Chapter 6

Manage Me, I’m a Mess

Jongin’s POV

We stared at eachother for a while, I was a little nervous because he didn't have any emotion, I couldn't see it in his eyes either. I looked down with a little blush on my cheeks. ‘I hope he didn't see that.

“It's fine, I mean you must have had a reason, and by you apologizing it makes me happy. Well for two reasons: One, I won't have to worry about getting hurt. And two, you're probably having a hard time at home with your mom, you know being a and all that.”


“Wait, how do you know about my mom being a ?” I asked a little shocked. I didn't expect HIM to know, I don't mind if everyone knows I just didn't want him to know.


“Everyone talks about it, and I overheard someone. Then I kinda figured why you were bullying me.”


“Well the whole part is true, but if you heard that then you probably know, well you probably think I'm a . And I'm not. I've never slept with anyone, I've dated but never slept with the person.”


“Haha, I don’t judge that fast. Just because a child has a mom or even dad that has with basically everyone they meet, it doesn't mean that child is also a . You don't have too worry I kinda figured you wouldn’t be one, sometimes you look fragile, when you don't noticed me passing by in the hallways.” He said while smiling lightly.


“Really? Wow, you're really nice and you understand WAY more than those people who judge me so fast. Thank you, for understanding and also thank you for accepting my apology.” I said while smiling at him.


Again we stared at each other with nothing else to say, well I had nothing else to say I don't know about him.


“Oh, um, is it okay if I have you're number? Even though we just got on good terms and all…”


I looked up in surprise, I didn't expect him to ask me for my number.


“Yah, sure after I go to the bathroom though, I really have to go.”


“Okay, I’ll wait out in the hall then.”




I watched as he walked out, after the door closed I looked at myself in the mirror with a smile. ‘Today, for once in my life, has been a somewhat great day.’ I went to the bathroom and flushed. Then I washed my hands and headed out to meet Kyungsoo.


Kyungsoo’s POV


I walked out the door and stood beside it waiting for Jongin. ‘Wow, I can't believe he apologized to me. A lot of people don't do that, so I can see why I would be surprised about it. I just hope he doesn't go back and bully me again, that would really for me.’ After a few minutes Jongin came out, I got my phone out and handed it to him. He took it and put his number and name in.


“Well, I have to go to class so, I’ll see you around,” he said while smiling.


“Okay bye.” I said.


He walked away back to his class, I did the same but in the other direction. I just hope we’ll be friends, that would be great for me.


Well today wasn’t so bad, I most likely won't tell Luhan about this he’ll freak out like he did with Baekhyun. Or how he freaked out just because Sehun’s friends were probably coming over this week the same time as us. I don't see the problem, maybe he can get along with Sehun at that time, or Tao and Kris could to, because I hate seeing my baby panda getting pushed into lockers or getting made fun of because of his panda like eyes. Then there's Xiumin, he gets shy everytime he walks by Jongdae, once I asked him about it and he just blushed and said it was nothing. Hard to believe. So I figured he likes him, which I have no problem with, but I can understand why he would say no. I love my friends, I just want them to get along with the other group, even though I had my problem I still resolved it. The only two that still have a problem is Tao and Luhan.


I walked into the classroom and went back to my desk beside Xiumin.


"So what happened in the bathroom?" Xiumin chuckled a little while asking.


"Oh, just Jongin. Nothing special.” I said trying not to act all joyful.


“Ha, yeah ‘Just Jongin,’ you're full of it Kyungie.”


“No I'm not,” I looked at him with innocence, “stop assuming things Minnie.”


“Alright, whatever you say.”






"Hey, you guys wanna hangout with me and Baekkie today?" Luhan asked with his mouth full.


Gosh the next time he does that I'm going to say something, that's annoying and he knows that.


"Sure, but what about Se-" I began but soon got cut off.


"DON'T say his name, no one and I mean no one cares about him. I don't, you don't, everyone in this school doesn't." Luhan said while glaring at all of us.


"Luhan, you shouldn't be like that, give him a chance at home at least." Baekhyun said with shock.


"No we talked about this Baek, I don't care who he is, or what he is, I'm not going to give him any chances. You sound like my mom and you know how I feel about that. When we go over to MY house and any of you see him, you look away and just go in my room or wherever I'm at. Avoid him."


"That seems fair, but seriously you need to go to him and talk it out. You could be friends." Xiumin pitched in, while Tao, Baek, and me nod in agreement.


"Right, is that the day you and Jongdae get together?" Luhan said while smirking.


"Lu, you changed the topic and put it on Xiu." Tao said.


"Look, if you at LEAST try at home, then you will make your mom happy. I mean if Baekhyun can be friends with Chanyeol, then you can with Sehun," I said while smiling lightly.


"Fine, only at home. Also, Chanyeol is the EASIEST person to talk to. Remember, 'The Happy Virus.' And another thing, Sehun is hard headed and an idiot, so I mean good luck for me, huh?" He sarcastically said while we all got up to throw our trash away.


“Well me and Xiu can go over we have nothing planned and need to get out of the house. So we’ll be seeing you at the front." Tao smiled while Xiumin nodded.


"Yay! Alright what about you Kyungie?" Baekhyun asked.


"Of course I'm going!" I grinned.


"Alright then it's settled! All of us have to meet in the front, and make sure you hurry. I don't want to walk with Sehun, annoying little ." Luhan said annoyed. We all couldn't help but laugh at what he said.


Whenever Luhan curses or gets worked up on something that really isn't important it's funny to us, his reaction is nice. It also cheers us up when something happens to us, we're all grateful for it and would never want him to change. It would definitely throw us off, our whole group if he changed.


As we went to our lockers which was right beside each other. Sounds weird that all of our lockers ended up being together and we're best friends. We like it and haven't complained about it. We got our stuff that we needed for our next classes, I was the first done and couldn't help but look at Tao.


"Hey Tao, how come you and Minnie have nothing to do at home? Usually you have a whole bunch of work, since his parents are, well you know." I asked.


"Well, we finished everything in the morning, we had to beg and beg just to do it in the morning. But we got what we wanted, they even said if we get it all done we won't have to worry about coming right back after school. So that's why we can go!" He grinned. I couldn't help but chuckle.


Tao turned around real quickly, I saw people walking by but i assumed he knew they were too. But when he turned, he turned a little too quickly and ended up bumping into the one person he never wished to see face to face with.

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Chapter 7: waaaah finally! you updated again! :D
Chapter 7: Whoa tao *high five* i like you.. Thanks for updated this..
Chapter 6: Omggg Woohoo i finally found this fic *so happy* you know i've been searching this fic for like a month ..
cinammontaetae #4
yuss just came across this fic and im so excited omg
blessvkook #5
Chapter 5: Wanna punch Sehun in the face.
Chapter 5: Chen is so cool!! He is helping his crush silenty >\\< Sehun is such a Brat!! Gonna Wait for Kaisoo moments!!
Chapter 5: Woowoo! Kaisoo is on its way! Thkugh Shun is still a spoiled brat -_- Pleasant update soon! XD
Chapter 5: Omg sorry!!! I meant adorable
Auto correct
Chapter 5: Baekhyun and chanyeol waving to each other was actually annoying