty sure you're on the bus so please don't freak out, and you’re probably learning so text me after your trip okay?


To: Mom<3<3

What? Are you okay? Do I need to ask the bus driver to take me back?! Why do I have to promise?? Mom, you're making me worried!


Right when I pressed send, I looked up and saw that we were here at the waterpark. I got out of my seat followed by Chanyeol, and we both got off the bus. We all had to stand a little longer because we were waiting for bus two to come. But right now I don't even care; right now all I care about is my mom. What if that monster punched her? No no he wouldn't do that to her, to me he would most definitely me. In a way I don't mind it because it's not towards my sick mother, who I love SO much. That's why I could care less about this whole waterpark thing, I understand it's a grade, but my mom is WAY more important than this . Ah, I just hope she's okay! All of a sudden I felt a little nudge. I looked over to my right and saw Chanyeol, looking at me worried. I just gave him one of my best smiles, and he smiled back. Ha, he has a nice smile that would brighten EVERYONES day, reminds me of Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo's smile is like a heart shape, and when we talk about my mother's condition he would smile at the end and cheer me up. It cheered me up, but at the same time I felt like I had hope beside me, and it feels good, for now. I JUST now noticed the second bus coming in, and then I remembered my friends who basically ditched me are on that second bus. I glared at the bus waiting for them to get off so I can talk to them before I have to go back to my group. They must be last because I saw them getting off last. I walked over to greet my amazing friends.


“Hey, guys,” I said with sarcasm.


“Oh! Hey Baekhyun, so how was bus one?” Luhan said. Did he really just ask me that? He has some nerve to ask me that dumb question. Ha they probably didn't know about Chanyeol and his group being on the same bus as me, idiots.


“Are you stupid Luhan? You know how I feel about being alone on a bus with none of you on it. Besides I gain a new friend, good for me but MAYBE bad for at least three of you, well bad for three of you there’s no such thing as maybe to this.” I said a little angry at the first part but then I switched to nervous.


“Really?! Who’s the new friend hyung? Girl? Boy? Tell us!” Tao said with excitement. He won’t be excited when I tell him… I can already tell its going to be awkward for them.


“Are you sure you want me to tell you? You guys will be awkward about, and will probably look at me like I’m crazy or something. I’m going to tell you now that I did not know my friend was friends with them, so don’t hate me!”


“Just tell us, I’m sure it’s not that bad.” Xiumin said. He wouldn’t be really worried I mean he would for Luhan, Tao, and Kyungsoo, but not for himself or me.


“Okay you asked for it. I’m friends with Chanyeol.”


It was silent for a second maybe more for a second, because it felt like it was maybe fifteen minutes.


“What?!” Only three of them said that, and of course it was Luhan, Tao, and Kyungsoo.


“Alright students get in your bus group!”


“Well I would tell you but you didn’t wait for me, but I have to go. I’ll tell you when we go to the water park, instead of the water learning park.” I said while looking at them.


I walked off towards my group; I found Chanyeol and went by his side. I mean I AM hanging out with them for the tour, so I have to keep up with them. The entire time our tour guide was talking I wasn’t really paying attention; all I could think of was my mom. She has cancer and it REALLY worries me because she cooks and feeds me and that dumb of a father. Every day he would give her and she cooks, cleans, does all that stuff for him and he repays her with insults. If only he knew she had cancer than maybe just MAYBE he will shut up and be nice to her AND me. I’m grateful to have her and of course I take care of her when she can’t really get out of bed. But that monster sits and watches TV; at LEAST he goes to work that’s better than sitting on the couch all day. It’s just the fact that he doesn’t treat her right, and he doesn’t treat me right either. I mean if he doesn’t treat her right of course he isn’t gonna treat me right. needs TO GO. But I kinda need him in my life, because I never know when my mom will… pass away… I couldn’t help but shed a few tears; I let four falls and immodestly force myself to stop. I didn’t want to cry in front Chanyeol and his group along with that Top. Today is gonna be a fun day, well at the water park at least not the guide. All of a sudden I felt a pat on my shoulder; I looked at my right side and saw Chanyeol looking at me with worry. Ha, funny we JUST became friends and he’s already worried about me, I don’t like it when people get worried with me.


“Are you okay?” he asked.


“Yah, just a memory that’s all,” I said while smiling. He smiled back and turned away. ‘I wish I could tell you, but we’re not THAT close.


“Alright guys that’s it for this tour guide you can all go back to your bus and get you swimming suits and change in the bathrooms!”


GOOD, even though I didn’t pay any attention, I wanted to go see my friends, who I can talk to, without sounding weird. Those es were lucky to be together while I got stuck with Top and Chanyeol’s group, although I don’t think they knew I was there, they were too busy punching each other or something. Retards. We all walked back to our bus, I got in and grabbed my stuff and TRIED to get out, but people were being dumb. Somehow though, I made it out! I went on my way to change; well I waited in line to change.


When I was done I went out to find my friends, since they say you can now meet up with your friends, that’s what I’m going to do. I was looking around, but really couldn’t see much because I’m short. BUT Tao’s tall so I should be able to see at least HIM. I kept looking until a hand grabbed me.


“What the hell?!” I said as I looked behind me and saw Luhan. Of course it was Luhan.


“Hey, Baekkie,” he said while giving me a huge creepy smile, not as creepy as Chanyeol’s though.


“What do you want?” I said a little creeped out.

“Haha I was just gonna ask how was your tour guide.”


“Well it was fine I wasn’t paying any attention to ANY of it.”


“What were you thinking about then?” Xiumin asked a little curious.


“It was about my mom, she texted me earlier, saying, ‘Sweetie, I need to tell you something. But you have to promise me you won't freak out. I'm pretty sure you're on the bus so please don't freak out, and you’re probably learning so text me after your trip okay?’ and I responded with, ‘What? Are you okay? Do I need to ask the bus driver to take me back?! Why do I have to promise?? Mom, you're making me worried!” I said while looking at my text.


“Oh, well I hope she’s okay,” Tao said while coming over and hugging me. This is why he’s our baby panda; he’s so adorable until you piss him off.


“Thanks Tao.”


“Well let’s go have some fun shall we?” Kyungsoo said with excitement.


“Yah!” We all said together and started off to the first thing we saw.


After all of that fun, we had to go back to the buses, I’m glad we did because I was tired from running around like a little kid. I told my friends ill see them later at school, because our bus was gonna be late. I sat by Chanyeol again, because he didn’t mind it since we were friends and all. All of a sudden I felt my phone vibrant.


From: Mom<3<3

No no, I want you to go over to Luhan’s house from now on okay? You need to hurry and go home, get a luggage and start packing stuff and go with Luhan, his parents already know that you will be staying with him. I want you to know that I love you so so SOOOO much, and I hope you behave for them. :)<3


Wait… why am I going to live with Luhan? Not that I mind it, but still...


To: Mom<3<3

Wait, why am I going to live with Luhan, not that I mind it, but what about you? Are you okay??


From: Mom<3<3

Baekhyun… I’m in the hospital, and your father knows. The reason why I said to pack up is because I don’t want that monster to hurt you. Don’t worry; Luhan’s parents said they will take you to visit me. :)


I didn’t know how to respond. I was way too shocked to respond. After that little shock I managed to type back, “Okay.” As I typed it tears were falling down my cheeks. Because I knew.

I knew it was going to be soon.

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Chapter 7: waaaah finally! you updated again! :D
Chapter 7: Whoa tao *high five* i like you.. Thanks for updated this..
Chapter 6: Omggg Woohoo i finally found this fic *so happy* you know i've been searching this fic for like a month ..
cinammontaetae #4
yuss just came across this fic and im so excited omg
blessvkook #5
Chapter 5: Wanna punch Sehun in the face.
Chapter 5: Chen is so cool!! He is helping his crush silenty >\\< Sehun is such a Brat!! Gonna Wait for Kaisoo moments!!
Chapter 5: Woowoo! Kaisoo is on its way! Thkugh Shun is still a spoiled brat -_- Pleasant update soon! XD
Chapter 5: Omg sorry!!! I meant adorable
Auto correct
Chapter 5: Baekhyun and chanyeol waving to each other was actually annoying