Chapter 3

Manage Me, I’m a Mess

Baekhyun’s POV


My tears were still going as we were on our way to school, right now is the time for my friends to be here with me. But you can't always have your friends with you. I just hope no one notices me crying, I don't even want Chanyeol to see me like this. I started to whimper a little because I couldn't stop thinking about it. I couldn't stop thinking about her.


“Hey, are you okay?” I heard someone say. I glanced to the left and saw Chanyeol look at me with worry, again. I'm not gonna let him see my face, I need to stay strong, just for my mom. I know she would have wanted that.


“Yah, I'm fine, it's just allergies, that’s all,” I said while looking down at my knees.


“Come on Baekhyun I'm pretty sure it’s not allergies, tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help.”


I glanced at him again, I know he was trying to get it out of me but I'm not gonna tell him, we just met today. “I don’t want to talk about it, sorry.”


“Don’t say sorry, I understand.” He smiled.


“Alright everyone we’re back at school!” Our bus driver said.


We all got off the bus, I saw my friends waiting for me in front of the gate. I wiped my tears and put on a good smile. Before I could get there I felt someone putting paper in my hand and made me close it. I looked at my right, and didn't see anyone, I looked down at the paper, and it read:


Hey, here's my phone #, I wanna still be in contact since we're friends an all. Also if you need to talk about something don't be afraid to tell me even if we just became friends, I want to help you. :) xxx-xxx-xxxx



I couldn't help but smiled, he just made my day, for now at least. 'I can't believe I made him worry twice today, that was most definitely NOT in my books.' I walked towards my friends and greeted them. I'm not gonna tell them, well not all of them, Luhan is going to know so I'll wait. Just for today then tomorrow I'll tell them. We all walked to our remaining classes. On my way to Luhan's, I'll text Chanyeol.






Sehun’s POV


"The water park was really fun! I wish we could just stay there forever!" Kai said with excitement.


"Yah, I guess it was fun, nothing special," I said with a monotone voice. I mean it really was okay I just wasn't in the mood. I found out this morning that I'm moving out of the house to go and live with someone else. I don’t even know the person, my parents do but I don’t, so it's going to be awkward for me at least.


“Hey you okay?” I heard Jongdae asked.


“Ha, not really. This morning has been a little bumpy and I can't stop thinking about it.” I said with frustration.


“Oh, well do you want to talk about it?”


“Yah, after school though.” I said while giving him a little smile. He nodded and we headed towards our own classes.


As I walked into class the girls started giggling and pointing, which I didn't mind. I looked at some of them and smirked, of course they fell in love with me. I walked over and sat at my desk. I saw someone rushed in before the bell ranged, he looked like a deer, a dumb one at that. ‘Wait, that’s Luhan he’s in Tao’s group, wow I can't believe I didn't notice him in this class.’


“Luhan, you're lucky you got here on time.” The teacher said in a snotty voice. Luhan is almost always late, but he still manages to have good grades, not the best but good grades to pass. I barely even try, and teachers always tell me I do badly, which I don't really care at all. I mean I don’t get why Luhan comes here late and then stays. He could have just ditched or something. So stupid.




“Hmm?” I said as I looked over to the teacher.


“Pay attention.” My teacher said while glaring at me.


“Mhm,” I said.


I hate this class, I don’t need to be here, imp freaking rich. Compare me with all of these middle class, or even poor class students, I’m the richest kid. I looked at the clock and saw class was about to end. After a few more questions were being answered, the bell finally ranged. I packed everything and got up and head out, I have to meet Jongdae at the gate since he’s my ride home. I started walking towards the school gates and saw Jongdae standing there waiting for me, but he was looking at someone and he had a very serious face on. I looked over to where he was looking at, and saw it was Xiumin, getting bullied by Top and GD. I don’t know why he cares, I know I don’t care. I walked towards him to see if he noticed me, but he didn't he was still watching. When I stared into his eyes they seemed a little dark like he was going to do something about it, which he probably is I mean, no one knows but us that he does a LOT of pranks on everyone. It scares me sometimes.


“Hey, Jongdae, why are you staring at them?” I said in a harsh tone. It really wasn’t meant to be harsh but I didn't get why he would even stare at that low class person I mean I didn't get the whole, “No it's not because of him; we seriously HAVE to go on the bus with the other students.” I think Kris, Kai, and Chanyeol did but I’m the only one who doesn’t know anything about this ‘him’ guy.


Jongdae stopped watching and looked towards my way, but it wasn’t a look it looked like he was glaring at me. But soon he turned back towards Top and GD and mumbled something about a plan. He soon stopped staring and told me to get in the car so we can leave already. It was really silent, and I wanted to tell him about my problem, but I think I should just let him cool down first then see if he will mention it. Of course we went to his house first to hangout; I mean I didn't know if he wanted to because of what I said. When we got to his house his parents weren’t home, so we just went into the kitchen and got food then went upstairs into his room. Again it was silent, but I can understand that. I’ll ask him about the whole watching Xiumin getting bullied by Top and GD thing later.


“Hey, Sehun, I’m sorry for glaring at you. I was just… I don’t know I wasn’t in my right mind… what I’m trying to say is, I’m sorry for giving you a glare.” He said with a little smile.

“It's okay.” I said while smiling back.


“Well, you can now tell me what you were going to tell me earlier.”


“Oh yah, well you see my parents are moving me to someone’s house and they know them, but I don’t know them. My parents think I bully too much and I brag about how rich I am, but it's not my fault-”


“Wait, you don’t know who they are? That’s a little messed up, but the bragging part isn’t. Sehun you brag a LOT about being rich and it really is kinda you're fault, you can control on what you brag about. And I know you're parents are sending you to someone else’s house that you don’t know, but I think you need it. I mean if they send you to a medium class house then I think that would be great, sending you to a poor class house would make you go crazy. I bet they’ll send you to a median class house though.” He said while still thinking about it. I guess he’s right, I mean he is smarter than me, but still a stranger’s house?


“Yah, I get what you're saying; I just hope it's no one who’s crazy you know? Like someone who would me or something.” I said a little scared.


“Ah, don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” He said while smiling.


After that little talk, we both did our homework and played some video games, after a few hours of hanging out he drove me home, I got out of the car and we said our goodbyes. As I entered the house the first thing I did was go into my room, but when I got there it was just a blank room. With a bed. I was confused at first but then realized today was the day they were sending me to a strangers house. I practically ran downstairs and ran into the living room, I saw them sitting there, and they looked like they were waiting for me to come down like this.


“So, what happened to my room?” I said casually.


“Oh, I forgot to tell you, you're leaving today.” My father said.


“Oh well what time do I leave?”


“Right now, I’ll be dropping you off, so let’s go.” My mom said. Wow, sounds like they don’t even care if I left. I feel the love.


I got in the car with my mom and we were on our way to this person’s house. I was really hoping it wasn’t some freak, or I will NEVER come back to my parents at all I’ll just run away or something, live with Chanyeol or better yet with Jongdae. The house wasn’t far from ours, when we got there I could tell it was a medium class house, meaning their rich but not as high up there. We both got out of the car and walked up to the front. My mom ranged the doorbell and after a minute a woman showed up and greeted my mom happily.


“Sweetie this is Nicole, she is a very close friend of mine and is a very nice woman and was willing to take care of you, she has a son of her own and I also heard her son has a friend that will be staying with them for a while. So you won't be as lonely. Well I’m going to go, be nice Sehun, because Nicole has my permission to ground you if you do anything stupid.” My mom said while smiling. I’m still not happy, because I’m moving today when I could have moved on Friday or Saturday.


I watched her leave and looked at Nicole, she looked at me back and told me to come in and make myself comfortable. She told me she was going to caller son down. The whole place looked really nice. I hear her come back down with another person. When I looked I saw someone I didn't expect to see.

It was Luhan.

Hey guys! I have a 3 day tournament this week meaning i might not update this week, BUT i might, because we are going to be in a hotel and i maaaaaay have a chance to update. I dont know but im going to really work my off and get it updated. ANYWAYS, thank you for the ones who subscribed<33 Love you all so much, comments are loved lol and just enjoy the story! ^-^ ~babydiino

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Chapter 7: waaaah finally! you updated again! :D
Chapter 7: Whoa tao *high five* i like you.. Thanks for updated this..
Chapter 6: Omggg Woohoo i finally found this fic *so happy* you know i've been searching this fic for like a month ..
cinammontaetae #4
yuss just came across this fic and im so excited omg
blessvkook #5
Chapter 5: Wanna punch Sehun in the face.
Chapter 5: Chen is so cool!! He is helping his crush silenty >\\< Sehun is such a Brat!! Gonna Wait for Kaisoo moments!!
Chapter 5: Woowoo! Kaisoo is on its way! Thkugh Shun is still a spoiled brat -_- Pleasant update soon! XD
Chapter 5: Omg sorry!!! I meant adorable
Auto correct
Chapter 5: Baekhyun and chanyeol waving to each other was actually annoying