Chapter 1

Manage Me, I’m a Mess

Chanyeol’s POV

I hate life so damn much, but I would never say it out loud. I’m always happy at school that’s why they call me, ‘The Happy Virus.’ I may have a hard time, but truth be told I always think on the bright side no matter what situation it is. The only person who knows what I'm going through is Kris. In a way I was forced to tell him. He saw how pissed off I was one day; he asked with such a plain face that it kind of freaked me out, so I told him. But I’m glad I told him, and I’m thankful for that. Ever since I told him he’s always been there for me. Kris doesn’t talk to everyone he only talks to me and some others like our group. The only thing that really annoys the hell out of me is the girls at our school. I mean being popular is REALLY great and all, but it gets annoying. The only thing I really like about it is that we can bully whoever we want, and no one will get in the way besides the teachers, of course. It also gets annoying for Kris especially because the girls always try to talk to him when everyone knows he isn’t interested in ANYONE, so he just ignores them. But they always come back and squeal. And I always get a headache, that’s why we find them annoying. I mean we didn’t ask to be popular!  All we really wanted was a normal life in high school that’s. Also being tall with good looks doesn’t help at all. We just want a normal life. But again it’s okay, I just want the girls away then I guess it would be a normal life. Most of the time I just want to be alone, in a calm place away from everything. Home is also too loud, my parent’s fight and mom always nags at me for no reason.

Well she’s actually my step mom, but she said she hated that and wanted me to call her ‘mom.’ I don’t dislike her, I just hate her. She thinks she’s the boss of the house, but she isn’t. My dad is not like her. I'm actually hoping he gets a divorce on that . I know she's cheating on him she comes home really late and I KNOW she doesn’t work that late. I always thought she was nice, but ever since her and dad have started fighting around the time I was in high school it just went downhill for me and dad. It left me with no mom, left him with a . I think she’s only here for the money. My dad loves her and it breaks my heart seeing him with that . I just hope he divorces her, I would rather have my dad than her in the house, but my dad’s always busy and I understand that.

“Chanyeol you're supposed to clean up, stop sitting around and being lazy!” I heard her nag for the tenth time.

“I already cleaned the whole house yesterday; also I have school I wouldn’t get anything done AND make it to school in time. Besides I'm pretty sure it’s clean enough we’re not going to die.” I said annoyed.

“Hey, don’t give me that attitude, next time I’ll ground you.”

“I'm seventeen Caroline, I'm not a baby and grounding me just because I have an attitude is a little immature. Don’t you think?” I said while glancing at her.

“Don’t make me-“

“Call your father, yah yah I know, you’ve done that ever since you lived in this house. It’s really annoying and I'm pretty sure MY dad gets annoyed to. Besides aren’t you supposed to go to ‘work,’ or something?”

“What do you mean ‘work,’ I’ll have you know Chanyeol I work ten times then your father does, so you should listen to me more." She said annoyed.

"HA, my dad works way more than you do, he isn't even here! He's at work on a Monday, and he doesn't work on Mondays he's usually at home taking a break, but no he's not. What are YOU doing? Going over to other men's house. Now if you excuse me I'm going to watch TV while you go drive to 'work.'" I said while looking back at the TV. 'If you ignore it, it will go away,' I thought to myself a little annoyed.

After my little speech I guess she left, because the front door slam shut. I couldn't help but chuckle, she really is immature. I check what time it was and it was almost 7:30 a.m., school starts at 8 so I guess I should go. I got up and grabbed my backpack and headed out. I can just walk to school because I’m not far it’s only a ten minute walk. I could walk with Kris, but he gets their at 7am to study, he told me he wanted to try out for the basketball team. He’s really good so he should get in easily. I don’t do basketball, I do track and I don’t really need to study because I’m already doing well in school. I’m already on the track team though, I love running, and running is my life. I don’t know why Caroline hates it, she should be happy that I’m not in the house right after school. At least dads proud of me. I think it’s great he pushes me to get better even though he works almost every day he still pushes me to it and to do good things instead of being stupid like the other kids. Like Kai does. His mom HATES him, all because his father left them. I feel sorry for him no one pushes him to be the best than he already is, especially at dancing. Ah, I hope he does well in the future, I think he can make it. He just needs a little push. Then there’s Sehun and Jongdae. Jongdae is just a troll, but he is smarter than all of us, he's one of the best students in school. I think it’s clear he's going to go good in the near future. the one thing I find weird about him is that he has two sides, Jongdae, which is his smart side and nice side, Chen which is also his smart side but his prank side. Sometimes I don’t know with him, all I know is he’s going to have a good future. Other than that we're all different besides Sehun he’s the normal one, I mean he doesn’t believe in love like Kris but he has no problems in his family. Sehun is really selfish and I think his parents are going to send him to someone’s house who isn’t rich but isn’t poor. I hope he learns because even I get annoyed with him. They’re all my best friends and I’m glad I have them by my side.

When I saw the gates of my school, I noticed someone was standing there. I got closer and saw... Xiumin? I stopped walking and watched what he was doing. 'He looks like he's waiting for someone.' Just as I thought about it I saw... Tao? 'That’s strange those two are always at school early.' I saw them walking in school. I continued to walk. 'Wow people are usually quiet but it’s really loud... OH YAH! I forgot today we have a field trip. And it’s at the water park. I think I packed my stuff in my backpack.' I looked in my backpack, as I was making sure I had everything someone pushed me and I almost fell on my face. I looked back getting ready to tell the person off, but it was only Kris.

"Dude, you need to stop doing that, it gets annoying, why do you do that anyway?" I asked a little annoyed.

"Because," he smiled, or at least I think he is.

"Because, what?"

"Because it’s fun seeing you annoyed."

I couldn’t help but glare at him, if ONLY I could kill him with that instead of throwing a knife at his face. But clearly you can’t get what you want, especially with this guy. How am I friends with him? Probably because I’m the only one who knows him so well. He’s lucky I didn’t leave his alone.

"So, you have all your things? Oh, and I hope you wore comfortable shoes because I heard we're walking around first then we come back to the buses and get our things then we go to the bathrooms and change. It’s going to be even MORE annoying because the girls are going to squeal every time we take a step," he groaned. 'Crap I forgot about the girls, half the time I wish they disappeared but then again I don’t.'

"Well the only person who would probably love it is Kai."

"Love what?"

We turned around and saw Kai along with Sehun and Jongdae. That’s funny I thought Kai said he wasn’t going to be here for the field trip, because we were going to go around and “learn” about the parks history. Which I don’t know why, I mean it’s a waterpark. It doesn’t really make sense on the history, what if they just built it for others to have fun.

“Oh, Kai. Why are you here? I thought you didn’t want to come.” Kris asked.

“Oh, well it’s the waterpark and I couldn’t miss out on a waterpark especially hearing about it being BIG. So I just asked Jongdae if he could give me a ride and boom I’m here,” he said while making WAY to many movements.

"You don’t have to make so many movements Kai, I think we get it without the movements, we’re not mental. Hey! Since you drove here can’t you just take us? I mean I’m sure the teachers wouldn’t mind, because you’re more responsible than some of us.” Kris said looking at Jongdae, and pointing at Kai for the responsible part.

“Nope, can’t; they want ALL their students to fit on the bus. Also if I did I would get in trouble and you guys know how I feel about that.” He said with a little smile.

“Ah, well its okay I’m pretty sure you don’t mind going on the bus anyway,” I said as I winked at him.

“No it’s not because of him; we seriously HAVE to go on the bus with the other students.”

“Okay students everyone needs to get on the bus!”

“Well let’s go than.” I said as we headed to the buses.

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Chapter 7: waaaah finally! you updated again! :D
Chapter 7: Whoa tao *high five* i like you.. Thanks for updated this..
Chapter 6: Omggg Woohoo i finally found this fic *so happy* you know i've been searching this fic for like a month ..
cinammontaetae #4
yuss just came across this fic and im so excited omg
blessvkook #5
Chapter 5: Wanna punch Sehun in the face.
Chapter 5: Chen is so cool!! He is helping his crush silenty >\\< Sehun is such a Brat!! Gonna Wait for Kaisoo moments!!
Chapter 5: Woowoo! Kaisoo is on its way! Thkugh Shun is still a spoiled brat -_- Pleasant update soon! XD
Chapter 5: Omg sorry!!! I meant adorable
Auto correct
Chapter 5: Baekhyun and chanyeol waving to each other was actually annoying