Chapter 7

Manage Me, I’m a Mess

Kyungsoo’s POV


Wu Yi Fan. Also known as Kris.


We all were silent and stood there staring at the two who were staring at eachother. It was definitely awkward. Until Kris changed his surprised face into a nasty face. No one wants to mess with him, not even Tao and he’s like a ninja to everyone, but he would never want to mess with Kris. An I don’t understand why, none of us do. I heard a rumor that even Kris was wondering why Tao never fought back, if I was Tao I would fight back.


Tao couldn’t help but just keep staring he didn’t know what to do or say because the next thing he knew Kris pushed him on the floor. We all looked down at Tao with shock, Tao stared at Kris with shock and pain from landing so hard. And of course Kris looked down at him and smirked.


Tao's POV


I couldn’t help but still be in shock, you don't turn around and bump into your worst nightmare everyday, and if you do well I feel sorry for you. I looked up at him and saw him smirking down at me, I don’t understand why he has to be a huge too me, I didn’t even do anything to him! Well maybe I did, but it wasn’t my fault, it was all stupid Luhan’s fault!





Luhan and I walked back from the store. Stupid rock, paper, scissors game. We ended up going out and getting stuff for his stupid sleepover, and we played that game because of Luhan. So it was whoever wins first and second, I happened to finish first and Mr. Confident thought he was going to lose since he does at games. But he ended up winning. So here we are carrying the stupid heavy grocery bags, walking home. His mom wasn't home so obviously it was a pain in our asses, not to mention Kyungsoo’s long list. And how hungry Baekhyun and Xiumin get in the middle of the night.


We walked quietly down the parking lot because he knew I was still pissed. We walked by a gas station and it was a really nice one. Probably for people who actually had lots and lots of money, or just amazing cars, whichever. We started crossing the crosswalk when a silver lamborghini came out of nowhere and almost hit us. Luhan looked like a deer in headlights and I turned around to look at the tinted black front window.


"What the hell? Watch where you're going you dumb ! You could have killed us with your ugly stupid silver lame car!" I couldn't help but yell. I didn't know what went over me it just happened.


Luhan pulled me a little to get away from the place, but before I could even turn my back, I happened to notice the window was down. I also happened to notice blonde hair, but I didn't think that meant anything because this still almost killed us. I looked at Luhan and sighed.


“Okay I’m calm let's go before whoever is in the car comes out with a gun and shoots us.” I say a little annoyed while looking at Luhan, he nodded and started walking, I walked right behind him.




We both heard someone say, an looked right beside us to find the same car, the window was only opened a little. The person inside pulled the window down so he can get a better view because his windows were tinted, at the same time we could get a better view of him. I was now hoping he didn't have a gun or anything, but when the window was gone all I saw was Kris… I just stared at him, I literally paused, I didn't know what to do. I didn't even know what to say. It was Kris, one of Chanyeol’s friends. Everyone was scared of him, no one knows if he even smiles all we can see is a smirk on his face, or his normal face. We all know it's a face.


Luhan was scared, but I was being hard headed and didn't really care at that moment who he was, or what he could do to me.


“Hey! You almost killed us?’ Or, ‘Hey! I’m sorry, I wasn't looking?’ Which ‘Hey!’ is it? You know what. Watch where you're going alright ?” I simply yelled, I looked back too Luhan and grabbed his hand and walked away.


The next day we went to school and next thing I knew it, someone slapped my books out of my hands, of course I was pissed. When I looked at who did it, I didn't expect to see… Kris again.


End of Flashback



Now I have too look forward for this every single day. It gets annoying, and I can't do anything about it or I'll get in trouble and the school calls my parents. I don't want that happen, at all. So I just put up with this stuff and hope that in the future the people who always hurts me will get hurt while I just sit and watch.


I stared at him with a plain face, “Can you please leave me alone, and get on with your life, so I can get on too mine?” I say while staring.


“Or what? What are you going to do about it?” He said while laughing. I guess he knew I couldn't get in trouble? Maybe he has no idea? I don't know, and I damn sure I don't care what he thinks.


“I'm not going to do anything, I don't see the point of wasting my time with someone like you. Now please move so I can get on with, at least, my life.” I smiled and got back on my feet. Normally I never anything to him, but today I wasn't feeling it. Well lately I haven't been feeling like myself, but whatever, I just want him out of my face.


He looked at me slightly surprised I even said anything, a lot of people were surprised with my response. I simply walked away hoping my friends were right behind me. Not once did I turn back around until I turned a corner, then I looked back too see if my friends followed me. Sure enough they did.


“Holy Tao, why did you say something? What the hell, you know what he can do to you?” Baekhyun said, still a little shocked I said something too Kris. I guess I understand why they were shocked, but really. The only reason I never said something was because I never really cared, Kris has never hit me before. But today I wanted peace, and I’m tired of it anyway.


I looked at the other and just smiled sweetly at him, “well, Baek, I’m just really done with him, besides he’s never punched me, out of all the bullies I’ve encountered, he is the only one that I’ve never got to punch. And I’m glad, because my parents will be s about it. Well, they’ll be bigger s than they already are. Plus, if I get in trouble again, then Xiumin gets the beat down to.” I sighed sadly.


“Tao, it's fine, an you know it is. We’ve talked about this many times, you're protecting yourself in school, it's really your parents fault. They don't understand that you were just protecting yourself, sometimes I wonder how they can get jobs.” He said a little curious. Now that he mentions it, I’ve always wondered the same thing. Are they even nice at work? I’m not so sure, and I won't be asking unless I want too get a black eye.


“Well, I think in the end it was the right thing to ask Kris politely too move, it really was the right thing. Nothing bad happen, and you definitely won't get in trouble, so I think that’s what's important. Too me at least.” Kyungsoo smiled softly.

“Yah, you sounded very cheesy Kyungie, that’s gross.” Luhan laughed. We all laughed along, even Kyungsoo. We then continued out, too go too our usual hangout spot, the bakery shop.

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Chapter 7: waaaah finally! you updated again! :D
Chapter 7: Whoa tao *high five* i like you.. Thanks for updated this..
Chapter 6: Omggg Woohoo i finally found this fic *so happy* you know i've been searching this fic for like a month ..
cinammontaetae #4
yuss just came across this fic and im so excited omg
blessvkook #5
Chapter 5: Wanna punch Sehun in the face.
Chapter 5: Chen is so cool!! He is helping his crush silenty >\\< Sehun is such a Brat!! Gonna Wait for Kaisoo moments!!
Chapter 5: Woowoo! Kaisoo is on its way! Thkugh Shun is still a spoiled brat -_- Pleasant update soon! XD
Chapter 5: Omg sorry!!! I meant adorable
Auto correct
Chapter 5: Baekhyun and chanyeol waving to each other was actually annoying