Chapter 5

Manage Me, I’m a Mess

Luhan's POV


I woke up to Baekhyun kicking me in the middle of the night. 'Honestly I need a wall between us or SOMETHING, because I'm about to kick him OFF the bed instead.' I got out of bed and checked the time, it's only 3 in the morning. 'Well I guess I can just get water I'm a little thirsty.' I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, when I got there I guess I wasn't looking and bam, I bumped right into the person who caused my pain a couple of hours ago. And will probably still cause me pain.


Oh Sehun.


"Sorry, Luhan..." He said quietly. I don't even want to bother with him, I just want my water and I want my sleep. So that's what I'm going to do, get my water and my sleep, avoiding Sehun and not being kicked by Baekhyun.


I kept on walking towards the cupboard to grab a glass thinking about how dumb it is for him to be living with us. As I got water and drank it, I put it in the sink and started walking out, until a hand grabbed me. I turned around and saw Sehun staring at me.


"What do you want," I half whispered half yelled.


"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for being mean to you, and hurting you. It's hard and stressful having parents who don't really care about you, they told me I was going to live with someone and I got pissed and took it out on you from the beginning, and I'm sorry." He said, he looks sad but that's no excuse for hurting me. Everyone has a problem in their life and half of them know how to NOT bully others.


"Alright look sorry for being mean to you when you entered my house. But I don't believe you, earn my trust and then I'll believe you. Let me give you a warning, it's hard to earn my trust, so don't be stupid and try to get me with money." I said while leaning against the counter and placing my glass of water to my lips. 'I hope he understands, because if he doesn't then he needs help or something.' I noticed him walking towards me, I didn't think he would lean forward.


"Don't worry, I intend to it." He whispered in my ear. I looked at him shocked and he just stared at me for about a minute, then just walked off upstairs.


'What the hell.'






Jongin's POV


I woke up, feeling a little down. Maybe it's the fact i might see the demon, which is my mom. I don't know why she hates me, i didn't do anything. Maybe because I'm focused on dance, or because Dad left us for some chick. I mean I still visit him at times, but I could careless about him. He already has a “successful” son with his wife. I don’t even know why he left my mom, she’s beautiful, well WAS beautiful. Now she’s an ugly who thinks she knows everything. She’s always dating random guys, it goes smoothly but then the next day they breakup with her because of “me.” That’s clearly not the reason, she’s just a and thats it. Sadly thats changed to something even worse. She is now being a big and bringing random men and just having from left to right. Once she had with someone on my bed, I wasn’t really surprised by it i expected that kind of thing to happen. Another sad thing, everyone knows my mom, and they know she’s a thats probably why i get called one. i mean i flirt with girls and go out with them, but not what she does, i have never had with any of the girls i dated. And everyone calls me the of the school. I mean I have good spirits so I don't care as much. Who am I kidding, I do care, but I try not to let it get too me.


I walked into my bathroom, too do my business and get out of the house before she see’s me. Don’t want that too happen, practically praying that she is just worn out from last night with whoever she was with. After I was done with getting ready I went downstairs into the kitchen getting an apple. ‘Great, I can leave without hearing her voice for once in my life.’ I was about to head out until I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and there was some guy. ‘It's probably mom’s “new” boyfriend.


“Um, may I help you with something?” I asked a little annoyed by this. Her “boyfriends” don't come out this early, maybe he sleep walks, I don't know and I don't care. I just want to go to school where I'm safe. Ha funny if you think about it, home is supposed to be safe, but not for me.


“Oh! No no, I’m just leaving thats all.” He said surprised with my voice.


“Ha, why? Did you tell her it was me who ruined it or because she’s a ?”


“Well, if i were you I would leave, before she blows up.”


“Wait, what did you tell her?” I asked a little surprised by his words, not too mention warning me instead of laughing at my face because I’m going to get hurt or something.


“I told her, she’s a plain old . Now hurry up too school before she gets you, oh and you might want to live with one of your friends.” He said while smiling at me.


“Um, okay, well bye. And thanks for the warning and advice.” I said and cracked a little smile. It was a real smile, because he isn't like those other idiots.


I walked out and started walking to school, I looked back and saw the guy going in his car. I turned back around and went to school, with a little smile on my face for once in life.



“Hey Jongdae, can I stay at your house for a while?” I said with little hope.


“Hm? Is it because you're problem at home? I mean yeah you can stay with me, my mom has no problem of course.” He said with a smile. Gosh, I wish there was more Jongdae’s like him in this world, but then again no. Because of the whole Chen prank side thing.


“Yeah it's about the whole mom thing again.”


“I figured haha, anyway wanna see who I pranked today?” He asked while giving me a smirk. “You’ll cheer up after this one.”


“Alright, sure why not.”


We walked around the corner and saw Top walking towards his locker, but we didn't see GD. I didn't get what was going to happen, but when I looked at Chen’s face it was the most evilest face ever. I looked back and saw Top opening the locker, I mean thats expected but what shocked everyone was an open plastic jar filled with ants. Not just any ants but red ants, and it fell on him. I watched as Top just kept screaming and screaming, it scared everyone, including me. But it put a smile on my face, because it's always funny when it's someone else. I looked at Chen too see him laughing, of course he would it was his idea and all honest it was really good.


“Well, wasnt that a good one?” Chen said with joy.


“Yes it was, that was probably your best one.” I said while chuckling.


We turned around and started walking, we turned a corner and I couldn't help but stop for a while. Someone caught my eye, and that person has always caught my eye ever since we both entered this school.


Do Kyungsoo.


I can't help but love that name, no one knows that I have a crush on him, besides Chen. He probably doesn’t like me the way I like him, I mean because I’m the of the school, he most definitely will not like me that way. I'm pretty sure if I wanted to be his friend he still wouldn't like that. I hate this, having the label of being called a , it really because the guy you like most likely knows you're a . I wish he would like me in some sort of way. My life , but somehow I manage and I'm actually proud of that. Another thing, I bully him because I want to be close and I know that's a stupid way but it's basically the only way for me. Today I was going to plan on doing something after school, but I'll give him a break.


As we were walking towards our lockers we saw Chanyeol, Kris, and Sehun waiting for us. We walked towards them and said our hi's then Sehun spoke up.


"Okay guys I have to tell you something, that's going to shock all of you." He said a little annoyed.


"Alright, go ahead then." Chanyeol said a little confused.


"Alright, well I have to live with someone who isn't as rich as me and someone who isn't poor to the point with no house. A medium class person basically. Now I wasn't happy about that because I could be going to some strangers house that they don't even know. But I found out they know the person and if was happy I wasn't going to live with someone they didn't know. Until I got there, it was really awkward. The reason why, is it was Luhan's house."


"Wait, Luhan's? How did that happen?" Kris asked curiously.


"I honestly don't know, the only thing I know is that my parents know his parents. But let me tell you guys, he is REALLY sassy. He looks innocent now but when I got there he was pissed off and everything. Oh and another thing Baekhyun was there, maybe for a sleepover or something."


"So yesterday was basically your worst day?" Jongdae asked.


"Yes pretty much, BUT the good thing about the whole thing is that, you guys are allowed to come over, since I live in that house now for for a while." He said smiling.


"Cool we should go today!" I said with excitement.


“Nah how about we spend the night at your house on friday? That would give us time to have more fun.” Jongdae said.


“Ya, that’s way better then just hanging out, I’ll ask Luhans mom and give you a heads up.”


“Woah, what are you going to ask my mom?”


First we were all shocked but we turned around and faced the person who just invited himself into our conversation.


“Oh hey Luhan, I was gonna ask your mom if my friends can stay the night at our house.” He said while smirking. I turned around and saw Luhan’s friends were with him, I couldn't help but look over at Kyungsoo again. Everything about him was beautiful. Then I turned and looked at Luhan too see what he was going to say too Sehun. Luhan’s face was pretty red, he must have been angry.


“No, you're friends can’t stay over this week because my friends are staying over, and I don’t want them too see you or any of your friends.” He said while pointing his finger at Sehun’s chest. I'm really surprised he’s sassy, well honestly he’s really sassy. I'm very surprised, and a little scared, I wouldn’t want too get on his bad side. He looks like he could punch Sehun any second.


Sehun looked at him with surprise, then he gave him a glare. He grabbed Luhan’s wrist and shoved it away.


“You can't talk too me like that. What would your mother say?” He said while smirking.


“Sehun, if he doesn't want us over then maybe you should respect that,” Jongdae said while putting his hand on Sehun’s shoulder. I nodded my head  agreeing with him. I mean, this is someone elses house, and if the person says no then I’m pretty sure it means no.


Sehun looked at Jongdae with disbelief. Honestly, I didn’t see how this was surprising to anyone. Jongdae is a very nice person and he respects people for good reasons, thats probably why I like being his friend. He also understands what we feel, even if he hasn't been through the same thing he can understand it completely well, and I most certainly respect him because of that. I think the others do too, Sehun I'm not so sure about, especially now.


“I want you guys over and Luhan’s mom would have no problem, it's not his house it's her’s. I don't think Luhan pays the bills, he probably doesn't even have a job. Therefore I'm going to ask his mom, because she’s in charge.” Sehun looked at Jongdae with a determined face. ‘Wow this kid.


“Yes I don't pay the bills and I don't have a job yet but it's my house and I don't want your friends over when mine are over and thats finale.” Luhan said confident in himself.


“And I don't care, I'm going too ask and thats final.” Sehun said while walking away.


“Great you made him mad, nice going.” Kris said with a annoyed face.


“Well, he should respect Luhan’s request, it's Luhan’s house not his.” Tao spoke up. Makes sense that Tao would speak up against Kris, I ean he hates Kris with a passion.


“Do you want too get punched?” Kris said while glaring at him. Chanyeol just pulled him away so he wouldn't get in trouble. Chanyeol turned around and waved at Baekhyun, I saw Baekhhyun do the same thing.


Me and Jongdae were looking at Luhan’s group then we both left.




Class was going slow, and I had too piss, but my teacher might tell me too wait another ten minutes and I can't do that. I raised my hand waiting for the teacher too call me.


“Yes, Jongin?”


“Um, so can I now go to the bathroom?” I said with curiosity. He sighed and said I could go.


I was walking down the hall until I stopped at a door that read bathroom, of course having the boys sign on it. I entered, and when I did I didn't expect too see my crush again for the third or fourth time today.


Do Kyungsoo.


He was washing his hands, until he looked up and saw me standing there with a shocked face. He probably expected me to bully him today, but again I'm giving him a break and I didn't feel like it anyway.


“Um… Hi,” He said shyly. ‘Wow, he’s still shy even after all those times I've bullied him. So cute.


“Hey,” I said with a little smile.


“So… Are you going to bully me today, again?” He said while looking down. Now I feel really bad, and I think I should stop. I mean what if he’s going through a tough time at home. I don't want to bully him anymore.


“No, not anymore, now that you're here can I say something?”


“Yah, sure.” He said while looking at me with a little smile.

“I'm sorry. For everything.”

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Chapter 7: waaaah finally! you updated again! :D
Chapter 7: Whoa tao *high five* i like you.. Thanks for updated this..
Chapter 6: Omggg Woohoo i finally found this fic *so happy* you know i've been searching this fic for like a month ..
cinammontaetae #4
yuss just came across this fic and im so excited omg
blessvkook #5
Chapter 5: Wanna punch Sehun in the face.
Chapter 5: Chen is so cool!! He is helping his crush silenty >\\< Sehun is such a Brat!! Gonna Wait for Kaisoo moments!!
Chapter 5: Woowoo! Kaisoo is on its way! Thkugh Shun is still a spoiled brat -_- Pleasant update soon! XD
Chapter 5: Omg sorry!!! I meant adorable
Auto correct
Chapter 5: Baekhyun and chanyeol waving to each other was actually annoying