I just called to say...


The mini concert is over. It lasted an hour or so because of the game. Everyone left the venue with a smile on their faces. A few fangirls even cried after winning in one if the contests and found out that the prize they got were personally given by CNBlue. This is the moment where you feel very tired already but have to clean everything first, like EVERYTHING, before leaving the premises.  And just by the look of it, wow, you felt dead tired big time. Staffs are starting to arrange all the chairs, and some our picking up trashes, you did the same. After your booth was cleared during the mini concert, all you have to focus now is cleaning up the auditorium. A staff approached you, a CNBlue staff, you were surprised to see her, "hi, eh Minhyuk was trying to call you but your phone is off", that moment you held out your phone, empty battery. "Oh sorry. Empty battery. Why? Is there a problem?" The female staff wave her hand "no, no, there's no problem, but he told me to check on you since your phone is off", "ah okay.." The staff looks like she wanted to say something else cos she still doesn't leave, "is there----" "Minhyuk wanted to talk to you because they're about to leave". You gave her an "O" expression, and headed to the backstage, "you should've told me right away eonnie", you laughed. Everyone's all ready and heading the exit while Minhyuk's still standing at the entrance door of the room, "hey!" "Hi! I thought you guys left right away." Minhyuk, "oh no, we rested a bit. You guys aren't going home yet?", "ah no, not yet, not until we finish cleaning the place. But we're almost done cos other teams are helping us." "Ah i see, i would love to help our group too cos---", "no no, it's alright.  I know you guys are tired, i know you're tired for all the things we didtoday. So yeah, you should head back home and rest, we can take--" Bang out of nowhere came out from behind you and held your hand, Himchan showed up too, you were too shocked cos you thought they were fighting over something infront of you and Minhyuk, then you finally realised what they did. You two are handcuffed again, the two soccer players ran off. You are mad, like you can feel your blood is all over your face, you took your phone out to and be reminded that its already empty. Minhyuk "you can use my phone...", "good" he handed his phone, dialed Bang Yongguk's number. You're trying very hard to compose yourself, you feel like any moment you're going to burst in anger. A few rings, he picked up, "We'll show up before midnight. Let us know where you guys at" he hang up. You weren't able to say a word and then he hang up on you, you look at Minhyuk, "before midnight? He said he'll show up before midnight!!". Minhyuk is just staring at you, you said in between your gritted teeth, "he better be joking. That's two and a half hours from now, if they have nothing to do they should be the one handcuffed with someone else". Minhyuk's still not talking, "uhm, look I'm so sorry, those s are being their s-self. Do you want to get this cut? You know like in Titanic?" You find your words stupid but you just wanted him not to feel bad getting stuck with you again instead of resting. 

Minhyuk laughed, "I'm okay staying. And besides, i already prepared myself being stuck with your for the whole day since this morning. We're supposed to be married for one whole day right? And that's 24 hours. Actually midnight is not our 24th hour, we got married at around 9:30 this morning, right?" Minhyuk finally talked. And a long explanation why I should not get mad. You, "well they should at least consider that you performed tonight and I'm tired too, but then you got a point. Midnight is okay than leaving us here untiltomorrow morning", you chuckled. You decided not to go back to the auditorium and just stay inside the room, to avoid fangirls mobbing Minhyuk. You've informed Aira where you at just in case she'll be looking for you. And also, at least you two could rest while waiting at the time. Minhyuk, "did you guys had fun with our performance?", "of course! You guys are the best!", "really?", "yeah! And performing with your instruments live, was additional points, that was really full of effort, and we're really thankful. I would've understand if you guys don't play the instruments live, we're actually expecting the hand-sync but when you guys said you'll be performing everything live. We were wowed~". Minhyuk smile widely, "we wanted this fun fair to be very special. And it's my first time attending the fun fair in this school and i'm going to be a Senior next year and I might get busy with tours again, so I want this to be something that will be a good memory", you're nodding with his explanation. You yawn accidentally, "Am I boring you?" Minhyuk asked jokingly, "oh no! No! Im just sleepy, i woke up as early as5am today so, I'm feeling sleepy already." He asked you to just lean on the couch and take a nap, without any hesitation, you sleep cos you can feel your eyes shutting, you even told him he can take a nap too, but he said he doesn't feel sleepy yet, "I will be your guard while you're asleep", he said. And you dozed off. 

You felt someone tapping your face and your shoulder felt heavy, as you scratch you eyes open, you look at the person touching you face, it's Junhong. You were half-stretching your body when you realised that Minhyuk was sleeping and his head is leaning on your right shoulder. You instantly look at Junhong, who is now removing the handcuff and that's the time Minhyuk startled and woke up, "so we're done here, we're going home, finally.". You nodded, "yeah the long day is over!", "do you guys need a ride? Himchan hyung said he can drop you two". You and Minhyuk look at each other, you said "are you now awake? do you want to ride with Himchan?", Minhyuk nodded, you asked Junhong if he saw Aira, "she left an hour ago with Youngjae, hyung offered her a ride", you only nod at Junhong, "so they're dating now", you thought.

The day is over. The two of you were dropped to your respective places by Himchan. You actually fell asleep again inside the latter's car, Minhyuk only wake you up when that car is infront of your apartment's building. Before getting in your bed, you check your phone while charging cos there's a new message came, "Thanks for today. It was a lot of fun! See you in two weeks, my band will be off to America", it's Minhyuk. You smiled reading his text, and you press reply "hey~ Thanks too. I had fun as well. And it was an experience getting stuck with a celebrity, ㅋㅋㅋ. Have fun in the States. Take care! Fighting!". You are at least expecting a reply from him like "thanks" but in your surprise he's now calling you, you answered "hey", "hi, i just called to say goodnight", Minhyuk sounded shy, you laugh at him "that sounded like the song I just called to say I love you", you two laugh in unison. Minhyuk said, "it'll be awkward if I say i called to say i love you right, so I think goodnight its more like a proper thing to say". You were nodding as if he can see you, "uhm yeah you're right", there's silence, "uhm, I took one teddy bear from those items you gave for prizes", "cool! So you like teddy bears?". "well, uhm, sort of, its one of the cutest thing in there, so I took it," you laugh a bit. Minhyuk "where is it?", "the what?", "the bear...", "oh, it's in my bag right now", "will you be placing it in your bed?", you were surprised of his question and blurted out "what?", "ah,nothing, ah goodnight. Sleep well and sweet dreams. Annyeong".  The call ended, you're just staring at your phone. That was weird. Minhyuk asked you a weird question and he acted weird.  But that made you smile, it gives you a good feeling.  

A week had passed, you're with friends in the cafeteria having your lunch. "Our soccer team this year is pretty tough. They get to have Minhyuk to play this year, Junhong just told me yesterday", Aira said. You gave her a questioning look, "Minhyuk....our classmate?". She make face because of your question and said "No?! CNBlue's drummer.... Jen do you know any other Minhyuk except our classmate,whose CNBlue drummer, your husband, Minhyuk, huh?!". You, "excuse me, we're divorced already. So he's no longer my husband." You stick your tongue-out at her. Aira fires back "Says who? The 'marriage' is valid until next year's Fun Fair *winks*. Anyway as I was saying, from what they told me they have been trying to get Minhyuk for the last two years, but Minhyukie refused before I think?! He said he can't take risk of getting injured. But then this time, Minhyuk asked Bang if he still needs a new player. Then they made a deal." You just shrugged your shoulder, "maybe he has more free time this time", "free time? he's still busy. See, he doesn't show up in school again", "he said he'll be gone for two weeks", Aira with wide eyes open exaggeratedly asked "He said to you? When?", you calmly response "after the Fun Fair. He told me their band will be going to the US. Hello, you know that already! It's in the news.", "well I got it from the news, while you, you got it from Minhyuk", you're giving her a whats-the-big-deal look and she ignores you.

You saw a post on Minhyuk's instagram, "While walking in LA street, I saw this in a shop earlier, isn't cute?", a picture of a small teddy bear holding a drumsticks displayed in a shop. You suddenly remember the teddy bear you took during the Fun Fair, "I think he has a thing for teddy bears", you thought. You received a text during class, "hi, we're back in Korea. :)", it's Minhyuk.  You couldn't reply yet cos your professor might caught you.  You're on your way home to your apartment and decided to reply at his text, "Welcome back! ^.^"  You were waiting for reply but there's none.  And you didn't bother texting him again cos maybe he's busy or resting already.  

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2037 streak #1
Chapter 7: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just read your story and it was cute. I think yours is one of the first stories I read of Min Hyuk. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 7: Kyaaaa! Sooooo cute!! I love cnblue and minhyuk!! This story was adorable authornim! >.<
esorylime #3
@kyoko I love MInhyuk toO! Sequel? Idk if i can make one, cos rn i'm trying to make a yonghwa story and its taking me forever~ lol
kyoko_chi #4
I love Minhyuk!! Love this story sequel?