Mrs. Kang


Minhyuk asked if you guys can leave cos he's already hungry. You felt bad for staying there for too long. Arriving at the ticketing booth, Aira handed your food and well as Minhyuk's. You pointed him where you two can sit when his phone ring, Minhyuk, "yeoboseyo?" "Ne, hyung! Ne, I'm about to eat. Oh jeongmal? Ah ne, go there now, i'll see you guys there in a bit. Ne. Annyeong." You stare at him, "They arrived?", "Hm, I told them I'll eat first", you nodded and without thinking you said "why don't you eat with them in the waiting room, instead of here?". Minhyuk looks at you and smile, "is it alright?", you smiled back "of course, why it wouldn't be okay?". Minhyuk closed the food box again, and stood, "let's go?", for a moment you were dumbfounded, you were staring at him but realized your mistake right away and pretended that you didn't forgot that you two were handcuffed with each other.  You stood and walk out of the place with him and told the other staffs that you'll be right back during the band's rehearsal.

As you two walk to the back door of the auditorium, for the nth time, a few girls asked if they can have a picture with Minhyuk, he entertain some but when it looks like it will take them forever you decided to interrupt them, "Uhm, excuse me, girls, we need to get to the auditorium now, he haven't eaten anything yet, see this *pointing at the meal box*, and their rehearsal is about to start in a few minutes. We really need to get going." You can see their faces turned sour but ignored them and slightly pull Minhyuk to start walking. You're worried that Minhyuk might think that his fans will dislike him for what you did, you felt guilty and said "should I say apologise for saying we need to leave? You're hungry, I know. And me too. I think they will understand that, if they are your real fans". Minhyuk, "I'm just worried that they might hate you for acting that way." You chuckled, "Hate me? I don't really give a damn if they hate me. So there's no need to get worried."

Arriving at the waiting room, Minhyuk guided you to go in first, the members are having their hair/make-up done and stood once the both of you are inside the room. Members gather infront of you then Minhyuk introduce you to them, "Hyung, this is Jen, my wife" while smiling, you transfer your meal on your right hand but Minhyuk grab it and hold it for you so you could shake hands with the members. You, "hi, nice meeting you guys." Jonghyun, "so you are the pretty wife", you smiled "yeah, the ambushed wife. Actually we're the ambushed couple". All of them were smiling of your comment, Minhyuk continued his intro about you, "she's the top student in my class, and I'm very lucky to have a smart wife today."  Jungshin, "what's that? *pointing at your food*", "oh this is our food, have you guys eaten? *they nod* oh, Minhyuk haven't." Their staffs gave you two your seats and started eating, and because you're using your left hand, you're having a little trouble, you spill your food and you quickly put it back in your plate, you caught Minhyuk staring, so you just said "sorry~ *smile*" he smiled and comments "it drops on the table already." You, "yeah, it's okay. We sometimes need germs in our body *grins*", Yonghwa interrupted "don't worry, Minhyuk's like that too! He would even still eat it even if it drops on the floor already", you laugh because you thought Minhyuk was disgusted when you did the same but it seems like he's not and was just surprise that you two are alike.

As the time goes by, there's only 10 minutes left for CNBlue to rehearse and still no sign of any of the staff from the wgm booth, you decided to call Daehyun. After a couple of attempts he's still not picking up his phone. You are starting to get irritated, Minhyuk notice that and say "Not answering?" you shake your head. Minhyuk took his phone out, "I'll try to call their captain", you look at him and ask "Yongguk?", "Ne", you were pretty surprise that he has Bang's number since you weren't aware that they are friends but then you just ignore it.  Minhyuk handed you the phone once someone answered already, "Hello, Yongguk?", "Ne?", "I'm trying to call Daehyun, and he's not picking up! Tell him I'm going to kick his later! We need your staff now!", "Now as in now?", "YES! CNBlue's rehearsal is about to start! Are you expecting me to sit on Minhyuk's lap while he's playing drums?" Yonghwa laughed and spill his drinks accidentally cos he was drinking water at that moment, you smiled at what happen but you remain sounding mad at the guy on the other line, "Look, you need to send someone here to release us so I could go back to my booth while they're rehearsing." You heard Bang calling Junhong and giving instruction, "Jen, junhong's on his way. Wait for him there.", "alright, thanks."

The manager said they need to go on stage now, and you're already worried because there's still no sign of Junhong. And the boys stood and heading out of the door, Minhyuk looks calm, and you're giving him a sorry look already, he smile "gwaenchana, he'll be here in a few. We can wait for him while we're on stage". The very moment you stood, Junghong came in breathing heavily, you wanted to yell at him but seeing him in that state makes you to let it pass, instead you just folded your arms and face him "is it fun running around and chasing soon-to-be-couples?", Junhong is still panting, "here! *handed you the key* release yourself.", "Thanks", you unlock the handcuff, and handed it over to Junhong but he refuse to get it, "you guys will be needing it after the rehearsal. Just give me the key, I need to go. Aish, why did we even pick this booth this year!" you patted his back "Congrats!", you grinned at him before leaving.  Minhyuk and the other members started fixing their instruments, you followed them and just stood at the side, you wanted to have a glimpse and decided that you will leave after a few minutes. You spotted one of your staffs busy arranging chairs in the venue, three girls were like giggling and held out their phones to film cnblue, you stood on their way blocking their cellphones, "if cnblue staff caught you filming them, they might confiscate your phones and delete it.", the other girl named Anna pouted, she's a freshman, before leaving the three you whispered "you go at the side where nobody will notice you guys, cos I wont be responsible if you get caught, okay?!" The three squeals, but before you turned your back on them you said "Give me a copy of your fancams okay?! And don't post it now, post ittomorrow." the three nodded and smiling like crazy, you reminded them that they need to finish arranging chairs and everything right after the rehearsal.  

The rehearsal was over an hour ago, in your surprise no one from the wgm booth has grab you to handcuff with Minhyuk, maybe he's exhausted and restricted by their manager, you thought.  For you on the other hand that's good because you've done a lot in that time you were released from your 'husband', now the mini live show is going to start in 30 minutes and everyone else in your team is getting more busier. They have started to let everyone in inside the auditorium.  Your phone rang, an unknown number is flashing on your phone, you answered "hello?", "Jen, can you go back here at the backstage now?", "Minhyuk?", "Ah ne, I got your number from Bang, can you go now?".  After saying yes, you head back to the auditorium, you were confused cos its not about the time to be handcuff with him again since they are about to perform, when you reach their room, Yonghwa and Minhyuk handed you two plastic bags, you gave them a what-is-this look, "that's for the games later, we brought some stuff you guys can give away" Yonghwa answered. You were surprised on how thoughtful of them. "Wow! Thanks. This is unexpected. For sure, many of your fans will be crying over thistonight." You need to get back to the main area now but before you reach the door, Minhyuk who looks like a shy boy said, "uhm, you can get one stuff toy from that, keep it." You stared at him for a few seconds, and to the plastic and back to him again, you nodded and only were able to say "thank you". 

The event went on. You are just standing at the side of the stage alongside with Aira, who has been singing along from the very beginning. It's now their 3rd song, and after this, it's game time. When Yonghwa introduce each of the members, after he introduced Minhyuk, he went to him and drag him upfront, "I never thought that our maknae will be the one to get married first.", girls are screaming everywhere. Yonghwa continued, "todayhe got married. *the scream got louder* you guys know that already, right? I saw it online." Minhyuk whispered, you assumed he was telling his hyung to stop teasing him. You signalled the MC to proceed and approach the boys. But before he reach halfway Yonghwa already called out your name that you didn't even heard, Aira just repeated it for you. They are staring in your direction, you wanted to run cos this is out of plan and you're simply unprepared. Jonghyun approach you and held his hand out "come on Mrs. Kang!" he said teasingly. You, "oh please stop that.", in the middle of the stage, screams are just everywhere, you never have a stage fright before buttoday, you do. Someone might just throw something at you, you know that its exaggerated but it's better to be prepared. Yonghwa, "so Mrs. Kang, what's your name again?", "hi, uhm, I want to leave this place walking so please stop calling me that." you said it in a  half-joking way. They laughed. Jungshin said "don't worry, our boices are nice", you just smile at him and introduce yourself, "uhm I'm jenskin lee. third year, president of student council", Jonghyun added "are you a boice?", you hesitated to answer, but Jonghyun raised his eyebrows indicating that he's waiting for your answer, "uhm, yeah, i know your songs, but ...", "great!! Now the wife is a fan too", Jonghyun exclaimed. Some students whistled and cheered, even CNBlue members are surprise, Jungshin said "I think our Minhyukie here have to study very hard to match Ms. Jen's brain", other members second the motion. And you're surprise of Minhyuk's response, "I can be a good husband even if I'm not as smart or intelligent as her." And that causes loud teasing sound from the crowd, and before everything gets worst you took the microphone and announce that the random games with CNBlue will now start. And took that chance to give the mic to the MC and hurriedly left the stage.

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2026 streak #1
Chapter 7: Hello there author-nim ^_^ I just read your story and it was cute. I think yours is one of the first stories I read of Min Hyuk. I enjoyed reading it :)
Chapter 7: Kyaaaa! Sooooo cute!! I love cnblue and minhyuk!! This story was adorable authornim! >.<
esorylime #3
@kyoko I love MInhyuk toO! Sequel? Idk if i can make one, cos rn i'm trying to make a yonghwa story and its taking me forever~ lol
kyoko_chi #4
I love Minhyuk!! Love this story sequel?